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![]() | "Basic Principles of Objectivism" [2001] by Nathaniel Branden series of 20 lectures on 28 CDs The Objectivist Center audio CDs [4/2001] out of prodn/scarce |
![]() | "The Essence of Objectivism" [2002] by William Thomas Six lectures: "Objectivism: Who Needs It?"; "Reason: Man’s Only Absolute"; "Living On Earth"; "Happiness: The Moral Purpose of Life"; "Productive Achievement: The Noblest Activity"; & "Capitalism As A Moral Ideal", plus 48-page study guide The Objectivist Center audio CD [3/2002] out of prodn/scarce |
![]() | "An Introduction To The Objectivist Community: A Rational Philosophy and Way of Life" [2002] by James H. Yoke
Xlibris 8.6x5.6 pb [2/2002] for $21.99 Xlibris 8.8x6 hardcover [2/2002] for $24.31 |
![]() | "Loving Life: The Morality of Self-Interest And The Facts That Support It" [2002] by Craig Biddle A lucid and elegant discussion of the principles, values, and virtues that are essential to human life and happiness, defining and defending the social & political conditions required for people to live together as civilized beings. His conclusion: the essence of moral virtue defines laissez-faire capitalism as the only moral social system. Kindle Edition from Glen Allen Press [2002 edition] for $9.95 Glen Allen Press 8½x5½ pb [2002] for $12.95 author's official website |
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Beginners Might Want  To Start  Here
![]() | "The Philosophy Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained" [2010] Illustrations by James Grahame The philosophers are arranged in chronological order from 700 BCE {Thales of Miletus} to the present {Slavoj Zizek}; there is a directory with the names of the thinkers and comparable persons in the same school of thought, and an index and a really useful glossary. Kindle Edition from D.K./Penguin Group [3/2015] for $9.99 D.K. Publng 9¼x7¾ pb [2/2017] for $10.94 D.K. Publng 9½x8¼ hardcover [10/2010] for $16.82 |
![]() | "Philosophy: The Basics" [orig 1992, rev 2012] by Nigel Warburton Kindle Edition from Routledge [8/2013] for $14.72 Routledge 5th Edition 7¾x5 pb [12/2012] for $24.03 Routledge 5th Edition 8x5¼ hardcover [12/2012] for $115.00 {sic} |
![]() | "Sophie's World: A Novel About The History of Philosophy" [1994] by Jostein Gaarder, Translated by Paulette Moller Bestseller in Norway & the New York Times; story has three threads: teenage Sophie corre-sponds from a remote village with a professor who teaches her philosophy, the second is the philosophical teachings, and the third is a series of mysterious letters from her father about somebody named Hilde. Kindle Edition from FS&G/Macmillan [2007 edition] for $7.99 Berkley Books mass pb [3/96] out of print/hundreds used Farrar, Straus & Giroux 8¼x5¼ pb [3/2007] for $9.89 FS&G/Perfection Learning 8¼x5½ hardcover [2010] for $16.64 |
![]() | "Philosophy: The Classics" [orig 1998, rev 2014] by Nigel Warburton Kindle Edition from Routledge [2/2014] for $15.37 Routledge 4th Edition 7¾x5 pb [3/2014] for $27.27 Routledge 4th Edition 8¼x5¾ hardcover [2/2014] for $120.00 {sic} |
![]() | "The Complete Idiot's Guide To Philosophy, Third Edition" [orig 1998] by Jay Stevenson, PhD Alpha 9x6½ pb [6/2005] out of print/50+ used |
![]() | "Philosophy For Dummies" [1999] by Tom Morris, PhD NOTE: The ". . . for Dummies" series is usually pretty good, but the "Philosophy For Dummies" book by American Tom Morris is a religion-based fake, and therefore omitted here "Philosophy For Dummies, U.K. Edition" [2012] by Martin Cohen the later version by British philosophy journalist Martin Cohen is so much better, albeit it has minor problems of its own: i.e. he really, really dislikes Nazis Kindle Edition from For Dummies Publng [7/2010] for $17.00 I.D.G. Books 9¼x7¼ pb [1/2012] for $15.99 |
![]() | "Introducing Philosophy" [2001] by Dave Robinson & Judy Groves 8¼x5&frac1+2 pb [12/2004] for $10.36 8x5½ pb [4/2001] out of print/many used |
![]() | "Philosophy: A Very Short Introduction" [2002] by Edward Craig Oxford Univ Press mass pb [5/2002] for $9.56 |
![]() | "50 Philosophy Ideas You Really Need to Know" [2007] by Ben Durpé described by Amazon reviewer as superficial but thorough, and clearly written Kindle Edition from Quercus [8/2007] for $4.76 Quercus 8x7 hardcover [8/2007] for $16.36 |
![]() | "A Little History of Philosophy" [2011] by Nigel Warburton "This brisk primer is, for the neophyte, a good place to start immersing oneself in the history of Western thought."  — Publishers Weekly Kindle Edition from Yale Univ Press [10/2011] for $8.99 Yale Univ Press 8i¼x5½ pb [10/2012] for $11.15 Yale Univ Presshardcover [10/2011] for $19.20 |
Well-Known  Thinkers
Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore's Thinking & Intelligence Pages
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![]() | "Little Journeys To The Homes of The Great, Volume 8: Philosophers" [1916] by Elbert Hubbard [1856-1915] UC blue cover Kessinger Publng 10½x7¾ facsimile pb [5/1942 edition] for $30.84 includes articles on philosophers Aristotle, Marcus Aurelius, Auguste Comte, Immanuel Kant, Schopenhauer, Seneca, Socrates, Herbert Spencer, Spinoza, Swedenborg, Thoreau, and Voltaire |
![]() ![]() | "The World's Great Thinkers: Four Volume Set" [1947] Edited by Saxe Commins & Robert N. Linscott "Man and Man: The Social Philosophers" (Aristotle, Plato, Epicurus, Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius, Confucius, Mon-taigne, Emerson, John Dewey); "Man and The State: The Political Philosophers" (Hobbes, Locke, Mill, Rousseau, Thoreau, Adam Smith, Hegel, Marx); "Man and Spirit: The Speculative Philosophers" (St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas, The Upanishads, The Bhagavadgita, The Surangama Sutra, The Dhammapada, Spinoza, Pascal, Berkeley, Hume, Kant, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, James); and "Man and The Universe: The Philosophers of Science" (Lucretius, Copernicus, Francis Bacon, Descartes, Comte, Darwin, Bergson, Sigmund Freud, Whitehead, Sir James Jeans, Edding-ton, Albert Einstein) Random House 8x5½ hardcover boxed set [1947] out of print/used Random House hardcover boxed set [1947] out of print/used Random House hardcover boxed set [1947] out of print/used Volume 1: Washington Square Press mass pb [6/86] out of print/used Volume 1: Pocket Library mass pb [1954] out of print/used Volume 2: Washington Square Press mass [1968] out of print/used Volume 2: Pocket Library mass pb [1966] out of print/used Volume 3: Washington Square Press mass pb [1966] out of print/used Volume 3: Washington Square Press mass pb [1966] out of print/used Volume 4: Pocket Books mass pb [1982] out of print/used Volume 4: Pocket Books mass pb [1982] out of print/used |
![]() | "Great Thinkers of The Western World: The Major Ideas and Classic Works of More Than 100 Outstanding Western Philosophers, Physical and Social Scientists, Psychologists, Religious Writers, and Theologians" [1992] Edited by Ian P. McGreal
Collins Reference 9½x8 hardcover [9/92] for $30.16 |
![]() | "The American Philosopher: Conversations with Quine, Davidson, Putnam, Nozick, Danto, Rorty, Cavell, MacIntyre, and Kuhn" [1994] by Giovanna Borradori, Translated by Rosanna Crocitto Rather obtuse conversations that are probably not for the beginner or student, but may be valuable for in-depth insight to any of these nine American philosophers: Stanley Cavell, Arthur C. Danto, Donald Davidson, Thomas S. Kuhn, Alasdair MacIntyre, Robert Nozick, Hilary Putnam, Willard Van Orman Quine, and Richard Rorty Kindle Edition from Univ Chicago Press [1994 edition] for $14.30 Univ Chicago Press 8½x5½ pb [3/94] for $25.64 Univ Chicago Press 8¾x5¾ hardcover [3/94] out of print/used |
![]() | "Great Thinkers of The Eastern World: The Major Thinkers and The Philosophical and Religious Classics of China, India, Japan, Korea, and The World of Islam" [1995] Edited by Ian P. McGreal Collins Reference 7¾x6 pb [1996] out of print/used Collins Reference 9x7½ hardcover [6/95] out of print/150+ used |
