Harriet  Beecher  Stowe
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short profile
"Uncle Tom's Cabin"
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“One hundred thousand copies of Dred sold in four weeks! After that who cares what critics say? . . . The fact that so many good judges
like it better than Uncle Tom is success enough.” - from a letter to her husband in September 1856
“One would like to be grand and heroic, if one could; but if not, why try at all? One wants to be very something, very great, very heroic;
or if not that, then at least very stylish and very fashionable. It is this everlasting mediocrity that bores me.”
“The obstinacy of cleverness and reason is nothing to the obstinacy of folly and inanity.”
“It's a matter of taking the side of the weak against the strong, something [that] the best people have always done.”
“Whipping and abuse are like laudanum: you have to double the dose as the sensibilities decline.”
“Human nature is above all things lazy.”
— Harriet Beecher Stowe
A survey in February 2016 found that 20 percent of Donald Trump supporters think that ending slavery was a bad idea.
Harriet Beecher Stowe entry at Wikipedia
browse books at the Harriet Beecher Stowe Store {returns almost 200} at Amazon
Harriet Beecher Stowe credits [since 1903] at Internet Movie Database
"Uncle Tom's Cabin: or, Life Among The Lowly"
published in the abolitionist newspaper The National Era from June 1851 to March 1852, then as a book by Jewett, Proctor & Worthington of Boston in 1852; also published in London, UK as "Uncle Tom's Cabin: The Great American Novel" [Vickers, 8/1852] and as "Uncle Tom's Cabin; or, The History of A Christian Slave, Illustrated" [Partridge & Oakey, 1852].
James Baldwin declared "Uncle Tom's Cabin" to be worthless and dehumanizing in 1949.
"Uncle Tom's Cabin" entry at Wikipedia
![]() | "Uncle Tom's Cabin: or, Life Among The Lowly" [Bliss, Sands & Foster, London 1896 edition] available as free online etext at Internet Archive |
![]() | "Uncle Tom's Cabin novel [1889 facsimile] by Harriet Beecher Stowe Univ California Libraries (blue cover) 8x5 pb [1889 facsimile] for $38.99 |
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1900 edition - Illustrated by Miguel Covarrubias, Introduction by Raymond Weaver
Ward Lock 10¾x7½ hardcover [1900] long out of print/used 1938 edition - Introduction by Raymond Weaver Modern Library #261 7x4½ hardcover [1938] out of print/used 1979 edition - Illustrated by Miguel Covarrubias, Introduction by Raymond Weaver The Easton Press 10¾x7½ leather-bound hardcover [1979] for $39.93 |
![]() | "Uncle Tom's Cabin: The Novel That Fanned The Flames of The Civil War" [1966] Introduction by Darryl Pickney, Afterword by Jonathan Arac "150th Anniversary Edition" refers to the book, "200th Anniversary Edition" refers to the birth of author Harriet Beecher Stowe Kindle Edition from Signet/Penguin [1998 edition] for $1.99 Signet Classics mass pb [2/2008] for $5.35 Signet Classics 7x5 pb [1966] out of print/used |
![]() | "The Annotated Uncle Tom's Cabin" [2006] Edited by Henry Louis Gates, Jr. & Hollis Robbins The editors demonstrate the literary transcendence of Harriet Beecher Stowe's masterpiece; also, the many reproductions of rare prints and posters and photographs make this book one of the most thorough collections of Uncle Tom images up to the present day W.W. Norton & Co. 10¼x9 hardcover [9/2006] for $33.10 |
![]() | "Uncle Tom's Cabin: or, Life Among The Lowly - The Splendid Edition" [2011] Edited by David S. Reynolds, Illustrated by Hammatt Billings Oxford Univ Press 9½x6½ hardcover [7/2011] for $29.95 |
![]() | "Uncle Tom's Cabin (In Chinese Language)" [2012]
Kindle Edition from Central Compilation & Translation Press [2/2015] for $9.99 Beijing Juvenile & Childrens Publng House pb [5/2012] for $5.99 Yuanfang Publng House 9½x6½ pb [12/2014] for $10.93 China Translation Publr 9x5¾ pb [2012] for $30.34 |
"A Cabana do Pai Tomás" (Portuguese Edition) 4/2018 by Harriet Beecher Stowe
![]() | "Uncle Tom’s Companions: or, Facts Stranger Than Fiction - A Supplement To Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Being Startling Incidents In The Lives of Celebrated Fugitive Slaves" [1852] by John Passmore Edwards [1823-1911] Kindle Edition from Amazon Digital Services [5/2010] for $2.21 {sic} CreateSpace 9x6 pb [9/2014] for $2.21 {sic} CreateSpace 9x6 pb [11/2015] for $14.99 available as free online etext at University of North Carolina |
"A Key To Uncle Tom's Cabin" [1853]
presenting the original facts and documents upon which the story is founded, together with corroborative statements verifying the truth of the work
"The Christian Slave: A Drama Founded On A Portion of Uncle Tom's Cabin" [Phillips, Sampson & Company 1855]
closet drama or reading version based on Uncle Tom's Cabin
![]() | "Uncle Tom's Cabin, Young Folks' Edition" [1853 & 1905]
The Donahue edition is condensed to 64 pages for young readers, with b&w illustrations by several artists; scholars suggest several prior editions in England & USA, but Donahue's version was quite popular and received several printings Kindle Edition from Amazon Digital Services [5/2012] for FREE! Kindle Edition from Amazon Digital Services [1853 edition] for 99¢ CreateSpace 9x6 pb [11/2015] for $6.99 S.M.K. Books 9x6 hardcover [4/2018] for $12.99 M.A. Donohue & Co. hardcover [1905] long out of print/scarce Donahue edition fanpage at University of Virginia available as free online etext with illustrations at Project Gutenberg |
![]() | "Uncle Tom's Cabin and American Culture" [1985] by Thomas F. Gossett Southern Methodist Univ Press 9x6½ hardcover [4/85] out of print/used |
![]() | "Uncle Tom's Cabin and Mid-Nineteenth Century United States: Pen and Conscience" [1985] by Moira Davidson Reynolds McFarland & Co. 8½x5½ pb [8/2012] for $25.58 McFarland Publng 9x5¾ hardcover [5/85] out of print/used |
