Philosophy  and  Educational  Media
Beyond either dramatic or educational cinema per se to presentations in other media,
BBC's Reith Lectures (since 1948) Nobel Prize lectures (since 1905?) Prof. Sandel's "Justice" course U.K. philosophy TV host Bryan Magee
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The concept for this page was invented in March 2022 upon discovering the 1953 B.B.C. Radio lecture by atomic physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer [1904-67]
and the B.B.C.'s archive of other Reith Lecture recordings; so I needed to create a place to code links - for myself & visitors to listen to.
That huge project will be found below, and I'm not sure what else I will code here in detail. Hmmm, maybe some of the Nobel Prize lectures . . .
![]() ![]() | The Reith Lectures were inaugurated in 1948 to mark the historic contri-bution made to public service broadcasting by Lord John Reith [1889-1971], the British Broadcasting Corporation's first director-general. |
1948 Bertrand Russell [1872-1970] on the topic "Authority and The Individual"
1949 Robert Birley [1903-82] on the topic "Britain In Europe"
1950 biologist John Zachary Young [1907-97] on the topic "Doubt and Certainty In Science"
1951 Lord Cyril John Radcliffe [1899-1977] on the topic "Power and The State"
1952 Arnold J. Toynbee [1889-1975] on the topic "The World and The West"
![]() | J. Robert Oppenheimer [1904-67] gave the B.B.C.'s Reith Lectures in Nov-Dec 1953, on the topic "Science and The Common Understanding" {empty} series homepage • audio recordings not found at YouTube or elsewhere #1 "Newton: The Path of Light" [15 Nov 1953] #2 "Science As Action: Rutherford's World" [22 Nov 1953] #3 "A Science In Change" [29 Nov 1953] #4 "Atom and Void In The Third Millennium" [6 Dec 1953] #5 "Uncommon Sense" [13 Dec 1953] #6 "The Sciences and Man's Community" [20 Dec 1953] = available online at B.B.C. (3/2022) "Reith Revisited: Brian Cox on Robert Oppenheimer" [27 Sept 2017] Sarah Montague and Prof. Brian Cox consider the lessons to be learnt today from Oppenheimer's Reith Lectures of 1953 episode homepage with option to download 28-minute 27MB MP-3 audio file |
![]() | "Science and The Common Understanding" [1954] by J. Robert Oppenheimer Oppenheimer delivered the Reith Lectures on Radio B.B.C. in Nov-Dec 1953, which were subsequently published as this book Touchstone pb [1966] out of print/used Andesite Press 9¼x6 hardcover [8/2015] out of print/used Simon & Schuster hardcover [1954] out of print/used |
1954 Lord Oliver Franks [1905-92] on the topic "Britain and The Tide of World Affairs"
1955 art historian Sir Nikolaus Pevsner [1902-83] on the topic "The Englishness of English Art"
1956 Nobel-laureate Edward Victor Appleton [1892-65] on the topic "Science and The Nation"
1957 George F. Kennan [1904-2005] on the topic "Russia, The Atom, and The West
1958 Sir Bernard Lovell [1913-2012] on the topic "The Individual and The Universe"
1959 Sir Peter Medawar [1915-87] on the topic "The Future of Man"
1960 Edgar Wind [1900-71] on the topic "Art and Anarchy"
1961 Dame Margery Perham [1895-1982] on the topic "The Colonial Reckoning"
1962 George Morrison Carstairs [1916-91] on the topic "This Island Now"
1963 Sir Albert Edward Sloman [1921-2012] on the topic "A University In The Making"
1964 Sir Leon Bagrit [1902-79] on the topic "The Age of Automation"
1965 Robert Kweku Atta Gardiner [1914-94] of Ghana on the topic "World of Peoples"
1966 economist John Kenneth Galbraith [1908-2006] on the topic "The New Industrial State"
