analytical psychologist
Carl  Gustav Jung
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            | short profile |
Carl Gustav Jung [1875-1961] was a Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who founded analytical psychology.
“We are so accustomed to the apparently rational nature of our world that we can scarcely imagine anything happening that cannot
be explained by common sense.” — in "Man and His Symbols" [1964]
“Knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the darknesses of other people.”
“The best political, social, and spiritual work [that] we can do is to withdraw the projection of our own shadow onto others.”
“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”
“You are what you do, not what you say [that] you will do.”
“Freud heals the roots, Jung makes the branches bloom.” — Françoise Dolto
“Jung's writings are essential reading for any understanding of the making of the modern mind.” — book blurb
          B I O
          t e x t
          h e r e
For C.G. Jung, 1925 was a watershed year. He turned fifty, visited the Pueblo Indians of New Mexico and the tribesmen of East Africa, published his first book on the principles of analytical psychology meant for the lay public, and gave the first of his formal seminars in English. The seminar, conducted in weekly meetings during the spring and summer, began with a notably personal account of the development of his thinking from 1896 up to his break with Freud in 1912.
C.G. Jung Institute [est. 1948] in Küsnacht (Zurich), Switzerland
C.G. Jung Foundation for Analytical Psychology, Inc.[est. 1962], 28 E. 39th Street in New York City
Carl Jung entry at Wikipedia
Carl Gustav Jung credits [since 1957] at Internet Movie Database
Wikipedia's list of Carl Jung's publications
browse the Carl Jung Store {returns 100+ titles} at Amazon
search books on keywords 'Carl+Jung' {returns 680+ titles} at Amazon
Major  Works
Wikipedia's list of Carl Jung's publications
browse the Carl Jung Store {returns 100+ titles} at Amazon
search for books by/about Carl Jung {returns 50+ titles} at Internet Archive
"The Red Book: Liber Novus" by Carl Jung [2009]
manuscript produced circa 1915–1932, first published in 2009
![]() | "The Red Book by C.G. Jung: A Reader's Edition" [2012] Edited & with Introduction by Sonu Shamdasani, Translated by John Peck & Mark Kyburz “As an inquiry into what it means to be human, [this book] transcends the history of psycho-analysis and underscores Jung’s place among revolutionary thinkers like Marx, Orwell, and, of course, Freud.” — Sara Corbett, New York Times reviewer • book entry at Wikipedia Kindle Edition from W.W. Norton/Philemon [2/2022] for $9.99 Kindle Edition from W.W. Norton/Philemon [12/2012] for $23.49 W.W. Norton pb [12/2012] for $78.88 {sic} W.W. Norton/Lea imitation leather hardcover [12/2012] for $26.99 W.W. Norton & Co. hardcover [12/2012] for $50.95 W.W. Norton & Co. 16x12 hardcover [10/2009] for $208.52 {sic} |
![]() | "Reading The Red Book: An Interpretive Guide To C. G. Jung’s Liber Novus" [2012 & 2023] by Sanford L. Drob, Foreword by Stanton Marlan author provides a clear and comprehensive guide to narrative and thematic content of "The Red Book", and details its significance, not only for psychology but for the history of ideas Kindle Edition from Routledge [2nd edition 3/2023] for $31.16 Routledge 2nd edition 8¾x6 pb [3/2023] for $39.95 Spring Journal, Inc. 9x6 pb [6/2012] out of print/used Routledge 9½x6½ hardcover [3/2023] for $147.84 {sic} |