![]() | "The Great Philosophers: From Socrates To Turing" [2000] Edited by Ray Monk & Frederic Raphael chapters/essays are: Anthony Gottlieb on Socrates; Bernard Williams on Plato; John Cotting-ham on Descartes; Roger Scruton on Spinoza; David Berman on Berkeley; Anthony Quinton on Hume; Terry Eagleton on Marx; editor Monk on Bertrand Russell; Jonathan Ree on Heidegger; Peter Hacker on Wittgenstein; editor Raphael on Karl Popper, Andrew Hodges on Alan Turing Phoenix pb [4/2001] out of print/used Weidenfeld & Nicolson pb [4/2001] for $30.93 Weidenfeld & Nicolson 9½x6½ hardcover [7/2000] out of print/used Routledge 9½x6½ hardcover [7/2000] out of print/used |
![]() | "Learning From Six Philosophers" (in 2 volumes) [2001] by Jonathan Bennett
Volume 1: Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz Kindle Edition from Oxford Univ Press [2001 edition] for $46.94 {sic} Oxford Univ Press 9¼x6 pb [12/2003] for $49.41 Oxford Univ Press 9x6 hardcover [5/2001] out of print/used Volume 2: Locke, Berkeley, Hume Kindle Edition from Oxford Univ Press [2001 edition] for $48.15 {sic} Oxford Univ Press 9¼x6 pb [12/2003] for $50.68 Oxford Univ Press 9½x6½ hardcover [5/2001] for $120.00 |
![]() | "Philosophy: 100 Essential Thinkers - The Ideas That Have Shaped Our World" [grades 10 & up; 2003] by Philip Stokes Kindle Edition from Arcturus Publng [8/2012] for 99¢ {sic} Arcturus Publng, Ltd. 11¾x8¼ pb [3/2017] for $14.97 Enchanted Lion Books 9x6½ pb [12/2003] out of print/used Gardners Books pb [12/2003] out of print/used Arcturus Publng, Ltd. 10x7½ hardcover [4/2010] out of print/used Arcturus Publng, Ltd. hardcover [2007] out of print/used Table of Contents: Introduction; The Presocratics: Thales of Miletus; Pythagoras of Samos; Xenophanes of Colophon; Heraclitus; The Eleatics: Parmenides of Elea; Zeno of Elea; The Academics: Socrates; Plato; Aristotle; The Atomists: Democritus; Epicurus; The Cynics: Diogenes of Sinope; The Stoics: Marcus Tullius Cicero; Philo of Alexandria; Lucius Annaeus Seneca; Marcus Aurelius; The Sceptics: Sextus Empiricus; The Neoplatonists: Plotinus; The Christians: St. Augus-tine of Hippo; Boethius; The Scholastics: St. Anselm; St. Thomas Aquinas; John Duns Scotus; William of Occam; The Age of Science: Nicolaus Copernicus; Niccolò Machiavelli; Desiderius Erasmus; Thomas More; Francis Bacon; Galileo Galilei; Thomas Hobbes; Sir Isaac Newton; The Rationalists: René Descartes; Antoine Arnauld; Nicolas Malebranche; Benedict de Spinoza; Gottfried von Leibniz; The Empiricists: John Locke; David Hume; Thomas Reid; Voltaire; Jean-Jacques Rousseau; Denis Diderot; The Idealists: George Berkeley; Immanuel Kant; Johann Schiller; Frederick Schelling; Georg Hegel; Arthur Schopenhauer; The Liberals: Adam Smith; Mary Wollstonecraft; Thomas Paine; Jeremy Bentham; John Stuart Mill; Auguste Comte; The Evolutionists: Charles Darwin; Henri Louis Bergson; A.N. Whitehead; The Pragmatists: Ernst Mach; Charles Peirce; William James; John Dewey; The Materialists: Karl Marx; Friedrich Engels; Vladimir Lenin; Sigmund Freud; Carl Jung; John Maynard Keynes; The Existentialists: Søren Kierkegaard; Friedrich Nietzsche; Edmund Husserl; Martin Heidegger; Jean-Paul Sartre; Albert Camus; Simone de Beauvoir; The Linguistic Turn: Gottlob Frege; Bertrand Russell; Ludwig Wittgenstein; Ferdinand de Saussure; George Edward Moore; Moritz Schlick; Lev Vygotsky; Rudolph Carnap; A.J. Ayer; Alfred Tarski; J.L. Austin; Gilbert Ryle; Noam Chomsky; The Postmodernists: Claude Levi-Strauss; Michel Foucault; Jacques Derrida; The New Scientists: Emile Durkheim; Albert Einstein; Karl Popper; Kurt Gödel; Alan Turing; B.F. Skinner; Thomas S. Kuhn; Paul Feyerabend; W.V.O. Quine |
![]() | "Great Thinkers A-Z" [2004] Edited by Julian Baggini & Jeremy Stangroom
Continuum 8½x5½ pb [6/2004] for $49.95 Continuum 8¾x5½ hardcover [6/2004] out of print/used M.J.F. Books 9x6 hardcover [6/2004] out of print/used descriptions of 100 philosophers & their works, including St. Thomas Aquinas, Hannah Arendt, Aristotle, St. Augustine of Hippo, A.J. Ayer, Francis Bacon, Simone de Beauvoir, Walter Benjamin, Jeremy Bentham, Henri Bergson, Albert Camus, Noam Chomsky, Auguste Comte, Charles Darwin, Gilles Deleuze, Jacques Derrida, René Descartes, John Dewey, Albert Einstein, Erasmus, Michel Foucault, Sigmund Freud, Mahatma Gandhi, Kurt Godel, F.A. Hayek, Georg Hegel, Martin Heidegger, Thomas Hobbes, David Hume, Edmund Husserl, William James, Immanuel Kant, Søren Kierkegaard, Gottfried Leibniz, John Locke, Niccolo Machiavelli, Karl Marx, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, John Stuart Mill, Michel de Montaigne, Friedrich Nietzsche, Robert Nozick, Thomas Paine, Blaise Pascal, Karl Popper, Pythagoras, Richard Rorty, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Bertrand Russell, George Santayana, Jean-Paul Sartre, Arthur Schopenhauer, Socrates, Baruch Spinoza, Alan Turing, Simone Weil, and Ludwig Wittgenstein |
![]() | "The Ultimate Anthology of Philosophy (75+ Works)" for Kindle [2010] another Kindle Edition no longer available from Amazon Digital Services 'with an active table of contents'; works of the philosophers Aeschylus, Aristotle, Francis Bacon, George Berkeley, Giordano Bruno, René Descartes, Euripides, Thomas Hobbes, Homer, David Hume, Immanuel Kant, John Locke, Plato, Jean Jacques Rousseau & Baruch Spinoza |
![]() | "Anthology of Philosophy" for Kindle [2010]
11,144-page Kindle Edition from Golgotha Press [7/2010] for $2.99 includes 'The Works of ..." Aeschylus, Aristotle, Francis Bacon, George Berkeley, René Descartes, Euripides, Homer, David Hume, Immanuel Kant, John Locke, Plato, Jean Jacques Rousseau, and Benedict de Spinoza; plus "An Ethical Poem" by Giordano Bruno, "Leviathan" by Thomas Hobbes, and "Oedipus The King" by Sophocles |
![]() | "Fifty Key Postmodern Thinkers (Routledge Key Guides)" [2013] by Stuart Sim
Kindle Edition from Routledge [8/2013] for $30.36 Routledge 8½x5½ pb [6/2013] for $37.95 Routledge 10x7¼ hardcover [4/2013] for $118.62 {sic} alphabetical list of wide-ranging entries: Theodor W. Adorno (1903–69), Paul Auster, author John Barth, Roland Barthes (1915–80), Jean Baudrillard (1929–2007), Zygmunt Bauman, Daniel Bell (1919–2011), Homi K. Bhabha, Nicolas Bourriaud, Judith Butler, John D. Caputo, Hélène Cixous, Guy Debord (1931–94), Gilles Deleuze (1925–95), Jacques Derrida (1930–2004), Umberto Eco, Paul K. Feyerabend (1924–94), Michel Foucault (1926–84), Clifford Geertz (1926–2006), Kenneth J. Gergen, William Gibson, composer Philip Glass, Stephen Green-blatt, Félix Guattari (1930–92), Peter Halley, Donna J. Haraway, David Harvey, Linda Hutcheon, Luce Irigaray, Fredric Jameson, Charles Jencks, architect Rem Koolhaas, Thomas S. Kuhn (1922–96), Ernesto Laclau, filmmaker David Lynch, Jean-François Lyotard (1924–98), Brian McHale, mathematician Benoit B. Mandelbrot (1924–2010), Chantal Mouffe, Steve Reich, Richard Rorty (1931–2007), Edward W. Said (1935–2003), photographer Cindy Sherman, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, filmmaker Quentin Tarantino, René Thom (1923–2002), Robert Venturi, Graham Ward, Hayden White, and Slavoj Žižek |
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"Essential Wisdom of the World's Greatest Thinkers" [2016] Edited by Carol Kelly-Gangi hundreds of memorable quotations from the greatest minds and most important figures in history, including philosophers, scholars, writers, poets, politicians, leaders, saints, scientists, and activists; featured thinkers include Aristotle, Cicero, Marie Curie, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Abraham Lincoln, Nelson Mandela, Gertrude Stein – and many more Sterling/Fall River 7½x5¼ hardcover [2016] for $15.25 |