1967 Sir Edmund Ronald Leach [1910-89] on the topic "A Runaway World"
1968 Prime Minister of Canada Lester B. Pearson [1897-72] on the topic "In The Family of Man"
1969 Sir Frank Fraser Darling [1903-79] on the topic "Wilderness and Plenty"
1970 Donald Schön [1930-97] of M.I.T. on the topic "Change and Industrial Society"
1971 Richard Hoggart [1918-2014] on the topic "Only Connect"
1972 Sir Andrew Akiba Shonfield [1917-81] on the topic "Europe: Journey To An Unknown Destination"
1973 Alastair Francis Buchan [1918-76] on the topic "Change Without War"
1974 Lord Ralf Dahrendorf [1929-2009] on the topic "The New Liberty"
1975 Daniel Boorstin [1914-2004] on the topic "America and The World Experience"
1976 Colin Blakemore [b. 1944] on the topic "Mechanics of The Mind"
1977 A.H. Halsey [1923-2014] on the topic "Change In British Society"
1978 historian Edward Norman [b. 1938] on the topic "Christianity and The World"
1979 Ali Mazrui [1933-2014] on the topic "The African Condition"
1980 Prof. Sir Ian Kennedy [b. 1941] on the topic "Unmasking Medicine"
1981 Sir Laurence Woodward Martin [b. 1928] on the topic "The Two Edged Sword"
1982 Denis Donoghue [1928-2021] on the topic "The Arts Without Mystery"
1983 Douglas Wass [] on the topic "Government and The Governed"
1984 John Searle [] on the topic "Minds, Brains, and Science"
1985 David Henderson [] on the topic "Innocence and Design"
1986 Lord McCluskey [] on the topic "Law, Justice, and Democracy"
1987 Alexander Goehr [] on the topic "The Survival of The Symphony"
1988 Geoffrey Hosking [] on the topic "The Rediscovery of Politics"
1989 Jacques Darras [] on the topic "Beyond The Tunnel of History"
1990 Jonathan Sacks [] on the topic "The Persistence of Faith"
1991 Steve Jones [] on the topic "The Language of Genes"
There was no lecture in 1992 because "the BBC simply couldn't find anyone to do them" !
1993 Edward Said [1935-2003] on the topic "Representation of The Intellectual"
1994 Marina Warner [] on the topic "Managing Monsters"
1995 Richard Rogers [] on the topic "Sustainable City"
1996 Jean Aitchison [] on the topic "The Language Web"
1997 Patricia Williams [] on the topic "The Genealogy of Race"
1998 John Keegan [] on the topic "War In Our World"
1999 Anthony Giddens [] on the topic "The Runaway World"
2000 Chris Patten, Sir John Browne, Thomas Lovejoy, Gro Harlem Brundtland, Vandana Shiva,
and Charles Prince of Wales on the topic "Respect For The Earth"
2001 Tom Kirkwood [] on the topic "The End of Age"
2002 Onora O'Neill [] on the topic "A Question of Trust?"
2003 Vilayanur S. Ramachandran [] on the topic "The Emerging Mind"
2004 Nobel-laureate Wole Soyinka of Nigeria on the topic "Climate of Fear"
2005 Lord Broers [] on the topic "The Triumph of Technology"
2006 Daniel Barenboim [] on the topic "In The Beginning Was Sound"
2007 Jeffrey Sachs [] on the topic "Bursting At The Seams"
2008 Prof. Jonathan Spence [] on the topic "Chinese Vistas"
2009 Michael Sandel {see below} on the topic "A New Citizenship"
2010 Martin Rees [] on the topic "Scientific Horizons"
2011 Aung San Suu Kyi and Baroness Manningham-Buller [] on the topic "Securing Freedom"
2012 Niall Ferguson [] on the topic "The Rule of Law and Its Enemies"
2013 Grayson Perry [] on the topic "Playing To The Gallery"
2014 Atul Gawande [] on the topic "The Future of Medicine"
2015 Stephen Hawking's lecture was postponed because of illness
2016 (March) Stephen W. Hawking [1942-2018] on the topic "Do Black Holes Have No Hair?"
