Walter  Mosley
short profile
series fiction books
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"It is not the questing after wealth and prosperity that made [America] great but the belief — Walter Mosley
"The only way to be free is to free yourself."
in the rights of all human beings."
Mosley said that he prefers to be called a novelist. "Hardly anybody in America has written about black male heroes . . . There are
black male protagonists and black male supporting characters, but nobody else writes about black male heroes."
          B I O
          t e x t
          h e r e
Series  Fiction  by  Walter Mosley
browse Walter Mosley Store {71 titles} at Amazon
Easy Rawlins  Mystery  Series
series books Wikipedia
★     ★     ★     ★     ★
"Devil In A Blue Dress" (#1=Pocket PB) / 1990=1948
"Devil In A Blue Dress" feature film [1995]
Directed by Carl Franklin; based on the novel by Walter Mosley; starring Denzel Washington
& Don Cheadle;
full credits at IMDb
★     ★     ★     ★     ★
"A Red Death" (#2=Pocket PB) / 1991=1953
★     ★     ★     ★     ★
"White Butterfly" (#3=Pocket PB) / 1992=1956
★     ★     ★     ★     ★
"Black Betty" (#4=WWNorton HB 5/94; Pocket Star PB 8/95) / 1961
★     ★     ★     ★     ★
"A Little Yellow Dog" (#5=WWNorton HB 6/96, Pocket PB 7/97)
1963: working at school; Mouse dies at end
★     ★     ★     ★     ★
"Gone Fishin'" non-mystery prequel (Black Classic Press HB 1/97, Pocket PB)
★     ★     ★     ★     ★
"Bad Boy Brawly Brown" [2002=1964]
★     ★     ★     ★     ★
"Six Easy Pieces" [stories 2003] set in 1964
★     ★     ★     ★     ★
"Little Scarlet" [2004]
set after the Watts Riots of 1965
listed as Los Angeles Times Book Review Best of 2004
★     ★     ★     ★     ★
"Cinnamon Kiss" [2005] set in the Summer of 1966
★     ★     ★     ★     ★
"Blonde Faith" [2006] set in 1967
★     ★     ★     ★     ★
Announced 9/2011: NBC-TV is developing a drama project based on Walter Mosleys 'Easy Rawlins' best-sellers, about a black World War II veteran living in Watts (South Central Los Angeles) who investigates crimes against other people of color, which take place from the 1940s to 1960s. Mosley will adapt the books with Cheo Coker; John Wells will produce not listed on IMDb (2014)
★     ★     ★     ★     ★
"Little Green" [2013] sequel to "Blonde Faith"
Easy Rawlins survives the fall in the previous book and wakes up in the hospital; Mouse brings Easy a case: finding 'Little Green', who disappeared while tripping on acid {LSD}; Easy drags himself out of bed and sets off like 'a hip Ulysses' across late-1960s Los Angeles with its hippies, drugs, racist cops – "and a little murder and fighting thrown in for good".
★     ★     ★     ★     ★
"Rose Gold: An Easy Rawlins Mystery" [2014]
![]() | A black revolutionary group kidnaps the daughter of a munitions manufacturer from U.C. Santa Barbara, demanding money, weapons, and apologies or she will die; the FBI, the State Department, and the L.A.P.D. turn to Easy Rawlins for help . . .