![]() | "Great Minds: Isaac Newton, Nikola Tesla, and Albert Einstein - Founders of The Scientific Age" [2016] by Mark Steinberg Self-published, clumsily written, and with many obvious punctuation and grammatical errors. Several Amazon reviewers think that the book is wonderful, but at least one is 'disappointed and offended' by the ineptitude and by the many errors of fact in just the first chapter. 104-page Kindle Edition from Amazon Digital Services [8/2016] for $6.99 220-page CreateSpace 8x5 pb [8/2016] for $12.99 see also Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore's Albert Einstein [1879-1955] Page     and Nikola Tesla [1856-1943] Pages |
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Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore's
educator-philosopher Dr. Mortimer J. Adler [1902-2001] Page
Great Books & Great Authors Page
at Spirit of America Bookstore
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German philosopher & musicologist Theodor W. Adorno [1903-69]
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Adorno entry at Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (SEP)
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Hannah Arendt [1906-75]
entry at Wikipedia
![]() | "The Origins of Totalitarianism" [1951, rev 1973] by Hannah Arendt [1906-75] "This book lays bare for the first time the roots of Twentieth Century man's political and human tragedy: totalitarianism" • The book has three sections: Anti-semitism, Imperialism, and Racism/Totalitarianism • book entry at Wikipedia Kindle Edition from Mariner Books/Houghton Mifflin Harcourt [1973 edition] for $9.99 Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich 8x5¼ pb [3/73] for $14.55 Schocken 9½x6½ hardcover [4/2004] for $35.85 Harcourt, Brace & World 9x6½ hardcover [1966] out of print/used |
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Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore's
Greek philosopher Aristotle [384-322 B.C.E.] Page
Greek philosopher Aristotle [384-322 B.C.E.] Quotations Page
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Richard Bach
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Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore's
Jacques Barzun [1907-2012] Page
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Ernest Becker [1925-74]
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![]() | "Denial of Death" [S&S 1973] won the Pulitzer Prize in 1974 Free Press 8½x5½ pb [5/97] for $10.65 Free Press 8¼x5½ pb [3/85] out of print/used Peter Smith Publrs 8¾x5¾ hardcover [11/98] for $31.75 |
![]() | "Escape From Evil" [1975] sequel to "Denial of Death"
Free Press pb [3/85] for $17.95 Free Press hardcover [11/75] out of print/used |
Edward Bellamy [1850-98]
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![]() | "Looking Backward, 2000-1887" [1888]
A young man wakes up in the year 2000, in a socialist utopian America. Bellamy's predictions include credit cards, warehouse clubs, and media delivered to the home by 'cable telephone'. Digireads 8¾x6 pb [2005] for $5.49 BiblioLife 97frac12x6¼ hardcover [8/2008] for $23.99 book entry at Wikipedia |
Hilaire Belloc [1870-1953] of London, U.K.
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![]() | "The Servile State" [1912] by Hilaire Belloc
This book makes the case for the natural instability of pure capitalism. Belloc argues that attempts to reform Capitalism lead to an economy where state regulation has emasculated it, removing its essential freedom – the effects of Socialist doctrine on Capitalist society produces a third thing different from either of its two begetters, an endpoint that Belloc calls 'The Servile State'. Kindle Edition from Amazon Digital Services [11/2008] for 99¢ {sic} CreateSpace 9x6 pb [11/2008] for $7.95 Cosimo Classics 8½x5½ hardcover [11/2007] for $22.95 book entry at Wikipedia • available as free online etext at Internet Archive |
![]() | "Old Thunder: A Life of Hilaire Belloc" [2002] by Joseph Pearce Kindle Edition from Ignatius Press [7/2011] for $13.72 HarperCollins 7½x5 pb [7/2003] out of print/used Ignatius Press 9½x6¼ hardcover [10/2002] for $20.27 |
![]() | "The Essential Belloc: A Prophet For Our Times" [2010] Edited by Rev. C. John McCloskey, Scott J. Bloch & Brian Robertson Kindle Edition from Saint Benedict Press [4/2010] for $9.98 Saint Benedict Press 8½x5½ pb [4/2010] for $15.70 |
Walter Benjamin [1892-1940] of Germany
Especially interesting is his concept of each epoch dreaming the epoch that is to follow.
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text of "On The Concept of History" {"Theses On The Philosophy of History"} [1939]
Walter Benjamin Research Syndicate
International Walter Benjamin Society [est. 2000]
Lloyd Spencer's Walter Benjamin fansite at Leeds Trinity College, U.K.
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"The Work of Art In The Age of Mechanical Reproduction" [1936 classic] by Walter Benjamin "widely considered to be one of the top 100 greatest books of all time" CreateSpace 36-page 8¼x5½ pb [8/2009] for $9.95 "The Work of Art In The Age of Its Technological Reproducibility & Other Writings On Media" Harvard University Belknap Press 9x6¼ pb [5/2008] for $12.89 |
![]() | "The Arcades Project" aka "Das Passagenwerk" [1940] by Walter Benjamin, Edited by Rolf Tiedemann, Translated by Howard Eiland & Kevin McLaughlin Benjamin made notes on the culture-changing glass-topped arcades of Paris, France from 1927 until his suicide (to prevent capture by the Nazis) in 1940; long thought destroyed, the manuscript finally saw publication & translation in the 1980s. Harvard Univ Press/Belknap 10x6½ pb [3/2002] for $21.24 Harvard Univ Press/Belknap 10x6½ hardcover [12/99] for $59.86 book entry at Wikipedia |
![]() | "Walter Benjamin At The Dairy Queen: Reflections On Sixty and Beyond" [1999] by Larry McMurtry [1936-2021] Touchstone 7¾x5½ pb [8/2001] for $10.20 S&S 8¾x5¾ hardcover [11/99] out of print/used |
![]() | "Walter Benjamin and Art" [2005] Edited by Andrew Benjamin Continuum 9x6 pb [1/2005] for $42.94 Continuum 9¼x6¼ hardcover [1/2005] for $150.00 |
Henri Bergson [1859-1941] of France
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1927 Nobel Prize •
![]() | "Time & Free Will: An Essay On The Immediate Data of Consciousness" [1889] by Henri Bergson [1859-1941]; translated by F. L. Pogson Nabu Press 9½x7½ pb [8/2010] for $20.75 General Books LLC 9x6 pb [8/2009] for $8.03 Kessinger Publng 10¼x7¼ hardcover [facsimile 1913 edition] for $32.64 |
![]() | "The Creative Mind: An Introduction To Metaphysics" [1903] by Henri Bergson [1859-1941] Citadel Press 8½x6¾ pb [2/2002] for $10.36 Citadel Press 8¼x5½ pb [9/97] for $17.95 Replica Books hardcover [2/99] for $31.85 |
Sir Isaiah Berlin [1909-97] of Wolfson College, Oxford, U.K.
![]() | "Russian Thinkers" [1978] by Isaiah Berlin & Aileen Kelly, Revised 1994 by Henry Hardy Kindle Edition from Penguin Classics [3/2013] for $9.99 Penguin Classics 7¾x5 pb [3/2008] for $10.60 Viking Adult 8¼x6 hardcover [5/78] out of print/many used |
'the father of public relations' Edward Louis Bernays [1891-1995]
"Crystallizing Public Opinion" [1923] by Edward L. Bernays
![]() | "Propaganda: The Public Mind In The Making" [1928] by Edward L. Bernays [1891-1995], 2004 Introduction by Mark Crispin Miller “Bernays’ honest and practical manual provides much insight into some of the most powerful and influential institutions of contemporary industrial state capitalist democracies.” — Noam Chomsky Kindle Edition from Ig Publng [2004 edition] for $11.49 Ig Publng 7¾x5 pb [9/2004] for $13.46 Desert 9x6 hardcover [11/2018] for $19.99 book entry at Wikipedia • available as free online flip-book at Internet Archive "Propaganda Como Manipular La Opinion En Democracia" [2000] Spanish-language Kindle Edition from Melusina Editions [6/2020] for $4.99 Spanish-language Libros del Zorzal pb [2000] for $17.95 |
Dr. Eric Berne [1910-70]
Transactional Analysis Page at Working Minds Philosophy website
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Humean quasi-realist philosopher Simon Blackburn [b. 1944]
Roman philosopher Anicius Manlius Severinus Boëthius [480?-524 C.E.]