2016 (October) Kwame Anthony Appiah [] on the topic "Mistaken Identities"
2017 Hilary Mantel [] on the topic "Resurrection: The Art and Craft"
2018 Margaret MacMillan [] on the topic "The Mark of Cain"
2019 Jonathan Sumption [] on the topic "Law and The Decline of Politics"
2020 Mark Carney [] on the topic "How We Get What We Value - From Moral To Market Sentiments"
2021 Stuart J. Russell [] on the topic "Living With Artificial Intelligence"
2022 not yet announced
Spirit of America Bookstore's
Alfred Nobel [1833-96] Page
official bio at Nobel Prize website •
entry at Wikipedia
Nobel Foundation [est. 1900] entry at Wikipedia •
Nobel Prize [awarded since 1901] entry at Wikipedia
Spirit of America Bookstore's
Nobel Peace Prize Page
Spirit of America Bookstore's
Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences [est. 1968] Page
Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences official homepage
official list of all Nobel Prizes in Economic Sciences
Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences entry at Wikipedia
list of Nobel laureates in Economic Sciences at Wikipedia
Spirit of America Bookstore's
Nobel Prize in Literature Page
Nobel Prize in Literature official homepage
official list of all Nobel Prizes in Literature
Nobel Prize in Literature entry at Wikipedia
list of Nobel laureates in Literature at Wikipedia
Laureates, 2001 to today
2001 • V. S. Naipaul [1932-2018] of the United Kingdom
2002 • Imre Kertész [b. 1929] of Hungary
2003 • J.M. Coetzee [b. 1940] of South Africa
2004 • Elfriede Jelinek [b. 1946] of Austria
2005 • Harold Pinter [1930-2008] of the United Kingdom
2006 • Orhan Pamuk [b. 1952] of Türkiye
2007 • Doris Lessing [1919-2013] of the United Kingdom
2008 • J.M.G. Le Clézio [b. 1940] of France/Mauritius
2009 • Herta Müller [b. 1953] of Germany
2010 • Mario Vargas Llosa [b. 1936] of Peru & Spain
2011 • Tomas Tranströmer [1931-2015] of Sweden
2012 • Mo Yan [b. 1955] of China
2013 • Alice Munro [b. 1931] of Canada
2014 • Patrick Modiano [b. 1945] of France
2015 • Svetlana Alexievich [b. 1948] of Minsk, Belarus
2016 • music legend Bob Dylan [born Robert Allen Zimmerman in 1941]
official website •
entry at Wikipedia
browse the Bob Dylan Store at Amazon Music
listen to 6/2017 audio response [27:07] online at YouTube
. . . explains influence by Buddy Holly, "Moby Dick", "All Quiet On The Western Front", and "The Odyssey"
2017 • British novelist Kazuo Ishiguro [b. 1954]
browse books •
author entry at Wikipedia
![]() | "My Twentieth Century Evening and Other Small Breakthroughs: The Nobel Lecture" [2017] by Kazuo Ishiguro Kindle Edition from Knopf/Random House [12/2017] for $4.99 Faber & Faber mass pb [12/2017] for $8.54 Knopf 6½x4¾ hardcover [12/2017] for $13.44 |
2018 • Polish author Olga Tokarczuk [b. 1962]
2019 • Austrian writer Peter Handke [b. 1942]
2020 • American poet Louise Glück [b. 1943]
browse books •
author entry at Wikipedia
2021 • British writer Abdulrazak Gurnah [b. 1948]
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
Prof. Michael J. Sandel
Michael Joseph Sandel is an American political philosopher and the Anne T. & Robert M. Bass Professor of Government Theory at Harvard University
Law School, where his course "Justice" is Harvard's most popular, as well as a pioneer in MOOCs (massively open online courses); Sandel continues
to teach the "Justice" course on the edX MOOC platform [est. 2012] co-managed by Harvard and M.I.T.
browse books •
Harvard faculty page •
entry at Wikipedia
"Justice" Lecture Series {24 ½-hour lectures} from Harvard & WGBH-TV {website broken?}
Michael Sandel concludes his lecture series by making the point that we, as individuals, may never agree on many moral philosophical issues; however, he argues, on the one hand the debate about these issues is unavoidable, and on the other hand, it is a worthwhile opportunity for all of us to better appreciate the values of others.
The fall 2005 course was recorded, and is offered online for students through the Harvard Extension School.
The fall 2007 class was the largest ever at Harvard, with a total of 1,115 students.
