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Walt Whitman

portrait of early American poet Walt Whitman [1819-92] with flowing white beard          short profile

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stageplays, other media

works about Walt Whitman


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"It is Whitman, our great poet and pragmatic philosopher, who advises [America] not to be curious about God but to affix our curiosity to our own lives
and the earth [that] we live on, and then perhaps as far as we can see into the universe with our telescopes." — E.L. Doctorow

"I am very happy in reading [Leaves of Grass], as great power makes us happy . . . I find incomparable things said incomparably well, as they must be."
Ralph Waldo Emerson [1803-82]

"Now I see the secret of the making of the best persons. It is to grow
in the open air and to eat and sleep with the earth."

"Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself. I am large, I contain multitudes."

signature of American poet Walt Whitman [1819-1892]

          B I O
          t e x t
          h e r e

1855 July 4th: First edition of Walt Whitman's self-published "Leaves of Grass"; many revisions & additions until his death in 1892. --www.bartleby.com/142/

Walt Whitman entry at Wikipedia
listed #22 on The Atlantic Monthly's Top 100 Most Influential Figures in American History [Dec 2006]
Walt Whitman credits at Internet Movie Database

Primary Works
browse Walt Whitman Store {returns almost 400 items} at Amazon

Portable Walt Whitman collection edited by Mark Van Doren  "The Portable Walt Whitman" [1945] Edited by Mark Van Doren
contains selections from "Leaves of Grass", "Democratic Vistas, and "Specimen Days"
Kindle Edition from Penguin Classics [2003 edition] for $14.99
Penguin Classics 7¾x5 pb [12/2003] for $18.11
Viking/Penguin 7¾x5¼ pb [6/77] out of print/50+ used
Viking mass pb [3/1945] out of print/used
Random House Value Publng 7½x4¼ hardcover [8/85] out of print/used
Walt Whitman Selected Poems book from Dover Thrift Editions  "Walt Whitman: Selected Poems" [1991]
24 best poems from "Leaves of Grass"
130-page Kindle Edition from Dover Publns [5/2012] for $1.99 {sic}
128-page Dover Thrift Editions 8½x5¼ pb [5/91] for $3.50 {sic}
Neglected Walt Whitman Texts book by Sam Abrams  "The Neglected Walt Whitman: Vital Texts" [1993] by Sam Abrams
these 65 texts include 49 poems, 11 passages from poems, four prose texts, and one image-text; most currently available readers editions of Whitman omit many of these texts and the 'authoritative' Library of America "Complete Poetry & Collected Prose" omits all of them
Thunder's Mouth Press 8¼x5½ pb [4/93] for $28.09
Four Walls Eight Windows 8¾x5¾ hardcover [4/93] for $20.00
Walt Whitman Poetry & Prose book from Library of America  "Walt Whitman: Poetry and Prose" [1996]
Edited by Justin Kaplan

Library of America College Editions 7¾x5 pb [5/96] out of print/used
Library of America 10x8 hardcover [9/97] for $49.99
includes "Leaves of Grass", 17 other poems, and 'his complete prose'
"Walt Whitman: Selected Poems" [2003]
Edited by literary critic Harold Bloom [1930-2019]
47 works by the "greatest of all American poets"

LoA/American Poets Project 7¾x5 hardcover [1/2003] for $20.00

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'The Complete Writings of Walt Whitman' in nine volumes  "The Complete Writings of Walt Whitman" in nine volumes [G.P. Putnam's Sons 1902]
Edited by literary executors Thomas Biggs Harned, Dr. Richard Maurice Bucke MD, Horace Traubel & William Douglas O’Connor, with Oscar Lovell Triggs PhD

Volume 1: Palala Press 9¼x6 hardcover [9/2014] for $28.95
Volume 2: Palala Press 9¼x6 hardcover [5/2016] for $27.95
Volume 3: Palala Press 9¼x6 hardcover [5/2016] for $26.95
Volume 4: Palala Press 9¼x6 pb [2/2018] for $17.95
Volume 4: Palala Press 9¼x6 hardcover [5/2016] for $27.95
Volume 5: Palala Press 9¼x6 hardcover [5/2016] for $26.95
Volume 6: Palala Press 9¼x6 hardcover [5/2016] for $26.95
Volume 7: Palala Press 9¼x6 hardcover [5/2016] for $26.95
Volume 8: Palala Press 9¼x6 hardcover [5/2016] for $26.95
Volume 9: Palala Press 9¼x6 hardcover [5/2016] for $25.95
some photos show 9 volumes, some show ten; no Volume 10 found on Amazon or publisher (2019)

leather bound 'Complete Writings of Walt Whitman' book set  "The Complete Writings of Walt Whitman: Leather Bound" [G.P. Putnam's Sons 1902]
Volume ?: Generic Publng 9¼x6½ leather bound hardcover [2019] out of print/scarce
Volume 2: Generic Publng 9¼x6½ leather bound hardcover [2013] out of print/scarce
Volume 5: Generic Publng 9¼x6½ leather bound hardcover [2013] out of print/scarce
Volume 6: Generic Publng 9¼x6½ leather bound hardcover [2013] out of print/scarce
Volume 7: Generic Publng 9¼x6½ leather bound hardcover [2013] out of print/scarce

'The Complete Walt Whitman' in Kindle format from Bybliotech  "The Complete Walt Whitman" for Kindle [2014]
contains: "Drum-Taps", "Leaves of Grass", "Patriotic Poems", "Complete Prose Works", "The Wound Dresser", "Letters of Anne Gilchrist & Walt Whitman"
Kindle Edition from Bybliotech [2/2014] for 99¢
Kindle Edition from AtoZ Classics [5/2018] for $1.99

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"Franklin Evans: or, The Inebriate" [New World, 1842]

