Mariana  Mazzucato
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            | short profile |
Mariana Mazzucato is 'one of the most influential economists in the world' since her publications in 2011.
“History tells us that innovation is an outcome of a massive collective effort – not just from a narrow group of
young white men in California. If we want to solve the world’s biggest problems, we better understand that.”
— Mariana Mazzucato, Wired interview
          B I O
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MM holds the R.M. Phillips Chair in the Economics of Innovation at SPRU in the University of Sussex
winner of the 2014 New Statesman SPERI Prize in Political Economy
winner of the 2018 Leonttieff Prize for the Advancement of the Limits of Economic Thought
In 2019, Wired magazine named her one of the "25 Most Important International Thinkers on Technology"
In 2019, she won the Madame de Stael Prize of the European Academies for Cultural Values
winner of the John Von Neumann Prize in 2020
Mariana Mazzucato's official website
homepage at Innogen Centre
browse the Mariana Mazzucato Store at Amazon
Mariana Mazzucato's entry at Wikipedia
Mariana Mazzucato's credits at Internet Movie Database
Major  Works
browse the Mariana Mazzucato Store at Amazon
"Firm Size, Innovation, and Market Structure: The Evolution of Market Concentration and Instability"
[Edward Elgar, Northampton, MA 2000] by Mariana Mazzucato 138 pages ISBN 1-84064-346-3
![]() | "Strategy For Business: A Reader" [2002] Edited by Mariana Mazzucato Sage Publns, London 9¾x7½ pb [2/2002] for $64.00 Sage Publns, London 9¾x7½ hardcover [2/2002] for $136.45 |
![]() | "Knowledge Accumulation and Industry Evolution: The Case of Pharma-Biotech, Illustrated" [2006] Edited by Mariana Mazzucato & Giovanni Dosi
Cambridge Univ Press 9x6 pb [12/2009] for $33.97 Cambridge Univ Press 9x6 hardcover [3/2006] for $137.99 {sic} |
![]() | "The Rise of The Entrepreneurial State: State and Local Economic Development Policy In The United States" [1988] by Peter K. Eisinger
'The turn to state and local government intervention signaled a change in subnational politics that, in many ways, transcended partisan politics, regional distinctions, and racial alliances.' Univ Wisconsin Press 9x6 pb [2/89] for $26.95 Univ Wisconsin Press hardcover [1988] out of print/used |
"The Entrepreneurial State" [Demos, London 2011] by Mariana Mazzucato - ISBN 9781906693732
no longer available; 149-page first publication is made obsolete by 266-page version in 2013 & 288-page version in 2015
![]() | "The Entrepreneurial State: Debunking Public vs. Private Sector Myths" [2013] by Mariana Mazzucato Kindle Edition from PublicAffairs/Hachette [10/2015] for $11.99 PublicAffairs 8¼x5½ pb [10/2015] for $10.37 Anthem Press 8½x5½ pb [11/2015] out of print/used Anthem Press 8½x5½ pb [6/2013] out of print/used book entry at Wikipedia |
![]() | book is already the subject of 17 translations around the world
"Das Kapital des Staates: Eine Andere Geschichte von Innovation und Wachstum" [2014] German-language Kunstmann 8½x5¾ pb [8/2014] out of print/SOLD OUT ! "El Estado Emprendedor (Edición Ampliada/Extended Edition)" [2019] Spanish-language Translation by Francisco Javier San Julián Arrupe & Anna Solé Del Barrio Kindle Edition from R.B.A. Libros [2/2019] for $9.59 R.B.A. Libros pb [2/2019] for $37.84 "L'État Entrepreneur: Pour en Finir Avec L'Opposition Public [vs] Privé (To Put An End To Private vs. Public Opposition)" [2020] French-language Translation by Christophe Beslon Kindle Edition from Fayard [9/2020] for $19.99 Fayard 9¼x6 pb [9/2020] for $63.06 {sic} |