![]() | "Lament of The Dead: Psychology After Jung's Red Book" [2013] by James Hillman & Sonu Shamdasani A book of dialogues where Hillman and Shamdasani ('the leading Jung historian') explore issues in "The Red Book", such as our relation with the dead, the figures of our dreams & fan-tasies, the nature of creative expression, the relation of psychology to art, narrative & story-telling, the significance of depth psychology as a cultural form, the legacy of Christianity, and our relation to the past – and examine the implications that these have for our thinking today Kindle Edition from W.W. Norton & Co. [8/2013] for $14.16 W.W. Norton & Co. 8½x6 hardcover [8/2013] for $22.00 |
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"The Red Book: Reflections On C.G. Jung's Liber Novus" [2013] Edited by Thomas Kirsch & George Hogenson Based on individual papers presented by an international group of distinguished scholars in analytical psychology at the 2010 conference held at the San Francisco Jungian Institute to explore newly-published "The Red Book" Kindle Edition from Routledge [9/2017] for $54.10 {sic} Routledge 9¼x6 pb [7/2013] for $56.95 Routledge 9¼x6½ hardcover [8/2013] for $178.00 {sic} |
![]() | "The Red Book of C.G. Jung: A Journey Into Unknown Depths" [2016] by Walter Boechat, Preface by Sonu Shamdasani book focuses on the main aspects and importance of The Red Book and sheds light on the great mysteries of human nature and the new dimension uncovered by Jung and Freud: the universe of the unconscious and possible ways to approach it Kindle Edition {not on all devices} from Routledge [5/2018] for $29.19 Routledge 9x6 pb [8/2016] for $36.05 Routledge 9x6¼ hardcover [7/2019] for $127.46 {sic} |
![]() | "The Red Book Hours: Discovering C.G. Jung's Art Mediums and Creative Process" [2018] by Palo Alto psychologist & multimedia artist Prof. Jill Mellick, PhD Scheidegger & Spiess 11¾x9½ leather-bound hardcover [11/2018] for $120.00 |
![]() | "Jung, Dante, and The Making of The Red Book: Of Fire and Form" [2023]  ![]() by Tommaso Priviero provides the first-ever thorough comparative analysis of the intertextual and symbolical correspondences between Jung’s "Liber Novus" and Jung’s life-long confrontation with Dante's "Divina Commedia" Routledge hardcover [8/2023] for $170.00 {sic} |
"The Black Books: Notebooks of Transformation" by Carl Jung [2020]
private journals produced circa 1913–1932, on which "The Red Book" is based
![]() | Edited by Sonu Shamdasani, Translated by Martin Liebscher & John Peck Presented in a magnificent, seven-volume boxed collection featuring a revelatory essay by noted Jung scholar Sonu Shamdasani, illuminated by a selection of Jung’s vibrant visual works, with both translated and facsimile versions of each notebook Kindle Edition from W.W. Norton & Co. [10/2020] for $206.14 W.W. Norton & Co. 12¾x9¾ hardcover slipcover set [10/2020] for $216.00 |
"About The Conflicts of A Child's Soul" [1910]
"Psychology of The Unconscious" [1912]
"Seven Sermons To The Dead" [1916] (a part of the Red Book, published privately)
"Psychological Types" [1921]
"Modern Man In Search of A Soul (essays)" [1933]
"Psychology and Alchemy" [1944]
"Aion: Researches Into The Phenomenology of The Self" [1951]
"Symbols of Transformation" [1952] (revised edition of 1912 "Psychology of The Unconscious"
"Answer To Job" [1954]
"Mysterium Coniunctionis: An Inquiry Into The Separation and Synthesis of Psychic Opposites In Alchemy" [1956]
"Synchronicity: An Acausal Connecting Principle" [1960]
"Memories, Dreams, Reflections" autobiography [1962] co-written with Aniela Jaffé
"Man and His Symbols" [1964]
Jung contributed one part, his last writing before his death in 1961; the other four parts are by
Marie-Louise von Franz, Joseph L. Henderson, Jaffé, and Jolande Jacobi
Other  Works
![]() | "Flying Saucers: A Modern Myth of Things Seen In The Skies" [1959] Selected works of C.G. Jung, Translated by R.F.C. Hull includes main essay, plus "Letter To Weltwoche", "Statement To United Press International", and "Letter To Major Donald E. Keyhoe" New American Library mass pb [1969] out of print/used Routledge Psychology Press 7¾x5 pb [4/2013] for $13.87 Princeton Univ Press 8½x5½ pb [8/00] for $15.02 Fine Commns 8¾x5¾ hardcover [7/97] for $14.00 Harcourt, Brace UK hardcover [1959] out of print/used |