![]() | "New Essays On Uncle Tom's Cabin" [1986] Edited by Eric J. Sundquist contributors are Elizabeth Ammons, Karen Halttunen, Robert B. Stepto, editor Sundquist, Richard Yarborough, Jean Fagan Yellin Cambridge Univ Press 8½x5½ pb [11/86] for $26.69 Cambridge Univ Press 8¾x5¾ hardcover [11/86] out of print/used |
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"Uncle Tom's Cabin: Evil, Affliction, and Redemptive Love" [1991, rev 2002] by Josephine Donovan Lisa Loucks Christenson Publng 9x6 pb [rev 6/2002] for $14.24 Twayne Publng 9x6 hardcover [3/91] out of print/used |
![]() | "The Stowe Debate: Rhetorical Strategies In Uncle Tom's Cabin" [1994] Edited by Mason I. Lowance, Ellen E. Westbrook & R.C. De Prospo Univ Massachusetts Press 9x6 pb [12/94] for $25.95 Univ Massachusetts Press 9¼x6¼ hardcover [12/94] out of print/used |
![]() | "Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin: A Sourcebook" [2003] Edited by Debra J. Rosenthal Routledge Guides to Literature 8½x5½ pb [11/2003] for $26.55 Routledge Guides to Literature 8¾x5¾ hardcover [11/2003] for $62.20 |
![]() | "Uncle Tom Mania: Slavery, Minstrelsy, and Transatlantic Culture In The 1850s" [2005] by Sarah Meer Univ Georgia Press 9¼x6 pb [8/2005] for $24.76 |
![]() | "Whitewashing Uncle Tom's Cabin: Nineteenth-Century Women Novelists Respond To Stowe" [2005] by Joy Jordan-Lake Book examines antebellum women novelists who tried to counter Harriet Beecher Stowe's enormously popular "Uncle Tom's Cabin" by preaching an 'ideology of whiteness' or 'plantation mythology' but were ultimately undermined by their own pro-slavery agendas Kindle Edition from Vanderbilt Univ Press [10/2011] for $9.99 Vanderbilt Univ Press 8¾x5¾ pb [11/2005] for $27.95 Vanderbilt Univ Press 9x6¼ library hardcover [11/2005] for $80.04 |
![]() | "Uncle Tom's Cabin As Visual Culture" [2007] by Jo-Ann Morgan Univ Missouri 9x6 pb [12/2016] for $10.41 Univ Missouri 9x6 hardcover [4/2007] for $8.47 |
![]() | "Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin: A Casebook" [2007] Edited by Elizabeth Ammons Oxford Univ Press 8x5½ pb [9/2007] for $40.95 Oxford Univ Press 8x5½ hardcover [9/2007] overpriced |
![]() | "Mightier Than The Sword: Uncle Tom's Cabin and The Battle For America" [2011] by David S. Reynolds Kindle Edition from W.W. Norton & Co. [6/2011] for $8.53 W.W. Norton & Co. 8¼x5½ pb [6/2012] for $8.98 W.W. Norton & Co. 9½x6½ hardcover [6/2011] for $12.57 |
![]() | "Uncle Tom's Cabin and The Reading Revolution: Race, Literacy, Childhood, and Fiction" [2011] by Barbara Hochman
Univ Massachusetts Press 9x6 pb [7/2011] for $26.31 Univ Massachusetts Press 9x6 pb [7/2011] out of print/used |
![]() | "Uncle Tom's Cabin On The American Stage and Screen" [2012] by John W. Frick Kindle Edition from Palgrave Macmillan [11/2012] for $51.00 {sic} Palgrave Macmillan pb [11/2015] for $53.68 Palgrave Macmillan pb [11/2015] for $62.44 Palgrave Macmillan 8½x5½ hardcover [11/2012] for $65.52 Palgrave Macmillan 8½x5½ hardcover [11/2012] for $99.59 {sic} |
![]() | "True Songs of Freedom: Uncle Tom’s Cabin In Russian Culture and Society" [2013] by John MacKay Kindle Edition from Univ Wisconsin Press [7/2013] for $12.99 Univ Wisconsin Press 9x6 pb [7/2013] for $24.95 |
![]() | "Gender and Race In Antebellum Popular Culture" [2014] by Sarah N. Roth Kindle Edition from Cambridge Univ Press [7/2014] for $18.99 Cambridge Univ Press 9x6 pb [3/2016] for $30.99 Cambridge Univ Press 9¼x6¼ hardcover [7/2014] for $29.95 |
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"Uncle Tom's Cabins: The Transnational History of America's Most Mutable Book" [2018] Edited by Tracy C. Davis & Stefka Mihaylova This book tells thirteen variants of Uncle Tom’s journey, showing how Stowe’s story of American slavery serves as a paradigm for understanding oppression, selectively and strategically refracting the Afro-American slave onto other iconic victims and freedom fighters Kindle Edition from Univ Michigan Press [3/2018] for $31.69 Univ Michigan Press 9x6 hardcover [3/2018] for $66.69 |
Rev. Josiah Henson, 'The Real Uncle Tom' [1789-1883]
Josiah Henson entry at Wikipedia
![]() | "The Life of Josiah Henson: An Inspiration For Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom" [Arthur D. Phelps 1849] by Josiah Henson Kindle Edition from Amazon Digital Services [11/2016] for 99¢ Kindle Edition from Dover Publns [12/2015] for $2.28 96-page Dover Thrift Editions 8x5 pb [1/2016] for $3.00 |
![]() | "Uncle Tom's Story of His Life: An Autobiography of The Rev. Josiah Henson From 1789 To 1876" [1876] by Rev. Josiah Henson (Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe's 'Uncle Tom'), Edited by John Lobb, Preface by Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe, Introductory Note by George Sturge & S. Morley Kindle Edition from Amazon Digital Services [5/2017] for 99¢ Kindle Edition from HardPress [5/2018] for $7.95 Forgotten Books 9x6 pb [1/2018] for $10.97 Nabu Press 1884 facsimile pb [4/2012] overpriced Facsimile Publr hardcover [2015] for $15.46 |
![]() | "Josiah Henson: The Real Uncle Tom" [R.B.C. Ministries aired Feb 2007] episode of the "Day of Discovery" TV series [1968-2018] Harriet Beecher Stowe [1811-1896] based her 1852 book "Uncle Tom's Cabin" on the experiences of a real man, Rev. Josiah Henson [1789-1883]; this 60-minute docufilm takes you on a visual journey from the historic Uncle Tom's cabin in Maryland, to Kentucky, and ultimately to the famous underground railroad, showing how he went from 'spiritual bondage in sin to freedom in Christ', from physical bondage in slavery to political freedom, and how he became an Afro-American minister who taught other former slaves to read and to write, and to learn a trade; also includes a glimpse into the life of Harriet Beecher Stowe, the seventh child of a prominent preacher in Connecticut; at the end, host Harris sings the spirituals "Great Gettin' Up Mornin'" and "Nobody Knows The Trouble I've Seen" filmed at the Uncle Tom's Cabin Historic Site • hosted by Larnelle Harris Day of Discovery color/b&w DVD [11/2010] for $17.94 incomplete series credits at IMDb • empty episode credits at IMDb |
