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"The Los Alamos Primer" [1943] by physicist Robert Serber
The document was initiated by Robert Oppenheimer asking his protégé physicist Robert Serber to summarize all knowledge and possible solutions known as of April 1943
in a series of lectures; Serber did such an excellent job that notes by Edward Condon from the 5-lecture series were turned into "The Los Alamos Primer" booklet, given to
new scientific staff at Los Alamos, to catch them up on the work of building a practical fission bomb.
book entry at Wikipedia

facsimile Los Alamos Primer book by Robert Serber  "The Los Alamos Primer: The First Lectures On How To Build An Atomic Bomb"
[1943] by Robert Serber; Introduction by Ross Bolton

Unabridged declassified reproduction in full color with all censor markings
32-page Chump Change 11x8½ pb [4/1943 facsimile] for $7.98
32-page Chump Change 11x8½ hardcover [4/1943 facsimile] for $13.98
recent Los Alamos Primer book by Robert Serber  "The Los Alamos Primer: The First Lectures On How To Build An Atomic Bomb"
[rev. 1992] by Robert Serber, Edited & Introduction by Richard Rhodes

Once-classified lectures, with annotations for the nonspecialist reader and an Introduction
by Pulitzer-winning historian Rhodes

Univ California Press 8¼x5½ pb [4/2020] for $12.89
Univ California Press 9¼x6 hardcover [3/92] for $40.97

"The Smyth Report" [August 1945] by Henry DeWolf Smyth [1898-1986]
Major General Leslie Groves, director of the Manhattan Project, commissioned physicist Smyth to write the official un-classified administrative history of the development of the atomic bombs and the basic physical processes behind them. The report was released to the public on 12 August 1945, just days after the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
book entry at Wikipedia

The Smyth Report / Atomic Energy For Military Purposes book by Henry D. Smyth  "Atomic Energy For Military Purposes: A General Account of The Scientific Research
and Technical Development That Went Into The Making of Atomic Bombs" [1945]
by Henry D. Smyth

Official un-classified administrative history about the Manhattan Project, released to the public
on 12 August 1945, just days after the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Kindle Edition from atomic archive [6/2015] for $1.99 {sic}
Stanford Univ Press 8½x5½ pb [1990] for $27.36
American Physical Society 7¾x5¼ hardcover [8/1945] out of print/used

Bombing Hiroshima & Nagasaki report from Manhattan Project, 1946  "The Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki" [1946]
from The Manhattan Engineer District

official report from the Manhattan Project, dated 29 June 1946
BookSurge Classics pb [2/2004] for $7.99
Kessinger 11x8¼ pb [6/2004] for $10.85
IndyPublish 8¾x6½ pb [12/2001] for $17.99
IndyPublish 8¼x6¼ hardcover [12/2001] for $22.99
One World or None book edited by Dexter Masters & Katherine Way  "One World or None: A Report To The Public On The Full Meaning of The Atomic Bomb" [1946 New York Times bestseller] Edited by Dexter Masters & Katherine Way
Original edition includes Foreword by Niels Bohr, Introduction by Arthur H. Compton, articles & essays by Gen. H.H. 'Hap' Arnold, Hans Bethe, E.U. Condon, Albert Einstein, Irving Langmuir, Walter Lippmann, Philip Morrison, J. Robert Oppenheimer, Louis N. Ridenour, Frederick Seitz, Harlow Shapley, Leo Szilard, Harold C. Urey, Eugene P. Wigner, and Gale Young; recent editions include a New Preface by Richard Rhodes
McGraw-Hill Book Co. pb [1946] out of print/used
The New Press 7½x5½ hardcover [9/2007] for $20.27
The New Press 7½x5½ hardcover [9/2007] out of print/used

Untold Story of The Making of The Atomic Bomb book by Stephane Groueff  "Manhattan Project: The Untold Story of The Making of The Atomic Bomb" [1967]
by Stephane Groueff [1922-2006]

iUniverse/Backinprint 9x6 pb [6/2000] for $28.95
Bantam Books mass pb [1968] out of print/used
Little Brown & Co. hardcover [6/67] out of print/used

transcript of Groueff's 1965 interview of J. Robert Oppenheimer [1904-67]

World Destroyed book by Martin J. Sherwin  
"A World Destroyed: Hiroshima & The Origins of The Arms Race" [1975]
by Martin J. Sherwin