![]() | "The Spell of New Mexico" [1976] Preface, Introduction & Edited by Tony Hillerman [1925-2008] essays by authors including Mary Austin, Oliver La Farge, Conrad Richter, D.H. Lawrence, C.G. Jung, Winfield Townley Scott, John DeWitt McKee, journalist Ernie Pyle, Harvey Fergusson, and Lawrence Clark Powell Univ New Mexico Press 9¼x6 pb [5/84] for $16.93 Univ New Mexico Press 9¼x6 hardcover [5/84] out of print/used |
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"C.G. Jung Speaking: Interviews and Encounters" [1978] Edited by William McGuire & R.F.C. Hull A collection of more than 50 accounts of talks and meetings with Carl Jung spanning his lifetime, ranging from transcripts of interviews for radio, television & film to memoirs written by notable personalities. Kindle Edition from Princeton Univ Press [7/2020] for $33.99 Princeton Univ Press 8x5 pb [2/1978] for $39.88 Princeton Univ Press 8½x5½ hardcover [1/1978] out of print/used Italian-language edition: Gli Adelphi 7¾x5 pb [3/99] for $38.85 |
![]() | "Selected Letters of C.G. Jung, 1909-1961" [1984] Selected & Edited by Gerhard Adler, Translated from the German by R.F.C. Hull Kindle Edition from Princeton Legacy Library [7/2014] for $19.25 Princeton Legacy Library 9½x6¼ pb [7/2014] for $35.00 Princeton Univ Press 9½x6¼ pb [10/84] out of print/used Princeton Legacy Library 9¼x6 hardcover [4/2016] for $77.87 {sic} |
Lecture  Notes  and  Transcripts
![]() | "Dream Analysis: Notes of The Seminar Given by C.G. Jung In 1928-1930" [1984] Edited by William McGuire Princeton Univ Press hardcover [1984] out of print/scarce |
![]() | "Analytical Psychology: Notes of The Seminar Given by C.G. Jung In 1925" [1989] Edited by William McGuire Jung Seminars Series Book 528 or Volume 3: The seminar was conducted in weekly meetings during the spring and summer and began with a notably personal account of the development of his thinking from 1896 up to his break with Freud in 1912, moving on to discussions of the basic tenets of analytical psychology: the collective unconscious, typology, the archetypes, and the anima/animus theory. Kindle Edition from Princeton Univ Press [1/2012] for $16.17 Routledge 9¼x6 pb [2/2014] for $56.95 {sic} Princeton Univ Press 9½x6½ hardcover [1/89] out of print/used |
"Jung's Seminar on Nietzsche's Zarathustra" [] by James L. Jarrett | Nov 23, 1997
![]() | "Visions: Notes of The Seminar Given by C.G. Jung In 1930-1934" in 2 volumes [1997] Edited by Claire Douglas C.G. Jung's work with beautiful & gifted 28-year-old Christiana Morgan followed a path in self-analysis that paralleled his own quest for self-knowledge; the woman's paintings show an imaginal landscape where the feminine self crosses into the unconsciousness of night and death; her visioning links earth and sky, body and spirit, the infernal and the sublime. Kindle Edition from Routledge [5/2022] for $42.36 {sic} 1500-page Princeton Univ Press 9½x6½ hardcover [12/1997] for $197.00 {sic} |
"Children's Dreams: Notes from the Seminar Given by C. G. Jung In 1936-1940" (Jung Seminars)
| , Lorenz Jung, et al. | Sep 12, 2010
"Four Novels in Jung’s 1925 Seminar: Literary Discussion and Analytical Psychology" [Jan 27, 2020] by Matthew A. Fike hc
Stageplays, Movies & TV, Other  Media
Carl Gustav Jung credits [since 1957] at Internet Movie Database
"Jung On Film" [1957] (archive footage)
"Approaches to the Psychology of Personality" [1957] as Dr. Carl G. Jung
"Film No. 6 - Personality Organization: Fundamental Concepts" /tt1450632/
"Film No. 7" /tt1429316/
"Film No. 8 - Summary and Historical Development of Major Ideas" /tt1446471/
