Nobel  Prize  in  Economic  Sciences
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short history
laureates, 1969-2000
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The social object of skilled investment should be to defeat the dark forces of time and ignorance, which envelop our future.
— John Maynard Keynes [1883-1946]
          Alfred Nobel stipulated that no distinction of race or color or nationality should determine who receives the awards. Unaware of this, this writer/webmaster exchanged emails with someone at the Nobel website about why they did not display the national flag for each laureate (to make it easier to extract American laureates, for example) and the response was that the organization is bound not to do such a thing. The intention of this page is to highlight winners of the United States, so the plan is to build the list, mark Americans with the U.S. flag on the left-hand side, and gradually add national flags for other laureates on the right-hand side.
Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences official homepage
official list of all Nobel Prizes in Economic Sciences
Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences entry at Wikipedia
list of Nobel laureates in Economic Sciences at Wikipedia
search for books on keywords 'nobel + prize + winner' {returns almost 900 titles} at Amazon
"The Nobel Prize: A History of Genius, Controversy, and Prestige" [11/2000] by Burton Feldman
"Nobel Economists: Lives & Contributions of Nobel Prize Winners in Economics Since 1969" [Mar 1, 2002] by K. Puttaswamaiah
"The Nobel Memorial Laureates in Economics: An Introduction to Their Careers And Main Published Works" [10/2005]
by Howard R. Vane & Chris Mulhearn
![]() | "Nobel Quotes: Inspirational and Perplexing Quotes of Nobel Prize Winners" [2012] by George Chityil
Kindle Edition from Macadu, Ltd. [11/2012] for 99’ {sic} 200 pages of quotations from Nobel laureates since 1901, including Kofi Annan, Samuel Beckett, Willy Brandt, Albert Camus, Albert Einstein, Milton Friedman, Andrι Gide, Rudyard Kipling, Paul Krugman, Wangari Maathai, Gabriel Garcνa Mαrquez, Mother Teresa, Pablo Neruda, Barack Obama, Theodore Roosevelt, Alexandr Solzhenitsyn, and William Butler Yeats |
"Lives of the Laureates: Twenty-three Nobel Economists" [The MIT Press, 12/2014]
by Roger W. Spencer, David A. Macpherson, et al.
"Lives of the Laureates: Thirty-Two Nobel Economists" [The MIT Press, 6/2020] 
by Roger W. Spencer, David A. Macpherson, et al |
"The Nobel Factor: The Prize in Economics, Social Democracy, and The Market Turn" [October 4, 2016]
by Avner Offer and Gabriel Sφderberg
Laureates,  1969-2000
1969 Ragnar Frisch  
1969 Jan Tinbergen  
  1970 Paul Samuelson [1915-2009]
  1971 Simon Kuznets [1901-85]
1972 John Hicks [1904-89]  
  1972 Kenneth Arrow [1921-2017]
  1973 Wassily Leontief [1905-99]
1974 Gunnar Myrdal [1898-1987]  
1974 Friedrich Hayek [1899-1992]    
1975 Leonid Kantorovich  
  1975 Tjalling Koopmans [1910-85]
  1976 Milton Friedman [1912-2006]
1977 Bertil Ohlin [1899-1979]  
1977 James Meade [1907-95]  
  1978 Herbert A. Simon [1916-2001]
  1979 Theodore 'Ted' Schultz [1902-98]
1979 Sir W. Arthur Lewis [1915-91]  
  1980 Lawrence Klein [1920-2013]
  1981 James Tobin [1918-2002]
  1982 George Stigler [1911-91]
1983 Gιrard Debreu [1921-2004]  
1984 Richard Stone [1913-91]  
1985 Franco Modigliani [1918-2003]  
  1986 James M. Buchanan [1919-2013]
  1987 Robert Solow [b. 1924]
1988 Maurice Allais [1911-2010]  
1989 Trygve Haavelmo [1911-99]  
  1990 Harry Markowitz [b. 1927], Merton Miller [1923-2000] and William F. Sharpe [b. 1934]
1991 Ronald Coase [1910-2013]  
  1992 Gary Becker [1930-2014]
  1993 Robert Fogel [1926-2013] and Douglass C. North [1920-2015]
  1994 John Harsanyi [1920-2000] and John Forbes Nash [1928-2015]
and Reinhard Selten [1930-2016]  
"Prof. Reinhard Selten Nobel Prize winner for Economics 1994, interviewed by Rainer Kurz" [10/2015]
  1995 Robert Lucas, Jr. [b. 1937]
1996 Sir James Mirrlees [b. 1936]  