![]() | "The Search For Josiah Henson" [Oregon PBS-TV Aug 2014] episode of the "Time Team America" TV series [2009 & 2014] Before escaping with his family to Canada and writing his short autobiography, Afro-American minister Josiah Henson [1789-1883] was a slave for 30 years on a 270-acre plantation run by Isaac Riley in Montgomery County, Maryland; all that remains is a historic house on an acre of land, so the Time Team America crew excavate and report what they are able to learn • Co-produced & directed by Bruce Barrow; featuring host Justine Shapiro, descendent James Henson, Jeff Brown, Bryan Haley, Joey Lampl, Mick Worthington, historian Tony Cohen, culinary historian Michael Twitty, geophysicists Bryan Haley & Dr. Duncan McKinnin, and archaeologists Dr. Allan Maca, Chelsea Rose, Dr. Joe Watkins, Dr. Cheryl LaRoche, Cassandra Michaud, Patricia Samford & Dr. Meg Watters VHS/DVD/Blu-ray not available • Amazon Instant Video [8/2014] purchase episode in HD $2.99, in SD $1.99 incomplete series credits at IMDb • episode credits at IMDb watch full episode [54:36] online at PBS.org |
![]() | "The Road To Dawn: Josiah Henson and The Story That Sparked The Civil War" [2018] by Jared A. Brock Kindle Edition from PublicAffairs/Hachette [5/2018] for $3.99 PublicAffairs 9½x6½ hardcover [5/2018] for $19.04 |
"Uncle Tom's Cabin"  On  Film
film adaptations of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" page at Wikipedia
Wikipedia's list of films featuring slavery
"Uncle Tom's Cabin" silent short [May 1903]
Produced & directed by and starring Siegmund Lubin • bare credits at IMDb
![]() | "Uncle Tom's Cabin: or, Slavery Days" [Edison Mfrng. Company Sept 1903] scenes: Eliza Pleads With Tom To Run Away; Phenias Outwits The Slave Traders; The Escape of Eliza; Reunion of Eliza & George Harris; Race Between The Rob't E. Lee and Natchez; Rescue of Eva; The Welcome Home; Tom and Eva In The Garden; Death of Eva; St. Clair Defends Uncle Tom; Auction Sale of St. Clair's Slaves; Tom Refuses To Flog Emaline; Marks Avenges Deaths of St. Clair & Uncle Tom; Tableau: Death of Tom 19-minute silent short directed by Edwin S. Porter; based on the novel by Harriet Beecher Stowe bare credits at IMDb • watch full movie [19:03] online at YouTube also available on "Rare Films of Edison & Méliès" [2010] Classic Video Streams b&w DVD [3/2010] for $14.49 |
"A Cabana do Pai Tomás" silent short film [Italy 1909] /tt0330109
![]() | "Uncle Tom's Cabin" silent film [1910] "H.A. Molzon Co. presents a modern screen version of the everlasting play Uncle Tom's Cabin with Julia Swayne Gordon & Ralph Ince" - poster is archived at Library of Congress and dated as 1910, but no info found on IMDb among credit listings for title, producer, director, or actors Produced by H.A. Molzon; based on the George Aiken stageplay; starring Julia Swayne Gordon & Ralph Ince |
![]() | "Uncle Tom's Cabin" one-reel silent film [Thanhouser Film Corp. July 1910] Directed by Barry O'Neil; starring Frank Hall Crane, Anna Rosemond, Marie Eline, Grace Eline bare credits at IMDb • movie entry at Wikipedia |
![]() | "Uncle Toms Cabin" [Vitagraph Studios July 1910] The original film ran for about 42 minutes; long thought to be lost, all that exists of Vitagraph's version is a 20-minute cutdown distributed by the Empire Safety Film Company for home use (i.e. 16mm); the 1927 re-release ran for about 20 minutes, 13 of which are found on YouTube • Directed by J. Stuart Blackton; scenario by Eugene Mullin & Rollin S. Sturgeon; starring Caucasian actor Edwin R. Phillips [1872-1915] as Uncle Tom; also starring Florence Turner, Mary Fuller, Flora Finch, Genevieve Tobin, Carlyle Blackwell, Julia Arthur, Maurice Costello, Charles Kent, Matty Roubert, Norma Talmadge, Earle Williams, Clara Kimball Young credits at IMDb • watch surviving footage [1/2018 upload; 13:19] online at YouTube 6-reel version fanpage at University of Virginia |
"Uncle Tom's Cabin" silent film [I.M.P./Universal Aug 1913]
Produced by Carl Laemmle; directed by Otis Turner; scenario by Allan Dwan; starring Edward Alexander, Margarita Fischer,
Harry A. Pollard, Iva Shepard, Gertrude Short • credits at IMDb
"Uncle Tom's Cabin" silent film [Kalem/General Film Dec 1913]
Filmed at Kalem Studios in New Jersey; directed by Sidney Olcott & Kenean Buel; starring Henry Hallam {as Uncle Tom}, Anna Q. Nilsson {as Eliza}, Hal Clements, Mary Swigert,
Miriam Cooper, Doris Hollister, Guy Coombs, George Hollister Jr., James B. Ross, Helen Lindroth, R. Bignold, James Vincent, Kenean Buel •
credits at IMDb
![]() | "Uncle Tom's Cabin" silent feature film [Universal Aug 1914] 54-minute b&w silent feature film produced by J.V. Ritchey; directed by William Robert Daly; written by Edward McWade, based on the 1852 George L. Aiken stageplay, based on the Harriet Beecher Stowe novel; cinematography by Irvin Willat; starring Sam Lucas {as Uncle Tom}, Walter Hitchcock, Hattie Delaro, Master Abernathy, Teresa Michelena {as Eliza}, Irving Cummings, Paul Scardon, Marie Eline {as Little Eva}, Garfield Thompson, Roy Applegate {as Simon Legree}, Boots Wall, Irvin Willat; the DVD also includes 1910 silent film version • credits at IMDb Alpha Video b&w silent DVD [5/2017] for $5.99 watch shortened movie [10/2017 upload; 42:41] online at YouTube |
![]() | "Uncle Tom's Cabin" silent feature [Famous Players-Lasky/Paramount 1918] Filmed in Lousiana, Maine & New York City; 50-minute silent feature film presented by Adolph Zukor; directed & adapted by J. Searle Dawley; starring Marguerite Clark {as both Little Eva and Topsy}, Caucasian Broadway actor Frank Losee {as Uncle Tom}, Sam Hardy, Jack W. Johnston, Florence Carpenter, Phil Ryley, Harry Lee, Walter P. Lewis, Augusta Anderson, Ruby Hoffman, Susanne Willis, Mrs. Priestly Morrison, Thomas Carnahan Jr., Jere Austin, Henry Stanford, Chester Conklin {this film is considered lost} VHS/DVD/Blu-ray not available credits at IMDb • movie entry at Wikipedia |