"Jung Speaks of Freud" short [1958] - interviewed as Dr. Jung /tt1273666/
"Face To Face: Carl Gustav Jung" [BBC-TV 1959] /tt0260614/
interview by John Freeman at Jung's home in Zurich in 1959
watch full interview [38.04] online at YouTube
"Richard Evans Interviews Carl Jung: Personality, Organization, Fundamental Concepts" [1957]
produced for University of Akron, Ohio; filmed August 1957 at Jung's home near Zurich
watch full b&w interview [1/2020 upload; 58:43] online at YouTube
"Matter of Heart" [1986] (archive footage) prime
1987 episode of "Nova" TV Series [1974+] (archive footage)
"Carl Jung: Wisdom of The Dream" TV mini-series [1989] (archive footage)
"The World Within: C.G. Jung In His Own Words" [1990] (archive footage)
"Carl G. Jung or Lapis Philosophorum" short [1991] /tt2517720/
"Trotzkis Traum - Psychoanalyse Im Lande Der Bolschewiki" TV Movie (2000] (archive footage)
"The History of Psychology: Freud, Jung, & Psychoanalysis" short [2006] (archive footage)
episode of "The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones Documentaries" TV Series [2007] (archive footage) /tt1024885/
episode of "Great Thinkers: In Their Own Words" TV mini-series [2011] (archive footage) /tt3549042/
"John P. Hess in The Psychology of Scary Movies" short [2013] (archive footage) /tt4374586/
2013 episode of "Le Dispositif (The Device)" TV series [1999] (archive footage) /tt10390096/
episode of "Genius of The Modern World" TV mini-series [2016] (archive footage) /tt5840122/
episode of "Myths & Monsters" TV Series [2017] (archive footage) /tt7531644/
episode of "Explained" TV series [2018] (archive footage) /tt8005374/
"About Mine" short [2019] - Pablo Picasso and William S. Tribell /tt9530630/
2022 episode of "Invitation Au Voyage" TV Series [2017] /tt7371654/
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"Collected Works of C.G. Jung" 27-book bundle for Kindle [2014]
Kindle Edition bundle from Princeton Univ Press [2014] for $1,795.06 there is no price break on the bundle, included here for convenience The usual Amazon lack of content integrity: the bundle includes the 21 books of the Collected Works proper, a Kindle Edition of 'all' 20-volumes, lectures from 1925, and four duplicates. |
![]() | "The Collected Works of C. G. Jung: Complete Digital Edition" for Kindle [2014]
14,409-page Kindle Edition from Princeton Univ Press [3/2014] for $699.99 {sic} For the first time, The Collected Works of C. G. Jung are now available in a complete digital edition that is full-text search-able; includes Volumes 1–18 and Volume 19, the General Bibliography (Volume 20, the General Index, is not included.) Jung's writings are essential reading for any understanding of the making of the modern mind. This is one of the basic texts of XXth Century thought; the writings presented here, spanning five decades, embody Jung's attempt to establish an interdisciplinary science of analytical psychology, and apply its insights to the fields of psychiatry, criminology, psycho-therapy, psychoanalysis, personality psychology, anthropology, physics, biology, education, the arts & literature, the history of the mind & its symbols, comparative religion, alchemy, and contemporary culture & politics, among others: each in turn has been decisively marked by his thought. |
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"The Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Volume 20: General Index" [1979] Edited & Translated by Gerhard Adler & R.F.C. Hull 751-page Kindle Edition from Princeton Univ Press [3/2014] for $96.00 Princeton Univ Press 9¼x6½ hardcover [4/79] for $102.83 An exceptionally comprehensive index by paragraph numbers; certain subjects are treated in separate sub-indexes within the General Index; these include alchemy, animals, the Bible, colors, Freud, Jung, and numbers. |