Kindle Edition from Random House/Doubleday [9/2014] for $10.99 Doubleday 9½c6½ hardcover [9/2014] for $17.58 |
Fearless Jones  Mystery  Series
★     ★     ★     ★     ★
"Fearless" novelette [1995]
published in the anthology "Spooks, Spies, and Private Eyes" [1995] edited by Paula L. Woods
"Fearless" episode [Showtime Nov 1995] of "Fallen Angels" TV anthology series
Directed by Jim McBride, adapted by Richard C. Wesley from Walter Mosley's novelette;
starring Bill Nunn, Giancarlo Esposito & Cynda Williams
★     ★     ★     ★     ★
"Fearless Jones: A New Mystery" [2001 novel]
"Fear Itself" [2003 novel]
"Fear of The Dark" [2006 novel]
Socrates Fortlow  Mystery  Series
★     ★     ★     ★     ★
"Always Outnumbered, Always Outgunned" [14 short stories 1997]
"Always Outnumbered" tv movie [3/21/98 on HBO]
scr WM, dir Michael Apted; prodrs Palomar Pix & Jeffrey Downer, LF, WM, Anne-Marie Mackay, Jonathan Ker;
cast: Laurence Fishburne, Bill Cobbs, Natalie Cole, Laurie Metcalf, Bill Nunn, Cicely Tyson
"A.O.A.O" by Dove Audio (unabridged 6 hours on 4 cassettes $25, 5/98): read by Paul Winfield
★     ★     ★     ★     ★
"Walkin' The Dog" [1999]
"The Right Mistake" [2008]
Leonid McGill  Mystery  Series
★     ★     ★     ★     ★
"The Long Fall" [2009]
"Known To Evil" [2010]
"When The Thrill Is Gone" [2011]
"And Sometimes I Wonder About You" [May 2015] 
Other  Fiction  by  Walter Mosley
★     ★     ★     ★     ★
"R.L.'s Dream" novel (WWNorton HB 8/95; excerpt in LA Times Mag 6/95; Pocket TPB)
"Blue Light" [LBrown HB 10/98] scifi-occult tale, protag = Chance, set in 1965 SFO
"Futureland: Nine Stories of An Imminent World" [sci-fi 2001]
"The Man In My Basement" [2004 novel]
![]() | "47" [for grades 7-10; 2005] Fourteen-year-old Afro-American slave '47' is befriended by mysterious runaway Tall John who has a magical yellow carpet bag and tells tales of being from 'beyond Africa' in what amounts to a story of science fiction and magical realism. Little, Brown Books for Young Readers 7½x5 pb [11/2006] for $7.99 Little, Brown Books for Young Readers 7½x4¾ library hardcover [5/2005] for $16.99 |
"The Wave" [sci-fi 2005]
"Walking The Line" [2005 novella] in the Transgressions series
"Fortunate Son" [2006] black & white stepbrothers
"The Tempest Tales" [2008]
"The Last Days of Ptolemy Grey" [2010]
"Merge / Disciple: Two Short Novels From Crosstown To Oblivion" [Tor 10/2012]
"Inside A Silver Box" [sci-fi 1/2015]
Non-Fiction  by  Walter Mosley
★     ★     ★     ★     ★
"Black Genius" [essays 1999]
"Workin' On The Chain Gang: Shaking Off The Dead Hand of History" [2000]
"What Next: An African American Initiative Toward World Peace" [2003]
"Life Out of Context: Which Includes A Proposal For The Non-Violent Takeover
of The House of Representatives" [2006)
"This Year You Write Your Novel" [2007)
"Twelve Steps Toward Political Revelation" [2011)
Movies & Television,  Other Media
Walter Mosley credits [since 1994] at Internet Movie Database
browse Walter Mosley works on DVD at Amazon
★     ★     ★     ★     ★
"The Works III" TV movie [KCET-TV 1994] /tt1692502/
"The Middle Passage" [2000] /tt0262676/ (narration)
★     ★     ★     ★     ★
"The Manchurian Candidate" [Paramount July 2004] /tt0368008/
Mosley acted the part of Congressman Rawlins = trailer 2:26
★     ★     ★     ★     ★
"Maximum Fantastic Four" graphic novel [11/2005] by Stan Lee & Jack Kirby
Introduction & Afterword by Walter Mosley
"ABC News / Nightline / UpClose with Walter Mosley" [2007] 22-minute segment
Works  About  Walter Mosley
"Walter Mosley: A Critical Companion" [Greenwood Press, 2003] by Charles E. Wilson, Jr.
Family  &  Friends
Walter Ellis Mosley was born in California in 1952, published his first book in 1990, and currently lives in New York City.
father Leroy Mosley [1924-1993]
mother Ella Slatkin Mosley []
ex-wife dancer/choreographer Joy Kellman
married in 1987, separated in 1997, divorced in 2001
L i n k s
official Walter Mosley website
Walter Mosley entry at Wikipedia
browse Walter Mosley Store {71 titles} at Amazon
browse Walter Mosley audiobooks at Amazon
Walter Mosley's credits [since 1994] at Internet Movie Database
Walter Mosley page at African American Literature Book Club website
here on BlackHat Mystery Bookstore's Walter Mosley Page
top of page short profile series fiction : Easy Rawlins + Fearless Jones + Leonid McGill + Socrates Fortlow
other fiction non-fiction other media works about Walter Mosley family & friends links
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