"La Capanna dello Zio Tom" silent feature film [Italy 1918] /tt0821967/
Directed by Riccardo Tolentino; written by Carlo Merlini; starring Maria Campi, Felice Carena, Bruna Ceccatelli, Mario Mariani,
Luigi Merazzi, Ermanno Pellegrini, Paola Pezzaglia, Camillo Pilotto, Linda Pini, Guido Tei
![]() | "Uncle Tom's Uncle" [Hal Roach/Pathé Exchange May 1926] The Little Rascals kids stage a backyard performance of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" but rehearsals are interrupted by adults and the performance faces an audience of rowdy neighbor kids • Produced by F. Richard Jones & Hal Roach; directed by Robert F. McGowan; starring Joe Cobb {in blackface as Uncle Tom}, Jackie Condon, Mickey Daniels, Johnny Downs, Allen 'Farina' Hoskins, Mary Kornman, Jay R. Smith, Clifton Young, David Durand, Jannie Hoskins, Nancy McKee, Gabe Saienz, Billy Butts, Peggy Eames, Ray Erlenborn, Bobby Green, Jackie Hanes, Junior Johnston, Jackie Levine, Scooter Lowry, Bobby Mallon, Kenneth McMillan, Terence McMillan, Billy Naylor, Gordon Thorpe full credits at IMDb • movie entry at Wikipedia watch shortened movie [1/2011 upload; 15:05] online at YouTube |
![]() ![]() | "Topsy & Eva" silent feature film [United Artists Pictures July 1927] A broad, slapsticky farce 'further adventures of' story, as if Little Eva didn't die: Simon Legree swindles the Colonel but Topsy saves the day by rescuing a missing document • Directed by Del Lord {and uncredited D.W. Griffith & Lois Weber}; written by Scott Darling, Dudley Early & Lois Weber, based on the 1924 stageplay by Catherine Chisholm Cushing [1874-1952], based on characters created by Harriet Beecher Stowe; starring The Duncan Sisters {Rosetta as Topsy, Vivian as Eva}, Gibson Gowland {as Simon Legree}, Noble Johnson {as Uncle Tom}, Marjorie Daw, Myrtle Ferguson, Nils Asther, Henry Victor, Lionel Belmore, Dot Farley, Carla Laemmle, Mary Nolan Silent Hall of Fame b&w DVD [2016] for $36.99 full credits at IMDb • movie entry at Wikipedia • movie fanpage at YouTube |
![]() | "Uncle Tom's Cabin" silent feature [Universal Pictures Nov 1927] Based on the 1852 Harriet Beecher Stowe novel; one of the most expensive silent films ever made; the stereotypes and Victorian melodrama are counter-balanced by many moving moments and nail-biting action sequences, espec-ially Eliza's escape across the ice floes; Kino's restoration includes a new recording of the original Movietone orchestral score • Presented by Carl Laemmle; co-produced & directed by Harry A. Pollard; starring Margarita Fischer, James B. Lowe, Arthur Edmund Carewe, George Siegmann, Eulalie Jensen, Mona Ray & Virginia Grey Grapevine Video b&w Blu-ray [2/2018] for $22.75 Grapevine Video b&w DVD [2/2018] for $11.99 Kino Video b&w DVD [11/99] for $18.46 Kino Intl. b&w VHS [11/99] out of prodn/used full credits at IMDb • movie entry at Wikipedia watch full movie [10/2011 upload; 1:51:49] online at YouTube |
cast headshots color lobby card for "Uncle Tom's Cabin" 1927 silent feature click here to view (in a new window)
![]() | "Dixie Days" cartoon short [March 1930] [Van Beuren Studios/Pathé Exchange March 1930] a spoof of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" featuring cartoon animals, a slave auction that becomes a musical audition, and a chase over the ice floes that becomes an opportunity for some fancy footwork Produced by Paul Terry & Amadee J. Van Beuren; directed by Mannie Davis & John Foster credits at IMDb • cartoon entry at Wikipedia watch full (sepia) cartoon [4/2018 upload; 7:35] online at YouTube re-issued as "Uncle Tom and Little Eva" [Jungle Jinks/Van Beuren Studios 1932 & 1948] Produced by Amadee J. Van Beuren • credits at IMDb watch full b&w cartoon [5/2011 upload; 7:18] online at YouTube available on the "Banned Cartoons" DVD [2016] with 7 other racist cartoon shorts Alpha Video color/b&w DVD [2/2016] for $5.99 |
![]() | "Uncle Tom's Bungalow" cartoon short [Warner Bros. July 1937] Banned on TV in the USA because of racial stereotypes; Little Eva and Topsy rescue Uncle Tom from evil Simon Legree • Produced by Leon Schlesinger; directed by Fred/Tex Avery; written by Ben Harrison; music by Carl W. Stalling; voices by Tex Avery, Mel Blanc, Billy Bletcher, Bernice Hansen, Tedd Pierce, Lillian Randolph VHS/DVD/Blu-ray/YouTube not available • full credits at IMDb • movie entry at Wikipedia |
![]() | "Uncle Tom's Cabaña" cartoon short [M.G.M. July 1947] Banned on TV in the USA because of racial stereotypes; released on the 1990s laserdisk, but banned again from the Warner DVD box set in 2003; Uncle Tom explains in flashback how evil Simon Legree tried to foreclose on Uncle Tom's cabin home • Produced by Fred Quimby & William Hanna; directed by Tex Avery; written by Heck Allen; voices of Ruby Dandridge, Paul Frees, Imogene Lynn VHS/DVD/Blu-ray/YouTube not available • full credits at IMDb • movie entry at Wikipedia |
![]() ![]() | "Uncle Tom's Cabin (Onkel Toms Hütte)" [Germany 1965, USA Jan 1969] 2-hour color TV movie filmed in Eastmancolor™ & Superpanorama 70™; co-written & directed by Géza von Radványi; co-written by Fred Denger; cinematography by Heinz Hölscher; starring John Kitzmiller {as Uncle Tom}, Herbert Lom {as Simon Legree}, Olive Moorefield, O.W. Fischer, Catana Cayetano, Michaela May/- Gertraud Mittermayr {as Little Eva}, Mylène Demongeot, Charles Fawcett, Vilma Degischer, Thomas Fritsch, Bibi Jelinek, George Goodman, Juliette Gréco, Harold Bradley, Eleonora Rossi Drago, Aziz Saad, Harry Tamekloe, Felix White, Rhet Kirby {as Topsy}, Dorothee Ellison, Erika von Thellmann, Milan Bosiljcic, Marie-France Dousset, Andrej Gardenin, Jovan Janicijevic-Burdus, Mary Ann Jenson, Nikola Popovic, Viktor Starcic, Claudio Gora, Jeffrey Hunter (voice), Heinz Hölscher, singer Eartha Kitt Xenon Video color VHS [6/96] out of prodn/used video is rated R full credits at IMDb • watch full movie - in German, no subtitles [2:04:06] online at YouTube |