Stanford Univ Press 8¾x5½ pb [8/2003] for $16.47
Stanford Univ Press 8¼x5½ pb [11/87] out of print/used
Atomic Soldiers book by Howard L. Rosenberg  "Atomic Soldiers: American Victims of Nuclear Experiments" [1979]
by Howard L. Rosenberg, Introduction by Jack Anderson

(the TV deal on the movie tie-in 1980 bookcover did not get made)
Beacon Press 7½x5 pb [6/81] out of print/used
Beacon Press pb [5/80] out of print/used
Beacon Press pb [12/79] out of print/used
G.I. Guinea Pigs / Agent Orange & Atomic Radiation book by Michael Uhl & Tod Ensign  "G.I. Guinea Pigs: How the Pentagon Exposed Our Troops to Dangers More Deadly Than War - Agent Orange and Atomic Radiation" [1980]
by Michael Uhl & Tod Ensign

Putnam Publng Group 8x5½ pb [11/80] out of print/used
Playboy Press 8¼x5¾ hardcover [11/80] out of print/used
Playboy Press 8¼x5¾ hardcover [11/80] out of print/used
Nuclear Power Both Sides book edited by Michio Kaku & Jennifer Trainer  "Nuclear Power: Both Sides - The Best Arguments For and Against The Most Contro-versial Technology" [1982] Edited by Michio Kaku & Jennifer Trainer
contributors include Hans A. Bethe, Ralph Nader
W.W. Norton & Co. 9x6 pb [9/83] for $23.15
W.W. Norton & Co. hardcover [1982] out of print/many used
Countdown Zero book by Thomas H. Saffer & Orville E. Kelly  "Countdown Zero: G.I. Victims of Atomic Testing" [1982]
by Thomas H. Saffer & Orville E. Kelly, Introduction by Stewart L. Udall

Penguin Books 7x5 pb [7/83] out of print/used
Penguin Adult 8¾x5½ pb [5/82] out of print/used
Wizards of Armageddon book by Fred M. Kaplan  "The Wizards of Armageddon: The Untold Story of The Men Who Have Devised The Plans & Shaped The Policies On How To Use The Bomb" [1983] by Fred M. Kaplan
A study of U.S. nuclear policy as devised & reshaped by a group of
civilians at RAND Corp. [est. 1948] in Santa Monica, California

Stanford Univ Press 9x6 pb [10/91] for $25.95
S&S 9¼x6 hardcover [1/83] out of print/used
Deadly Connection / Nuclear War book from American Friends Service Committee  "The Deadly Connection: Nuclear War & US Intervention" [1983]
from American Friends Service Committee {Quakers}

Transcripts from the conference initiated by the A.F.S.C. New England Regional Office, held at M.I.T. December 4 & 5, 1982; includes articles and speeches by Norman Becker, Phil Berryman, Kassahun Checole, Noam Chomsky, Daniel Ellsberg, Randall Forsberg, Jack O'Dell, Charles Planas
New Society Publrs 8¼x5¾ pb [10/85] out of print/used
A.F.S.C. 9x6 pb [1983] out of print/used
A.F.S.C. pb [1983] out of print/scarce
Talking to Children About Nuclear War book by Mary & William Van Ornum  
"Talking To Children About Nuclear War" [1984]
by William Van Ornum & Mary Wicker Van Ornum

Wipf & Stock Publng 9x6 pb [4/2002] for $18.00
Continuum Intl. Publng 8¾x6 pb [4/84] out of print/used
Continuum Intl. Publng 9½x6½ hardcover [4/84] out of print/used
Making of the Atomic Bomb book by Richard Rhodes  "The Making of The Atomic Bomb" [1987] by Richard Rhodes
book won the National Book Award, the National Book Critics Circle Award, and the
Pulitzer Prize for Non-Fiction - considered to be the definitive history of the Manhattan Project
Kindle 25th Anniv Edition from Simon & Schuster Digital Sales [9/2012] for $14.99
S&S 25th Anniv 9x6 pb [7/2012] for $21.15
S&S 9¼x6 pb [8/95] for $16.03
Touchstone 9¼x6¼ pb [2/88] out of print/90+ used
S&S 9½x6¼ hardcover [2/87] out of print/used
To Win A Nuclear War book by Michio Kaku & Daniel Axelrod  
"To Win A Nuclear War: The Pentagon's Secret War Plans" [1987]
by Michio Kaku & Daniel Axelrod, Foreword by Ramsey Clark

