BlackHat Mystery Bookstore

Isaac Asimov Mysteries

painting by Rowena Morrill of author Isaac Asimov on throne with mysterious symbols {detail}          short profile

mystery novels
robot mystery novels

mystery stories

Black Widowers stories


         Isaac Asimov [1920-1992] was one of the giants of science fiction literature, as well as one of the
most prolific: he wrote 470 books, while working as a professor of biochemistry at Boston University Medical School.

official Isaac Asimov website
Isaac Asimov entry at Wikipedia

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Mystery  Novels  by  Isaac Asimov

"The Death Dealers" [1958] republished as "A Whiff of Death"
"Murder At The A.B.A." [1976] also published as "Authorized Murder"

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Robot  Mystery  Novels  by  Isaac Asimov
"The Caves of Steel" [1954]
"The Naked Sun" [1957]
"The Robots of Dawn" [1983]
"Robots and Empire" [1985]

BlackHat Mystery Bookstore's Isaac Asimov Robot Mysteries Page

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Mystery  Stories  by  Isaac Asimov

Asimov's Mysteries short story collection by Isaac Asimov  "Asimov's Mysteries, 1939-67" [14 stories 1968]
"Supercharged science fiction by the most outstanding writer in the field": 14 mystery stories by Asimov, in sci-fi settings – "Marooned Off Vesta" (1939), "The Singing Bell" (1955), "The Talking Stone" (1955), "What's In A Name?" (1956), "The Dying Night" (1956), "Pâté de Foie Gras" (1956), "The Dust of Death"
(1957), "A Loint of Paw" (1957), "I'm In Marsport Without Hilda" (1957), "Anniversary" (1959), "Obituary" (1959), "Star Light" (1962), "The Key" (1966), and "The Billiard Ball" (1967)

Fawcett mass pb [5/86] out of print/used
Dell mass pb [1973] out of print/used
Fawcett Crest mass pb [1968] out of print/many used
Doubleday Book Club 8½x5½ hardcover [6/68] out of print/many used

"The Key Word and Other Mysteries" [1977]
"The Union Club Mysteries" [1983]
"The Disappearing Man and Other Mysteries" [1985]
"The Best Mysteries of Isaac Asimov" [1986]

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'Black Widower'  Mystery  Stories
Asimov wrote the first 'Black Widowers' mystery short story in 1972

"Tales of The Black Widowers" [1974] /0385083033/
"More Tales of The Black Widowers" [1976] /0449233758/
"Casebook of The Black Widowers" [1980] /0449243842/
"Banquets of The Black Widowers" [1984] /0385195419/
Puzzles of the Black Widowers stories by Isaac Asimov  
"Puzzles of The Black Widowers" [#5; 12 stories 1989]
by Isaac Asimov

Bantam mass pb [4/91] out of print/used
Doubleday 8¼x5½ hardcover [12/89] out of print/used
Return of The Black Widowers book by Isaac Asimov  "The Return of The Black Widowers" [#6; 17 stories 2003]
by Isaac Asimov, Edited by Charles Ardai

includes Introduction by Harlan Ellison, 6 new original stories by Asimov, 9 selected 'best' Black Widowers stories, original story by Ardai, reprinted story featuring Ellison, homage by William Brittain, and an afterword by Asimov
Carroll & Graf Publrs 8x5½ pb [11/2005] for $10.17
Carroll & Graf Publrs 9¼x6¼ hardcover [11/2003] out of print/used

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L i n k s
Isaac Asimov entry at Wikipedia
Isaac Asimov's credits [1953-present] at Internet Movie Database
Isaac Asimov entry at Internet Speculative Fiction Database

browse the Asimov catalog at Amazon
'Foundation' books series at Amazon

browse booksbrowse audiobrowse DVDs

ES's Isaac Asimov Online fansite
J.H. Jenkins’ Spoiler-Laden Guide to Isaac Asimov
once-official Isaac Asimov website {parked since 2010}

Online sales in Association with  browse the Asimov catalog at Amazon

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