"Life and Adventures of Jack Engle: An Auto-Biography"
[serialized in 1852, rediscovered in 2016]
Life and Adventures of Jack Engle once-lost novel by Walt Whitman  long-lost early novel by Walt Whitman, Introduction by Zachary Turpin; original subtitle: "A Story of New York At The Present Time In Which The Reader Will Find Some Familiar Characters"
A short (36,000 words), rollicking story of orphanhood, avarice, and adventure with a villainous lawyer, virtuous Quakers, glad-handing politicians, and a sultry Spanish dancer • While searching the internet, University of Houston graduate student Turpin saw a small 1852 ad in the Sunday Dispatch newspaper (a three-penny weekly published in Manhattan) that promised a six-installment piece of fiction whose title matched notes by Whitman. After tracking down the only extant copies of the newspaper at the Library of Congress, his department head covered the $1,200 cost to get copies made • Feb 2017 article in the Houston Chronicle
Kindle Edition from Univ Iowa Press [2/2017] for $7.99
Univ Iowa Press 8x5 pb [2/2017] for $11.68
Univ Iowa Press 8x5 hardcover [2/2017] for $21.38

'Leaves of Grass', 1855 edition         'Leaves of Grass', 1860 facsimile edition         'Leaves of Grass', 1891 edition title page         'Leaves of Grass', 1891 50-cent edition         'Leaves of Grass & Autobiography', 1891 dustjacket         'Leaves of Grass' with illustrations by Margaret Cook, 1913         'Leaves of Grass', 1942 edition with photographs by Edward Weston         'Leaves of Grass', 1960 Signet mass paperback

"Leaves of Grass" [4 July 1855, the first of seven editions through 1891]
Whitman's "Leaves of Grass" is a topic for study all by itself: there were six U.S. editions that he published in his lifetime, plus the annexes of the so-called 'Deathbed Edition'
from 1891 (the "Leaves of Grass" portion of which is a reprint of the 1881 release)
"Leaves of Grass" entry at Wikipedia

"Leaves of Grass" [self-published, 1855] twelve poems
available as free online reprint of 1855 edition etext at Internet Archive
"Leaves of Grass" [Fowler & Wells, 1856]
"Leaves of Grass" [Thayer & Eldridge, 1860]
available as free online 1860 Thayer & Eldridge edition etext at Internet Archive
"Leaves of Grass" [William E. Chapin, 1867]
"Leaves of Grass" [J.S. Redfield, 1870]
available as free online 1871 Redfield edition etext at Internet Archive
"Leaves of Grass" [James R. Osgood, 1881]
available as free online 1881 Grosset & Dunlap edition etext at Internet Archive
available as free online 1882 Rees & Welsh, Philadelphia edition etext at Internet Archive
"Leaves of Grass" [David McKay, 1891] compilation of over 400 poems
available as free online 1900 David McKay edition etext at Internet Archive

Later Editions

young Walt Whitman - common etching, circa 1855  

'Leaves of Grass and Selected Prose' 1931 book  

illustrated 'Leaves of Grass' 1971 book  

"Poems From Leaves of Grass" [1886] Edited by Ernest Rhys [1859-1956]
Palala Press 9¼x6 pb [2/2018] for $17.95
Wentworth Press 9¼x6 hardcover [8/2016] for $19.45
Palala Press 9¼x6 hardcover [8/2015] for $27.95
"Leaves of Grass" [G.P. Putnam London & Small, Maynard Boston 1903]
available as free online 1897 edition etext at Internet Archive
"Poems From Leaves of Grass" [J.M. Dent & Sons 1913]
with 24 sensual color plate illustrations by Margaret C. Cook
limited edition book not found on Amazon (2019) • all 24 paintings online at Brainpickings blog, 4/2018
"Leaves of Grass" [1921] with Introduction by Carl Sandburg
Modern Library 8¼x5 hardcover [1921] long out of print/used
available as free online 1921 Modern Library edition etext at Internet Archive
"The Fight of A Book For The World: A Companion Volume To Leaves of Grass" [1926]
by William Sloane Kennedy [1850-1929]

Forgotten Books 9x6 pb [5/2017] for $13.57
Forgotten Books 9x6 hardcover [11/2017] for $30.64
Stonecroft Press hardcover [1926] out of print/used
available as free online 1926 Stonecroft Press edition etext at Internet Archive
"Leaves of Grass and Selected Prose" [1931] by Walt Whitman
1950 edition Edited & with Introduction by John Kouwenhoven
Modern Library 7½x4¾ hardcover [1950] out of print/used
1949 edition with Introduction by Sculley Bradley
Holt, Rinehart & Winston 8½x5½ pb [6/1949] for $6.47
1931 edition: Aventine Press hardcover [1931] out of print/used
"Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman" [1942] Photographs by Edward Weston [1886-1958]
Limited Editions Club hardcover in 2 volumes [1942] out of print/used
"The Illustrated Leaves of Grass" [1971]
Edited by Howard Chapnick, Introduction by William Carlos Williams

Grosset & Dunlap 10¾x8 pb [6/76] out of print/used
Grosset & Dunlap 10¾x8½ hardcover [1971] for $41.10
"Leaves of Grass: 150th Anniversary Edition" [Oxford Univ Press 2005]
with Afterword by David S. Reynolds

Oxfor Univ Press hardcover [2005] for $27.93

"Leaves of Grass" Selected Kindle Editions
http://www.amazon.com/Leaves-Grass-Original-Thrift-Editions-ebook/dp/B008TVM6Y0/ 1855 60c
http://www.amazon.com/Leaves-Grass-First-1855-Death-ebook/dp/B00GZ43YO4/ 1855 + 1892 99c
http://www.amazon.com/Walt-Whitmans-Leaves-Grass-version-ebook/dp/B00CJIWZPY/ 1860 99c
http://www.amazon.com/Leaves-Grass-Death-Walt-Whitman-ebook/dp/B0030HKYOM/ 1892 Death Bed Edition 450 pgs 99c
http://www.amazon.com/Leaves-Grass-Electric-Poetry-Book-ebook/dp/B00B07BK4M/ Electric Edition 99c
http://www.amazon.com/Leaves-Grass-Illustrated-Walt-Whitman-ebook/dp/B01EBD7HZM/ 514 pgs 99c
http://www.amazon.com/Leaves-Grass-Walt-Whitman-ebook/dp/B07HMBCS7N/ 638 pgs 99c
http://www.amazon.com/Leaves-Grass-Illustrated-Walt-Whitman-ebook/dp/B071WSPL3F/ 692 pgs 99c
http://www.amazon.com/Leaves-Grass-Walt-Whitman-ebook/dp/B0761MR4XT/ 794 pages 99c
http://www.amazon.com/Leaves-Grass-Walt-Whitman-ebook/dp/B07VF4HRQ2/ 1342 pages 1.00
http://www.amazon.com/Leaves-Grass-WSBLD-Classics-Whitman-ebook/dp/B073X2FZ9S/ all 6 editions 99c
http://www.amazon.com/Walt-Whitman-Leaves-Greatest-Writers-ebook/dp/B0746BFNYF/ all 6 editions 99c