![]() | "A Cabana do Pai Tomás" TV series [Rede Globo de Televisão Brasil 1968-69] 204 hour-long b&w telenovela episodes filmed on location and in studio in Rio de Janeiro; billed as 'The story of good-hearted slave Pai Tomás and his wife Cloé, being successively sold to cruel masters, having as backdrop the conflicts between land-owners and slaves in the American South during the U.S. Civil War' • Written by Sérgio Cardoso, Péricles Leal & Walter Negrão; starring Sérgio Cardoso {as Pai Tomás, also as Abraham Lincoln}, Ruth de Souza {as Cloé}, Maria Luíza Castelli, Paulo Goulart, Rachel Martins, Miriam Mehler, Turíbio Ruiz, Ednei Giovenazzi {as Legree}, Gésio Amadeu, Lola Brah, Isaura Bruno, Felipe Carone, Jorge Coutinho, Terezinha Cubana, Haroldo de Oliveira, Dalmo Ferreira, Germano Filho, Norah Fontes, Érico Freitas, Clara Lee, Eloísa Mafalda, Renato Master, Jacyra Silva, Luiz Américo, Ivete Bonfá, Toríbio dos Santos, Milton Gonçalves, Isabella (Campos Saraceni), Nívea Maria VHS/DVD/Blu-ray not available • full credits at IMDb • series entry at Wikipedia |
![]() | "Addio Zio Tom (Goodbye Uncle Tom)" [Italy Sept 1971, USA Oct 1972] Racist 'mockumentary' about two filmmakers going back in time to the pre-Civil War American South to film the slave trade. Roger Ebert called the film 'disgusting'; the distributors removed 13 minutes of footage that they considered incite-ment to violence; Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke claimed that the film was a Jewish conspiracy to incite blacks to violence against whites • Co-produced & co-directed by Gualtiero Jacopetti & Franco Prosperi; music by Riz Ortolani; narrated by Stefano Sibaldi; featuring Dick Gregory, Gualtiero Jacopetti, Ernest Kubler, Franco Prosperi, Shelley Spurlock Blue Underground 123-minute color DVD [7/2016] out of prodn/used rated X+ incomplete credits at IMDb • movie entry at Wikipedia watch racist & sexist trailer [3:26] online at distributor website rated X+ watch full movie [low-res 1/2017 upload; 2:03:50] online at YouTube rated X+ |
![]() | "Uncle Tom’s Cabin" [indep 1976] 90-minute color movie directed by Al Adamson; starring John Kitzmiller {as Uncle Tom}, Herbert Lom {as Simon Legree}, Olive Moorefield, Mary Ann Jenson, Prentiss Mouldon, Irwin Fuller, Jean Clark, Biff Yeager, J.C. Welles, Chuck Welles, Marilyn Joi full credits at IMDb • DVD/Blu-ray not available Amazon Instant Video [2017] available only with Brown Sugar Prime Video |
![]() | "Uncle Tom's Cabin" TV movie [Showtime June 1987] 2-hour TV movie filmed around Natchez, Mississippi, adapted from the famous Harriet Beecher Stowe novel Produced by Edgar J. Scherick; directed by Stan Lathan; teleplay by John Gay; starring Avery Brooks {as Uncle Tom}, Kate Burton, Bruce Dern, Paula Kelly, Phylicia Rashad {as Eliza}, Kathryn Walker, Edward Woodward {as Simon Legree}, George Coe, Frank Converse, Albert Hall, Jenny Lewis {as Little Eva}, Troy Byer, Shirley Jo Finney, Samuel L. Jackson, Endyia Kinney {as Topsy}, Lane Trippe, Irma P. Hall, Jerry Haynes, Gil Glasgow, Harlan Jordan, Paul Osborne, Sami Chester, Rickey Pierre, Gerald Hopkins, Eliott Keener, B.J. Hopper, Robert Adams, Carol Sutton, James Williamson, Elaine Partnow, Rhashell Hunter, Marjie Rynearson, Robert Graham, Bill Bolender, Chris Loveless, Alta Cannaday, Walter Breaux, William Ramsey, Duane Dunkley, Ray Spruell DVD/Blu-ray not available • Republic Pictures color VHS [11/97] out of prodn/used full credits at IMDb • movie entry at Wikipedia watch full color movie [low-res upload 6/2011 in nine parts] online at YouTube watch full color movie [low-res upload 4/2018; 1:51:26] online at YouTube |
"Uncle Tom's Cabin" feature film [in development since 2012]
movie in development, trailer shot in Atlanta, Georgia; screenplay by Dick Mays •
Facebook page {last update 5/2018}
watch 7/2012 promo/trailer [1:15] online at YouTube
Other  Fiction
"The Mayflower; or, Sketches of Scenes and Characters Among The Descendants of The Pilgrims" [Harper & Brothers, 1843]
consists of the stories: "Love versus Law", "The Tea-Rose", "Trials of A Housekeeper", "Little Edward", "Let Every Man Mind His Own Business", "Cousin William",
"Uncle Tim", "Aunt Mary", "Frankness", "The Sabbath", "So Many Calls", "The Canal-Boat", "Feeling", "The Sempstress", and "Old Father Morris"
"Dred, A Tale of The Great Dismal Swamp" [Phillips, Sampson 1856]
"Our Charley and What To Do With Him" [Phillips, Sampson 1858]
"The Minister's Wooing" [Derby & Jackson 1859]
"The Pearl of Orr's Island: A Story of The Coast of Maine" [Ticknor & Fields 1862]
"Agnes of Sorrento" [Ticknor & Fields 1862]
"Stories About Our Dogs (Nimmo's Sixpenny Juvenile Series)" [William P. Nimmo, Edinburgh 1865]
"Queer Little People" [Ticknor & Fields 1868] as Christopher Crowfield
consists of the stories: "The Hen That Hatched Ducks", "The Nutcracker of Nutcracker Lodge", "The History of Tip-Top", "Miss Katy-Did and Miss Cricket",
"Mother Magpie's Micschief", "The Squirrels That Live In A House", "Hum, The Son of Buz", "Our Country Neighbors", "Our Dogs", "Dogs and Cats",
"Aunt Esther's Rules", "Aunt Esther's Stories", "Sir Walter Scott and His Dogs", and "Country Neighbors Again"
"Oldtown Folks" [1869]
"Little Pussy Willow" [Fields, Osgood 1870]
"Pink and White Tyranny: A Society Novel" [Roberts Brothers 1871]
"My Wife and I: or, Harry Henderson's History" [J.B. Ford & Company, 1871]
"Six of One By Half A Dozen of The Other" [Roberts Brothers 1872]
co-authored with Adeline D.T. Whitney, Lucretia P. Hale, Frederic W. Loring, Frederic B. Perkins, and Edward E. Hale
"We and Our Neighbors: or, The Records of An Unfashionable Street - A Novel" [J.B. Ford & Company, 1875]