browse Boethius Store at Amazon •
entry at Wikipedia
![]() | "The Consolation of Philosophy" [AD 523] by Boethius
wide-ranging subject matter, written while imprisoned, very popular during the Middle Ages Kindle Edition (Translated by W.J. Sedgefield, 1502) from e-artnow [8/2013] for 99¢ {sic} CreateSpace 9x6 pb [9/2016] for $5.99 Penguin Classics 7¾x5 pb [5/99] for $10.52 Translated by Richard Green: Bobbs-Merrill Co. 8x5¼ pb [6/62] out of print/many used Translated by V.E. Watts: Folio Society 9x6½ slipcover edition [1998] out of print/used The Modern Library 9x6½ hardcover [1943] 3 books - out of print/used |
Dietrich Bonhoeffer [1906-45]
"On Stupidity: Letters & Papers From Prison"
"The Cost of Discipleship"
the complete 34-volume combined German-English editions of Bonhoeffer's works
"Bonhoeffer (2003) TV documentary /tt0371583/
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Stewart Brand [b. 1938]
American writer, best known as editor of the Whole Earth Catalog; he founded a number of organizations, including The WELL, the Global Business Network,
and The Long Now Foundation [est. 1996]; he has written several books, most recently "Whole Earth Discipline: An Ecopragmatist Manifesto" [2009] [1968-72]
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Nathaniel Branden, PhD [1930-2013]
partner with Ayn Rand [1905-82] in defining Objectivism in the 1960s,
then moved to California and defined his philosophy of Self-Esteem
browse books •
official website •
![]() | "My Years With Ayn Rand" aka 'Judgment Day' [1999] by Nathaniel Branden Jossey-Bass 9x6 pb [3/99] for $15.20 July 1989 C-SPAN "BookNotes" interview [1:06:50] of Branden about this book |
![]() | "The Vision of Ayn Rand: The Basic Principles of Objectivism" [2009] by Nathaniel Branden, Foreword by Barbara Branden The never-before published 1960s lectures on Ayn Rand's philosophy of Objectivism, taped and transcribed by the Nathaniel Branden Institute Kindle Edition from Amazon Digital Services [7/2014] for $9.99 Cobden Press 9x6 pb [12/2009] out of print/scarce Cobden Press / Laissez Faire Books hardcover [12/2009] out of print/used |
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Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore's
Joseph Campbell [1904-87] Page
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Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore's
Albert Camus [1913-60] Page
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German philosopher Ernst Alfred Cassirer [1874-1945]
Trained within the Neo-Kantian Marburg School, Cassirer initially followed his mentor Hermann Cohen in attempting to supply an idealistic philosophy of science; after Cohen's death, Cassirer developed a theory of symbolism and used it to expand phenomenology of knowledge into a more general philosophy of culture. Cassirer was one of the leading 20th-century advocates of philosophical idealism; his most famous work is the 3-volume "The Philosophy of Symbolic Forms" [1923–29].
dissertation "Das Erkenntnisproblem In Der Philosophie und Wissenschaft der Neueren Zeit: Erster Band [The Problem of Knowledge
In Philosophy and Science In The Modern Age, Volume I" [1906] - second volume in 1907, a third in 1920, and a fourth in 1957
![]() | "The Philosophy of Symbolic Forms (Philosophie der Symbolischen Formen)" [1923-29] major new translation of all three volumes, the first in over fifty years; each volume includes a new Introduction and Translator's Notes by Steve G. Lofts, a Foreword by Peter E. Gordon, a Glossary of key terms, and a thorough Index Volume One: Language (Erster Teil: Die Sprache)" [1923, English translation 1953] • Volume Two: Mythical Thought (Zweiter Teil: Das Mythische Denken)" [1925, English translation 1955] • Volume Three: The Pheno-menology of Knowledge (Dritter Teil: Phänomenologie der Erkenntnis)" [1929, English translation 1957] Routledge 9¼x6¼ hardcover set [9/2020] for $176.72 {sic} Volume 1: Kindle Edition from Routledge [9/2020] for $32.30 Volume 2: Kindle Edition from Routledge [9/2020] for $46.10 Volume 3: Kindle Edition from Routledge [9/2020] for $45.60 |
![]() | "The Philosophy of Symbolic Forms (Philosophie der Symbolischen Formen)" [1923-29] before the 2020 set from Routledge, the major prior translation was in 1965 Volume 1: Kindle Edition from Routledge [9/2020] for $32.30 Volume 1: Yale Univ Press 8x5¼ pb [9/65] for $34.00 Volume 1: Yale Univ Press hardcover [1953] out of print/used Volume 2: Kindle Edition from Routledge [9/2020] for $46.10 Volume 2: Yale Univ Press 8½x5½ pb [9/65] for $38.00 Volume 2: Yale Univ Press hardcover [1955] out of print/used Volume 3: Kindle Edition from Routledge [9/2020] for $45.60 Volume 3: Yale Univ Press 8½x5½ pb [9/65] for $48.00 Volume 3: Yale Univ Press hardcover [1972] out of print/used |
![]() | "The Philosophy of Symbolic Forms, Volume 4: The Metaphysics of Symbolic Forms" [1996] by Ernst Cassirer, John Michael Krois & Donald Phillip Verene When Cassirer died in 1945, he was working on a fourth and final volume of his magnum opus "The Philosophy of Symbolic Forms"; Krois and Verene edited the manuscripts and translated them into English, bringing to completion Cassirer's major treatment of the concept of symbolic form there is no Kindle Edition for this book Yale Univ Press 7¾x5 pb [1/98] for $29.00 Yale Univ Press 9¾x6¾ hardcover [6/96] for $30.00 "Cassirer's Metaphysics of Symbolic Forms: A Philosophical Commentary" [2001] by Prof. Thora Ilin Bayer, Introduction by Donald Phillip Verene Kindle Edition from Yale Univ Press [2/2001] for $23.80 Yale Univ Press hardcover [2/2001] for $17.45 Yale Univ Press hardcover [3/2001] out of print/used |
the now-legendary debate at Davos in 1929 between Cassirer and Martin Heidegger, over the question "What is the human being?"
"Continental Divide: Heidegger, Cassirer, Davos" [2010] by Peter Eli Gordon
more popular book "An Essay On Man" written & published in English [1944]
![]() | "Time of The Magicians: Wittgenstein, Benjamin, Cassirer, Heidegger, and The Decade That Reinvented Philosophy" [2020] by Wolfram Eilenberger author stylishly traces the paths of these remarkable & turbulent lives, which feature not only philosophy but several important figures of the early century, including John Maynard Keynes, Hannah Arendt, and Bertrand Russell, telling a gripping story about four of history's most ambitious and passionate thinkers Kindle Edition from Penguin Press [8/2020] for $15.99 Penguin Books 8½x5½ pb [DUE Aug 2021] for $19.00  ![]() Penguin Press 9½x6¼ hardcover [8/2020] for $21.06 |
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Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore's
anthropologist Carlos Castañeda [1925-98] Page
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astrophysicist Dr. Eric J. Chaisson of Tufts University & Harvard
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faculty page at Harvard C.F.A. •
![]() | "Cosmic Dawn: The Origins of Matter and Life" [1981] by Eric Chaisson iUniverse 8½x5½ pb [10/2000] for $19.95 W.W. Norton & Co. 7¼x5 pb [5/89] out of print/many used Berkley mass pb [1981] out of print/used Little, Brown & Co. 8¾x6½ hardcover [1981] out of print/80+ used |
![]() | "The Life Era: Cosmic Selection and Conscious Evolution" [1987] by Eric Chaisson Book describes three grand eras in universal history: the radiation era, starting with the big bang; the matter era, when organized structures emerged; and the life era, from primodial single cells to a possible future when technologically sentient beings take control of their destiny. iUniverse 9x6 pb [9/2000] for $16.44 W.W. Norton & Co. 9x6 pb [11/89] out of print/many used Atlantic Monthly Press 9x6 hardcover [6/87] out of print/many used |
![]() | "Cosmic Evolution: The Rise of Complexity In Nature" [2001] by Eric J. Chaisson Harvard Univ Press 9x5¾ pb [10/2002] for $26.79 Harvard Univ Press 9¼x6½ hardcover [2/2001] out of print/many used |
Ancient Chinese Philosophers
wikipedia's List of Chinese philosophers
Top 100 Best Sellers in Eastern Philosophy at Amazon
detail from this section was split off to a combined Ancient Chinese Philosophers Page in Summer 2022
top of page • short essay • general works • combined works • Buddha • Confucius • Feng Youlan • Lao-Tzu •
Mencius • Sun Tzu • Wang Ch'ung • Zhuangzi • plays, movies, other media • image gallery • links
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Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore's
Noam Chomsky [b. 1928] Page
![]() | "The Essential Chomsky" [2008] Edited by Anthony Arnove The New Press 9¼x6 pb [2/2008] for $11.80 The New Press 9¼x6½ hardcover [2/2008] for $26.60 |
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philosophy journalist Martin Cohen
browse books •
official website •
Editor of The Philosopher [1923], U.K. philosophy journal
taught at the Centre for Applied Ethics, Queensland, Australia