"The Myth of The Entrepreneurial State" [October 2020] by Deirdre N. McCloskey & Alberto Mingardi
authors are libertarians of the Vienna School, so they try to deny the benefits of government promotion
of entrepreneurial investment; doesn't work, since such benefits are measurable and very real
![]() | "Mission-Oriented Finance For Innovation: New Ideas For Investment-Led Growth" [2015] Edited by Mariana Mazzucato & Caetano C.R. Penna contributors are: Tera Allas, Vince Cable, Luciano Coutinho (Brazilian Development Bank), Shiva Dustdar (Euro-pean Investment Bank, Luxembourg), João Carlos Ferraz (Brazilian Development Bank), Iain Gray (Innovate UK), Andrew G. Haldane (Bank of England), Matthias Kollatz-Ahnen, Mariano Laplane (Center for Strategic Studies and Management), William Lazonick (Center for Industrial Competitiveness at University of Massachusetts Lowell), Arun Majumdar (Stanford University), Felipe Silveira Marques (Brazilian Development Bank), Cheryl Martin (Advanced Research Projects Agency–Energy - ARPA-E), editor Mazzucato, Christian Motzfeldt (Danish Growth Fund - Vækstfonden), editor Penna (Institute of Economics of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro), Carlota Perez (London School of Economics), Adair Turner (Institute for New Economic Thinking, NYC and the Centre for Financial Studies in Frankfurt), and L. Randall Wray (University of Missouri–Kansas City) Kindle Edition from Policy Network [3/2015] for $24.29 {sic} Policy Network 8¼x5½ pb [3/2015] for $27.00 |
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"Rethinking Capitalism: Economics and Policy For Sustainable and Inclusive Growth" [2016] Edited by Michael Jacobs & Mariana Mazzucato
listed contributors are: both editors, Giovanni Cozzi, Colin Crouch, Stephany Griffith-Jones, Andrew G. Haldane, Stephanie Kelton, William Lazonick, Yeva Nersisyan, Carlota Perez, Joseph E. Stiglitz, L. Randall Wray, Dimitri Zenghelis Kindle Edition from Wiley-Blackwell [7/2016] for $16.79 Wiley-Blackwell 9½x6½ pb [8/2016] for $23.23 "Ripensare Il Captalismo" Italian-language Translation by Giuseppi Laterza (Figli Spa) Kindle Edition from Editori Laterza [4/2017] for $18.99 Editori Laterza pb [4/2017] for $57.99 {sic} |
![]() | "The Value of Everything: Making and Taking In The Global Economy" [2018] by Mariana Mazzucato Kindle Edition from PublicAffairs/Hachette [9/2018] for $17.99 Penguin 7¾x5 pb [4/2019] for $9.96 PublicAffairs 9½x6½ hardcover [9/2018] out of print/used Allen Lane, UK 9½x6½ hardcover [2018] out of print/used Chinese-language Kindle Edition [12/2020] for $9.99 "El Valor de Las Cosas: Quién Produce y Quién Gana en La Economía Global (Who Produces and Who Wins In The Global Economy)" [2019] Spanish-language Kindle Edition from Taurus [4/2019] for $10.99 Taurus 9½x6¼ pb [4/2019] for $37.46 |
"The Value of Everything" lecture on the Founders Pledge [est. 2015] YouTube Channel
short talk with slide show by Mariana Mazzucato to 21:30, followed by Q&A
watch 8/2018 lecture [30:29] on YouTube
"The Value of Everything" lecture at Aspen Ideas Festival, June 2019
watch 6/2019 lecture [54:43] on YouTube
"Mission Economy: A Moonshot Guide To Changing Capitalism" [Allen Lane, 2021] ISBN 978-0-241-43531-1
Other  Works
![]() | "Personal Investment: Financial Planning In An Uncertain World" [2010] by Mariana Mazzucato, Jonquil Lowe, A. Shipman & Andrew Trigg 'innovative teaching text focusing on risk, socio-economic change, and the regulatory framework, with a wealth of international case studies' Palgrave 10x7 pb [5/2010] out of print/used |
"The Innovative State: Governments Should Make Markets, Not Just Fix Them" article by Mariana Mazzucato