"Manly Health and Training" [1858, rediscovered in 2016]
Turpin also unearthed a book-length newspaper series on fitness and healthy living that Whitman published under a pseudonym in 1858.

"Drum-Taps" poems [William E. Chapin, 1865]
"Sequel To Drum Taps" poems [William E. Chapin, 1865]

"Passage To India" poems [J.S. Redfield, 1870]

"Democratic Vistas" [David McKay, 1871]

"Memoranda During The War" [1876]

"Walt Whitman's Diary" [1880]
Walt Whitman's Diary, 1880 book edited by Harriet Hungerford  "Walt Whitman's Diary In Canada: With Extracts From Other of His Diaries and Literary Note-books" [1880] Edited by William Sloane Kennedy [1850-1929]
82-page Forgotten Books 9x6 pb [7/2017] for $3.17
96-page Sagwan Press 9¼x6 hardcover [8/2015] for $3.86 https://archive.org/details/waltwhitmansdia00kenngoog/page/n13
"Walt Whitman's Diary: A Summer In Canada, 1880" [2018]
Edited by Harriet Hungerford
– with footnotes and photographs added
Kindle Edition from In My Day Ltd. [8/2018] for $2.99
In My Day Ltd. 7¾x5 pb [11/2018] for $6.99

"Specimen Days" [1882]

"November Boughs" [David McKay, 1888]

"Good-Bye, My Fancy" poems [David McKay, 1891]

"Complete Prose Works" [David McKay, 1892]

Other  Works

Walt Whitman Poetry for Young People book by Jonathan Levin & Jim Burke   "Poetry For Young People #6: Walt Whitman" [grades 3-6; 1997]
Edited by Jonathan Levin, Illustrated by Jim Burke

Sterling 10x8½ pb [4/2008] for $6.65
Sterling 10¼x8¾ hardcover [6/97] for $28.89
Portable Western Reader stories edited by William Kittredge  "The Portable Western Reader" [1997] Edited by William Kittredge
Penguin 7¾x5 pb [7/97] for $18.39
over 70 Western tales, from authors Sherman Alexie, W.H. Auden, Jimmy Santiago Baca, Gretel Ehrlich, Louise Erdrich, Allen Ginsberg, John Graves, Catherine McClellan, Larry McMurtry, Czeslaw Milosz, Mari Sandoz, John Steinbeck, Walt Whitman, and many more
Walt Whitman Words for America children's book by Barbara Kerley  "Walt Whitman: Words For America" [grades 4-8; 2004]
by Barbara Kerley, Illustrated by Brian Selznick

book won the New York Times Award for Best Illustrated Children's Book, Sibert Honor Book Award, California Book Award, many others
Scholastic Press 12x9 hardcover [10/2004] for $13.44
Walt Whitman Poetry for Kids book edited by Karen Karbiener  "Poetry For Kids: Walt Whitman" [2017]
Edited by Karen Karbiener PhD, Illustrated by Kate Evans

thirty-five of Walt Whitman's best works carefully curated for kids, lovingly illustrated, and explained by Whitman expert New York University professor Karen Karbenier
MoonDance Press 9½x8½ hardcover [5/2017] for $10.99

Motion  Pictures  &  Television
Walt Whitman credits at Internet Movie Database
search for keyword 'reference to Walt Whitman' at IMDb {none really relevant}

"Reaching 'The Audience Beyond': The Re-enactment of Whitman’s Poetry On Stage and Screen" [2015] by Kenn Pierson
read online article by Kenn Pierson of Rutgers University

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"Intolerance:  Love's  Struggle  Throughout  The  Ages"
[Triangle silent classic Sept 1916]
D.W. Griffith's Intolerance movie poster  Also entitled "Intolerance: A Sun Play of The Ages"; four tales of intolerance by Mankind: religious rivalry in ancient Babylon; the tale of Christ in Roman-occupied Judea; Catholic vs. Huguenot in 1572 France; and in modern America — the massacre of workers at the beginning of the movie was modeled after the 1914 Ludlow massacre in Colorado and a portion of the film was shaped by the poem "Out of The Cradle Endlessly Rocking" by Walt Whitman, with the title and some lines used as intertitles • Produced, co-written, directed & edited by D.W. Griffith; starring Lillian Gish, Mae Marsh, Robert Harron, Howard Gaye, Lillian Langdon, Olga Grey, Margery Wilson, Eugene Pallette, Spottiswoode Aitken & Constance Talmadge; listed on National Film Registry (1989) NOTE: Griffith protogee Erich von Stroheim worked as an assistant director (on the many crowd scenes) and the reports that he also acted several roles are not true
Kino Video 197-min. b&w DVD [10/2002] for $26.99
Alpha Video 163-min. b&w DVD [10/2003] for $6.98
Kino Video 197-min. b&w VHS [6/2000] 2 tapes - out of prodn/used
HBO Masterpiece 175-min. b&w VHS [10/91] out of prodn/used
full credits from IMDbmovie entry at Wikipedia

"Walt Whitman" silent short [1922] /tt0433161/

"One Wicked Impulse" [1954] episode of the "Your Favorite Story" TV series /tt1157463/

"Walt Whitman: A Wizard's Words" [1970] episode of the "Actor's Choice" TV series /tt4319324/

