on this page: Letters To The Editor, etc. from 2019 forward
Letters To The Editor, etc. 1965 to 2008 {on Page Two}
Letters To The Editor, etc. 2009 {lower half Page Three}
Letters To The Editor, etc. 2010 {upper half Page Three}
Letters To The Editor, etc. 2011 {lower half Page Four}
Letters To The Editor, etc. 2012 {upper half Page Four}
Letters To The Editor, etc. 2013-2015 {Page Five}
Letters To The Editor, etc. 2016-2018 {Page Six}
News Stories (from 2006 on) about G.E. Nordell
"The battle against ignorance and apathy and magical thinking is a full time job." — G.E. Nordell
Letters To The Editor, etc. 2023
Valencia County News-Bulletin Thursday 18 July 2024 Opinion Section [page 4] Rebutting a Republican
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Valencia County News-Bulletin
Thursday 25 April 2024 Opinion Section [page 4] Vote very carefully
       Fascism, per political polymath Mark Green, is defined by “one-man rule, based on big lies, nationalist fervor, xenophobia, hatred of marginal groups, displays of militarism, incitement to violence, media manipulation, and persistent lawlessness.”
       Project 2025 has already caused legislative attempts to defund the Department of Justice, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Department of Education, and the Department of Homeland Security. So far in 2024, 11 states have introduced or taken new action on bills to roll back child labor protections.        You do not want further destruction of your rights. Vote very carefully in the upcoming elections.      G.E. NORDELL
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Valencia County News-Bulletin Thursday 15 June 2023 Opinion Section [page 4] REPUBLICANS HAVE NO SOLUTIONS
       The letter from citizen Donna Crawford of Tomé (VCNB September 31) is typical G.O.P. propaganda. She whines about electric vehicles, about how electrification 'will crush our freedoms', then gets all confused about fascism and socialism.
       There is not one solution offered in that letter. Electric vehicles are a critical technical solution, but she describes them as a problem because Democrats are getting their job done. The planet passed Peak Oil several years back, so what is the G.O.P. solution for when we run out of fossil fuels? No G.O.P. solution exists.
       Republicans back their fascist agenda with millions of dark money dollars donated by corporations. Their most-visible fascist tactics include voter suppression (gerrymandering, election fraud), denial of reality (Fox, the faker of news), and disdain for human rights and oppression of minorities (anti-labor, anti-equality, anti-immigrant). This activity and much more are being perpatrated every day by national and local Republicans.        The United states reached the statistic that 95% of adults are vaccinated against or are survivors of COVID-19. In New Mexico, 73% of residents have at least one COVID-19 vaccination. But here in Valencia County only 50% of residents are vaccinated. Our local Republican Party instills fear by endangering Valencia County residents. How many of your relatives will die during the Fall Flu Season because their caregivers chose the wrong political party slash agenda ?        The Republican Party is fascist top to bottom, and anyone who votes for them is likewise a fascist. [The Republican Party has made] Valencia County ... a sinkhole of what doesn't work. Ask a farmer who just found out there will be no more crops for the year because the Rio Grande River is going dry. Empty buildings, vacant lots, tumbleweed vistas. Racist cops, [F]amilies of the poor and of the working poor going hungry, banned books & banned genders, poisoned environment, economic oppression. Thank a Republican.        The Democratic Party, and especially here in New Mexico, have solutions galore – for the long term and for the short term. Your vote counts.      G.E. NORDELL
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Valencia County News-Bulletin Thursday 15 June 2023 Opinion Section [page 4] Belén’s reputation
       Here is how that shows up:
       New Mexico Magazine and the state tourism group should consider a cover story titled, “New Mexico Slow: The City of Belén – ‘Progress’ Moves Things Backward”
     G.E. NORDELL, [local curmudgeon]
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Valencia County News-Bulletin Thursday 9 February 2023 Opinion Section [page 4] Zero tolerance
Letters To The Editor, etc. 2022
Valencia County News-Bulletin Thursday 27 Oct 2022 Opinion Section [page 4] Dog and Pony Show
Albuquerque [NM] Journal Sunday 14 Aug 2022 Opinion Pages / Speak Up! Section [page C4]        Cool name for a VEGAN RESTAURANT: Saladarity! All employees belong to the union, of course. G.E.N. |
Boston Globe 'Fast Forward' blog & newsletter
Friday 22 April 2022 staff reporter Teresa M. Hanafin and 'Fast Forward' content are behind the paywall Finally, more of your epitaphs . . .
