John  Maynard  Keynes
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"Capitalism is the extraordinary belief that the nastiest of men for the nastiest of motives will somehow work for the benefit of all."
— John Maynard Keynes
"The social object of skilled investment should be to defeat the dark forces of time and
ignorance, which envelop our future."
"If you were going to turn to only one economist to understand the problems facing the economy,
there is little doubt that the economist would be John Maynard Keynes. Although Keynes died more than a half-century ago,
his diagnosis of recessions and depressions remains the foundation of modern macroeconomics."
— N. Gregory Mankiw, in the New York Times in November 2008
browse John Maynard Keynes Bibliography at Amazon
John Maynard Keynes entry at Wikipedia
John Maynard Keynes credits [1977-2018] at Internet Movie Database
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Major  Works
"The Economic Consequences of The Peace" [1919]
"Treatise On Probability" [1921]
where he dismantled the classical theory of probability and launched what has since
become known as the 'logical-relationist' theory of probability
"Tract On Monetary Reform" [1923]
"The End of Laissez-Faire" [1926]
"Laissez Faire and Communism" [1926]
"Treatise On Money" in two-volumes [1930]
"Essays In Persuasion (1931)
"The Means To Prosperity" [1933]
![]() | "The General Theory of Employment, Interest & Money" [1936 classic] by John Maynard Keynes a book that revolutionized economics Prometheus 8½x5½ pb [5/97] for $11.20 Royal Economic Society hardcover [4/78] out of print/used |
Other  Works
"An Open Letter To President Roosevelt" [1933]
"Essays In Biography" [1933]
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Works  About  John Maynard Keynes
"The Life of John Maynard Keynes" [Macmillan 1951] by R.F. Harrod ISBN 1-12-539598-2
"Essays On John Maynard Keynes" [Cambridge Univ Press 1975]
Edited by Milo Keynes ISBN 0-521-20534-4
"Keynes" bio [Macmillan 1980] by Donald Edward Moggridge ISBN 0-333-29524-2
![]() | 3-volume biography by Robert Skidelsky
"John Maynard Keynes: Hopes Betrayed, 1883-1920" [1986] Penguin 8½x5½ pb [1/94] for $23.00 Viking hardcover [5/86] out of print/used "John Maynard Keynes: The Economist As Saviour, 1920-1937" [1994] Penguin 8½x5¾ pb [1/95] out of print/used Viking hardcover [1/94] out of print/used "John Maynard Keynes: Fighting For Britain/Freedom, 1937-1946" [2001] Penguin 8¼x5½ pb [11/2002] out of print/used Viking 9¼x6½ hardcover [11/2001] out of print/used |
![]() | "John Maynard Keynes: Life, Ideas, Legacy" [1990] by Mark Blaug [1927-2011] Palgrave Macmillan 8½x5½ pb [10/90] out of print/used Palgrave Macmillan 9x5¾ hardcover [10/90] out of print/used |
![]() | "Three Great Economists: Smith, Malthus, Keynes" [1997] by D.D. Raphael, Donald Winch & Robert Skidelsky "Indispensable for the beginner . . . also a delight to read." Oxford Univ Press 7¾x5 pb [5/97] out of print/used |
![]() | "John Maynard Keynes, 1883-1946: Economist, Philosopher, Statesman" abridged biography [2004] by Robert Skidelsky Penguin 8½x5½ pb [8/2005] for $23.10 Pan 9x5¾ pb [8/2004] for $40.94 |
"John Maynard Keynes and International Relations: Economic Paths To War and Peace"
[Oxford Univ Press 2006] by Donald Markwell ISBN 978-0-19-829236-4
"The Economic Consequences of Mr. Keynes: How The Second Industrial Revolution
Passed Great Britain By"
[iUniverse 2006] by Bernard C. Beaudreau ISBN 0-595-41661-6
"John Maynard Keynes (Great Thinkers in Economics Series) [Palgrave Macmillan 2007]
by Paul Davidson ISBN 1403996237
"The Price of Peace: Money, Democracy, and The Life of John Maynard Keynes"
[Random House, 2020] by Zachary D. Carter
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John Maynard Keynes credits [1977-2018] at Internet Movie Database
"Some Call It Greed" [1977] /tt0076737/
"The Mind and Times of Virginia Woolf" documentary short [2002] /tt0457593/
"The Battle of Ideas" [2002] /tt1576771/ episode of "Commanding Heights: The Battle for the World Economy" documentary TV mini-series [2002]
"Mind Over Money" [2010] episode of the "Nova" documentary TV series []
"The Grand Experiment" [2011] /tt3559618/ episode of the "Great Thinkers: In Their Own Words" (TV Mini-Series documentary) []
"The Stock Market" [2018] /tt8457074/ episode of "Explained" documentary TV series []
"The Housing Bubble" documentary [2018] /tt2448130/
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Image  Gallery
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Family  &  Friends  &  Colleagues
protégé Frank P. Ramsey [1903-30]
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L i n k s
John Maynard Keynes entry at Wikipedia
Keynes pages at The New School
John Maynard Keynes credits [1977-2018] at Internet Movie Database
Biz/Ed Institute, U.K.'s Keynes info pages:
bio •
works •
Eton College, U.K. Keynes (Economics) Society on Facebook
here on the John Maynard Keynes [1883-1946] Page at Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore
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