"Walt Whitman: Feuilles d'Herbe" [1972] episode of the "Plain-chant" TV series /tt1909005/

"A Su Aire" TV series episode [dated 28 March 1974] poem /tt0504021/

"American Torso" poem [1975] /tt0072636/

"Song of Myself" TV drama [CBS-TV 1976] /tt0258190/ episode of "The American Parade"
Exec produced by Joel Heller; co-produced & directed by Robert Markowitz; starring Rip Torn as Walt Whitman; 'based on the life of Walt Whitman but primarily concerned with his homosexuality, his stormy relationship with his father, and his loving relationship with Peter Doyle'

"Beautiful Dreamers" [1990] portrayed by Rip Torn /tt0101413/

"Walt Whitman: An American Original" [1990] 23-minute docufilm for schools

"Walt Whitman: Sweet Bird of Freedom" [1991] from Philip E. Schmidt
a film portraying an elderly but passionate Whitman as he prepares for a Philadelphia poetry reading

"The Body Electric" [1997] /tt0565421/ episode of the "Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman" TV series
in which Whitman (Donald Moffat) travels to Colorado and is snubbed by townsfolk who learn of his homosexual tendencies

"On The Trail of Mark Twain" documentary TV series [1998]
- "Such a Wonderful Thing" episode (1998) /tt1751419/
- "A Riddle at Every Turn" episode (1998) /tt1751416/
- "Beautiful Death" episode (1998) /tt1751417/

"War Is Kind: Poetry of The Civil War" video [1999] /tt5369980/

"Voices & Visions: Walt Whitman" [3/2000]

"Messengers" [2004] poem 'A Noiseless Patient Spider' /tt0347534/

"The Famous Authors: Walt Whitman" DVD [2007]
http://www.amazon.com/Famous-Authors-Walt-Whitman/dp/B000P6R6L0/ dvd

"Walt Whitman" episode [2008] /tt1167322/ of the "American Experience" TV series - portrayed by Chris Cooper

"Lo Que Cuento al Viento" [2008] dialogue /tt1337653/

"A Noiseless Patient Spider" short [2009] poem /tt1450687/

"O Brooklyn! My Brooklyn!" short [2010] /tt2893728/

"Manahatta" video short [2011] writer /tt1974317/

"The Pretty Things Are Going To Hell" short [2016] poems /tt7794744/

"This Is What You Shall Do" short [2017] /tt7384010/

"Drum-Taps" short [May 2019] /tt10408492/

Stageplays,  Other  Media

"Reaching 'The Audience Beyond': The Re-enactment of Whitman’s Poetry On Stage and Screen" [2015] by Kenn Pierson
read online article by Kenn Pierson of Rutgers University

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When Lilacs Last In The Dooryard Bloom'd album on CD & MP-3  "When Lilacs Last In The Dooryard Bloom'd: A Requiem For Those We Love" [1946]
Composed by Paul Hindemith [1895-1963]
performed by the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra & Chorus, conducted by Robert Shaw

Telarc Digital music CD [4/2002] 12 tracks for $18.98
MP3 soundtrack album download [4/2002] 12 tracks for $7.99
composition entry at Wikipedia
When Lilacs Last In The Dooryard Bloom'd cantata by Roger Sessions  "When Lilacs Last In The Dooryard Bloom'd" cantata
[Anthology of Recorded Music 1971] by Roger Sessions [1896-1985]
performed by the Boston Symphony Orchestra (conducted by Seiji Ozawa)
and by the Tanglewood Festival Chorus (conducted by John Oliver)

New World Records vinyl music album [1977] out of prodn/used
New World Records music CD [12/92] for $14.57
New World Records MP-3 music album download [undated] for $9.49
'Walt Whitman's Immortal Songs' album on vinyl  
"Walt Whitman's Immortal Songs: Inscriptions To Leaves of Grass" [1970s?]
Music by Norman Bloom, Sung by Malcolm Smith

red vinyl LP record produced by Anthem Records of Paramus, New Jersey; no retail source found
On Leaves of Grass album on CD by composer John Zorn  "On Leaves of Grass" album inspired by and dedicated to Whitman [2014]
by composer John Zorn, performing with the Nova Express quartet

Tzadik Records music CD [8/2014] for $15.69
Tzadik Records MP-3 album download [8/2014] 9 tracks for $9.49
album entry at Wikipedia

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Orson Welles Reads From Walt Whitman’s Song of Myself (1953)  "Orson Welles Reads From America’s Greatest Poem,
Walt Whitman’s Song of Myself" [1953]

vinyl record {album or 45rpm?} is scarce, not found on Amazon
listen to audio version [3:28] at YouTube

more Orson Welles [1915-85] at Magic Lantern Video & Book Store

®                     ®
The 1929 stageplay "Street Scene" by Elmer L. Rice [1892-1967] is a landmark of the American stage, largely credited for bringing stage dramas out of mansions and parlors
to settings where real people live; the 1947 opera by Kurt Weill [1900-50] is credited for much the same breakthrough, as the first 'American opera'.
stageplay entry at Wikipediaopera entry at Wikipedia

Theatre magazine 1929 'Street Scene' cover  Pulitzer Prize-winning "Street Scene: A Play in Three Acts" [1929-30] by Elmer Rice
'a tragedy of epic proportions' in which nine lines from 'When Lilacs Last In The Dooryard Bloom’d' are contemplated for their pastoral content by the central characters at the end of Act One
601 performances from Jan 1929 to June 1930 at the Playhouse Theatre on 48th Street in Manhattan, NYC; produced by William A. Brady, Ltd.; written & staged by Elmer Rice • stageplay credits at IBDb
Samuel French 7½x4¾ pb [1956] for $16.69
Samuel French 7½x5¼ hardcover [1929] out of print/used