and   William Vickrey [1914-96]
  1997 Robert C. Merton and Myron Scholes
1998 Amartya Sen [b. 1933]  
1999 Robert Mundell [b. 1932]  
  2000 James Heckman
  2000 Daniel McFadden
Laureates,  2001 to 2020
  2001 George Akerlof, Michael Spence and Joseph E. Stiglitz
  2002 Daniel Kahneman
  2002 Vernon L. Smith
Nobel award page
browse books
entry at Wikipedia
  2003 Robert F. Engle
2003 Clive Granger [1934-2009]  
  2004 Edward C. Prescott
and Finn E. Kydland  
  2005 Thomas C. Schelling [1921-2016]
and Robert J. Aumann  
![]() | "The Strategist: The Life and Times of Thomas Schelling - How A Game Theorist Under-stood The Cold War and Won The Nobel Prize" [2006] by Robert Dodge, Foreword by Robert Zeckhauser Marshall Cavendish 9x6¾ pb [2006] out of print/used Hollis Publng Co. 9¼x6½ hardcover [11/2006] out of print/used |
![]() | "Schelling's Game Theory: How To Make Decisions" [2/2012] by Robert V. Dodge, Foreword by Thomas C. Schelling Oxford Univ Press 9½x6½ hardcover [2/2012] for $51.00 |
  2006 Edmund S. Phelps
  2007 Leonid Hurwicz [1917-2008], Eric S. Maskin and Roger B. Myerson
Paul Krugman
  2009 Elinor Ostrom [1933-2012]
first woman to win the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences
  2009 Oliver E. Williamson
  2010 Peter A. Diamond, Dale T. Mortensen [1939-2014]
and British-Cypriot economist Sir Christopher A. Pissarides  
  2011 Thomas J. Sargent and Christopher A. Sims
  2012 Alvin E. Roth and Lloyd S. Shapley [1923-2016]
  2013 Eugene F. Fama, Lars Peter Hansen, and Robert J. Shiller
2014 Jean Tirole  
  2015 Angus Deaton
  2016 Oliver Hart of Harvard University and Bengt Holmstrφm of M.I.T.
  2017 Richard Thaler of the University of Chicago
  2018 American researchers William Nordhaus of Yale University
and Paul Romer of New York University's Stern School of Business
  2019 Abhijit Banerjee & Esther Duflo of M.I.T. and Michael Kremer of Harvard
"for their experimental approach to alleviating global poverty"
Duflo is the second woman to win the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences
  2020 Paul Milgrom and Robert B. Wilson, both of Stanford University
"for improvements to auction theory and inventions of new auction formats"
  2021 David Card of the University of California at Berkeley, Joshua Angrist of M.I.T.,
and Guido Imbens of Stanford University
"for methodological analysis of ways to use real-world experiments to explore labor economics and other issues"
former U.S. Federal Reserve chief Ben Bernanke
Douglas Diamond of the University of Chicago
Philip Dybvig of Washington University
for their work during the 1980s on banks and financial crises; Bernanke, who chaired the Fed during the 2008 financial crisis,
received the award for his research on the Great Depression.
Harvard professor Claudia Goldin
for pioneering work in gender economics that has advanced our understanding of women's labor market outcomes
the third woman to win the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences
Daron Acemoglu (M.I.T.), James A. Robinson (University of Chicago),
and former International Monetary Fund chief economist Simon Johnson (M.I.T.)
for their research, which found a link between a country's prosperity and the institutions it established during European colonization [b. 1967] [b. 1960] [b. 1963]
Alfred  Nobel [1833-96]
official bio at Nobel Prize website
entry at Wikipedia
Spirit of America Bookstore's
Alfred Nobel [1833-96] Page
L i n k s
Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences official homepage
official list of all Nobel Prizes in Economic Sciences
Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences entry at Wikipedia
list of Nobel laureates in Economic Sciences at Wikipedia
Spirit of America Bookstore's Nobel Prizes in Literature Page
Spirit of America Bookstore's Nobel Peace Prizes Page
Spirit of America Bookstore's Alfred Nobel [1833-96] Page
here on the Nobel Prizes in Economic Sciences Page at Spirit of America Bookstore
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