sequel to "My wife and I" [1871]
"Oldtown Fireside Stories" [J.R. Osgood, 1872]
consists of the stories: "The Ghost In The Mill", "The Sullivan Looking-Glass", "The Minister's Housekeeper", "The Widow's Bandbox",
"Captain Kidd's Money", "Mis Elderkin's Pitcher", and "The Ghost In The Cap'n Brown House"
"Betty's Bright Idea and Other Stories" [J.B. Ford & Co. 1876]
the book includes the title story, "Deacon Pitkin's Farm", and "The First Christmas of New England"
"A Dog's Mission; or, The Story of The Old Avery House and Other Stories" [Fords, Howard & Hulbert 1880]
collection of children's stories consisting of "A Dog's Mission", "Lulu's Pupil", "The Daisy's First Winter", "Our Charley", "Take Care of The Hook",
"A Talk About Birds", "The Nest In The Orchard", and "The Happy Child"
"Sam Lawson's Oldtown Fireside Stories" [Houghton, Mifflin & Company, 1887]
consists of the stories: "The Ghost In Ihe Mill", "The Sullivan Looking-Glass", "The Minister's Housekeeper", "The Widow's Bandbox", "Captain Kidd's Money",
"Mis Elderkin's Pitcher", "The Ghost In The Cap'n Brown House", "Colonel Eph's Shoebuckles", "The Bull-Fight", "How To Fight The Devil", "Laughin' In Meetin'",
"Tom Toothacre's Ghost Story", "The Parson's Horse-Race", "Oldtown Fireside Talks of The Revolution", and "A Student's Sea Story"
![]() | Harriet Beecher Stowe: Three Novels - "Uncle Tom’s Cabin", "The Minister's Wooing", and "Oldtown Folks" [1982] Edited by Kathryn Sklar Library of America 8¼x5¼ hardcover [5/82] for $35.87 |
Other Works
Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote 30 books, including 11 novels, three travel memoirs, and collections of articles and letters.
browse books at the Harriet Beecher Stowe Store {returns almost 200} at Amazon
![]() | "The Oxford Harriet Beecher Stowe Reader" [1998] Edited & with an Introduction by Joan D. Hedrick divided into three sections: Early Sketches, Antislavery Writings, and Domestic Culture & Politics Oxford Univ Press 9x6 pb [10/98] for $14.73 |
![]() | "Beyond Uncle Tom's Cabin: Essays On The Writing of Harriet Beecher Stowe" [2011] Edited by Sylvia Mayer & Monika Mueller Kindle Edition from Fairleigh Dickinson Univ Press [4/2011] for $3.57 University Press Copublng 9x6 pb [4/2013] for $3.76 Fairleigh Dickinson Univ Press 9½x6½ hardcover [8/2011] for $5.17 |
"A New England Sketchbook" [A. Gilman 1834] as Harriet E. Beecher
"Earthly Care: A Heavenly Discipline" [The American Tract Society, Boston; ca. 1845]
"History of The Edmonson Family" [self-publd 1852?] by Harriet Beecher Stowe
book to raise funds to educate Emily & Mary Edmonson, former slaves redeemed by a public subscription in 1848, supported by Stowe
"Uncle Sam's Emancipation", "Earthly Care: A Heavenly Discipline", and Other Sketches [W.P. Hazard 1853]
consists of the following sketches: "Account of Mrs. Beecher Stowe and Her Family", "Uncle Sam's Emancipation", "Earthly Care, A Heavenly Discipline", "A Scholar's
Adventure In The Country", "Children", "The Two Bibles", "Letter From Maine, No. 1", "Letter From Maine, No. 2", and "Christmas: or, The Good Fairy"
"Evergreen: Being The Smaller Works of Mrs. H. Beecher Stowe" [Alex S. Mayne, Belfast 1853]
collection consisting of "The New Year's Gift", "The Bible: The Source of Sure Comfort", "Make To Yourselves Friends", "Earthly Care: A Heavenly Discipline",
"So Many Calls", "Learn of Children", "Anti-Slavery Meeting In Glasgow", "Letter From Mrs. Stowe To Dr Wardlaw")
"Sunny Memories of Foreign Lands" [J.C. Derby 1854]
"First Geography For Children" [Philips, Sampson & Co. 1855]
"House and Home Papers" [Ticknor & Fields 1865] as Christopher Crowfield
"Little Foxes" [Ticknor & Fields 1866] as Christopher Crowfield
"Men of Our Times: or, Leading Patriots of The Day - Being Narratives of The Lives and Deeds of Statesmen, Generals, and Orators
Including Biographical Sketches and Anecdotes of Lincoln, Grant, Garrison, Sumner, Chase, Wilson, Greeley, Farragut, Andrew, Colfax,
Stanton, Douglas, Buckingham, Sherman, Sheridan, Howard, Phillips, and Beecher" [J.D. Denison 1868]
"Religious Poems" [Ticknor & Fields 1867] by Harriet Beecher Stowe
"The Chimney Corner" [Ticknor & Fields 1868] as Christopher Crowfield
"The American Woman's Home: or, Principles of Domestic Science - Being A Guide To The Formation and Maintenance of Economical, Healthful, Beautiful, and Christian Homes"
[J.B. Ford & Co. 1869] written with Catherine Beecher
"Principles of Domestic Science as Applied to the Duties and Pleasures of Home: A Text-book for the use of Young Ladies in Schools, Seminaries, and Colleges" [J.B. Ford & Co. 1870]
"Lady Byron Vindicated: A History of The Byron Controversy, From Its Beginning In 1816 To The Present Time" [Fields, Osgood & Co. 1870]
"The Lives and Deeds of Our Self-made Men" [Worthington, Dustin 1872]
"Palmetto-Leaves" [J.R. Osgood & Co. 1873]
"Woman in Sacred History: A Series of Sketches Drawn from Scriptural, Historical, and Legendary Sources" [J.B. Ford & Co. 1873]
"Footsteps of the Master" [J.B. Ford & Co. 1877]
"Bible Heroines, Being Narrative Biographies of Prominent Hebrew Women in the Patriarchal, National, and Christian Eras, Giving Views of Women in Sacred History, as Revealed in the Light of the Present Day" [Fords, Howard & Hulbert 1878]
"Poganuc People: Their Loves and Lives" [Fords, Howard & Hulbert [1878]
"He's Coming Tomorrow" [James H. Earle, Boston; published between 1889–83]
"The Writings of Harriet Beecher Stowe" [Houghton, Mifflin & Co. 1896–97] in 17 Volumes