'Street Scene' 1931 movie directed by King Vidor  "Street Scene" [United Artists Aug 1931]
Produced by Samuel Goldwyn; directed by King Vidor; adapted for the screen by Elmer Rice from his Pulitzer Prize play; music by Alfred Newman; starring Sylvia Sidney, William Collier Jr., Estelle Taylor, Beulah Bondi, David Landau, Matt McHugh, Russell Hopton, Greta Granstedt, Eleanor Wesselhoeft, Allen Fox, Nora Cecil, Walter James, Max Montor, Walter Miller, T.H. Manning, Conway Washburne, John Qualen, Ann Kostant, Adele Watson, Lambert Rogers, George Humbert, Helen Lovett, Richard Powell, Harry Wallace
Image Ent. b&w DVD [9/2000] for $10.98
Image Ent. b&w DVD [9/2000] out of prodn/used
full credits at IMDbmovie entry at Wikipedia
watch full movie [1/2014 upload; 1:18:32] online at YouTube

poster for 2016 'Street Scene' at Miami University in Ohio  "Street Scene: An American Opera in Two Acts" opera/musical on Broadway [1947]
148 performances from Jan to May 1947 at the Adelphi Theater on 54th Street in Manhattan, NYC; produced by The Playwrights' Company (Maxwell Anderson, S.N. Behrman, Elmer Rice, Robert E. Sherwood, Sidney Howard); music by Kurt Weill, book by Elmer Rice, libretto by Langston Hughes (featuring the same lines from Whitman); starring Anne Jeffreys, Polyna Stoska, Norman Cordon, Brian Sullivan, Hope Emerson, Sheila Bond, Danny Daniels • stageplay credits at IBDbopera entry at Wikipedia
CBS Records original Broadway cast soundtrack CD [6/2008] 20 tracks - out of prodn/used
Columbia Records re-issue vinyl LP album [orig 1949] for $19.99
Chappell & Co 10x7 pb playscript [1948] out of print/scarce

"Street Scene" hour-long live broadcast [aired Oct 1948]
Season 1, Episode 5 of "Repertory Theatre" NBC-TV series [1948-56]
24 hours elapse on the stoop of a Hell's Kitchen tenement as a microcosm of the American melting pot interacts with each other during a summer heatwave
based on the stageplay by Elmer Rice; music by Morris Mamorsky; starring Bert Lytell, Betty Field, Erin O'Brien-Moore • bare credits at IMDb

"Street Scene" radioplay [aired Dec 1949] on "U.S. Steel Hour Theatre Guild On The Air" radio program  click here for newspaper ad (in a new window)
this entry based on vintage newspaper ad from the Toledo [Ohio] Blade newspaper on Sunday 11 December 1949 for WSPD-AM Radio;
starring Richard Conte, Diana Lynn & Shirley Booth

1959 'Street Scene' BBC-TV drama  "Street Scene" TV drama [aired Nov 1959] episode of "BBC Sunday-Night Theatre" [1950-1959]
based on the Elmer Rice stageplay; starring Mary Barclay, Maureen Beck, Edmond Bennett, Court Benson, Gisela Birke, Brandon/Nick Brady, Roland Brand, Carl Conway, Larry Cross, Marianne Deeming, Ruth Goring, Rosamund Greenwood, Robert Henderson, Robert Jackson, Roderick Joyce, Harry Lockart, Natalie Lynn, Martin Miller, Dermot Palmer, George Patterson, Paul Whitsun-Jones, Mary Laura Wood • DVD/Blu-ray not available • credits at IMDb

New York City Opera 1979 production of 'Street Scene'  "New York City Opera: Street Scene" [P.B.S. Oct 1979]
Season 4, Episode 5 of "Live From Lincoln Center" [1976-present]

3-hour color New York City Opera production • DVD/Blu-ray not available • credits at IMDb
Produced by John Goberman; directed by Kirk Browning; written by Elmer Rice; music conducted by John Mauceri; hosted by Beverly Sills; starring Eileen Schauler, William Chapman, Catherine Malfitano, Alan Kays, Harlan Foss, Bronwyn Thomas, Reed Jones, Martha Thigpen, Ralph Bassett, Leo Postrel, Timothy Eaton, Norman Large, Robert Paul, William Ledbetter, Jonathan Green, Kathleen Hegierski, Vanessa Williams, Matthew McGrath, Bill Herndon, Edward Stoddard, Robert Brubaker, Harris Davis, John Henry Thomas, Suzy Block, Richard Nelson, Don Yule, Barry Carl, Louis Perry, Susan Egan, James Sergi, Don Henderson
English National Opera 1992 production of 'Street Scene'  "English National Opera: Street Scene" [BBC-TV 1992]
English National Opera 2½-hour production at the London Coliseum in 1992
Directed by Barrie Gavin; stage director David Pountney; conducted by James Holmes; choreographed by David Toguri; starring Lesley Garrett • DVD/Blu-ray not available • not listed at IMDb
watch performance [8/2017 upload; 2:28:06] online at YouTube
'Street Scene' 1994 opera/musical TV movie  "Street Scene" opera/musical TV movie [Arte France 1994]
Filmed in Germany; Region 2 DVD appears to be in German with French subtitles; opera/musical of 1947 based on the 1929 stageplay by Elmer Rice • Directed by José Montes-Baquer; music by Kurt Weill; lyrics by Langston Hughes; stage direction by Francesca Zambello; starring Marc Embree, Teri Hansen, Ashley Putnam, Kip Wilborn, Dean Anthony, Claudia Ashley, Rachel Beabout, Field Blauvelt, Nicholas Bocek, Yvette Bonner, Susan Borofsky, Cliff Butler, Michela Carattini, Craig Childers, Muriel Costa-Greenspon, Danny Costello, Andrew Culjack, Heidi Eisenberg, Janice Felty, Adrienne Flaherty, Bryan Flaherty, Maureen Flaherty, Thomas Flaherty, Cornelia Fisch, Robin Gooch, Alan Hays, Wendy Hill, Gabriel Kahane, Elke Kaiser, Lisa Kelly, John Kuether, Jacqueline Mack, Anthony Mee, Daniel Nardicio, Jerry Riet, Yashira Rodriguez, Elly Romar, Michael Scarborough, Armin Seitz, David Rae Smith, Amy Stadler, Margaret Stenborg, Rodney Stenborg, Ivan Thomas, Anita Vidovic
Region 1 Blu-ray/DVD not available • full credits at IMDb
Ter Classins original London cast CD [4/2003] 36 tracks on 2 disks for $51.95
Decca/Polygram Records import soundtrack CD [6/2008] 2 disks for $49.95