Works  About  Carl Jung
Carl Jung Template page at Wikipedia
Jungian works by/about: James Kirsch • Thomas B. Kirsch • Marie-Luise von Franz
"Remembering Jung" documentary video series
produced by Bosustow Media Group for C.G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles
"A conversation about C.G. Jung and his work with . . . "
![]() | Hard to find but probably valuable record by people who worked directly with Jung in various ways; the back of the videos lists 27 people over 26 films and 30 volumes • the listed volumes are: 1) Gerhard Adler, PhD; 2) Mary Ban-croft of NYC; 3) grandson Dieter Baumann, MD; 4) grandson Wolf Baumann; 5) Heinrich Fierz, MD; 6) Michael Fordham, MD; 7) Gilda Frantz; 8) Liliane Frey, PhD; 9) Barbara Hannah; 10) Joseph Henderson (3 vols); 11) Jung's secretary Aniela Jaffé; 12) Hilde Kirsch; 13) James Kirsch, MD; 14) Rivkah Kluger, PhD & Yehezkel Kluger; 15) William McGuire; 16) C.A. Meier, MD; 17) Joan Meier-Fritzsche; 18) Rudi Niehaus, MD; 19) Gilles Quispel, PhD; 20) Maud Oakes; 21) Vera von der Heydt; 22) Laurens van der Post; 23) Marie-Louise von Franz (3 vols); 24) Jane Wheel-wright; 25) Joseph Wheelwright, MD; and 26) Lore Zeller • DVDs are described as format 'NTSC, SECAM, PAL' |
"Remembering Jung, Film #1 . . . with Gerhard Adler, PhD"
filmed in 1976 in Palo Alto, California
C.G.J.I.L.A. color DVD [2011] out of prodn/used
  format unclear
"Remembering Jung, Film #2 . . . with Mary Bancroft"
filmed in April 1978 at Mary's home in Manhattan, NYC
C.G.J.I.L.A. color DVD [2011] out of prodn/used
  format unclear
"Remembering Jung, Film #3 . . . with grandson Dieter Baumann, MD"
filmed in September 1979 with artist Liga Pang in a meadow beside the Zurichsee near Bollingen, Switzerland
C.G.J.I.L.A. color DVD [2011] out of prodn/used
  format unclear
"Remembering Jung, Film #4 . . . with grandson Wolf Baumann"
filmed in September 1979 in Baumann's office in Basel, Switzerland
C.G.J.I.L.A. color DVD [2011] out of prodn/used
  format unclear
"Remembering Jung, Film #5 . . . with Dr. Heinrich Fierz, MD"
filmed in July 1976 at Fierz's home in Küsnacht near Zurich, Switzerland
C.G.J.I.L.A. color DVD [2011] out of prodn/used
  format unclear
"Remembering Jung, Film #6 . . . with Michael Fordham, MD"
filmed in December 1978 in Fordham’s office in London
C.G.J.I.L.A. color DVD [2011] out of prodn/used
  format unclear
"Remembering Jung, Film #7 . . . with Gilda Frantz"
filmed in February 2004 at Gilda's home in Santa Monica, California
C.G.J.I.L.A. color DVD [2011] out of prodn/used
  format unclear
"Remembering Jung, Film #8 . . . with Liliane Frey-Rohn [1901-91]"
filmed in 1976 in Zurich, Switzerland
C.G.J.I.L.A. color DVD [2011] out of prodn/used
  format unclear
"Remembering Jung, Film #9 . . . with Barbara Hannah"
filmed in 1977 in Bollingen, Switzerland
C.G.J.I.L.A. color DVD [2011] out of prodn/used
  format unclear
"Remembering Jung, Film #10 . . . with Joseph Henderson, MD"
Filmed in Palo Alto, California in 1977 and Ross, California in 2003; produced by Tee Bosustow & George Wagner; directed & edited by
Suzanne Wagner, PhD of Sausalito, California; featuring Joseph Henderson MD, Thomas Kirsch MD, Carl Gustav Jung • credits at IMDb
Volume I: C.G.J.I.L.A. color DVD [2011] out of prodn/used
  format unclear
Volume II: C.G.J.I.L.A. color DVD [2011] out of prodn/used
  format unclear
Volume III: C.G.J.I.L.A. color DVD [2011] out of prodn/used
"Remembering Jung, Film #17 . . . with Joan Meier-Fritzsche [-2004"
filmed in Spring 1977 at her home in Zurich, Switzerland
C.G.J.I.L.A. color DVD [2011] out of prodn/used
  format unclear
"Remembering Jung, Film #23 . . . with Dr. Marie-Louise von Franz, PhD [1915-98]"
filmed in 1977 & 1979 at her retreat in Bollingen, Switzerland
Volume I: C.G.J.I.L.A. color DVD [2011] out of prodn/used