Volumes I & II: Uncle Tom's Cabin and A Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin; Volumes III & IV: Dred, A Tale of the Great Dismal Swamp and Antislavery Tales and Papers, and Life in Florida After the War; Volume V: The Minister's Wooing; Volume VI: The Pearl of Orr's Island; Volume VII: Agnes of Sorento; Volume VIII: Household Papers and Stories; Volumes IX & X: Oldtown Folks and Sam Lawson's Oldtown Fireside Stories; Volume XI: Poganuc Peoples and Pink and White Tyranny; Volume XII: My Wife and I; Volume XIII: We and Our Neighbors; Volume XIV: Stories, Sketches and Studies: "Uncle Lot," "Love versus Law," "The Tea Rose," "Aunt Mary," "Frankness," "Cousin William," "Mrs. A and Mrs. B; or, What She Thinks about It," "Which is the Liberal Man?" "The Canal Boat," "Feeling," "The Seamstress," "Old Father Morris," "The Coral Ring," "Art and Nature," "The New Year's Gift," "Our Wood Lot in Winter," "The Mourning Veil," "New England Ministers," "Betty's Bright Idea," Deacon Pritkin's Farm, The First Christmas of New England and Little Foxes; Volume XV: Religious Studies, Sketches and Poems; Volume XVI: Stories and Sketches for the Young: Queer Little People, Little Pussy Willow, The Minister's Watermelons, A Dog's Mission, Lulu's Pupil, and The Daisy's First Winter; Volume XVII: Life and Letters of Harriet Beecher Stowe edited by Annie Field
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"The Collected Works of Harriet Beecher Stowe" for Kindle [2015]
14,860-page Kindle Edition from PergamonMedia [4/2015] for 99¢ {sic} content includes: "Uncle Tom's Cabin" [1852 novel]; "My Wife and I" [1871]; "The Minister's Wooing" [1859]; "Uncle Tom's Cabin, Young Folks' Edition"; "American Woman's Home: or, Principles of Domestic Science" with Catharine Esther Beecher; "Betty's Bright Idea", "Deacon Pitkin's Farm", and "The First Christmas of New Eng-land"; "Oldtown Fireside Stories"; "Life of Harriet Beecher Stowe"; "Household Papers and Stories"; "Pink and White Tyranny" [1871]; "Pictures and Stories From Uncle Tom's Cabin"; "The Pearl of Orr's Island: A Story of The Coast of Maine" [1862]; "Sunny Memories of Foreign Lands"; "The Salem Witchcraft", "The Planchette Mystery", and "Modern Spiritualism and Phrenological Journal"; "The Mayflower and Miscellaneous Writings"; "The Chimney-Corner"; "Agnes of Sorrento" [1862]; "Palmetto-Leaves"; "Lady Byron Vindicated"; "Men of Our Times"; "Queer Little Folks"; "Uncle Tom's Cabin: Entrance of Topsy and Len Spencer"; "He's Coming To-Morrow"; "Religious Poems" – and more |
![]() | "Harriet Beecher Stowe: The Complete Novels" for Kindle [2016]
2200-page Kindle Edition from Book House Publng [9/2016] for 99¢ 2200-page Kindle Edition from De Marque [11/2017] for 99¢ includes ten novels: "Uncle Tom’s Cabin" [1852]; "Dred: A Tale of The Great Dismal Swamp" [1856]; "The Minister’s Wooing" [1859]; "The Pearl of Orr’s Island" [1862]; "Agnes of Sorrento" [1862]; "Oldtown Folks" [1869]; "Pink and White Tyranny" [1871]; "My Wife and I: or, Harry Henderson's History" [1871]; "We and Our Neighbors" [1875]; and "Poganuc People" [1878] — leaving out "Our Charley and What To Do With Him" [Phillips, Sampson 1858] and "Little Pussy Willow" [Fields, Osgood 1870] |
Works About Harriet Beecher Stowe
"Life of Harriet Beecher Stowe: Compiled from her Letters and Journals by her son, Charles Edward Stowe" [Houghton Mifflin & Company 1889]
Volume XVII: Life and Letters of Harriet Beecher Stowe [1897] Edited by Annie Field
![]() | "Daughters of The Puritans: A Group of Brief Biographies (Annotated)" [1905] by Seth Curtis Beach [1837-1932] chapter-length biographies about six important women of Early America: novelist Catharine Maria Sedgwick [1789-1867]; Mary Lovell Ware Pickard, 1798-1849; activist Lydia Maria Child [1802-80]; mental health activist Dorothea Lynde Dix [1802-87]; Transcendentalist Sarah Margaret Fuller Ossoli [1810-50]; author-activist Harriet Beecher Stowe [1811-96]; and author Louisa May Alcott [1832-88] 177-page Kindle Edition from Good Press [12/2019] for 99¢ 121-page Kindle Edition from Amazon Digital Services [2/2016] for $2.99 130-page CreateSpace pb [6/2015] for $6.75 296-page Kessinger Publng 9x6 hardcover [7/2007] for $12.97 294-page Wentworth Press 9¼x6 hardcover [2/2019] for $25.95 available as free online etext at Internet Archive |
![]() | "Harriet Beecher Stowe: The Known and The Unknown [1965] by Edward Wagenknecht Oxford Univ Press hardcover [1965] out of print/used |
![]() | "Harriet Beecher Stowe: A Biography" [1976] by Noel Bertram Gerson [1913-88] Kindle Edition from Endeavour Media [6/2015] for $3.99 Henry Holt & Co. pb [1976] out of print/used Henry Holt & Co. 8¼x5¾ hardcover [6/76] out of print/90+ used |
"Harriet Beecher Stowe: A Life" [1994] by Joan D. Hedrick and Illus. with photos
![]() | "Harriet Beecher Stowe and The Beecher Preachers" [1994] by Jean Fritz Puffin Books 7¾x5 pb [11/98] for $6.99 Puffin Books 7¾x5 pb [11/98] for $7.99 Putnam Juvenile 9¼x6 hardcover [9/94] for $8.95 |
![]() | "A Picture Book of Harriet Beecher Stowe" [2003] by David A. Adler, Illustrated by Colin Bootman Holiday House 8x9½ pb [9/2004] out of print/used Holiday House hardcover [3/2003] out of print/used Holiday House hardcover [3/2003] for $33.31 |
![]() | "Harriet and Isabella: A Novel" [2008] by Patricia O'Brien Famous preacher Henry Ward Beecher had an affair with the wife of a colleague in 1873; she confessed to her husband and he confessed to suffragist Elizabeth Cady Stanton, who published a story in her weekly newspaper; cuckold Theodore Tilton was excommunicated and then filed suit against Beecher for adultery; the scandal replaced news of Reconstruction for 2½ years and Beecher was saved by a hung jury in July 1875. Within the family, older sister Harriet Beecher Stowe stood by her brother and younger sister suffragist Isabella Beecher Hooker demanded that he confess to the truth. Kindle Edition from Touchstone/Simon & Schuster Digital Sales [2008 edition] for $10.99 Touchstone 8x5¼ pb [1/2009] for $14.96 Touchstone 9½x6½ hardcover [1/2008] for $7.53 |