"Street Scene" opera/musical [Oct 2014]  click here for poster image (in a new window)
performed by the School of Theatre & Dance at West Virginia University [est. 1867] with the W.V.U. School of Music
book by Elmer Rice, music by Kurt Weill, lyrics by Langston Hughes
bare info about the 2014-2015 season

'Street Scene' opera/musical 2018 live broadcast from Spain  "Street Scene" opera/musical [Bel Air Media 2018]
Performed live in February 2018 at the Teatro Real in Madrid, Spain and broadcast in HD on multiple media
Directed by John Fulljames & Jérémie Cuvillier; starring Geoffrey Dolton, Jeni Bern, Scott Wilde
not listed at IMDb • DVD/Blu-ray not yet available
watch official trailer [2/2019 upload; 1:19] online at Vimeo
Amazon Instant Video [2018] promoted as FREE with Amazon Prime for-fee Broadway HD service (2019)

'Street Scene' opera/musical at Virginia Opera in 2018  "Street Scene" opera/musical [Sept-Oct 2018] at Virginia Opera [est. 1974]
Directed by Dorothy Danner; choreographed by Greg Ganakas; resident stage manager
Erin Lindsay Carr; with the Virginia Opera Orchestra conducted by Adam Turner,
the Virginia Opera Chorus, and the Governor's Children's Chorus
read the performance program book as 6.26MB .PDF file
®                     ®

"Walt: A One-Act Portrait" [1924] by Christopher Morley
'a well-crafted play intent on delivering one message, that Whitman was a heterosexual with a secret past'

"Dance For Walt Whitman" [1958] choreographed by Helen Tamiris
a dance with narrated excerpts from Whitman’s poems, highlighting his “celebration of the individual”

APA/Phoenix program for 'We, Comrades Three' stage work by Richard Baldridge  "We, Comrades Three: A Drama in Two Parts" stage work [1962]
written by Richard Baldridge 'from works by Walt Whitman'; directed by Ellis Rabb & Hal George; starring Will Geer as Walt Whitman, with Helen Hayes and others; premiered in Ann Arbor, Michigan in 1962; produced on Broadway by the APA/Phoenix Repertory Theatre; 11 performances at the Lyceum Theatre on 45th Street in Manhattan, NYC in December 1966 • Broadway credits at IBDb
playscript not found at Amazon (2019)

"A Whitman Portrait" [1965] by Paul Shyre
a play that covers the entire life of Whitman: from just after the publication of "Leaves of Grass" at age 36 to a point where he reflects
back on his childhood, then stopping points at ages 42, 56, 64 & 76, and to his death

"Leaves of Grass" off-Broadway musical [Sept 1971] by Stan Harte
comprised of 24 songs based on over 40 Whitman poems; opened at off-Broadway’s Theater Four with a cast of four singer-actors

"Look For Me Under Your Bootsoles" [1982] by Randell Haynes -- a one-man drama about Whitman’s life

"Walt" [1986] by William W. Whitman -- a three-act play about Whitman’s life
» » » not to be confused with "Walt!" [1989] by Walt Veasy
-- a musical survey of Whitman’s life involving more than a hundred different voices

"The Mystic Trumpeter: Whitman At 70" [1988] by Dorothy Ives
-- a one-man play depicting Whitman on the day following his 70th birthday

Michigan newspaper supplement 'Walt Whitman' stageplay cover story, 1991   "Leaves of Grass" stageplay [July-Aug 1991]
one-man stageplay that integrated passages from other first-edition Whitman poems; premiered at Serpent’s Tooth Theatre in Ann Arbor, Michigan; adapted by Kenneth J. 'Kenn' Pierson, starring Thomas Fiscella

"Democracy . . . One Whole Day Beside A Pond" [1991] by respected Canadian playwright John Murrell
a masterfully-constructed drama seen at a number of regional theatres throughout Canada and the United States

"Reckoning Time: A Song of Walt Whitman" opera [1995] by Peter Child & Alan Brody
a concert opera based on Whitman’s life and writings that highlighted the poet’s final moments on earth

'Beloved Renegade' ballet from the 'Great Performances' TV series  "Paul Taylor Dance Company In Paris" [aired May 2013]
episode of "Great Performances" TV series [since 1971]

the hour-long dance "Beloved Renegade", set to Poulenc's "Gloria", is inspired by the life and work of 19th-century American writer Walt Whitman, who revered body and soul as one and who famously loved all with equal ardour; depicts the experiences of an artist described in a line from Whitman's 'Leaves of Grass': "I am the poet of the body and I am the poet of the soul"; recorded in 2012 at the Theatre National de Chaillot in Paris • Directed by Andy Sommer; featuring Paul Taylor, Michael Apuzzo, Eran Bugge, Michelle Fleet, Francisco Graciano, Laura Halzack, Parisa Khobdeh, Robert Kleinendorst, Sean Mahoney, Heather McGinley, Michael Novak, Aileen Roehl, James Samson, Jeffrey Smith, Michael Trusnovec, Jamie Rae Walker, Amy Young; both DVD & YouTube include second ballet "Brandenburgs", set to Bach's Brandenburg Concertos • full credits at IMDb
Bel Air Classiques all-regions color DVD [5/2013] for $16.21
watch 4/2013 official trailer [2:20] online at YouTube

Works About Walt Whitman
detailed Walt Whitman Camden Chronology on the W.W. Assn. website

The Good Gray Poet 1866 pamphlet  
"The Good Gray Poet: A Vindication" 46-page pamphlet [1866]
by William Douglas O'Connor

CreateSpace 9x6 pb [2/2016] for $6.99

available as free online 46-page etext at Internet Archive

"Walt Whitman" biography [1883] by Dr. Richard Maurice Bucke [1837-1902]
includes reprint/update of "Good Gray Poet" pamphlet