"Justice" course entry at Wikipedia •
12-hour DVD entry at Wikipedia
12-hour DVD entry at P.B.S. International •
visit playlist of 12 episodes [2014 upload] online at YouTube
watch Episode 01 "The Moral Side of Murder" + "The Case For Cannibalism" [54:56] online at YouTube
watch Episode 02 "Putting A Price Tag On Life" + "How To Measure Pleasure" [55:10] online at YouTube
watch Episode 03 "Freedom To Choose" + "Who Owns Me?" [55:08] online at YouTube
watch Episode 04 "This Land Is My Land" + "Consenting Adults" [54:59] online at YouTube
watch Episode 05 "Hired Guns?" + "For Sale: Motherhood" [55:10] online at YouTube
watch Episode 06 "Mind Your Motive" + "The Supreme Principle of Morality" [55:14] online at YouTube
watch Episode 07 "A Lesson In Lying" + "A Deal Is A Deal" [55:05] online at YouTube
watch Episode 08 "What’s A Fair Start?" + "What Do We Deserve?" [55:07] online at YouTube
watch Episode 09 "Arguing Affirmative Action" + "What’s The Purpose?" [55:01] online at YouTube
watch Episode 10 "The Good Citizen" + "Freedom vs. Fit" [55:08] online at YouTube
watch Episode 11 "The Claims of Community" + "Where Our Loyalty Lies" [55:11] online at YouTube
watch Episode 12 "Debating Same-sex Marriage" + "The Good Life" [55:11] online at YouTube
![]() | "Justice: A Reader" [2007] Edited by Michael J. Sandel contributors include Aristotle, Jeremy Bentham, Milton & Rose Friedman, Friedrich A. Hayek, Immanuel Kant, John Locke, John Stuart Mill, Robert Nozick, John Rawls & editor Sandel Oxford Univ Press 9¾x7½ pb [9/2007] for $38.49 Oxford Univ Press 10x7¼ hardcover [9/2007] out of print/used |
![]() | "Justice: What's The Right Thing To Do?" [2009] by Michael J. Sandel Kindle Edition from FS&G [9/2009] for $11.99 FS&G 8¼x5¾ pb [8/2010] for $11.99 FS&G 9x6½ hardcover [9/2009] for $41.45 |
![]() | "Justice: What's The Right Thing To Do?" on DVD [2009] with Harvard University's Michael Sandel 12 hours from Sandel's taped lectures P.B.S. Direct DVD set [9/2009] 3 disks for $25.21 bare credits at IMDb |
![]() | "Justicia: ¿Hacemos Lo Que Debemos? (Do We Do What We Should?)" Spanish Edition [2011] by Michael J. Sandel, Translation by Juan Pedro Campos
Kindle Edition from Debate [2/2011] for $8.99 Debolsillo 7½x5 pb [2/2021] for $11.53 Debate 9¼x6¼ hardcover [2/2011] for $39.55 |
Michael Sandel gave the 2009 Reith Lectures on "A New Citizenship" on B.B.C. Radio Four, addressing the 'prospect for a new politics
of the common good'; the lectures were delivered in London on May 18, in Oxford on May 21, in Newcastle-upon-Tyne on May 26,
and in Washington, DC in early June; NOTE: these 8 lectures are selected from the 24 of Sandel's famed "Justice" course.
B.B.C. Four homepage for the eight lectures
Episode 1/8 "The Moral Side of Murder" {JC#1}
Episode 2/8 "The Case for Cannibalism" {JC#2}
Episode 3/8 "How To Measure Pleasure" (Shakespeare, 'The Simpsons' & John Stuart Mill) {JC#4}
Episode 4/8 "A Lesson In Lying" (Immanuel Kant) {JC#13}
Episode 5/8 "What's A Fair Start?" {JC#15}
Episode 6/8 "The Good Citizen" (Aristotle & golf) {JC#19}
Episode 7/8 "Freedom vs Fit" {JC#20}
Episode 8/8 "The Good Life" {JC#24}
British philosopher Bryan Edgar Magee [1930-2019]
U.K. philosopher, TV show host, author, Member of Parliament
browse books •
IMDb listing •
entry at Wikipedia •
main entry on Maison d'Être Bookstore's homepage
![]() | "Men of Ideas" TV series [BBC-TV Jan-April 1978] fifteen 45-minute color BBC-TV episodes; episode titles were: 1) An Introduction To Philosophy, 2) Marxist Philos-ophy, 3) Marcuse and The Frankfurt School, 4) Heidegger and Modern Existentialism, 5) The Two Philosophies of Wittgenstein, 6) Logical Positivism and Its Legacy, 7) The Spell of Linguistic Philosophy, 8) Moral Philosophy, 9) The Ideas of Quine, 10) The Philosophy of Language, 11) The Ideas of Chomsky, 12) The Philosophy of Science, 13) Philosophy and Politics, 14) Philosophy and Literature, and 15) Philosophy: The Social Context • host Bryan Magee interviews A.J. Ayer [1910-89], William Barrett, Isaiah Berlin, Noam Chomsky, Ronald Dworkin, Ernest Gellner, R.M. Hare, Herbert Marcuse [1898-1979], Iris Murdoch [1919-99], Hilary Putnam, Willard Van Orman Quine [1908-2000], Anthony Quinton, John Searle, Charles Taylor, Bernard Williams series credits at IMDb • series entry at Wikipedia |
Episode 1: "An Introduction To Philosophy" [Jan 1978]
host Bryan Magee interviews Sir Isaiah Berlin [1909-97], Fellow of All Souls College in Oxford and biographer of Karl Marx,
answering fundamental questions such as "What is philosophy?" and "Why does philosophy matter?"
