Maison d'Être Bookstore

John  Kenneth  Galbraith

office portrait of John Kenneth Galbraith [1908-2006]              short profile

major works
other works

works about John Kenneth Galbraith

son James K. Galbraith


“Politics is not the art of the possible. It consists in choosing
between the disastrous and the unpalatable.”

“It is a far, far better thing to have a firm anchor in nonsense
than to put out on the troubled sea of thought.”

“Nothing is so admirable in politics as a short memory.”

“Economics is extremely useful as a form of employment for economists.”

— John Kenneth Galbraith

BIO here
follower of both Thorstein B. Veblen [1857-1929] & John Maynard Keynes [1883-1946]
received the Presidential Medal of Freedom from Presidents Carter & Clinton
United States Ambassador to India, 1961–1963

John Kenneth Galbraith entry at Wikipedia
John Kenneth Galbraith Bibliography at Amazon

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Major  Works
browse the John Kenneth Galbraith Store {over 100 titles] at Amazon

Library of America John Kenneth Galbraith  "Galbraith: The Affluent Society and Other Writings,
1952–1967" [2010] Edited by James K. Galbraith

Library of America 8x5¼ hardcover [9/2010] for $26.40
includes "American Capitalism" [1952], "The Great Crash, 1929"
[1954], "The Affluent Society" [1958], and "The New Industrial
State" [1967]

American Capitalism book by John Kenneth Galbraith  
"American Capitalism: The Concept of Countervailing Power" [1952 classic]
by John Kenneth Galbraith

Transaction Publrs 9x6 pb [1/93] for $24.95
M.E. Sharpe hardcover [1/80] out of print/used
The Great Crash book by John Kenneth Galbraith  "The Great Crash: 1929" [1954 bestseller]
by John Kenneth Galbraith

Mariner Books 8¼x5½ pb [4/97] for $11.20
Houghton Mifflin mass pb [1/61] out of print/many used
book entry at Wikipedia
The Affluent Society book by John Kenneth Galbraith  "The Affluent Society: 40th Anniv. Edition" [1958 bestseller]
by John Kenneth Galbraith

Establishes the premise that when the power of corporations is exercised in the short-sighted interest of expanding commodity production and the status of the few, the result is inconsistent with democracy and a major barrier to achieving the quality of life which the new industrial state could otherwise provide.
Houghton Mifflin 8¼x5½ pb [10/98] for $10.40
book entry at Wikipedia

New Industrial State classic book by John Kenneth Galbraith  "The New Industrial State" [1967 bestseller] by John Kenneth Galbraith
"'The New Industrial State' remains the doorway thru which economics must pass, before progress starts up again." — (JKG's son economist) James K. Galbraith
Princeton Univ Press mass pb [4/2007] for $16.53
Houghton Mifflin 8¼x5¾ 4th edition pb [9/85] out of print/used
Signet mass pb [7/79] out of print/used
book entry at Wikipedia

"Economics and The Public Purpose" [1973]

"Money: Whence It Came, Where It Went" [1975]

"The Galbraith Reader" [1977]

"The Age of Uncertainty" [1977] also a B.B.C. 13-part television series

"The Nature of Mass Poverty" [1979]

"The Anatomy of Power" [1983]

"Economics In Perspective: A Critical History" [1987]

"A History of Economics: The Past As The Present" [1991]

Essential Galbraith book by John Kenneth Galbraith  "The Essential Galbraith" [2001]
by John Kenneth Galbraith

Kindle Edition from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt [2001 edition] for $8.80
Mariner Books pb [10/2001] for $10.77

"John Kenneth Galbraith and The Future of Economics" [2005]

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Fiction by John Kenneth Galbraith

McLandress Dimension book by John Kenneth Galbraith  "The McLandress Dimension" [1963]
by John Kenneth Galbraith {as Mark Epernay}

Themed short stories published in Esquire and Harper's Magazine designed as a guide to the heady (and humorous) behavioral theories of Boston psychometricist Dr. Herschel McLandress
Houghton Mifflin hardcover [1963] out of print/used
Houghton Mifflin hardcover [1963] out of print/used
Hamilton import 8½x5½ hardcover [1964] out of print/used