South End Press 8½x5½ pb [7/99] out of print/used
South End Press 8½x5½ pb [7/99] out of print/used
Black Rose Books, Canada 8¾x5½ hardcover [10/87] for $48.99
The Struggle Against the Bomb, Volume One book by Lawrence Wittner  "The Struggle Against The Bomb, Volume One: One World or None - A History of The World Nuclear Disarmament Movement Through 1953" [1993] by Lawrence S. Wittner
Stanford Univ Press 12½x9¾ pb [1995] out of print/used
Stanford Univ Press 9¼x6¼ hardcover [9/93] for $80.75
The Struggle Against the Bomb, Volume 2 book by Lawrence Wittner  "The Struggle Against The Bomb, Volume 2: Resisting The Bomb - A History of The World Nuclear Disarmament Movement, 1954-1970" [1997]
by Lawrence S. Wittner

Stanford Univ Press 9x6 pb [12/97] out of print/used
Stanford Univ Press 9x6 hardcover [12/97] out of print/used
Plutonium Files / Secret Medical Experiments book by Eileen Welsome   "The Plutonium Files: America's Secret Medical Experiments In The Cold War" [1999]
by Eileen Welsome

Details of the many lab accidents and horrible human experiments from the Manhattan Project and for many years laterPlutonium entry at Wikipedia
Delta 9½x6¼ pb [10/2000] out of print/used
The Dial Press 9¼x6 hardcover [9/99] out of print/used
Breakdown / Secret of the Atomic Bomb book by Richard Melzer, PhD  "Breakdown: How The Secret of The Atomic Bomb Was Stolen" [1999]
by Richard Melzer, PhD

Sunstone Press 8½x5¼ pb [12/99] for $16.95

Fallout / Political Science of the Atomic Bomb graphic novel by Jim Ottaviani  "Fallout: J. Robert Oppenheimer, Leo Szilard, and The Political Science of The Atomic Bomb" graphic novel [2001] Written by Jim Ottaviani, Illustrated by Janine Johnston, Jeffrey Jones, Steve Lieber, Vince Locke, Bernie Mireault & Jeff Parker
Book focuses on the scientists themselves - in particular J. Robert Oppenheimer and Leo Szilard - whose lives offer a cautionary tale about the uneasy alliance between the military, the government, and the beginnings of 'big science'
Kindle Edition from G.T. Labs [6/2016] for $12.99
G.T. Labs 10x7 pb [9/2013] for $24.95
Nuclear Weapons book by William Lambers  
"Nuclear Weapons" [2001] by William Lambers
self-published 8¼x6¼ 3rd edition pb [5/2002] for $10.17
book & study guide & CD-ROM package
self-published set [5/2003] for $24.95
Atomic Archive CD-ROM by Chris Griffith  "Atomic Archive: History, Science, Consequences" CD-ROM [2002]
by Chris Griffith

A.J. Software & Multimedia CD-ROM [4/2002] for $19.77
official website
New Nuclear Danger book by Dr. Helen Caldicott  "The New Nuclear Danger: George W. Bush's Military-Industrial Complex"
[2002, rev 2004] by Dr. Helen Caldicott

New Press 8¼x5½ pb [4/2004] for $7.18
New Press 8¼x6¼ pb [4/2002] out of print/many used
Brotherhood of The Bomb / Oppenheimer, Lawrence & Teller book by Gregg Herken  "Brotherhood of The Bomb: The Tangled Lives and Loyalties of Robert Oppenheimer, Ernest Lawrence, and Edward Teller" [2002] by Smithsonian historian Gregg Herken
behind-the-scenes account based on a decade of research, interviews, and newly-released Freedom of Information Act documents and Russian documents
Kindle Edition from Henry Holt & Co. [9/2002] for $11.99
Holt Paperbacks 8½x5½ pb [9/2003] for $29.99
Henry Holt & Co. 9½x6½ hardcover [9/2002] out of print/used
The Struggle Against the Bomb, Volume 3 book by Lawrence Wittner  "The Struggle Against the Bomb, Volume 2: Toward Nuclear Abolition: A History of The World Nuclear Disarmament Movement, 1971 to the Present" [2003]
by Lawrence S. Wittner