  format unclear
Volume II: C.G.J.I.L.A. color DVD [2011] out of prodn/used
  format unclear
Volume III: C.G.J.I.L.A. color DVD [2011] out of prodn/used
  format unclear
"Remembering Jung, Film #26 . . . with Lore Zeller [1914-2006]"
filmed in March 1986 at her home in Los Angeles, California
C.G.J.I.L.A. color DVD [2011] out of prodn/used
  format unclear
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![]() | "Psychology of C.G. Jung" [1942] by Jolande Jacobi based on a 1942 lecture, first published in 1999 Kindle Edition from Routledge [7/2013] for $64.56 {sic} Routledge 8½x5½ pb [10/2013] for $67.96 Routledge 8½x5½ hardcover [6/99] - overpriced |
"Aurora Consurgens" companion book to jung's "Mysterium Coniunctionis" [1956] by Dr. Marie-Luise von Franz [1915-98] hc
![]() | "L'Oeuvre de Jung et La Psychologie Complexe" (Jung's Work & Complex Psychology)" [1963] by Charles Baudouin [1893-1963]
French-language Petite Bibliothèque Payot mass pb [2/93] out of print/used French-language Petite Bibliothèque Payot mass pb [5/2002] out of print/used |
"From Freud To Jung: A Comparative Study of The Psychology of The Unconscious" [1974]
by Liliane Frey-Rohn [1901-91]
"Von Freud zu Jung: Eine vergleichende Studie zur Psychologie des Unbewussten (German Edition) Paperback
Daimon Verlag
![]() | "Jung and The Story of Our Time" [1975] by Laurens van der Post author presents his long time friend as he knew him: Jung the man, the discoverer and explorer of a new dimension in the human spirit, rather than Jung the psychologist Vintage Books 8x5¼ pb [1977] for $17.00 Vintage Books pb [1976] for $48.99 Vintage/Rand 7¾x5 pb [2002] out of print/used Chatto & Windus UK hardcover [1975] out of print/used |
"C.G. Jung: His Myth In Our Time" [1977] by Dr. Marie-Luise von Franz [1915-98] pb hc
![]() | "Die Psychologie C.G. Jungs und Die Psychiatrie" German original [1982] by Heinrich Karl Fierz 160-page German-language Daimon Verlag 8¾x6 pb [1982] for $20.50 |
![]() ![]() | "C.G. Jung: The Fundamentals of Theory and Practice" [1984 in France] by Élie G. Humbert [1925-90], Translated from French by Ronald Jalbert "This book offers a basic exposition of Jung's psychology that is both simple and profound . . . wholeheartedly recommended to both the beginner and the most advanced student of analytical psychology." — Thomas B. Kirsch 166-page Chiron Publns 9x6 pb [6/2018] for $4.48 168-page Chiron Publns 9x6 pb [1988] for $11.84 166-page Chiron Publns 9x6 hardcover [11/2013] out of print/used "C.G. Jung: French Edition" [1984] by Élie Georges Humbert
"On Dreams and Death: A Jungian Interpretation" [1986] by Dr. Marie-Luise von Franz [1915-98]
![]() | "Jung and The Post-Jungians" [1985] bestseller by Andrew Samuels
Routledge 9¼x6 pb [4/86] for $40.32 Routledge 9¼x6 hardcover [5/2015] for $104.70 {sic} Routledge Kegan & Paul 9¼x6 hardcover [5/86] out of print/used |
"Psychopathology: Contemporary Jungian Perspectives (The Library of Analytical Psychology)" [Dec 31, 1989] by Andrew Samuels
![]() | "Jungian Psychiatry" [1991] by Heinrich Karl Fierz MD, Foreword by C.T. Frey-Wehrlin, Preface by Dr. Joseph Wheelwright first book by author printed in English translation; this longer book likely incorporates the 1982 160-page German-language book with similar title {red cover just above} 424-page Daimon Verlag 8½x5½ pb [1991] for $20.66 |
"The Gnostic Jung" [Princeton Univ Press 1992] by Rober A. Segal
"Beginner's Guide to Jungian Psychology" [Mar 1, 1992] by Robin Robertson PhD
"Digesting Jung (Studies in Jungian Psychology by Jungian Analysts)" [] by Daryl Sharp | Jan 31, 2001
"Jung: A Very Short Introduction [Jun 7, 2001] by Anthony Stevens
"Jung and Education: Elements of an Archetypal Pedagogy [May 25, 2005] by Clifford Mayes