currently Visiting Research Fellow in Philosophy at the University of Hertfordshire (UK)
"101 Philosophical Problems" [1999] 1/2002 3rd edition 4/2007 spanish
"101 Ethical Dilemmas" [2003] pb 2/2007 hc 7/2003
![]() | "Philosophy For Dummies" [1999] by Tom Morris, PhD NOTE: The ". . . for Dummies" series is usually pretty good, but the "Philosophy For Dummies" book by American Tom Morris is a religion-based fake, and is therefore omitted here "Philosophy For Dummies, U.K. Edition" [2010] by Martin Cohen the later version by British philosophy journalist Martin Cohen is so much better, albeit it has minor problems of its own: i.e. he really, really dislikes Nazis Kindle Edition from For Dummies Publng [7/2010] for $17.00 I.D.G. Books 9¼x7¼ pb [1/2012] for $15.99 |
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Auguste Comte [1798-1857]
best known for "A General View of Positivism" [English 1865]
browse books •
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Frederick Charles Copleston, SJ [1907-94]
best known for his influential multi-volume "A History of Philosophy" [1946–75]
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Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore's
polymath Leonardo da Vinci [1452-1519] Page
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'radical lesbian feminist' philosopher
Mary Daly [1928-2010]
browse books • official website • Wikipedia
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neuroscientist Antonio R. Damasio
Brain & Creativity Institute at U.S.C. •
![]() | "Descartes' Error: Emotion, Reason, and The Human Brain" [1994] by Antonio R. Damasio Neuroscientist Damasio shows that the concept of the dualist separation of mind & body and of rationality & emotion proposed by René Descartes is invalid; modern science (led by Damasio) now holds that the body and our emotions both have a key role in the way we think and in rational decision-making. Kindle Edition from Penguin Books [2005 edition] for $12.99 Penguin Books 7¾x5 pb [9/2005] for $10.88 Picador 9x6¼ hardcover [4/95] out of print/used Picador 9x6½ hardcover [1994] out of print/used book entry at Wikipedia |
![]() | "The Feeling of What Happens: Body and Emotion In The Making of Consciousness" [1999] by Antonio Damasio Neuroscientist Damasio's thesis here is that the individual's sense of self arises from man's need to map relations between self and others. this book is not available on Kindle at Amazon Mariner Books 9x6 pb [10/2000] for $9.88 Houghton Mifflin Harcourt 9x6½ hardcover [9/99] out of print/100+ used |
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"Looking For Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and The Feeling Brain" [2003] by Antonio Damasio Neuroscientist Damasio rediscovers philosopher Baruch Spinoza's role in examining how emotions support human survival, a pursuit that ran counter to all the thinking of Spinoza's time. Kindle Edition from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt [2003 edition] for $9.32 Mariner Books 8x5½ pb [12/2003] for $12.37 Houghton Mifflin Harcourt 9x6¼ hardcover [2/2003] out of print/130+ used |
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"Self Comes To Mind: Constructing The Conscious Brain" [2010] by Antonio Damasio Neuroscientist Damasio rejects the long-standing idea that consciousness is separate from the body, and presents scientific evidence of evolutionary development of a human self as a challenge to nature’s indifference; this opens the way for the appearance of culture, perhaps one of our most defining characteristics as thinking and self-aware beings. Kindle Edition from Random House Digital [11/2010] for $13.99 Vintage 8x5 pb [3/2012] for $10.85 Pantheon 9½x6½ hardcover [11/2010] out of print/50+ new-used |
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Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore's
Charles Darwin  [1809-82] Page
Books To Ponder Page 2: Science, Religion & Evolution
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Richard Dawkins
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official website •
Kim Sterelny's "Dawkins vs. Gould" [2001]
Alain de Botton, FRSL {Swiss-born, lives in London, England}
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official website •
"Essays In Love", US title "On Love" [1993]
"The Romantic Movement" [1994]
"Kiss and Tell" [1995]
"How Proust Can Change Your Life" [1997]
![]() | "The Consolations of Philosophy" [2000] "clear, witty prose ... a joy to read" Vintage 8x5 pb [4/2001] for $11.16 Pantheon 9½x6½ hardcover [4/2000] out of print/used |
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Pierre Teilhard de Chardin [1881-1955]
browse books •
Fondation Teilhard de Chardin [est. 1964] in Paris, France
The American Teilhard Assn. [est. 1967]
The British Teilhard Assn. [est. 1963]
multi-language Stichting Teilhard de Chardin Netherlands [est. 1997]
![]() |
"The Phenomenon of Man" [1955 classic] Harper Perennial Modern Classics 8x5¼ pb [11/2008] for $10.17 Harper Perennial 7¾x5&frac4 pb [12/75] for $10.17 book entry at Wikip[edia |
Luciano De Crescenzo [1928-2019] of Italy
Italian writer & philosopher, engineer, film actor, and film director - many other jobs & talents; between 1977 and 2019, he published a total of fifty books, including novels and popularizations of philosophy, selling 18 million copies worldwide (7 million in Italy); his works have been translated into 19 languages and published in 25 countries.
For his work in the field of Greek philosophy, he received honorary citizenship of Athens in 1994.
browse the De Crescenzo Store {returns 80 titles in many languages} at Amazon
credits at IMDb •
"Bontà Loro" TV series [1976] self/guest /tt15673742/
"The Payoff" [1978] writer /tt0077918/
"Il Pap'occhio" [1980] actor {as God} /tt0082880/
"Quasi Quasi Mi Sposo" TV movie [1982] actor /tt0457108/
"F.F.S.S., cioè: '...che mi hai portato a fare sopra a Posillipo se non mi vuoi più bene?' " screenplay+story + self [1983] /tt0085516/
"F.F.S.S., that is: '... that you took me to do above Posillipo if you don't love me anymore"
"Così Parlò Bellavista" [1984] from the book by + director + actor /tt0087088/
won David di Donatello and Nastro d'Argento for best new director, while Marina Confalone won the same awards in the best supporting actress category
"Il Mistero di Bellavista" + title role [1985] /tt0202473/ dvd
"32 Dicembre" [1988] writer + actor /tt0135740/
"Saturday, Sunday, and Monday" [1990] actor /tt0098244/
"Maurizio Costanzo Show" TV series /tt4723216/ 6 episodes 1993-2001
"I Cervelloni" TV series Episode dated 11 May 1994 /tt7456784/
"Quelli Che... Il Calcio" TV series
Episode dated 27 Nov 1994 /tt7581570/
Episode #15.35 [2008] /tt1225099/
"Croce e Delizia" [1995] wrote and directed + actor /tt0112741/ featuring Teo Teocoli and Isabella Rossellini
"Se Rinasco" TV series Episode dated 18 September 1995 /tt7482296/
"Numero Uno" TV series Episode dated 10 October 1995 /tt7507564/
"Francesca and Nunziata" TV movie [2001] /tt0295266/
"I'll Do It Tonight" [2005] /tt0878713/
"Ulisse: My Name Is Nobody" TV series [2010] /tt5456794/
"Quel Pap'occhio di 30 Anni Fa" video documentary [2010] /tt9522368/
![]() | "Così Parlò De Crescenzo (Thus Spoke De Crescenzo): Life and Secrets of The World's Most Beautiful Philosopher" [Bunker Hill/Minerva Pictures 2016] Before he became one of the world's best selling Italian writers, De Crescenzo was a boy scout, a brothel's auditor, a poet, an athletics champion, an art seller, a speed boat racing pilot, an essayist, a novelist, a philosopher, an illustrator, a photographer, a commentator, a script writer, a film director, an actor, an anchorman, a tip tap dancer, and finally an engineer at I.B.M. Italy. One thing is certain, two qualities are required in order to live such an extraordinary life: an open mind and an infinite love for living. • Co-produced by Paola De Crescenzo; co-produced, co-written & directed by Antonio Napoli; co-written by Serena Corvaglia; featuring Luciano De Crescenzo, Renzo Arbore, Benedetto Casillo, actress Marina Confalone, Marisa Laurito, actress Isabella Rossellini, Renato Scarpa, Bud Spencer, filmmaker Lina Wertmüller [1928-2021] full credits at IMDb • DVD/Blu-ray not available Amazon Instant Video in Italian w/English subtitles [2019] HD rental $2.99, HD purchase $7.99 |
"Visioni Senza Tempo: Anna Napoli e Il Montaggio Cinematografico" video) [2022] /tt16912954/
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Gilles Deleuze  [1925-95] of France
Deleuze was an important French philosopher, while his later career dealt with cinema criticism
'Le Course de Gilles Deleuze' at WebDeleuze {French-language only}
![]() | "Spinoza et Le Problème de L'Expression (Spinoza and The Problem of Expression)" [1968] by Gilles Deleuze [1925-95]