Stanford Univ Press 9x6 pb [8/2003] for $35.10
Stanford Univ Press 9½x6 hardcover [8/2003] for $82.00
The Bomb / A Life book by Gerard J. DeGroot  "The Bomb: A Life" [2005] by Gerard J. DeGroot
Harvard Univ Press 9½x6½ hardcover [3/2005] for $18.45
Living Under The Threat of Nuclear War book by Derek C. Maus  "Living Through The Cold War: Living Under The Threat of Nuclear War" [YA 2005]
by Derek C. Maus

Greenhaven Press hardcover [3/2005] for $35.75
Survival Hot List by Joseph A. Bagnall  "The Survival Hot List: Conquering The Seven Deadly Trends" [2006]
by Joseph A. Bagnall

iUniverse 9x6 pb [1/2006] for $13.95
author's website
Spying on the Bomb book by Jeffrey T. Richelson  "Spying On The Bomb: American Nuclear Intelligence From Nazi Germany To Iran & North Korea" [2006] by Jeffrey T. Richelson
W.W. Norton 9½x6½ hardcover [3/2006] for $22.02
Atomic Bazaar Nuclear Trafficking book by William Langewiesche  "The Atomic Bazaar: Dispatches From The Underground World of Nuclear Trafficking"
[2007] by William Langewiesche

FS&G 8x5½ pb [4/2008] for $8.83
FS&G 8¼x5¾ hardcover [5/2007] for $12.42
Arsenals of Folly / Nuclear Arms Race book by Richard Rhodes  "Arsenals of Folly: The Making of The Nuclear Arms Race" [2007]
by Richard Rhodes

Knopf 10x5¾ hardcover [10/2007] for $19.11
Hell's Fire History of American Atomic Weapons Projects  "Hell's Fire: A Documentary History of The American Atomic Thermo-nuclear Weapons Projects, From Hiroshima To The Cold War & The War On Terror" [2008]
Edited by Lenny Flank

Red & Black Publrs 9x5¾ pb [3/2008] for $16.19
A Nuclear Family Vacation book by Nathan Hodge & Sharon Weinberger  "A Nuclear Family Vacation: Travels In The World of Atomic Weaponry" [2008]
by Nathan Hodge & Sharon Weinberger

Bloomsbury 9¼x6½ hardcover [6/2008] for $16.49
Nuclear Express Political History of The Bomb book by Thomas Reed & Danny Stillman  "The Nuclear Express: A Political History of The Bomb & Its Proliferation" [2009]
by Thomas C. Reed & Danny B. Stillman

Zenith Press 9x6¼ hardcover [1/2009] for $19.80
Atomic Awakening book by James Mahaffey  "Atomic Awakening: A New Look At The History and Future of Nuclear Power" [2009]
by James Mahaffey

Kindle Edition from Pegasus Books [10/2010] for $9.99
Pegasus Books 8½x5¾ pb [10/2010] for $18.95
Pegasus Books hardcover [6/2009] out of print/used
Shanghai Science & Technology Publng House Chinese-language pb [2011] out of print/used
The Bomb, History book by Stephen M. Younger  "The Bomb: A New History" [2009] by Stephen M. Younger
HarperCollins/Ecco 7¾x5¼ pb [1/2010] for $10/19
HarperCollins/Ecco 8x5½ hardcover [1/2009] for $17.81
The Dragon's Tail, Americans Face the Atomic Age book by Robert A. Jacobs  "The Dragon's Tail: Americans Face The Atomic Age" [2009]
by Robert A. Jacobs

Univ Massachusetts Press 9¼x6 pb [2/2010] for $22.50
Univ Massachusetts Press 9¼x6¼ hardcover [12/2009] out of print/used
Bomb Power, National Security State book by Garry Wills  "Bomb Power: The Modern Presidency and The National Security State" [2010]
by Garry Wills

Wills's alarming account of the unprecedented growth of the executive branch's power is reviewed as both an "unfocused jeremiad" and as "a meticulously researched, readable, and well-timed treatise on the state of the U.S. government" – which probably qualifies the book as 'thought-provoking' at the very least
Kindle Edition from Penguin Group USA [1/2011] for $12.99
Penguin Books 7¾x5 pb [1/2011] for $13.85
Penguin Press 9x6¼ hardcover [1/2010] out of print/100+ used