![]() | "Jung: The Key Ideas: From Analytical Psychology and Dreams To The Collective Unconscious and More" [2006] by Ruth Snowden A clear and concise overview, this book teaches you about Jung's exploration of mythology, dreams, visions, and fantasies, and is ideal for students, teachers, and anyone who wants to gain an understanding of their place in the universe. Kindle Edition from Teach Yourself Books [12/2017] for 99¢ Teach Yourself Books mass pb [12/2010] - overpriced Teach Yourself Books 7¾x5 pb [3/2018] for $16.99 Teach Yourself Books pb [2/2010] out of print/used Teach Yourself Books 7¾x5 pb [1/2006] out of print/used Teach Yourself Books CD-ROM [date unknown] for $11.95 |
"Innateness of Myth: A New Interpretation of Joseph Campbell's Reception of C.G. Jung" [Continuum 2009] by Ritske Rensma
ISBN 978-1-4411- 5112-4 Joseph Campbell [1904-87]
"Jung the Mystic: The Esoteric Dimensions of Carl Jung's Life and Teachings" [] by Gary Lachman | Dec 27, 2012
![]() | "An Introduction To The Collected Works of C.G. Jung: Psyche As Spirit" [2016] by Prof. Clifford Mayes of Brigham Young University Mayes describes & discusses Jungian terminology, concepts, and theories in a clear, accessible manner and reminds readers of Jung’s warning against concretization of language and dogma Kindle Edition from Rowman & Littlefield Publrs [3/2016] for $35.11 {sic} Rowman & Littlefield Publrs 9x6 pb [3/2016] for $29.81 Rowman & Littlefield Publrs 9½x6¼ hardcover [3/2016] for $80.16 |
![]() | "How and Why We Still Read Jung: Personal and Professional Reflections" [2013] Edited by Jean Kirsch & Murray Stein Introduction by editor Kirsch and 11 essays by Paul Bishop, Betsy Cohen, George B. Hogenson, Thomas B. Kirsch, Shiuya Sara Liuh, Stanton Marlan, Susan Rowland, Mark Saban, editor Stein, Craig Stephenson, David Tacey Kindle Edition from Routledge [7/2013] for $51.99 Routledge mass pb [7/2013] for $147.95 Routledge 9¼x6 pb [5/2013] for $62.95 Routledge 9½x6¼ hardcover [11/2014] for $162.18 |
"Carl Jung: Wounded Healer of the Soul" [Nov 17, 2015] by Claire Dunne
"Jung: An Introduction Into the World of Carl Jung: The Shadow, The Archetypes and the Symbols [Sep 20, 2016] by Meredith Moonchild
"Analysis and Activism: Social and Political Contributions of Jungian Psychology" [May 5, 2016] by Emilija Kiehl, Mark Saban,
"Salome’s Embrace: The Jungian Women" [Nov 9, 2017] by Maggy Anthony |
"Who Owns Jung?" [Apr 24, 2018] by Ann Casement
"The Art of C.G. Jung" [Nov 20, 2018] from The Foundation of the Works of C.G. Jung
"Knowledge in a Nutshell Book 4 of 6: Carl Jung: The complete guide to the great psychoanalyst, including
the unconscious, archetypes and the self"
[4/2020] by Gary Bobroff
![]() | "Carl Jung and The Rebirth of The Soul: A New Myth For The 21st Century" [2023] by N. Wauben Whereas our external world continues to develop rapidly, our internal world is often neglected and left in the dark. Jung noticed that this applied to himself as well and throughout the exploration of his initial fantasies and dreams, Jung attempted to reconnect with his own unconscious world and his own soul. This book uses the ideas of Ernest Becker and Joseph Campbell to suggest that Jung’s personal journey might be the source of a new myth for the 21st Century - a myth characterized by the rebirth of the soul within each unique individual. 148-page Kindle Edition self-publd [1/2023] for $2.99 133-page self-publd 9x6 pb [2/2023] for $12.49 |
Works  by Dr. James Isaac Kirsch [1902-89]
no entry at Wikipedia •
"The Jung-Kirsch Letters: The Correspondence of C.G. Jung and James Kirsch [Feb 22, 2016] by Ann Conrad Lammers
"C.G.Jung und James Kirsch: Die Briefe, 1928-1961 [] German Edition
"Remembering Jung: A Conversation about C.G. Jung and his work with James Kirsch MD
Starring: James Kirsch M.D. and Janet Dallett •Directed by: Suzanne Wagner Ph.D.