English title: "Expressionism In Philosophy: Spinoza" [1990] Zone Books 9x6 pb [2/92] for $19.30 Zone Books 9½x6¼ hardcover [9/90] out of print/used Editions de Minuit French-language 8¾x5½ pb [11/68] out of print/used |
![]() | "Spinoza: Practical Philosophy (Philosophie Pratique)" [1970, rev 1981, English 1988] by Gilles Deleuze [1925-95] City Lights Publrs 9x5½ pb [2001] for $9.83 Editions de Minuit French-language mass pb [4/2003] out of print/used |
![]() | "Deleuze and Spinoza: Aura of Expressionism" [2002] by Gillian Howie French philosopher Deleuze reached certain conclusions about Spinoza [1632-77], published in 1968 as "Expressionism" {above}, that shaped his later ideas & works; author Howie dissects Deleuze's concepts and finds them inconsistent with Spinoza. Palgrave Macmillan 8¼x6 hardcover [9/2002] out of print/used |
![]() | "The Hermetic Deleuze: Philosophy and Spiritual Ordeal" [2012] by Joshua Ramey Kindle Edition from Duke Univ Press [8/2012] for $13.99 Duke Univ Press 9x6 pb [8/2012] for $22.46 Duke Univ Press 9¼x6¼ hardcover [8/2012] for $76.56 |
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Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore's
W. Edwards Deming [1900-93] Page
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Daniel Clement Dennett III, PhD [1942-2024]  
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official website •
credits [since 1988] at Internet Movie Database
1978 book "Brainstorms: Philosophical Essays on Mind and Psychology" [MIT Press 1981] ISBN 0-262-54037-1
"Consciousness Explained" [Back Bay Books, 1992] ISBN 0-316-18066-1
"Darwin's Dangerous Idea: Evolution and the Meanings of Life" [Simon & Schuster; reprint edition 1996] ISBN 0-684-82471-X
"The Atheism Tapes" interviews [BBC4-TV Oct-Nov 2004]
Episode #6: Jonathan Miller in Conversation with Daniel C. Dennett
episode credits at IMDb •
series entry at Wikipedia
Alive Mind widescreen color DVD [7/2008] 3 hours on 2 disks for $12.76
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Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore's
philosopher René Descartes [1596-1650] Page
"Descartes was correct in noticing that an individual's thinking creates the world that he/she lives in – up to a point. Where Descartes and
the anti-thinking Republican Party got it wrong, however, is that the power of any thinking derives entirely from the degree
to which that thinking is consistent with objective reality."
   — G.E. Nordell
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Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore's
pragmatist/educator John Dewey [1859-1952] Page
![]() | "The Essential Dewey" in two volumes [1998] Edited by Larry A. Hickman & Thomas M. Alexander Volume 1: Pragmatism, Education, Democracy Indiana Univ Press 9¾x7 pb [8/98] for $27.85 Indiana Univ Press 10½x7½ hardcover [8/98] out of print/rare Volume 2: Ethics, Logic, Psychology Indiana Univ Press 10x7 pb [8/98] for $29.95 Indiana Univ Press 10½x7½ hardcover [8/98] out of print/rare |
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Ancient Greek philosopher Diogenes the Cynic [4th Century BCE] of Sinope {Türkiye}
This is the guy who carried a lantern around Athens in the daytime, saying that he was looking for an honest man. What is known about him is scraps
from other writers of the era. Originally a banker's son, he made a virtue of extreme poverty, begging for a living and living in a ceramic wine cask.
He was captured at sea and sold into slavery, but escaped and then settled in Corinth • entry at Wikipedia
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Ancient Greek historian Diogenes Laërtius [Third Century AD]
entry at Wikipedia
![]() | "Lives of Eminent Philosophers, in 2 Volumes" [1925] Translated by Robert Drew Hicks Volume I: CreateSpace 8x5 pb [1/2011] for $9.50 Volume I: Harvard Univ Press 6x4 hardcover [1925] for $26.00 Volume II: CreateSpace 8x5 pb [2/2011] for $11.50 Volume II: Harvard Univ Press 6x4 hardcover [1925] for $26.00 |
![]() | "The Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers" for Kindle
Kindle Edition from Acheron Press [11/2012] for 99¢ Kindle Edition from Amazon Digital Services [5/2008] for $2.99 book entry at Wikipedia |
French philosopher Anne Dufourmantelle [1964-2017]
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Will & Ariel Durant
Will Durant [1895-1981] entry at Wikipedia
Ariel Durant [1898-1981] entry at Wikipedia
Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore's Will & Ariel Durant Page
![]() | "The Story of Philosophy: The Lives & Opinions of The Greater Philosophers" [1926 bestseller] by Will & Ariel Durant chapters/subjects include: Plato & Socrates, Aristotle, Francis Bacon, Spinoza, Voltaire, Kant, Schopenhauer, Herbert Spencer, Nietzsche, Henri Bergson, Benedetto Croce, Bertrand Russell, George Santayana, William James, and John Dewey Kindle Edition from Simon & Schuster Digital [7/2012] for $8.00 Pocket mass pb [2/91] for $8.72 Touchstone 8¼x5¼ pb [rev 10/89] for $10.88 Simon & Schuster 9x6½ hardcover [2009] out of print/used Blackstone UNABR audio CD [10/2010] 19½ hours for $27.87 |
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Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore's
Albert Einstein  [1879-1955] Page
Albert Einstein [1879-1955] Quotations Page at Working Minds
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motivational author & speaker Hal Elrod
browse books {60+ titles in multiple languages} •
official website •
books official website •
detail was cut to the new Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore Motivators Page in Summer 2022.
♦                          ♦                          ♦
philosopher Werner Erhard Page
at Working Minds Philosophy website
Friends of Werner Erhard official website
'Werner Erhard: Ideas In Conversation' video site
Werner Erhard Channel [est. 6/2008] on YouTube
Werner Erhard Quotations Page at Working Minds
![]() | "Speaking Being: Werner Erhard, Martin Heidegger, and A New  ![]() Possibility of Being Human" [2019] by Bruce Hyde & Drew Kopp, Afterword by Micheal E. Zimmerman Wiley & Sons 6x8¼ pb [DUE June 2019] PRE-ORDER for $20.69 see also Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore's Martin Heidegger [1889-1976] Page |
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German philosopher Rudolf Christoph Eucken [1846-1926]
Eucken received the 1908 Nobel Prize in Literature
browse books •
"The Problem of Human Life As Viewed By The Great Thinkers From Plato To The Present Time" [Charles Scribner's Sons, 1909]
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Marxist-humanist philosopher Frantz Fanon [1925-61] of France & Algeria
browse books •
The Frantz Fanon Blog [est. 2009] based in South Africa
multi-language Frantz Fanon Foundation website [est. 2010]
Frantz-Fanon National Association [est. 2012] based in Algiers
![]() | "The Wretched of The Earth" [1961 classic] by Frantz Fanon; translation by Constance Farrington A handbook for revolution against colonialism. "Have the courage to read this book." — Jean-Paul Sartre [1905-80] Grove Press 8¼x5¼ pb [4/86] for $9.60 |
![]() | "What Fanon Said: A Philosophical Introduction To His Life and Thought" [2015] by Lewis R. Gordon, Foreword by Sonia Dayan-Herzbrun, Afterword by Drucilla Cornell Kindle Edition from Fordham Univ Press [4/2015] for $10.49 Fordham Univ Press 9x6pb [4/2015] for $20.94 C. Hurst & Co. UK white-cover pb [8/2015] import/used Fordham Univ Press 9x6¼ hardcover [4/2015] for $70.38 {sic} |
mathematician Pierre de Fermat [1607-65] of France
collaborated with Blaise Pascal to invent the field of probability, among many other achievements
books by Fermat on Amazon are mostly in French • Wikipedia
"The Mathematical Career of Pierre de Fermat, 1601-1665" [1973] by Michael Sean Mahoney 94 73
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Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore's
physicist Richard P. Feynman [1918-88] Page
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German philosopher Johann Gottlieb Fichte [1762-1814]
important work "The Vocation of Man" [1799, English 1848]
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Pope Francis
born Jorge Mario Bergoglio in 1936 in Argentina; elected March 2013
browse books •
![]() | "Pope Francis and The Caring Society" [2017] Edited by Robert M. Whaples, Foreword by Michael Novak 're-examines the merits of free markets [and capitalism] in the light of Pope Francis's views about the economy, charity, and the environment' Kindle Edition from Independent Institute [9/2017] for $16.99 Independent Institute 9x6 hardcover [9/2017] for $20.11 |
(Friedrich Ludwig) Gottlob Frege [1848-1925] of Germany
browse books •
"The Frege Reader" [Blackwell, 1997] Edited by Michael Beaney
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Paulo Freire [1921-97]
browse books •
official sites: English or Portuguese •
Paulo Freire Institute [est. 2002] at U.C.L.A. in Los Angeles, CA