watch full episode [9/2017 upload; 44:18] online at YouTube
Episode 2: "Marxist Philosophy" [Jan 1978] with Charles Taylor of Canada
the only version found on YouTube is over-dubbed in Russian (2/2021)
watch Russian-dubbed episode [3/2017 upload; 44:19] online at YouTube
Episode 3: "Marcuse and The Frankfurt School" [Feb 1978]
host Bryan Magee interviews German-American philosopher Herbert Marcuse [1898-1979]
watch full episode [9/2017 upload; 43:49] online at YouTube
Episode 4: "Heidegger and Modern Existentialism" [Feb 1978]
host Bryan Magee and William Barret of New York University examine the basic theory of existentialism
as founded by Martin Heidegger [1889-1976]
watch full episode [9/2017 upload; 45:19] online at YouTube
Episode 5: "The Two Philosophies of Wittgenstein" [Feb 1978]
host Bryan Magee and Oxford professor Anthony Quinton discuss how Ludwig Wittgenstein [1889-1951] developed two
linguistic philosophies: one that studies language as a way of giving picture-meanings to objects, and another view
that studies the ways that language is used to create different impressions.
watch full episode [9/2017 upload; 47:33] online at YouTube
Episode 6: "Logical Positivism and Its Legacy" [Feb 1978]
host Bryan Magee and Oxford professor A.J. Ayer [1910-89] discuss the logical positivism movement, its purpose,
and its effect on current philosophical trends, and also its founders, the Vienna Circle of the 1920s
watch full episode [9/2017 upload; 38:18] online at YouTube
watch full episode [11/2015 upload; 38:30] online at YouTube
Episode 7: "The Spell of Linguistic Philosophy" [March 1978]
host Bryan Magee and Cambridge professor Bernard Williams [1929-2003] discuss linguistic philosophy, which argues that
sentences can have no meaning beyond that which humans give them because language is a human invention.
watch full episode [9/2017 upload; 44:26] online at YouTube
Episode 8: "Moral Philosophy" with R.M. Hare [March 1978]
the only version found on YouTube is over-dubbed in Russian (2/2021)
watch Russian-dubbed episode [3/2017 upload; 44:25] online at YouTube
Episode 9: "The Ideas of Quine" [March 1978]
Rare interview conducted by Bryan Magee with Willard Van Orman Quine [1908-2000] of Harvard,
who stands as one of the modern world’s most eminent philosophers
watch full episode [9/2017 upload; 44:17] online at YouTube
Episode 10: "The Philosophy of Language" [March 1978]
host Bryan Magee and U.C. Berkeley philosopher of language John Rogers Searle [b. 1932] discuss
the question "How does language relate to thought and to reality?"
watch full episode [9/2017 upload; 44:10] online at YouTube
Episode 11: "Language and Knowledge" [March 1978]
host Bryan Magee and linguist and political activist Noam Chomsky [b. 1928] of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
who transformed the nature of linguistics before he was 40 years old
watch full episode [9/2017 upload; 44:43] online at YouTube
Episode 12: "The Philosophy of Science" [April 1978]
host Bryan Magee and Hilary Putnam [1926-2016] of Harvard examine current philosophical thought that dismisses the primacy
and infallibility of mathematical logic and the scientific method, and how modern thinkers, such as Albert Einstein [1879-1955],
are credited with introducing interpretive logic into their scientific theories.
