Adam Smith, LL.D.
short profile |             ![]() |
“The rich should contribute to the public expense, not only in proportion to their revenue,
but something more than that proportion.”
— Adam Smith, in "The Wealth of Nations", 1776
"I have never known much good done by those who affected to trade for the public good.”
— Adam Smith
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Major  Works
“For [Adam] Smith, the market moves toward monopoly; it is the job of the philosopher “The word 'capitalism' does not appear at all in Adam Smith's 1776 ground-breaking
to define, and of the soveriegn state to restore, fair play.” — Adam Gopnik, in 2010
900-page Wealth of Nations.” — Natylie Baldwin
It is important in understanding Adam Smith and modern economics to hold his two major works
as a two-volume set: "The Theory of Moral Sentiments" [1759] defines the social ground upon which
stands the economics of "On The Wealth of Nations" [1776].
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Other  Works
"The Invisible Hand" by Adam Smith
![]() | A term first coined in "The Theory of Moral Sentiments" [1759], holding that self-interest generally leads to improvement for society as a whole. Smith later expanded the metaphor in "The Wealth of Nations" [1776] to suggest that self-interest is also societal, that an emphasis on domestic productivity benefits one's society, while foreign productivity does not. Smith further altered his opinion from his later studies in France, concluding that the 'invisible hand of the market' tends to reward unenlightened self-interest at the expense of the common good of society, and that one purpose of government is to prevent that outcome for the 'vile masters of mankind'.
Kindle Edition from ePenguin [8/2008] for $5.29 Penguin mass pb [10/2009] for $8.00 'invisible hand' entry at Wikipedia |
"Lectures On Justice, Police, Revenue, and Arms" by Adam Smith
![]() | Delivered at the University of Glasgow by Adam Smith, reported by a student in 1763, and edited with an intro- duction & notes by Edwin Cannan in 1896 Nabu Press facsimile 9¾x7½ pb [2/2010] for $24.89 Kelly & Millman hardcover [1956] out of print/scarce |
"A Treatise On Public Opulence"
[written 1764 by Adam Smith, first published in 1937]
"Essays On Philosophical Subjects" [1795] by Adam Smith
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Kindle Edition from [3/2013] for $1.09 indep 9x6 pb [8/2021] for $12.99 Liberty Fund 9x6 pb [8/2021] for $12.99 Legare Street Press 9¼x6 hardcover [10/2022] for $34.95 Kessinger Publng 9x6 hardcover [7/2007] for $36.95 the above books are excerpted from "Essays Philosophical and Literary" by Adam Smith Forgotten Books 9x6 pb [4/2010] for $17.25 Kessinger Publng 9x6 pb [5/2005] for $37.95 Kessinger Publng 9x6 hardcover [7/2007] for $52.95 |
Kindle  Editions
Amazon's Kindle Store
Kindle ebook reader entry at Wikipedia
![]() |   | "The Theory of Moral Sentiments" [1759 classic] by Adam Smith
Kindle Edition from MobileReference [11/2008] for 89¢ {sic} "The Wealth of Nations" [1776 classic] by Adam Smith Kindle Edition from MobileReference [11/2008] for 95¢ {sic} Kindle Edition from Packard Technologies [12/2005 edition] for 88¢ {sic} |
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"Adam Smith's Legacy Collection: The Complete Works - The Theory of Moral Sentiments and An Inquiry Into The Nature and Causes of The Wealth of Nations" for Kindle [2008?]
Kindle Edition from Amazon Digital Services [undated] for 99¢ is no longer available misnamed: did contain Smith's two primary works |
![]() |   | "The Works of Adam Smith" for Kindle [2009]
also includes the Dugald Stewart 1895 biography Kindle Edition from Crane House Books [8/2009] for $0.99 {sic} |
![]() |   | "The Wealth of Nations: All 5 Books Complete and Unabridged" for Kindle [2010] Kindle Edition from ThaiSunset Publns [12/2010] for $2.89 |
Works About Adam Smith
"Biographical Memoirs of Adam Smith" [1793] by Dugald Steward
"The Life of Adam Smith" [1895] by John Rae
"Adam Smith, 1776-1926" [1928] by J.M. Clark, Paul H. Douglas, Jacob H. Hollander,
Glenn R. Morro, Melchior Palyi & Jacob Viner
"Adam Smith, As Student and Professor" [1937] by William R. Scott
"Adam Smith and The Scotland of His Day" [1956] by C.R. Fay
Adam Gopnik's October 2010 article 'Market Man' in "The New Yorker"
![]() | "Adam Smith: Father of Economics" [2018] by Jesse Norman, MP
Kindle Edition from Basic Books/Hachette [9/2018] for $19.99 Basic Books 9½x6½ hardcover [9/2018] for $21.75 "Adam Smith: What He Thought, and Why It Matters" [2018] by Jesse Norman, MP Allen Lane, UK 9½x6½ hardcover [7/2018] for $28.04 |
L i n k s
Adam Smith entry at Wikipedia
The Adam Smith Institute [est. 1977] in London, U.K.
browse Adam Smith Bibliography at Amazon
here on the Adam Smith [1723-90] Page at Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore
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