♦                          ♦                          ♦
Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore's
visionary R. Buckminster Fuller [1895-1983] Page
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Mohandas Karamchand 'Mahatma' Gandhi [1869-1948]
books •
eArchive •
Mahatma Gandhi Quotations Page at Working Minds Philosophy website
Bombay Gandhi site
Mani Bhavan Museum
"Mahatma Gandhi: Apostle of Applied Human Ecology" book
"Gandhi: A Very Short Introduction" [] by Bhikhu C. Parekh 9780192854575
![]() | "Gandhi" [Columbia Dec 1982] "It took one remarkable man to defeat the British Empire and free a nation of 350 million people. His goal was freedom for India. His strategy was peace. His weapon was his humanity." Directed by Richard Attenborough; screenplay by John Briley; starring Ben Kingsley (as Gandhi}, Candice Bergen, Edward Fox, John Gielgud, Trevor Howard, John Mills, Martin Sheen, Ian Charleson, Athol Fugard, Günther Maria Halmer, Saeed Jaffrey, Roshan Seth {as Nehru}, Rohini Hattangadi, Ian Bannen, Michael Bryant, Michael Hordern, Shreeram Lagoo, Om Puri & Daniel Day-Lewis; won Oscars for Best Picture, Best Director, Best Original Script, Best Actor (BK), Best Cinematography, Best Editing, Best Set Decoration, Oscar noms for Best Original Score, Best Costumes, Best Sound, Best Makeup; won 5 of 16 BAFTA noms, won DGA Award Sony Special Edition widescreen color DVD [2/2007] 2 disks for $19.99 Sony widescreen color DVD [9/2001] out of prodn/used R.C.A./Columbia color VHS [12/92] 2 tapes - out of prodn/used full credits from IMDb |
![]() | "Gandhi Screenplay" [1983] by John Briley Grove/Atlantic Evergreen pb [3/83] for $1.98 "Homage To Mahatma Gandhi" album [2004] by Ravi Shankar Deutsche Grammophon audio CD [7/2004] for $11.98 |
French theorist René Girard [1923-2015]
longtime Stanford professor of French language, literature, and civilization; Girard’s theory of 'mimetic desire' describes
our fundamental compulsion to want what others want or have
browse books •
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Johann Wolfgang von Goethe [1749-1832]
browse books •
Goethe Institut {in English} •
Goethe's autobiographical masterpiece "The Sorrows of Young Werther" []
"Young Goethe In Love" [2011]
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bestselling author Daniel Goleman
science writer for New York Times for 12 years; 1995 book "Emotional Intelligence" was on bestseller lists
for 18 months; Goleman was twice nominated for a Pulitzer Prize
Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore's Daniel Goleman Page
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"Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ - The Groundbreaking Book That Redefines What It Means To Be Smart" bestseller [1995] by Daniel Goleman Kindle Edition from Bantam/Random House [1/2012] for $10.99 Bantam Books 10th Anniv Edition 8¼x5¼ pb [9/2005] for $12.23 Bantam Books 10th Anniv Edition 9½x6½ hardcover [9/2006] for $17.71 Bantam Books 9½x6¼ hardcover [9/95] for $2.96 {sic} |
![]() | "Emotional Intelligence 2.0" [2008] by Travis Bradberry & Jean Greaves, Foreword by Patrick M. Lencioni It’s no secret that emotional intelligence (EQ) is critical to your success. This book delivers a step-by-step program for increasing your EQ via four core EQ skills that enable you to achieve your fullest potential: 1) Self-Awareness, 2) Self-Management, 3) Social Awareness, and 4) Relationship Management; 'includes a new & enhanced online edition of the world's most popular emotional intelligence test' Kindle Edition from TalentSmart [6/2009] for $14.40 TalentSmart 7x5 hardcover [6/2009] for $15.16 TalentSmart 9x6½ hardcover [2008] out of print/used |
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Dr. Clare W. Graves [1914-86] of Santa Barbara, California
"The psychology of the mature human being is an unfolding, emergent, oscillating, spiraling process marked by progressive subordination of older,
lower-order behavior systems to newer higher-order system's as man's existential problems change." ~~~ Dr. Clare W. Graves
browse books •
official website & home of the Clare Graves Society •
![]() | "Clare W. Graves: Levels of Human Existence" [2004] Transcription Edited by William R. Lee; Foreword by Christopher C. Cowan transcription of the "Seminar On Levels of Human Existence" presented at the Washington School of Psychiatry in Washington, DC in October 1971; includes a reprint of the Fall 1970 Journal of Humanistic Psychology article "Levels of Existence: An Open Systems Theory of Values" Eclet Publng pb [11/2004] out of print/used Eclet Publng pb [11/2004] out of print/used |
![]() | "The Never-Ending Quest: Dr. Clare W. Graves On Human Nature" [written 1977, publd 2005] Edited by Christopher C. Cowan & Natasha Todorovic manuscript of book project halted by poor health; reconstruction by colleagues published 2005 Eclet Publng hardcover [2005] out of print/used official bookpage • April 2007 book review by Allan Combs listen to 1974 recording of Dr. Clare W. Graves reading the book Preface |
![]() | "Clare W. Graves: His Life and His Work" [2014] by Rainer Krumm & Benedikt Parstorfer The first summary of Graves' original studies, audiotapes, and notes, as well as a complete biography and comprehensive explanation of his scientific relevance in regard to human development 122-page iUniverse 9x6 pb [1/2018] for $13.99 German-language original: Werdewelt Verlag 9½x6¾ hardcover [10/2014] for $26.68 |
National Values Center, Inc. [est. April 1979] in Denton (Dallas-Fort Worth), Texas
co-founded by Don Edward Beck
Spiral Dynamics / N.V.C. Consulting [est. 1998] in Santa Barbara, California
an outgrowth of the National Values Center; co-founded by Christopher Chalmers 'Chris' Cowan [1976-2015] and Natasha Todorovic
Spiral Dynamics entry at Wikipedia
"The Human Spiral" [] by Natasha Todorovic & Chris Cowan
![]() |   | "Spiral Dynamics: Mastering Values, Leadership, and Change" [1996] by Don Edward Beck & Christopher C. Cowan helped popularize the term Spiral Dynamics and its applications to leadership and management Wiley-Blackwell Publng 9x6 pb [8/2005] for $40.49 Wiley-Blackwell Publng pb [8/2005] for $94.80 Blackwell Publng hardcover [5/96] out of print/used Blackwell Publng 9¼x6½ hardcover [5/96] out of print/used |
![]() |   | "Spiral Dynamics In Action: Humanity's Master Code" [2018] by Don Edward Beck, Teddy Hebo Larsen, Sergey Solonin, Rica Viljoen, Thomas Q. Johns Explores the evolution of modern business, and provides a model for moving forward by understanding other people's perspectives; this book provides a field guide to the different motivations, behaviours, and talents in your team to help you lead diverse groups more effectively; focused on action over theory, the Spiral Dynamics model includes cutting-edge leadership practices, management systems, processes, procedures, and techniques to help you bring about real-world results Kindle Edition from Wiley Publng [3/2018] for $20.00 Wiley Publng 9x6 pb [4/2018] for $29.99 |
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South Korean philosopher Byung-Chul Han [b. 1959] - lives in Germany
'The Internet’s New Favorite Philosopher' diagnoses the frenetic aimlessness of the digital age
![]() |   | "The Burnout Society" [German 2010, English 2015] by Byung-Chul Han
Author interprets the spreading malaise - multitasking, 'user-friendly' technology, and the culture of convenience that produce disorders ranging from depression to attention deficit disorder to borderline personality disorder - as an inability to manage negative experiences in an age characterized by excessive positivity and the universal availability of people & goods 70-page Kindle Edition from Stanford Briefs [8/2015] for $7.39 68-page Stanford Univ Press 8x5 pb [8/2015] for $12.60 |
![]() |   | "Capitalism and The Death Drive" [2021] by Byung-Chul Han, Translated by Daniel Steuer What we call growth is in fact a tumorous proliferation which is disrupting the social organism. At a certain point this growth is no longer productive, but rather destructive. Capitalism passed this point long ago and its destructive forces cause not only ecological and social catastrophes but also mental collapse. The destructive compulsion to produce combines self-affirmation and self-destruction in one. 144-page Kindle Edition from Polity Press [5/2021] for $14.00 180-page Polity Press 8¼x5½ pb [8/2021] for $16.95 180-page Polity Press 8½x5¾ hardcover [8/2021] for $51.37 |
![]() |   | "The Philosophy of Zen Buddhism" [2022] by Byung-Chul Han, Translated by Daniel Steuer Author confronts and contrasts the insights of Zen Buddhism with the philosophies of Plato, Leibniz, Fichte, Hegel, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, Heidegger, and others, showing that Zen Buddhism and Western philosophy have very different ways of understanding religion, subjectivity, emptiness, friendliness, and death. 105-page Kindle Edition from Polity Press [8/2022] for $14.00 120-page Polity Press 8¼x5½ pb [11/2022] for $15.26 120-page Polity Press 8½x5½ hardcover [11/2022] for $51.46 |