Spy's Guide to Santa Fe & Albuquerque book by E.B. Held  "A Spy's Guide To Santa Fe and Albuquerque" [2011]
by former C.I.A. agent E.B. Held

Reveals details of the plot to assassinate Leon Trotsky, Ted Hall's delivery of atom bomb secrets to Russia's K.G.B., the case of Julius & Ethel Rosenberg, and the allegations against Los Alamos National Laboratory scientist Dr. Wen Ho Lee
Kindle Edition from Univ NM Press [5/2011] for $9.99
Univ NM Press 8½x5½ pb [1/2011] for $15.64
Trinity Graphic History of the First Atomic Bomb book by Jonathan Fetter-Vorm  "Trinity: A Graphic History of The First Atomic Bomb" [2012]
by Jonathan Fetter-Vorm

powerful renderings that showcase J. Robert Oppenheimer, Enrico Fermi, and Gen. Leslie Groves
Kindle Edition from Hill & Wang [11/2023] for $9.99   11/2023
Hill & Wang 9x6 pb [5/2013] for $15.49
Hill & Wang 9¼x6¼ hardcover [6/2012] out of print/used
Romancing The Atom book by Robert Johnson  "Romancing The Atom: Nuclear Infatuation From The Radium Girls To Fukushima" [2012]
by Robert Johnson

Kindle Edition from Praeger [8/2012] for $50.35 {sic}
Praeger 9¼x6 hardcover [8/2012] for $53.00 {sic}

more details (history, movies, stageplays, books & ebooks, links) on
Spirit of America Bookstore's 'Radium Girls' Page

Nuclear Iran book by David Patrikarakos  "Nuclear Iran: The Birth of An Atomic State" [2012]
by David Patrikarakos

Kindle Edition from I.B. Tauris [8/2012] for $14.29
I.B. Tauris 8¾x5¾ hardcover [11/2012] for $24.61
The Nuclear Age in Popular Media book edited by Dick van Lente  "The Nuclear Age In Popular Media: A Transnational History, 1945-1965" [2012]
Edited by Dick van Lente

Kindle Edition from Palgrave Macmillan [11/2012] for $72.00 {sic}
Palgrave Macmillan 8¾x5½ hardcover [11/2012] for $81.38 {sic}
Age of Radiance / Atomic Era book by Craig Nelson  "The Age of Radiance: The Epic Rise and Dramatic Fall of The Atomic Era" [2014]
by Craig Nelson
- author's official website
The first complete history of the Atomic Age, from the discovery of X-rays in the 1890s to the continuing XXIst Century disaster at Fukushima
Kindle Edition from Scribner/Simon & Schuster Digital Sales [3/2014] for $14.99
Scribner 8¾x5¾ pb [12/2014] for $15.45
Scribner 9x6 hardcover [3/2014] for $29.99
Rocket States book by Fabienne Collignon  "Rocket States: Atomic Weaponry and The Cultural Imagination" [2014]
by Fabienne Collignon

featuring references to and-or excerpts of Batman, Stephen King, Norman Mailer,
Thomas Pynchon, Ronald Reagan, Nikola Tesla, James Webb, and Tom Wolfe

Kindle Edition from Bloomsbury Academic [7/2014] for $35.99 {sic}
Bloomsbury Academic 9x6 pb [1/2016] for $39.95
Bloomsbury Academic 9¼x6¼ hardcover [7/2014] for $110.00 {sic}
Nuclear Iran book by Jeremy Bernstein  
"Nuclear Iran" [2014] by Jeremy Bernstein
Kindle Edition from Harvard Univ Press [10/2014] for $9.99
Harvard Univ Press 9x6 hardcover [10/2014] for $17.46
Downwind People's History book by Sarah Alisabeth Fox  "Downwind: A People's History of The Nuclear West, Illustrated" [2014]
by Sarah Alisabeth Fox
{ author's official booksite }
an unflinching report of the American atomic West that reveals the intentional disregard for the inhabitants and the environment in nuclear testing by the federal government and in uranium extraction by mining corporations during and after the Cold War
Kindle Edition from Bison Books [11/2014] for $11.99
Bison Books 9x6 pb [10/2018] for $15.83
Bison Books 9¼x6½ hardcover [11/2014] for $29.95