watch full episode [9/2017 upload; 43:42] online at YouTube
Episode 13: "Philosophy and Politics" [April 1978]
host Bryan Magee and Ronald Dworkin [1931-2013], Professor of Jurisprudence at Oxford, examine how the explosive issues of the 1960s
compelled the reassessment of fundamental political ideas, and the effect on political philosophy at the universities.
watch full episode [9/2017 upload; 44:08] online at YouTube
excerpt from Episode 13 "Rawls vs Nozick" with Ronald Dworkin
watch excerpt [6/2021 upload; 20:30] online at YouTube
Episode 14: "Philosophy and Literature" [April 1978]
host Bryan Magee and Oxford professor & novelist Iris Murdoch, OBE [1919-99] examine how philosophy and literature overlap
watch full episode [9/2017 upload; 44:13] online at YouTube
Episode 15: "The Social Context of Philosophy" [April 1978]
host Bryan Magee and London School of Economics professor Ernest Gellner [1925-95] discuss contemporary philosophy, its historical & social backgrounds,
and its role in modern society - including the radical expansion of scientific knowledge and its dehumanizing effect on society as expressed by
sociologist Max Weber, Marxism’s messianic failure to reconstruct society, and dismissal of today’s philosophy of relativism as unworkable.
watch full episode [9/2017 upload; 43:59] online at YouTube
"Thinking Aloud" TV series [BBC-TV 1984-1987]
![]() | twenty-seven 40-minute multi-guest color episodes over 4 years, mostly hosted by Bryan Magee; visible episode titles: "Psychoanalysis: Does It Ever Cure Anyone?" [S2, Ep5 11/1985]; "Sexual Morality: A Question of Mind Over Matter?" [S3, Ep5 10/1986]; "Haves and Have Nots" [S3, Ep5 11/1987]; "Social Equality: What Is Happening In Britain?" • featuring: host Bryan Magee, Michael Ignatieff (host on 3 episodes); participants on two episodes: Stuart Hall (Open University), Juliet Mitchell, Roger Scruton (philosopher & newspaper columnist), Ernest Gellner, Richard Gregory, Patricia Hollis; participants in 1984: Malcolm Bradbury (East Anglia University), Oxford historian Jose Harris, Colin MacCabe, Kingsley Amis, Bernard Levin, Clive Sinclair, Rachel Billington, Nigel Calder, Alan Bullock, Victoria Glendinning, Colin Blakemore, Frank Kermode, Bernard Williams, Asa Briggs, Hugh Casson, Marina Warner, Hilary Spurling, Barbara Wootton; participants in 1985: Anthony Storr, Peregrine Worsthorne, Geoffrey Robertson, Denis Healey, Lisa Jardine, Edward Norman, Ali Mazrui, Roy Foster, Christine Delphy, Jean La Fontaine, A.J. Ayer, Olivier Todd, Christina Hardyment, David Caute, Ronald Dworkin (Oxford University), Robin Skynner, Don Cupitt, Dan Sperber, Alfred Sherman, Anne Smith; participants in 1986: Helena Kennedy, Michael Neve, Jeremy Isaacs, Christopher Frayling, Amartya Sen, Edward Said, Lawrence Freedman, Ian Kennedy, Gareth Stedman Jones, Mary Midgley, Brian Wenham, Peter Levi, Wolfgang Mommsen, Patrick Nairne, Susan Blackmore, Adam Kuper, Brian Goodwin, Beatrix Campbell, Lionel Tiger, Christoph Bertram, Dick Taverne, Lynda Birke, Patrick Bateson; participants in 1987: Ralf Dahrendorf, Ralph Harris, Ray Pahl
not available on VHS/DVD/Blu-ray nor on YouTube • incomplete credits at IMDb • no series entry at Wikipedia |
"The Great Philosophers" TV series [BBC-TV2 Sept-Dec 1987]
![]() | A sequential account of the history of Western philosophy hosted by Bryan Magee • episode topics are: "Plato"; Aristotle"; "Medieval Philosophy"; "Descartes"; "Spinoza and Leibniz"; "Locke and Berkeley"; "Hume"; "Kant"; "Hegel and Marx"; "Schopenhauer"; "Nietzsche"; "Husserl, Heidegger, and Modern Existentialism"; "The American Pragmatists"; "Frege, Russell, and Modern Logic"; and "Wittgenstein"
VHS/DVD/Blu-ray not available • series credits at IMDb • series entry at Wikipedia |