![]() |   | "The Crisis of Narration" [2024] by Byung-Chul Han, Translated by Daniel Steuer  ![]() Narratives produce the ties that bind us. They create community, eliminate contingency, and anchor us in being. And yet in our contemporary information society, where everything has become arbitrary & random, storytelling becomes storyselling and narratives lose their binding force – storytelling as storyselling is a pathological phenomenon of our age. 77-page Kindle Edition from Polity Press [1/2024] for $14.00 100-page Polity Press 8¼x5¼ pb [4/2024] for $15.99 100-page Polity Press 8½x5¾ hardcover [4/2024] for $58.79 |
article "Byung-Chul Han: The Internet’s New Favorite Philosopher" [April 2024] by Kyle Chayka
read free at New Yorker Magazine website
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German critical realist Nicolai Hartmann [1882-1950]
browse books •
Nicolai Hartmann Society [est. 2009] •
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Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore's
physicist Stephen W. Hawking [1942-2018] Page
Quantum Physics Page
at Working Minds Philosophy website
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hedonist, philosopher & publisher Hugh M. Hefner [1926-2017]
Hef's personal details are on Spirit of America Bookstore's Business Leaders Page
official biography page •
![]() | "The Playboy Philosophy" [orig 1962-63] by Hugh M. Hefner As part of the 60th Anniversary of Playboy Magazine, the website also is celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Hefner's philosophical statement, originally published in a score of issues from 1962 to 1963; the final work was then published as 18 parts in multiple volumes. official etext online at the Playboy Magazine website site temporarily down (9/2017) BD's offsite etext as 1.4MB .PDF file H.M.H. Publng 4-volume pb [1963] out of print/used H.M.H. Publng pb [1963] out of print/SOLD OUT! |
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Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel [1770-1830]
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important work "Introduction To The Philosophy of History"
![]() | "Introducing Hegel" [2001] by Lloyd Spencer & Andrzej Krauze Icon/Totem 8¼x5½ pb [4/2007] for $11.01 Icon/Totem 8x5½ pb [6/2001] out of print/used |
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Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore's
Martin Heidegger [1889-1976] Page
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theoretical physicist Werner Karl Heisenberg [1901-76] of Germany
Heisenberg was awarded the 1932 Nobel Prize in Physics "for the creation of quantum mechanics"
his book "The Physicist's Conception of Nature" [1955]
autobiography 1971 English translation was published under the title "Physics and Beyond: Encounters and Conversations"
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Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel [1907-72]
Jewish-American theologian & philosopher & civil rights activist •
books •
The Heschel Center for Sustainability {choose Hebrew or English} [est. 1999] in Tel Aviv, Israel
Abraham Joshua Heschel Papers, 1880-1998 at Duke University
![]() | "Man Is Not Alone: A Philosophy of Religion" [1951] Included here not because his ideas are correct, but because many consider the ideas to be important - 'revered as a classic of modern Jewish theology' Kindle Edition from FS&G/Macmillan [1976 edition] for $9.99 Farrar, Straus & Giroux pb [6/76] for $10.71 Farrar, Straus & Giroux pb [1979] out of print/many used Farrar, Straus & Young 8½x5½ hardcover [6/2008] for $24.00 |
![]() | "God In Search of Man: A Philosophy of Judaism" [1955] companion book to "Man Is Not Alone" [1951], both are 'classics of modern Jewish theology' Kindle Edition from FS&G/Macmillan [1976 edition] for $9.99 Farrar, Straus & Giroux 8¼x5½ pb [6/76] for $10.72 Jason Aronson, Inc. hardcover [7/87] out of print/used |
Hermann Hesse [1877-1962]
books •
1946 Nobel Prize •
'Castalia' site
Glass Bead Games site
Herman Hesse site at U.C.S.B.
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Ancient Hindu Philosophers
Wikipedia's List of philosophers of India
Top 100 Best Sellers in Indian Philosophy at Amazon
The "Rigveda" is probably the oldest of the Hindu scriptures; it describes and names the Hindu deities, and tells of their doings. The "Upanishads" contain speculations about the nature and place of the gods and the human soul in the universe. The "Bhagavad-Gita" consists of a conversation between the hero Arjuna and the god Krishna, in which Krishna explains that the soul is immortal.
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mathematician Heisuke Hironaka of Japan
awarded the Fields Medal in 1970 •
browse books at Amazon USA •
entry at Wikipedia
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"Soshin Taidan (The Joy of Learning)" [1983] best-selling memoir by Heisuke Hironaka Kosei Shuppansha Japanese-language 7¼x5 tankoban hardcover [1983] import/scarce Kosei Shuppansha 7¼x5 tankoban hardcover [1983] out of print/used via Amazon Japan |
E.D. Hirsch, Jr.
browse all books by E.D. Hirsch •
E.D. Hirsch entry at Wikipedia
Core Knowledge Foundation [est. 1986] & Book Series [begun 1991]
browse Core Knowledge Series (at Amazon) •
Foundation entry at Wikipedia
official Foundation website •
official U.K. website)
Thomas Hobbes [1588-1679]
Hobbes was a counter-revolutionary philosopher, and so is excluded here
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Harvard philosopher William Ernest Hocking [1873-1966]
wrote 22 books; one of the last true giants of American philosophy and a direct intellectual descendent of William James
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"The Meaning of God In Human Experience" [1912] online text at Internet Archive
"Morale and Its Enemies" [1918] online text at Internet Archive
"Man and The State" [Yale Univ Press 1926]
"Types of Philosophy" [Charles Scribner & Sons 1929]
"William Ernest Hocking, Re-Thinking Missions: A Laymen's Inquiry After One Hundred Years" [1932] online text at Internet Archive
"Living Religions and A World Faith" [1938] publication of Hocking's 1936 Hibbert Lectures at Oxford and Cambridge in England
"The Coming World Civilisation" [1956] which Hocking described as "a conspectus of a life's thought"
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longshoreman-philosopher Eric Hoffer [1902-83]
books •
Papers at Stanford •
awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in February 1983
Eric Hoffer [1902-83] Quotations Page at Working Minds
Eric Hoffer Award [renamed 2007]
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historian Richard Hofstadter [1916-70]
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![]() | "The American Political Tradition & The Men Who Made It" [Knopf 1948 classic] by Richard Hofstadter Vintage 8¼x5¼ pb [4/89] for $9.72 A.C.L.S. 9x6 hardcover [12/99] for $45.00 |
![]() | "Anti-Intellectualism In American Life" [1963 classic] by Richard Hofstadter won the 1964 Pulitzer Prize in Non-Fiction Vintage 8x5 pb [2/66] for $12.24 Knopf 9½x7 hardcover [5/63] out of print/used |
![]() | "Richard Hofstadter: An Intellectual Biography" [2006] by David S. Brown Univ Chicago Press 8¾x6 pb [4/2007] for $13.26 Univ Chicago Press 9¼x6¼ hardcover [4/2006] for $27.50 |
Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore's
Elbert Hubbard [1856-1915] Page
Roycrofters official website
epigrams of Elbert Hubbard
Elbert G. Hubbard [1856-1915] Quotations Page at Working Minds
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Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore's
Aldous Huxley [1894-1963] Page
Spirit of America Bookstore's "Brave New World" Novel & Movies Page
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obscure Russian Christian Fascist philosopher Ivan Alexandrovich Ilyin [1883-1954]
Russian religious & political philosopher and ideologue whose ideas have recently been revived and celebrated
by Vladimir Putin and others to justify their tyrannical rule • Wikipedia
Ivan Ilyin online 'shrine' with Russian, German & English options - last update 2006
"On Resistance To Evil By Force" [1925] by Ivan Ilyin & K. Benois | Nov 5, 2018
"Foundations of Christian Culture" [1938] 1732087393.jpg
by Ivan Ilyin, Translated by Nicholas Kotar
Ivan Ilyin’s book "Our Mission" [circa 1956]
book includes articles by Ivan Ilyin; sent confidentially to members of the All-Russian Military Union (EMRO)
and others in exile, people who, like Ilyin, believed in the imminent revival of Russia
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