Radium Girls book by Kate Moore  "The Radium Girls: The Dark Story of America's Shining Women" [U.K. June 2016, USA April 2017]
by Kate Moore
{ official website }
Soon after the Curies discovered radium, industry made use of its seemingly-magical properties; clock- and watch-makers hired young women to paint radium onto the dials of their products for a glow-in-the-dark effect, telling their employees that there was no danger whatsoever. But by the 1920s and 1930s the young 'radium girls' became sick with cancer and other fatal ailments. Featuring the Westclox factory in Ottawa, Illinois - parts of the town are radioactive to this day.
73-page 'Extended Excerpt' Kindle Edition from Sourcebooks [3/2017] for FREE {sic}
Kindle Edition from Sourcebooks [4/2017] for $7.49
Sourcebooks 9x6 pb [3/2018] for $14.39
Sourcebooks 9x6 hardcover [4/2017] for $18.35

Existential Peril in the Nuclear Age book by Dan Zak  
"Almighty: Courage, Resistance, and Existential Peril In The Nuclear Age" [2016]
by Dan Zak

Kindle Edition from Blue Rider Press/Penguin Group [7/2016] for $13.99
Blue Rider Press 9¼x6½ hardcover [7/2016] for $17.70
Underground & Radioactive / Uranium Miner book by R.D. Saunders  "Underground and Radioactive: Adventures of A Uranium Miner In 1970s New Mexico"
[2017] by R.D. Saunders

Kindle Edition from McFarland [5/2017] for $9.99
McFarland 9x6 pb [5/2017] for $29.95
Doomsday Machine / Nuclear War book by Daniel Ellsberg  "The Doomsday Machine: Confessions of A Nuclear War Planner" [2017]
by Daniel Ellsberg [1931-2023]

Ellsberg shows that the legacy of our dangerous arms buildup – and its proposed renewal under the Trump administration – threatens the very survival of civilization: if executed, it will cause the near-extinction of humanity.
Kindle Edition from Bloomsbury USA [12/2017] for $9.20
Bloomsbury USA 8x5 pb [12/2017] out of print/used
Bloomsbury USA 9½x6½ hardcover [12/2017] for $18.89
Technical History of America’s Nuclear Weapons books by Dr. Peter A. Goetz   "A Technical History of America’s Nuclear Weapons: Their Design, Operation, Delivery, and Deployment" [2018] by Dr. Peter A. Goetz
1846-page self-publd Kindle Edition [9/2020] for $9.99
"Volume I: Introduction and Developments To 1960" [2018]
652-page self-publd 10x8 pb [9/2020] for $34.95
"Volume II: Developments From 1960 Through 2020" [2020]
643-page self-publd 10x8 pb [9/2020] for $34.95

Barry M. Blechman and Stephen S. Kaplan's "Force Without War: U.S. Armed Forces As A Political Instrument" [1979]

The Apocalypse Factory / Plutonium book by Steve Olson  "The Apocalypse Factory: Plutonium and The Making of The Atomic Age" [2020]
by award-winning science writer Steve Olson

In a matter of months, the Hanford nuclear facility was built in the desert of eastern Washington State to produce weapon-strength deadly and enigmatic plutonium to fuel the atomic bombs dropped on Hiro-shima and Nagasaki, and for the bombs in the current American nuclear arsenal; author Olson, who grew up just twenty miles from Hanford’s B Reactor, asks why the facility is so often overlooked in histories of the Manhattan Project and of the Cold War; 32 illustrations
Kindle Edition from W.W. Norton & Co. [7/2020] for $9.99
W.W. Norton & Co. 8¼x5½ pb [1/2022] for $15.51
W.W. Norton & Co. 9½x6½ hardcover [7/2020] for $17.48
Nuclear Nuevo México book by Myrriah Gómez  "Nuclear Nuevo México: Colonialism and The Effects of The Nuclear Industrial  11/2022
Complex On Nuevomexicanos" [2022] by Myrriah Gómez

shows how the tradition of colonial affected events in Los Alamos during WWII and continue today
Kindle Edition from Univ Arizona Press [11/2022] for $16.50
Univ Arizona Press 9x6 pb [11/2022] for $30.00
Univ Arizona Press 9x6 hardcover [11/2022] for $100.00 {sic}
Road to Surrender book by Evan Thomas  "Road To Surrender: Three Men and The Countdown To The End of World War II" [2023]
by Evan Thomas

covers historic efforts to end the Pacific War by Henry Stimson, U.S. Secretary of War, who oversaw the Manhattan Project; U.S. Army Air Forces Gen. Carl 'Tooey' Spaatz, head of strategic bombing in the Pacific; and Japanese Foreign Minister Shigenori Togo
Kindle Edition from Random House [5/2023] for $13.99
Random House 9½x6½ hardcover [5/2023] for $18.19