![]() | "Stowe In Her Own Time: A Biographical Chronicle of Her Life, Drawn From Recollections, Interviews, and Memoirs By Family, Friends, and Associates" [2009] Edited by Dr. Susan Belasco of the University of Nebraska 38 mostly-contemporary pieces from contributors including Fanny Fern, Charles Dudley Warner, Sarah Josepha Hale, Rose Terry Cooke, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Harriet Jacobs, Frederick Douglass, Annie Adams Fields, Isabella Beecher Hooker, Charles Beecher, and poems by Paul Laurence Dunbar & John Greenleaf Whittier Univ Iowa Press 9x6 pb [6/2009] for $19.95 |
Movies,  Stageplays,  Other  Media
film adaptations of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" page at Wikipedia
Wikipedia's list of films featuring slavery
![]() | "Slaves On Screen: Film and Historical Vision" [2000] by Natalie Zemon Davis Harvard Univ Press 8x5 pb [3/2002] for $20.50 Random House of Canada 8x5½ pb [9/2000] out of print/used Harvard Univ Press 8½x5¾ hardcover [9/2000] out of print/used |
![]() | "Uncle Tom's Cabin On The American Stage and Screen" [2012] by John W. Frick Kindle Edition from Palgrave Macmillan [11/2012] for $51.00 {sic} Palgrave Macmillan pb [11/2015] for $53.68 Palgrave Macmillan pb [11/2015] for $62.44 Palgrave Macmillan 8½x5½ hardcover [11/2012] for $65.52 Palgrave Macmillan 8½x5½ hardcover [11/2012] for $99.59 {sic} |
"Uncle Tom's Cabin" stageplay [1852] by George L. Aiken [1830-76]
credits at Internet Broadway Database:
1852, 1853, 1869, 1901, 1907 &
1933 musical
![]() | "Uncle Tom's Cabin: or, Life Among The Lowly - A Domestic Drama In Six Acts" [1852] by George L. Aiken Kindle Edition from HardPress Publng [8/2014] for $9.95 Andesite Press 9¼x6 pb [8/2017] for $10.95 Samuel French 7x4¾ pb [1990] for $15.39 Andesite Press 9¼x6 hardcover [8/2015] for $21.95 |
![]() | "Uncle Tom's Cabin: H.B. Stowe, Aiken, and Edison" [indep 2012] designed for classroom use: contains two versions of the stageplay, in period style, with one edited down to 50 minutes to fit standard classroom periods; also contains the 1903 Edison silent film adapted from the stageplay and a searchable .PDF file of study material unbranded DVD [2012] for $19.89 |
![]() | "Topsy and Eva" Broadway musical comedy [1924] A broad, slapsticky farce 'further adventures of' story, as if Little Eva didn't die: Simon Legree swindles the Colonel but Topsy saves the day by rescuing a missing document; ran for 159 performances on Broadway, Dec 1925 to may 1925; Duncan Sisters then toured USA & Europe, then were difficult actors for the United Artists silent film released in July 1927, then toured with the film for several months • the play was performed often across the United States until the 1950s, and was among the first American musicals adapted for early television - the one-hour version that aired in July 1939 is largely forgotten because the program was so racist Produced by Thomas Wilkes; book by Catherine Chisholm Cushing; music & lyrics by The Duncan Sisters credits at Internet Broadway Database The Duncan Sisters released records of several songs from the musical listen to the Duncan Sisters singing "Rememb'ring" on RCA Victor [3:06] at Internet Archive |
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![]() | "Little Eva: The Flower of The South" children's book [1853] by Philip J. Cozans Pro-slavery children's book intended to refute "Uncle Tom's Cabin" by suggesting that slaves in the Southern states are so happy that they refuse emancipation when offered book entry at Wikipedia none for sale on Amazon (2018) • available as free online etext at Internet Archive |
Works  About  Slavery  and  The  Abolition  Movement
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TITLE [YR] by Kindle Edition from ... [9/00] for $0.00 PUB pb [8/00] for $0.00 hardcover [8/00] for $0.00 out of print/used |
"American Experience: The Abolitionists" TV mini-series [WGBH/PBS-TV Jan 2013]
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historical figures include: public speaker Angelina Grimké; young slave Frederick Douglass; William Lloyd Garrison, founder of The Liberator newspaper; author Harriet Beecher Stowe; and activist John Brown • Written & directed by Rob Rapley; narrated by Oliver Platt; starring Ingrid Alli, Kwabena Ampofo, Steve Annan, Lynn Bandoria, Jake Brennan, Richard Brooks, Scott Carter, Wendy Carter, Leiv Clegg, Thomas Coleman, Trina Comissiong, Crystal Cupp, Alan Davis, Denyse Ellington, Brian Elder, Virginia Fields, Kacy Gabbert, Montrece Hill, Anthony Michael Hobbs, Neal Huff, Melissa Panos, Natalie Racoosin, Jeanine Serralles, Kate Lyn Sheil {as Harriet Beecher Stowe}, T. Ryder Smith, Jeff Wilhelm, Shaun Woodland; and featuring historians Carol Berkin, David W. Blight, Lois Brown, Erica Armstrong Dunbar, R. Blakeslee Gilpin, Joan D. Hedrick, Tony Horwitz, Julie Roy Jeffrey, W. Caleb McDaniel, Manisha Sinha, John Stauffer, James Brewer Stewart
Part 1: "From Courage To Freedom" • full credits at IMDb The early abolitionist movement was in disarray and increasing violence raised doubts about its pacifist tactics Part 2: "Before Brother Fought Brother" • full credits at IMDb The divide between North and South deepens Part 3: "A House Dividing" • full credits at IMDb The battle between pro-slavery and free-soil contingents rises to fever pitch WGBH/PBS official mini-series homepage + online transcript 3-part series available on DVD • 'American Experience' credits at IMDb P.B.S. Direct color DVD [1/2013] for $7.02 P.B.S. Direct color DVD [1/2013] out of prodn/used |
Image  Gallery
Family & Friends
Harriet Elisabeth Beecher Stowe
L i n k s
Harriet Beecher Stowe entry at Wikipedia
browse books at the Harriet Beecher Stowe Store {returns almost 200} at Amazon
Harriet Beecher Stowe credits [since 1903] at Internet Movie Database
International Slavery Museum [est. 2007] in Liverpool, UK
Wikipedia's list of films featuring slavery
here on the Harriet Beecher Stowe [1811-96] Page at Spirit of America Bookstore
top of page • short profile • "Uncle Tom's Cabin" • "Uncle Tom's Cabin" on film • other fiction • other works •
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