Special Entrepreneurship Issue: Schumpeter's Heirs [Foreign Affairs Magazine Jan/Feb 2015]
Council on Foreign Relations single issue magazine [1/2015] out of print/used
½-hour Audiobook read by Kevin Stillwell [1/2015] for $1.95
online text and .PDF file [1/2015] behind the pay-wall
![]() | "The Triple Challenge For Europe: Economic Development, Climate Change, and Governance" [2015] Edited by Jan Fagerberg, Staffan Laestadius, and Ben R. Martin
includes "Innovation As Growth Policy" 30-page essay by Mariana Mazzucato & Carlota Perez Kindle Edition from Oxford Univ Press [10/2015] for $93.05 {sic} Oxford Univ Press 9¼x6½ hardcover [12/2015] for $93.96 {sic} |
"MISSIONS: Mission-Oriented Research & Innovation In The European Union" report [2018] by Mariana Mazzucato
'A problem-solving approach to fuel innovation-led growth'; published by the Publications Office of the European Union, 2/2018
available as free online .PDF file at EU website
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"Schumpeter’s Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy: A Twenty-First Century Agenda" [2018] Edited by Leonardo Burlamaqui & Rainer Kattel contributors include Fred Block, editor Burlamaqui (2), Beniamino Callegari, William Lazonick, Francisco Louçã, John Mathews, Mariana Mazzucato, John Medearis, L. Randall Wray Kindle Edition from Routledge [12/2018] for $37.49 {sic} Routledge 9¼x6¼ pb [9/2020] for $41.75 Routledge 9¼x6¼ hardcover [1/2019] for $155.00 {sic} see also entry for political economist Joseph Schumpeter [1883-1950] |
"Challenge-Driven Economic Policy: A New Framework For Germany" academic paper [2020] at the Forum New Economy
by Rainer Kattel, Mariana Mazzucato, Keno Haverkamp & Josh Ryan-Collins
  "Government (as) Investor, Risk-Taker, Innovator" TED Talk by Mariana Mazzucato
watch 10/2013 TED Talk [14:05] on YouTube
"The Innovative State: Governments Should Make Markets, Not Just Fix Them" [April 2015]
watch full 4/2015 video [1:36:13] online at YouTube
short talk at Information Technology & Innovation Foundation [est. 2006] in Washington, DC by Mariana Mazzucato {to 32:45},
followed by panel with Rob Atkinson (ITIF), Sidney Winter, Bill Janeway {on Skype} {to 1:10:00}, then Q&A
  "What Is Economic Value, and Who Creates It?" TED Talk by Mariana Mazzucato
watch 1/2020 TED Talk [18:55] on YouTube
  "The COVID-19 Crisis Is A Chance To Do Capitalism Differently" TED Talk
interview of Mariana Mazzucato by TED Global curator Bruno Giussani
watch 6/2020 TED Talk interview [51:30] on YouTube
"Mission Economy: A Moonshot Guide To Changing Capitalism" [2021]
Rana Foroohar (Financial Times & CNN) interviews Mariana Mazzucato on the British "5 x 15" podcast
watch 1/2021 "5 x 15" podcast [57:28] on YouTube
Movies & Television, Other  Media
searching YouTube for 'Mariana Mazzucato' returns at least 100 videos (some may be duplicates)
official Mariana Mazzucato YouTube Channel [est. 2/2012]
watch 130 videos online at YouTube
"Rethinking The State" video project with Caetano C.R. Penna [est. 2/2013]
watch 58 videos online at YouTube
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incomplete Mariana Mazzucato credits at Internet Movie Database
"Tomorrow's World: A Horizon Special" [BBC2-TV April 2013] /tt2842506/
season 49 special episode of the "Horizon" science & philosophy documentary TV series [since 1964]
"The Entrepreneurial State: Debunking Private vs. Public Sector Myths" lecture [March 2014] by Mariana Mazzucato
short film segment about NASA/JPL's DeepSpace Wi-Fi Network [to 5:16]; hosted by Stewart Brand; followed at 1:10:30 by Q&A
"The Agenda with Steve Paikin" TV series [since 2014]