The Triumph satirical novel by John Kenneth Galbraith  "The Triumph: A Novel of Modern Diplomacy" [1968]
by John Kenneth Galbraith

A satirical tale of political rebellion and U.S. intervention in a small Latin American country
Houghton Mifflin 8x5½ pb [4/93] out of print/used
Houghton Mifflin 8½x5½ hardcover [1968] out of print/used
A Tenured Professor satirical novel by John Kenneth Galbraith  "A Tenured Professor" [1990] by John Kenneth Galbraith
A satirical novel about a liberal professor of economics at Harvard who devises a secret stock forecasting model that makes a pile of money from the 'Black Monday' stock crash of 1987; he and his wife then set out to spend that money wisely, according to their liberal values, which quickly gets them into hot water.
Mariner Books 8¼x5¾ pb [10/2001] for $14.95
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt 8¾x6 hardcover [2/90] out of print/many used
Sinclair-Stevenson 8½x5½ hardcover [11/90] out of print/used
book entry at Wikipedia

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Other  Works

major series on economics for BBC television in 1977 "The Age of Uncertainty"

"The Scotch" [1963] aka "Made To Last" and
"The Non-potable Scotch: A Memoir of The Clansmen In Canada"
illustrated by Samuel H. Bryant; Galbraith's account of his boyhood environment
in Essex County in southern Ontario

A Life in Our Times memoir by John Kenneth Galbraith  "A Life in Our Times: A Memoir" [1981]
by John Kenneth Galbraith

Ballantine Books pb [4/82] for $27.00
Houghton Mifflin hardcover [5/81] out of print/hundreds used

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Works  About  John Kenneth Galbraith

"Unconventional Wisdom: Essays On Economics In Honour of John Kenneth Galbraith" [1989]
Edited by (Amherst economists) Samuel Bowles, Richard Edwards & William G. Shepherd

John Kenneth Galbraith bio by Richard Parker  "John Kenneth Galbraith: His Life, His Politics, His Economics" [2005]
by Richard Parker

"A fascinating study on the collapse of the New Deal liberal order."
Univ Chicago Press 9x6 pb [8/2006] for $17.55
FS&G 9¼x6¼ hardcover [2/2005] for $23.10
author's official booksite

"Economist With A Public Purpose: Essays In Honour of John Kenneth Galbraith"
[Routledge 2001] Edited by Michael Keaney 0415212928

"John Kenneth Galbraith Looks Back" 1981 episode of "Firing Line with William F. Buckley, Jr."

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JKG's son macro-economist
James  K.  Galbraith
credits listing [since 1975] at Internet Movie DatabaseWikipediaUTexas/ LBJ School faculty page

"Balancing Acts: Technology, Finance and The American Future" [1989]

"Created Unequal: The Crisis In American Pay" [1998]

"Inequality and Industrial Change: A Global View" [2001] co-edited with Maureen Bemer

"The Predator State" [2008] recomm by John Nichols

"Inequality and Instability: A Study of The World Economy Just Before The Great Crisis" [Oxford Univ Press, 2012] ISBN 978-0-19-985565-0

"The End of Normal: The Great Crisis and The Future of Growth" [Simon & Schuster, 2014] ISBN 978-1-4516-4492-0

"Welcome To The Poisoned Chalice: The Destruction of Greece and The Future of Europe" [Yale Univ Press, 2016] ISBN 978-0300-22044-5

Entropy Economics book by James K. Galbraith & Jing Chen  "Entropy Economics: The Living Basis of Value and Production" [2025]  1/2025
by James K. Galbraith & Jing Chen

This new book challenges flawed mainstream models that lead to distortions and bad policy. The big problem with mainstream economics is its obsession with a 19th-century illusion: equilibrium, which assumes that all economies are just a collection of independent markets, each one perfectly matching supply and demand. Galbraith thinks that economists have been avoiding one essential truth: entropy.
Kindle Edition from Univ Chicago Press [1/2025] for $33.25 {sic}
Univ Chicago Press 8½x5½ hardcover [1/2025] for $35.00

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L i n k s
John Kenneth Galbraith entry at Wikipedia
Prof. John Kenneth Galbraith 'In Memoriam' Page at Harvard

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