Cosmic Consciousness book by Richard Maurice Bucke  "Cosmic Consciousness: A Study In The Evolution of The Human Mind" [1901]
Edited by Dr. Richard Maurice Bucke MD, Introduction by George Moreby Acklom

Kindle Edition from Amazon Digital Services [9/2019] for 99¢
Kindle Edition from Amazon Digital Services [6/2018] for 99¢
Martino Publng 9¾x7½ pb [8/2010] for $8.95
Dutton 10x7¾ hardcover [1951] out of print/used
author entry at Wikipediabook entry at Wikipedia
"The Cosmic Consciousness of Walt Whitman" [1901]
relationship to the prior book is unclear: could be either an excerpt or original material
26-page Kessinger Publng 9¼x7½ pb [9/2010] for $12.76
26-page Kessinger Publng 10x7 hardcover [9/2010] for $24.76 {sic}

An American Bible 1911 book edited by Alice Hubbard  "An American Bible: The Humor, Wit, Wisdom, Religion & Philosophy of Eight Great Americans" [1911] Edited by Alice Hubbard
chapters/topics are Introduction, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Benjamin Franklin, Elbert Hubbard, Robert G. Ingersoll, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Paine, and Walt Whitman
Kindle Edition from Amazon Digital Services [1/2014] for 99¢ {sic}
Univ California Libraries {blue cover} 8x5 pb [1918 facsimile] for $25.64
Roycrofters 7¼x5 hardcover [1911] out of print/used

"Whitman" [1926] by Emory Holloway won the Pulitzer Prize for Biography

"The Legend of The Mountain" radio drama [1951] by Morton Wishengrad

Walt Whitman Reconsidered book by Richard Chase  "Walt Whitman Reconsidered: An Appraisal" [1955] by Richard Chase
"An understanding appraisal of a great American poet – one hundred years after the first
publication of Leaves of Grass"
William Sloane Assocs 7¾x5 pb [1955] out of print/used
William Sloane Assocs hardcover [1955] out of print/used
William Sloane Assocs hardcover [1955] out of print/used
Victor Gollancz Ltd. 9x6½ hardcover [1955] out of print/used

"Walt Whitman: Man, Poet, Philosopher" [1969] by Gay Wilson Allen, Mark Van Doren, David Daiches

"Walt Whitman: A Life" [Simon and Schuster 1979] by Justin Kaplan ISBN 0671225421

"Walt Whitman: The Measure of His Song" [1981]

"Whitman and The American Idiom" [1991] by Mark Bauerlein - analyzes Whitman’s poetics

"Walt Whitman's America" [1995] by David S. Reynolds

Routledge Encyclopedia of Walt Whitman book edited by J.R. LeMaster & Donald Kummings  "The Routledge Encyclopedia of Walt Whitman" [1998]
Edited by J.R. LeMaster & Donald D. Kummings

Routledge 9¾x6¾ pb [3/2011] for $65.00
Routledge 10¼x7½ hardcover [8/98] for $210.00 {sic}
Walt Whitman Bloom's Major Poets book edited by Harold Bloom  "Walt Whitman (Bloom's Major Poets)" [grades 7-12; 1999]
Edited & with an Introduction by Harold Bloom

Chelsea House Publrs 9¼x6¼ hardcover [2/99] for $27.96
Aesthetics and Politics In Hawthorne, Whitman & Thoreau book by Peter J. Bellis  "Writing Revolution: Aesthetics and Politics In Hawthorne, Whitman, and Thoreau" [2003] by Peter J. Bellis
Univ GA Press 9x6 pb [4/2010] for $24.95
Univ GA Press 9¼x6½ hardcover [2/2003] out of print/used

see also Spirit of America Bookstore's Nathaniel Hawthorne [1804-64] Page
see also Spirit of America Bookstore's Henry David Thoreau [1817-62] Page

Walt Whitman Bloom's Modern Critical Views book edited by Harold Bloom  "Walt Whitman (Bloom's Modern Critical Views)" [2003]
Edited & with an Introduction by Harold Bloom

Chelsea House Publns 9¼x6¼ pb [9/2003] for $8.66
Chelsea House Publns 9½x6½ library hardcover [3/2006] for $53.61
Chelsea House Publns 9½x6½ library hardcover [3/2006] out of print/used
Walt Whitman, Philosopher Poet book by John W. McDonald  "Walt Whitman, Philosopher Poet: Leaves of Grass By Indirection" [2007]
by John W. McDonald

author contends that Whitman wrote as a determinist and cleverly hid that element in his poetry so that nobody else realized this for over a hundred years {webmaster note: seems to me to be a rather silly construct}
McFarland & Co. 8¾x5¾ pb [2/2007] for $36.14
Walt Whitman Bloom's Classic Critical Views book edited by Harold Bloom  "Walt Whitman (Bloom's Classic Critical Views)" [2007]
Edited by Harold Bloom & Temple Cone, with an Introduction by Harold Bloom

Bloom's Literary Criticism 9¼x6½ hardcover [10/2007] for $50.54 {sic}

Outlaw Marriages / Same-Sex Couples book by Rodger Streitmatter  "Outlaw Marriages: The Hidden Histories of Fifteen Extraordinary Same-Sex Couples" [2012]
by Rodger Streitmatter

chapters/subjects include: Walt Whitman & Peter Doyle, 1865-92; Martha Carey Thomas & Mamie Gwinn, 1878-1904; Ned Warren & John Marshall, 1884-1927; Mary Rozet Smith & Jane Addams, 1891-1934; Bessie Marbury & Elsie de Wolfe, 1892-1933; J.C. Leyendecker & Charles Beach, 1901-51; Alice B. Toklas & Gertrude Stein, 1907-46; Janet Flanner & Solita Solano, 1919-75; Greta Garbo & Mercedes de Acosta, 1931-60; Aaron Copland & Victor Kraft, 1932-76; Frank Merlo & Tennessee Williams, 1948‑63; James Baldwin & Lucien Happersberger, 1949-87; Robert Rauschenberg & Jasper Johns, 1954-62; Ismail Merchant & James Ivory, 1961-2005; and Frances Clayton & Audre Lorde, 1968-88
Kindle Edition from Beacon Press [5/2012] for $15.99
Beacon Press pb [2/2013] for $14.36
Beacon Press 9¼x6¼ hardcover [5/2012] for $26.95