2014 episode /tt4033904/ hosted by Steve Paikin, interviewing Mariana Mazzucato (new book 'The Entrepreneurial State'),
David Halpern (The Behavioural Insights Team), Vanessa Timmer (co-founder of One Earth)
"In The Same Boat" documentary [2016] dInTheSameBoat2016docu.jpg /tt5545582/ + on prime video
co-produced, co-written & directed by Rudy Gnutti; featuring Anthony B. Atkinson, Zygmunt Bauman, Rutger Bregman, Alex Brendemühl,
Erik Brynjolfsson, Mauro Gallegati, Nick Hanauer, Serge Latouche, Mariana Mazzucato, Pepe Mujica, Daniel Raventós
"All Out Politics" weekday morning TV series [SkyNews since 2016] hosted by Adam Boulton
episode dated 25 November 2020 /tt13517454/ as Prof. Mariana Mazzucato
"The UK Economy After Brexit: Working For All?: Martin Wolf and Prof. Mariana Mazzucato in conversation with Michael Jacobs" [Nov 2017]
panel at the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) Commission on Economic Justice conference in London
watch full video [11/2017 upload; 1:07:43] online at YouTube
Mariana Mazzucato: "The Value of Everything: Making and Taking In The Global Economy" lecture [July 2018]
at UCL's Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose (IIPP)
watch full video [11/2017 upload; 1:07:43] online at YouTube
"The World's Scariest Economist" [Vox Media Podcast Network May 2020] /tt12587158/
as voice; topic 'Coronavirus, Innovation, and Purpose'
episode 309 of "The Ezra Klein Show" TV series [since 2016] /tt12514774/
Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) - The Progressive Policy Think Tank
UCL's Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose (IIPP)
Works  About  Mariana  Mazzucato
[ to be added ]
Image  Gallery
Friends  &  Family
Mariana Mazzucato was born in Rome, Italy in 1968; the family moved to Princeton, New Jersey in 1972; Mariana graduated from Tufts University
and the New School for Social Research; she moved to London, England in 1999 and taught at several universities; she is currently
a full professor at University College London.
father Ernesto Mazzucato
mother Alessandra Mazzucato [1940-2011] - married 1965
sister Valentina Mazzucato Bertolini + husband Luca Bertolini
brother Jacopo Mazzucato + wife Stacy Kelley
married to Italian film producer Carlo Cresto-Dina - of London, England
they have four children: Leon, Micol, Luce, and Sofia
John Maynard Keynes [1883-1946]
Karl Polanyi [1886-1964], especially his
1944 book "The Great Transformation"
political economist Joseph Schumpeter [1883-1950]
Caetano C.R. Penna (Institute of Economics of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro) Together with Mazzucato, he has developed the video project Rethinking the State. He is a founding partner of BabelTeam Internet Business Solutions.
Carlota Perez (London School of Economics; professor of technology and development at the Nurkse Institute, Technological University of Tallinn; and honorary professor at SPRU, University of Sussex. Her book, Technological Revolutions and Financial Capital: The Dynamics of Bubbles and Golden Ages, has contributed to the present understanding of the relationship between technical and institutional change, finance and economic development.
L i n k s
Mariana Mazzucato's official website
homepage at Innogen Centre
browse the Mariana Mazzucato Store at Amazon
Mariana Mazzucato's entry at Wikipedia
Mariana Mazzucato's incomplete credits at Internet Movie Database
here on the economist Mariana Mazzucato Page at Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore
top of this page • short profile • major works • other works • movies & TV, other media •
works about Mariana Mazzucato • image gallery • friends & family • links
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