Valencia County News-Bulletin
Thursday 3 February 2022 Opinion Section [page 4] Freedom or disobedience
Letters To The Editor, etc. 2021
Valencia County News-Bulletin
Thursday 8 July 2021 Opinion Section [page 4] Continue to wear a mask
Albuquerque [NM] Journal Sunday 7 Nov 2021 Opinion Pages / Speak Up! Section [page C4]        NICE HEADLINE on (the Oct. 30) front page: "Half of city voters back vans to catch speeders". The other half, who don't want speeders caught, are of course the speeders. G.E.N. Albuquerque [NM] Journal Thursday 10 June 2021 Opinion Page / Speak Up! Section [page A13]        I SHALL continue to wear my COVID mask when out and about. New Mexico has recorded 60% of the population as having received full vaccinations. But I do not trust that other 40% on my visits to town. Other than folks ordered by their doctor not to get the COVID-19 shots, anyone who does not yet have their shots completed is willfully being a jerk by not participating in making New Mexico safe against the COVID-19 epidemic. C'mon guys: Albertsons is offering free COVID-19 vaccinations. You no longer have any valid excuse. G.E.N. Albuquerque [NM] Journal Thursday 20 May 2021 Opinion Page / Speak Up! Section [page A11]        KK [SPEAKUP May 6] and others completely miss the mark concerning Mayor Keller; like or dislike him and/or his policies and/or his actions, the actual reason for the high crime rate in Albuquerque is the many, many criminals who live in that city and neighboring territory. G.E.N. |
Letters To The Editor, etc. 2020
Valencia County News-Bulletin
Thursday 26 Nov 2020 Opinion Section [page 4-A] Rebuttal to fossil fuel propaganda
Albuquerque [NM] Journal Thursday 26 November 2020 Opinion Page / Speak Up! Section [page A15]        PLEASE, PLEASE, please re-gerrymander New Mexico. My precinct in Rio Communities does NOT belong in CD-2, nor does any other precinct in Valencia County. G.E.N. This was submitted as Letter to Editor, got printed in Speak Up! instead. Albuquerque [NM] Journal Thursday 19 November 2020 Opinion Page / Speak Up! Section [page A11]        BRIAN EGOLF: Please, please, please re-gerrymander New Mexico. My precinct in Rio Communities does NOT belong in CD-2, nor does any other precinct in Valencia County. G.E.N. |
Valencia County News-Bulletin Thursday 8 October 2020 Opinion Section [page 4-A] Bowling Alley Park?
Albuquerque [NM] Journal Thursday 8 October 2020 Opinion Page / Speak Up! Section [page A13]        A FRIEND of mine is sewing fabric face masks with a pacifier inside, for bikers and Republicans and others who whine about wearing a mask for safety during the COVID-19 epidemic. The whiners won't buy such a thing, but they make an interesting gift idea. G.E.N. |
Valencia County News-Bulletin Thursday 18 June 2020 Opinion Section [page 4-A] Trump’s speech was lies
       There are more important matters in the world. But do not expect to see a complaint in these pages from any Republican nor any fellow-traveling Independent about the [111,000] Americans that have been killed so far by the [COVID-19 pandemic] ...
Valencia County News-Bulletin Thursday 16 April 2020 Opinion Section [page 4-A] Trash contract problems
       I, and others, have spoken at well-attended City Council meetings on the matter, the mayor and council said, “we’ll deal with that in the R.F.P.”, but that has not happened. Nor were any changes made to the city’s ordinance.
       It is likely going to take a few months to get the new trash pickup readied so there is time to fix the billing software too. If U.W.S. is foolish enough to send fraudulent bills for payment, the hundred or more victims of such fraud can gather and file a class action lawsuit. In that case, the plan will be to initiate a Facebook group so as to be in contact, to meet at the monthly free legal clinic at the courthouse on Morris Road in Los Lunas, and then to seek pro bono legal assistance.
Albuquerque [NM] Journal Thursday 20 February 2020 Opinion Page / Speak Up! Section [page A13]        THE INCOHERENT post by GS (SpeakUp Jan. 2) completely avoids facts. 1) Solar panels produce electricity, they produce no heat whatsoever; 2) wind turbines are involved in about 10% of wild bird deaths, the majority are killed by feral house cats; 3) the terrible recent loss of birds in America is caused by Monsanto and RoundUp and the other unregulated makers of poison. GEN the prior comment that is referred to: |
Letters To The Editor, etc. 2019
Albuquerque [NM] Journal Thursday 5 September 2019 Opinion Page / Speak Up! Section [page A15]        KC (SpeakUp Aug. 8) clearly does not understand that lies can be fact-checked. He blames Obama for the Democrats not enacting gun violence solutions and avoids the fact that Mitch McConnell swore an illegal oath – unconstitutional and thus an act of treason – to block all legislation and appointments proposed by Democrats. The 111th Congress was both parts Democratic; 112th & 113th had a GOP House, 114th & 115th were both parts GOP, and the current 116th has a GOP senate. Only a Blue Tsunami in 2020 will enable legislation to solve the worsening connected problems of racism, violence, and daily deaths of innocent Americans. GEN the prior comment that is referred to: |
Albuquerque [NM] Journal Wednesday 14 Aug 2019 Opinion Section / Talk of The Town [page A13] Meow Wolf buyback is true U.S. capitalism
Valencia County News-Bulletin Thursday 20 June 2019 Opinion Section [page 4-A] The Pro-life movement is based on lies
       Genesis 2:7: “And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and [the] man became a living soul.”
       I don’t have to believe any of this, nor do you. But when pseudo-Xians make claims based on the word of God, they had better be accurate when they do so. It is quite telling that after all these years of back-and-forth, I would stumble upon actual facts in the matter at this late date.
Albuquerque [NM] Journal Thursday 30 May 2019 Opinion Page / Speak Up! Section [page A15]        TO THE May 16 post by EC, the facts as presented are correct: Miss New Mexico, Bill Richardson, Martin Heinrich, and Tom Udall each moved to N.M. as adults; the posted conclusion is bogus, however; and you can bet that EC is Republican, because he fails to mention that both Steve Pearce and Susana Martinez are carpet-baggers from Texas. GEN the prior comment that is referred to: |
Valencia County News-Bulletin Thursday 16 May 2019 Opinion Section [page 4-A] Time to take a stand
here on Letters To The Editor, etc. from 2019 forward  { top of page }
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Letters To The Editor, etc. 2009 {lower half Page Three}
Letters To The Editor, etc. 2010 {upper half Page Three}
Letters To The Editor, etc. 2011 {lower half Page Four}
Letters To The Editor, etc. 2012 {upper half Page Four}
Letters To The Editor, etc. 2013-2015 {Page Five}
Letters To The Editor, etc. 2016-2018 {Page Six}
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