Walt Whitman children's book by Sheila Griffin Llanas  "Great American Authors: Walt Whitman" [grades 4-6; 2013]
by Sheila Griffin Llanas

Abdo Core Library 8¾x6¾ pb [2013] for $15.64
Abdo & Daughters 9x7¼ library hardcover [2013] for $7.77
Rebel Souls, Walt Whitman & America's First Bohemians book by Justin Martin  "Rebel Souls: Walt Whitman and America's First Bohemians" [2014]
by Justin Martin

Kindle Edition from Da Capo Press [9/2014] for $15.39
Merloyd Lawrence/Da Capo Press 9¼x6¼ hardcover [9/2014] for $20.96
'The Black & White' Magazine June 2019 Walt Whitman cover   'The Black & White' Magazine of Walt Whitman High School in Bethesda, Maryland
June 2019 Volume 57 Issue #6 cover article "Walt Whitman Hits 200" on pages 14 & 15
read the full magazine online at Issuu websiteread the article online at magazine website {broken?}
magazine website {broken?}school entry at Wikipedia

Transcendentalism entry at Wikipedia
"Transcendentalism was the New England movement of the 1830s and 1840s that brought together Romanticism in
literature and social reform in politics. Its partisans argued for the rights of women, the abolition of slavery, and, in some
cases, the socialization of labor and equal distribution of profits. They were America’s first avant-garde."

Spirit of America Bookstore's American Transcendentalism Movement Page
top of pageshort historyprimary membersother members
plays, movies, other mediaworks about Transcendentalismlinks

Friends  &  Family  &  Colleagues

not to be confused with Walt Whitman, choral director of Chicago
browse music albums'Soul Children' official website

Ed Folsom, a University of Iowa English professor and editor of the Walt Whitman Quarterly Review

William Douglas O’Connor [1832-89]
browse booksO’Connor biography at Whitman Archive • no entry at Wikipedia (2019)
wife Ellen M. 'Nellie' Tarr O'Connor [1830-1913]

"Harrington: A Story of True Love" [1860 novel]

"Mr. Donnelly's Reviewers [] by William Douglas O'Connor

"The Good Gray Poet: A Vindication" 46-page pamphlet [1866] by William Douglas O'Connor

"The Ghost" [1867] by William Douglas O'Connor, with two illustrations by Thomas Nast

"The Carpenter: A Christmas Story" short story [1868] by William Douglas O'Connor

"Netty Renton... [1869] by William Douglas O'Connor

"Hamlet's Note-Book" [1886] by William Douglas O'Connor

"Mr. Donnelly's Reviewers" [1889] by William Douglas O'Connor
ISBN: 1356099416 (ISBN13: 9781356099412) 2016 by Palala Press Hardcover, 112 pages

"Three Tales: The Ghost, The Brazen Android, The Carpenter" [Houghton Mifflin, 1892]

"Heroes of The Storm [1904] by William Douglas O'Connor
http://www.amazon.com/Heroes-Storm-William-Douglas-OConnor/dp/129457423X/ sold out

"Walt Whitman's Champion: William Douglas O'Connor" [6/1978] by Jerome Loving

"William Douglas O'Connor: Walt Whitman's Chosen Knight" [7/1985] by Florence Bernstein Freedman

Dr. Richard Maurice Bucke [1837-1902]
browse booksDr. Bucke biography at Whitman Archiveentry at Wikipedia

"Walt Whitman" biography [1883] by Dr. Richard Maurice Bucke
includes reprint/update of "Good Gray Poet" pamphlet

Cosmic Consciousness book by Richard Maurice Bucke  "Cosmic Consciousness: A Study In The Evolution of The Human Mind" [1901]
Edited by Dr. Richard Maurice Bucke MD, Introduction by George Moreby Acklom

Kindle Edition from Amazon Digital Services [9/2019] for 99¢
Kindle Edition from Amazon Digital Services [6/2018] for 99¢
Martino Publng 9¾x7½ pb [8/2010] for $8.95
Dutton 10x7¾ hardcover [1951] out of print/used
author entry at Wikipediabook entry at Wikipedia
"The Cosmic Consciousness of Walt Whitman" [1901]
relationship to the prior book is unclear: could be either an excerpt or original material
26-page Kessinger Publng 9¼x7½ pb [9/2010] for $12.76
26-page Kessinger Publng 10x7 hardcover [9/2010] for $24.76 {sic}
Richard Maurice Bucke Medical Mystic book edited by Artem Lozynsky  
"Richard Maurice Bucke, Medical Mystic: Letters of Dr. Bucke To Walt Whitman
and His Friends" [1977] Edited by Artem Lozynsky

Wayne State Univ Press 9x6¼ hardcover [4/77] out of print/used

Image  Gallery

Old Walt Smoked Wit Beer from Blind Bat Brewery in New York         Walt Wit Ale from Philadelphia Brewing Company         poster for June 2018 WaltFest events in Laurel Springs, New Jersey         USPS 3-ounce stamp honoring poet Walt Whitman

L i n k s
Walt Whitman entry at Wikipedia
browse Walt Whitman Store {returns almost 400 items} at Amazon
Walt Whitman credits at Internet Movie Database
Whitman Archive
Walt Whitman at Bartleby's
Poets.org's Walt Whitman pages
http://www.visitsouthjersey.com/events/2019-laurel-springs-waltfest-celebrating-walt-whitmans200th/ [June 2019]
Walt Whitman Assn.

The Mickle Street Review [est. 1978]

here on the Walt Whitman [1819-92] Page at Spirit of America Bookstore

top of pageshort profileprimary worksother worksmovies & TVstageplays, other media

works about Walt WhitmanTranscendentalismfriends & familyimage gallerylinks

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Online sales in association with  browse Walt Whitman Store {returns almost 400 items} at Amazon

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