Episode 1: "Plato": Cambridge philosopher Myles Burnyeat [1939-2019] discusses the thought of Socrates, Plato, and Locke
watch full episode [3/2022 upload; 43:27] online at YouTube
Episode 2: Aristotle" with Martha Nussbaum, professor at Harvard, Brown (1982-94), and University of Chicago
watch full captioned episode [3/2022 upload; 43:22] online at YouTube
Episode 3: "Medieval Philosophy" with Oxford philosopher Anthony Kenny
watch full captioned episode [3/2022 upload; 43:00] online at YouTube
Episode 4: "René Descartes" with Bernard Williams of Kings College
watch full captioned episode [11/2015 upload; 42:55] online at YouTube
Episode 5: "The Philosophy of Spinoza & Leibniz" with Oxford philosopher Anthony Quinton [1925-2010]
watch full captioned episode [12/2017 upload; 43:46] online at YouTube
Episode 6: "Locke & Berkeley's Empiricism" with Oxford philosopher Michael R. Ayers
watch full captioned episode [11/2015 upload; 43:15] online at YouTube
Episode 7: "David Hume" with Australian philosopher John Passmore [1914-2004]
watch full captioned episode [3/2022 upload; 41:13] online at YouTube
watch faded/captioned episode [8/2021 upload; 41:26] online at YouTube
Episode 8: "The Life & Work of "Immanuel Kant" with Oxford philosopher Geoffrey Warnock [1923-95]
watch full captioned episode [3/2021 upload; 43:00] online at YouTube
watch full captioned episode [3/2022 upload; 42:49] online at YouTube
Episode 9: "Hegel and Marx" with Australian philosopher Peter Singer
watch full captioned episode [11/2015 upload; 43:18] online at YouTube
Episode 10: "Arthur Schopenhauer: Philosopher of Pessimism" with Jesuit historian of philosophy Frederick Copleston [1907-94]
watch full captioned episode [3/2021 upload; 43:39] online at YouTube
Episode 11: "Friedrich Nietzsche" with J.P. Stern [1920-91], British professor of German literature
watch full captioned episode [11/2015 upload; 43:15] online at YouTube
watch full captioned episode [3/2021 upload; 42:58] online at YouTube
Episode 12: "Husserl, Heidegger, and Modern Existentialism" with Hubert Dreyfus [1929-2017], professor at U.C. Berkeley
watch full captioned episode [3/2022 upload; 45:33] online at YouTube
Episode 13: "The American Pragmatists" with Sidney Morgenbesser [1921-2004], professor at Columbia University
discussion of C.S. Peirce [1839-1914], William James [1842-1910], and
John Dewey [1859-1952]
watch full captioned episode [1/2022 upload; 41:07] online at YouTube
Episode 14: "Frege, Russell, and Modern Logic" with Oxford philosopher A.J. Ayer [1910-89]
watch full captioned episode [10/2020 upload; 42:05] online at YouTube
watch full captioned episode [6/2021 upload; 43:15] online at YouTube
Episode 15: "Ludwig Wittgenstein" with John Rogers Searle of U.C. Berkeley
watch full captioned episode [11/2015 upload; 43:15] online at YouTube
watch full captioned episode [3/2022 upload; 42:45] online at YouTube
![]() | "The Great Philosophers: An Introduction To Western Philosophy - Based on the B.B.C. Television Series" [1987] by Bryan Magee companion book to the TV series, based on 'fifteen dialogues' {as above} Oxford Univ Press 2nd edition 7¾x5 pb [1/2001] for $17.16 Oxford Univ Press pb [10/2000] for $28.91 Oxford Univ Press 1st edition 7¾x5¼ pb [12/88] out of print/used Oxford Univ Press pb [1992] out of print/used B.B.C. Books 1st edition hardcover [1987] out of print/used |