Atomic  Fiction
list of Nuclear Holocaust Fiction & Films at Wikipedia

The Accident novel by Dexter Masters  "The Accident: A Novel" [1955] by Dexter Masters
In April 1946, Canadian physicist Louis A. Slotin was working in a laboratory at Los Alamos and accidentally triggered a burst of hard radiation; he died nine days later. Masters's novel describes the events around fictional Louis Saxl and a similar event.
Penguin Books 7½x5 pb [8/85] out of print/used
Faber & Faber 7¾x5 pb [1987] out of print/used
Alfred A. Knopf 8x5¾ hardcover [1955] out of print/used
On The Beach novel by Nevil Shute  "On The Beach" [1957 novel] by Nevil Shute
Set in a future 1964, the northern hemisphere is wiped out by nuclear war, the radiation will soon also poison the southern hemisphere. An American submarine finds temporary safe haven in Australia; the captain mourns his lost family and meets a local beauty barely a month before the predicted end of civilization.
Ballantine Books mass pb [9/83] for $6.99
House of Stratus 8x5¼ pb [10/2002] for $10.36
Amereon House 8¼x5¾ hardcover [6/86] for $26.95
book entry at Wikipedia
made into a movie in 1959 starring Gregory Peck
see further details on the Atomic Film Festival Page
Level 7 novel by Mordecai Roshwald  
"Level 7: A Horrifying, Prophetic Document of The Future" [classic 1959 novel]
by Mordecai Roshwald, edited by David Seed

The diary of Officer X-127, who is assigned to stand guard at the electronic controls of an intercontinental missile system installed four thousand feet underground.
Univ WI Press 9x6 pb [5/2004] for $11.53
Signet mass pb [1/59] out of print/used
Alas, Babylon novel by Pat Frank  "Alas, Babylon" [1959 classic] by Pat Frank
Still in print after 50 years, there are even SparkNotes Guides; deals with the effects of nuclear war on a small town in Florida
HarperPerennial 8x5¼ pb [7/2005] for $10.18
HarperPerennial 8x5½ pb [4/99] out of print/used
Bantam Books mass pb [7/82] out of print/used
Bantam Books hardcover [1981] out of print/used
Down To A Sunless Sea 1979 novel by David Graham  "Down To A Sunless Sea: A Novel" [1979] by David Graham
With the end of oil, America becomes a third-world country; the pilot of a British airliner taking off from New York learns that Israel has nuked Egypt, Lebanon & Syria, setting off nuclear retaliation around the globebook entry at Wikipedia
S&S pb [6/2007] for $20.65
Fawcett mass pb [7/86] out of print/used
Robert Hale, Ltd, hardcover [10/79] out of print/used
The Bomb novel  "The Bomb" [1995 YA novel] by Theodore Taylor
Vivid descriptions of Micronesian culture, thru the eyes of a native youth. Bikini Island is liberated from the Japanese Army in 1944, and then the islanders are forced to evacuate so that America can set off nuclear tests, and some of the natives revolt.
HarperTrophy YA mass pb [8/97] for $5.99
Sagebrush 7x4¼ hardcover [10/99] for $14.15
Harcourt Children's 8½x5¾ hardcover [10/95] out of print/used
Downwinders novel by Curtis & Dianne Nelson Oberhansly  "Downwinders: An Atomic Tale" [2001 novel]
by Curtis & Dianne Nelson Oberhansly