Works  by/about Thomas Kirsch, MD [1936-2017]
no entry at Wikipedia •
"The Jungians: A Comparative and Historical Perspective" [May 11, 2000] by Thomas B. Kirsch & Peter Homans
"C.G. Jung und seine Nachfolger (.. and His Successors) German Edition [2007] by Thomas B. Kirsch
"The Vision Thing: Myth, Politics and Psyche in the World [Jan 14, 2014] by Thomas Singer and Thomas Kirsch
![]() | "A Jungian Life" memoir [2014] by Thomas B. Kirsch
Tom Kirsch's unique life spans much of the history of Jungian analytical psychology, which he both witnessed first hand and helped shape; this memoir is worthy of serious attention from both Jungian and non-Jungian thinkers and practitioners Fisher King Press 9¼x7½ pb [11/2014] for $11.53 |
"The Red Book: Reflections on C.G. Jung's Liber Novus [Sep 19, 2017] by Thomas Kirsch & George Hogenson
"Jungian Analysis, Depth Psychology, and Soul: The Selected Works of Thomas B. Kirsch (World Library of Mental Health)
| by Thomas B. Kirsch | Apr 3, 2019
![]() | "A Jungian Legacy: Tom Kirsch" [2019] Edited by Luis Moris; Foreword by wife Dr. Jean Kirsch contributors include John Beebe, Andreas Jung, Gao Lan & Heyong Shen, Andrew Samuels, Thomas Singer, and Murray Stein Kindle Edition from Chiron Publns [6/2019] for $9.99 Chiron Publns 8½x5½ pb [6/2019] for $23.00 Chiron Publns 8½x5½ hardcover [6/2019] for $32.00 |
Works  by Dr. Marie-Luise/Louise von Franz [1915-98]
Jung's long-time friend and co-worker
"The Collected Works of Marie-Louise von Franz" in 28 volumes []
![]() | "Alchemy: An Introduction To The Symbolism and The Psychology" [1980] by Marie-Louise von Franz A lucid and practical account of what the alchemists were really looking for - emotional balance and wholeness - this book is invaluable for an understanding of dreams and indispensable for anyone interested in relationships and communication between the sexes Inner City Books 8½x6 pb [1/80] for $32.12 |
Image  Gallery
Friends  &  Family  &  Colleagues
wife Emma Rauschenbach Jung [1882-1955] - married 1903, died 1955
5 children
grandson Dr. Dieter Baumann, MD [1928-] of Switzerland
grandson Wolf Baumann [] of Switzerland
secretary Aniela Jaffé
Jung’s close associate, Toni Wolff
Dr. H.G. Baynes, a close associate of C.G. Jung
Dr. Peter Baynes, a Jungian analyst in London
Linda Fierz-David [1891-1955] was a German philologist and one of the first Jungian analysts in Zurich; she met Carl Jung in 1920,
becoming one of his first pupils and closest friends
Michael Fordham
Barbara Hannah
Dr. C.A. Meier, close assoc in Zurich along with wife Joan Meier-Fritzsche
Sonu Shamdasani - 'the leading Jung historian'
Laurens van der Post [] was Jung's long-time friend
L i n k s
Carl Gustav Jung credits [since 1957] at Internet Movie Database
browse the Carl Jung Store {returns 100+ titles} at Amazon
search books on keywords 'Carl+Jung' {returns 680+ titles} at Amazon
Inner City Books [est. 1980] - Studies in Jungian Psychology by Jungian Analysts
C.G. Jung Institute [est. 1948, moved 1979], Seehof, Hornweg 28 in Küsnacht (Zurich), Switzerland
official website •
entry at Wikipedia
C.G. Jung Foundation for Analytical Psychology, Inc.[est. 1962], 28 E. 39th Street in New York City
"Quadrant: The Journal of the C.G. Jung Foundation for Analytical Psychology"
C.G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles =
"Psychological Perspectives, A Semi-Annual Review of Jungian Thought" quarterly journal [est. 1970]
published quarterly by C.G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles and Taylor & Francis
C.G. Jung Institute of San Francisco [est. 1943]
official website • {moved 5/2022} 2610 Mission Street in San Francisco, CA
![]() | "Jung Institute Library Journal" [founded 1979] from C.G. Jung Institute of San Francisco 'the Journal’s mission is to plumb the mysterious depths of the psyche both within the individual and in the larger world, as well as highlight Jung and the post-Jungians who have advanced analytical psychology' search for back-issues {returns 60+} at Amazon official Journal homepage |
Society of Jungian Analysts in London
French Jung Society
French Society of Analytical Psychology
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