![]() | "The Great Philosophers" [BBC-TV2 Sept-Dec 1987] hosted by Bryan Magee 10¾-hour combined color video was uploaded to YouTube in March 2022; the 15 chapter breaks are: at 0:00 for Myles Burnyeat on "Plato"; at 43:59 for Martha Nussbaum on "Aristotle"; at 1:27:24 for Anthony Kenny on "Medieval Philosophy"; at 2:10:25 for Bernard Williams on "Descartes"; at 2:53:30 for Anthony Quinton on "Spinoza and Leibniz"; at 3:37:02 for Michael Ayers on "Locke and Berkeley"; at 4:20:09 for John Passmore on "Hume"; at 5:01:24 for Geoffrey Warnock on "Kant"; at 5:44:14 for Peter Singer on "Hegel and Marx"; at 6:27:15 for Frederick Copleston on "Schopenhauer"; at 7:10:42 for J.P. Stern on "Nietzsche"; at 7:53:42 for Hubert Dreyfus on "Husserl and Heidegger"; at 8:39:15 for Sidney Morgen-besser on "The American Pragmatists"; at 9:20:04 for A.J. Ayer on "Frege, Russell, and Modern Logic"; and at 10:02:12 for John Searle on "Wittgenstein"; ends at 10:45:21 watch combined chapters [3/2022 upload; 10:45:21] online at YouTube |
![]() | Dr. Arthur Frank Holmes [1924-2011]
Professor of Christian Philosophy at Wheaton College [est. 1860] in Illinois search books at Amazon • incomplete IMDb listing • entry at Wikipedia |
YouTube playlist of 81 videos - circa 1990, April 2015 uploads by Wheaton
IMDb's partial TV series listing of 8 episodes
"A History of Philosophy | Lecture 01: The Beginning of Greek Philosophy"
watch full lecture [49:17] online at YouTube •
episode credits at IMDb
"A History of Philosophy | Lecture 02: The Moral Universe In The Pre-Socractics"
watch full lecture [1:03:17] online at YouTube
"A History of Philosophy | Lecture 03: The Greek Sophists"
watch full lecture [49:55] online at YouTube
"A History of Philosophy | Lecture 04: Plato's Epistemology"
watch full lecture [59:38] online at YouTube
"A History of Philosophy | Lecture 05: Plato's Theory of Forms"
watch full lecture [56:39] online at YouTube
"A History of Philosophy | Lecture 06: Plato On God"
watch full lecture [54:41] online at YouTube
"A History of Philosophy | Lecture 07: God and Plato On The Human Soul"
watch full lecture [1:05:26] online at YouTube
"A History of Philosophy | Lecture 08: Plato's Ethics"
watch full lecture [43:46] online at YouTube
"A History of Philosophy | Lecture 09: Plato (conclusions) and Aristotle's Metaphysics"
watch full lecture [1:01:16] online at YouTube
"A History of Philosophy | Lecture 10: Aristotle's Metaphysics 1"
watch full lecture [56:56] online at YouTube
"A History of Philosophy | Lecture 11: Aristotle's Metaphysics 2"
watch full lecture [51:41] online at YouTube
"A History of Philosophy | Lecture 12: Aristotle's God"
watch full lecture [1:00:01] online at YouTube
"A History of Philosophy | Lecture 13: Aristotle's Epistemology and The Human Soul"
watch full lecture [1:03:12] online at YouTube
"A History of Philosophy | Lecture 14: Aristotle's Ethics"
watch full lecture [49:27] online at YouTube
"A History of Philosophy | Lecture 15: Epicurean Philosophy"
watch full lecture [1:02:49] online at YouTube
"A History of Philosophy | Lecture 16: Stoicism"
watch full lecture [1:03:31] online at YouTube
"A History of Philosophy | Lecture 17: Greek and Roman Skepticism"
watch full lecture [57:10] online at YouTube
watch full lecture [] online at YouTube
Media Links
YouTube's "Philosophy Overdose Channel" [est. 2008] lists over 800 videos and has 223K subscribers
visit the "Philosophy Overdose Channel" [last update 1/2021] online at YouTube
the "Philosophy Overdose - Bryan Magee Interviews" list contains 30 videos: 5 are short excerpts, 13 are from the 1978 series, and 12 are from the 1987 series
visit the "Philosophy Overdose Channel" [last update 1/2021] online at YouTube
YouTube's "Manufacturing Intellect Channel" [est. 2005] lists over 1,000 videos and has 138K subscribers
visit the "Manufacturing Intellect Channel" [last update 9/2020] online at YouTube
here on the Philosophy & Educational Media Page at Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore
top of page • BBC's Reith Lectures (since 1948) • Nobel Prize lectures (since 1905?) • Prof. Sandel's "Justice" course •
U.K. TV host Bryan Magee • Arthur Frank Holmes • more will be added over time • links
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