Three Utahans discover classified documents about operations at the Nevada Test Site in the Fifties, and risk their lives to transport the incriminating information to victims of A-test fallout.
Black Ledge Press 9¼x6 pb [4/2001] for $14.95
official booksite
Pure and Radiant Heart  "Oh Pure and Radiant Heart" [2005 novel] by Lydia Millet
A shy librarian in Santa Fe, New Mexico discovers that three atomic scientists watching the Trinity Test in 1945 – Robert Oppenheimer, Leo Szilard & Enrico Fermi – have transported sixty years into the future, where they must re-examine their legacy.
Harvest 7¾x5¼ pb [7/2006] for $10.20
Soft Skull Press 9½x6½ hardcover [6/2005] for $19.00
publisher bookpageauthor website
Atomic Romance  "An Atomic Romance: A Novel" [2005]
by Bobbie Ann Mason

Set against the backdrop of a Kentucky uranium enrichment plant
Random House 9½x6½ hardcover [8/2005] for $15.72
Blackstone audio CD [9/2005] for $18.87
Shadow of the Bomb mystery novel by Robert Goldsborough  "Shadow of The Bomb: A Snap Malek Mystery" [2006]
by Robert Goldsborough

Chicago newspaper reporter Snap Malek gets wind of an important and very secret project led by physicist Enrico Fermi underneath a football stadium on the University of Chicago campus; he attempts to arrange an exclusive story, but that is made difficult by several violent deaths . . .
Kindle Edition from Echelon Press [3/2009] for $4.99
Echelon Press 8x5 pb [9/2006] out of print/used
Pulitzer-winning The Road novel by Cormac McCarthy  "The Road" [2006] by Cormac McCarthy
won the Pulitzer Prize For Fiction; a father & son journey toward the sea across the desolate landscape remaining after an unnamed cataclysm destroys civilization on Earth
Vintage movie tie-in mass pb [11/2008] for $7.99
Vintage 8x5 pb [3/2007] for $10.17
Knopf 9¾x5¾ hardcover [9/2006] for $16.47
book entry at Wikipedia
made into a 2009 feature film starring Viggo Mortensen & Guy Pearce
see further details on the Atomic Film Festival Page
Critical Reaction mystery novel by Todd M. Johnson  "Critical Reaction: A Novel" [2013] by Todd M. Johnson
Inspired by a real case; after surviving a thunderous explosion at the shuttered Hanford Nuclear Facility in Washington State, an employee asks for help from a friend who is an inexperienced lawyer; they then seek help from the young lawyer's estranged father, an experienced trial lawyer who has grown jaded and weary of his profession; the deeper he digs, the stranger - and more dangerous - the case becomes.official site
Kindle Edition from Bethany House [11/2013] for $9.99
Bethany House Publrs 8¼x5½ pb [11/2013] for $11.97
'Iron Lines' Icelandic railroad novel by A.J. Russell  "Iron Lines" railroad novel [2015] by A.J. Russell
The government nuclear power plant at Echelon in Iceland suffers a devastating meltdown; a veteran of the Chernobyl disaster is appointed to clean up the mess, and there's only one way to cross the volcanic wilderness from Reykjavik: the Járnbraut Ferõast - the Voyager Railway
LULU.com 8¼x6 pb [11/2015] for $12.08
'Murder On The San Juan Express' mystery novella by K.C. Sivils  "Murder On The San Juan Express: An Agent Nelson Paine Mystery" novella [2021]
by K.C. Sivils of Texas

German born physicist Johann Mueller immigrated to the United States in the 1930s to escape Hitler and the Nazis, and recently worked for the U.S. Department of War; when he dies under mysterious circumstances while traveling on Colorado’s famed narrow gauge San Juan Express, F.B.I. Special Agent Nelson Paine is assigned the sensitive task of uncovering the truth about Mueller’s death. Suspecting espionage, Paine continues Mueller’s journey, and soon discovers that things are not what they seem along the Denver & Rio Grande Western and the Rio Grande Southern railroads . . . (Of course, this is connected to the secret Manhattan Project.)
Kindle Edition from self-publd [1/2021] for 99¢ {sic}
self-publd 8½x5½ pb [3/2021] for $10.95

Atomic Anna scifi novel by Rachel Barenbaum  "Atomic Anna: A Novel" science fiction [2022] by Rachel Barenbaum  4/2022
Three generations of women work together and travel through time to prevent the Chernobyl disaster and right the wrongs of their past
Kindle Edition from Grand Central Publng [4/2022] for $13.99
Grand Central Publng 10½x6½ hardcover [4/2022] for $25.99

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