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Henry George

Henry George [1839-97] color portrait              short profile

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works about Henry George

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"Henry George was very popular in his time, and still revered by flat-tax advocates; but the essence of the Single Tax On Land is false,
in that landowners will always shift the burden of that tax to tenants." ~~
G.E. Nordell

"Men like Henry George [the pioneer of land value taxation] are rare, unfortunately. One cannot imagine a more beautiful combination
of intellectual keenness, artistic form, and fervent love of justice." ~~
Albert Einstein

"He who sees the truth, let him proclaim it, without asking who is for it or who is against it."

"Charity is false, futile, and poisonous when offered as a substitute for justice."

"Poorly paid labor is inefficient labor, the world over."

— Henry George [1839-97]

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Henry George entry at Wikipedia
search for books by 'Henry George' at Amazon produces an unusable list of 2600+ titles
browse Henry George Store at Amazon
not listed at Internet Movie Database

      $   $      

primary  works
browse Henry George Store at Amazon

"Our Land and Land Policy" 1871
"Our Land and Land Policy" [DoubleDay & McClure Co. 1901]

Progress and Poverty 1879 classic book by Henry George  "Progress and Poverty: An Inquiry Into The Cause of Industrial Depressions and of Increase of Want With Increase of Wealth - The Remedy" [1879 classic]
One of the most widely-printed books ever written, its explosive worldwide popularity is often marked as the beginning of the Progressive Era. + unabridged text (1912)
BiblioLife 9¾x7½ pb [4/2010] for $34.01
Nabu Press/BiblioBazaar 9¾x7½ pb [4/2010] for $44.75
BiblioLife 10x7 hardcover [4/2010] for $44.99
book entry at Wikipediaofficial book site & online text

"The Land Question" 1881 (The Irish Land Question)

"Social Problems" 1883

"Protection or Free Trade" 1886 + unabridged text (1905)

"The Condition of Labor" 1891

"A Perplexed Philosopher" 1892

The complete works of Henry George in ten volumes  "The Complete Works of Henry George" in ten volumes [1904]
Univ California Libraries (Blue Cover facsimile) 8x5

Annotated Works of Henry George in six volumes by Peddle & Peirce   "The Annotated Works of Henry George" in six volumes [2015-??]
Edited by Francis K. Peddle & William S. Peirce

Volume 1: "Our Land and Land Policy" and Other Works [2015]
Kindle Edition from Fairleigh Dickinson Univ Press [12/2015] for $79.20 {sic}
Fairleigh Dickinson Univ Press 9¼x6¼ hardcover [12/2015] for $105.00
Volume 2: "Progress and Poverty, 1879" [2017]
Kindle Edition from Fairleigh Dickinson Univ Press [3/2017] for $94.40 {sic}
Fairleigh Dickinson Univ Press 9½x6¼ hardcover [3/2017] for $122.00
Volume 3: "Social Problems, 1883" and "The Condition of Labor, 1891" [??]
not yet published (10/2017)
Volume 4: "Protection or Free Trade, 1886" [??]
not yet published (10/2017)
Volume 5: "The Science of Political Economy, 1898" [??]
not yet published (10/2017)
Volume 6: "A Perplexed Philosopher, 1892" [??]
not yet published (10/2017)

other  works

"What The Railroad Will Bring Us" article by Henry George in "Overland Monthly" (Oct 1868)

"The New Party" article by Henry George in "The North American Review", University of Northern Iowa (July 1887) ISBN 0-85315-726-X

The Standard weekly periodical in New York City, 1887 to 1890 - founded & usually edited by Henry George

"The Science of Political Economy" (unfinished) [1898]

works  about  Henry  George

Letters On Henry George by Leo Tolstoy in Kindle format  "Letter On Henry George" [1857] by Leo Tolstoy [1828-1910]
4-page Kindle Edition from The Perfect Library [2/2014] for $2.99
Letter 1 [1857] available as free online etext at WikiSource
Letter 2 available as free online etext at WikiSource

French-language "Henry George et Son Système" [2017]
three letters by Leo Tolstoy [1828-1910]

11-page Kindle Edition from Amazon Digital Services [3/2017] for $2.04

'The Prophet of San Francisco' article from 1884 issue of 19th Century Magazine  
article "The Prophet of San Francisco: The Writings of Henry George On Social Problems, Poverty, etc." by G.D. Campbell from April 1884 issue of
British monthly "19th Century Magazine"

Nineteenth Century Publng pb [1884] out of print/scarce
'The Life of Henry George' 1900 biography, by his son Henry George, Jr.  "The Life of Henry George, By His Son" [1900] by Henry George, Jr.
Cosimo Classics 9x6 pb [10/2006] for $16.99
Palala Press 9¼x6 hardcover [9/2014] for $32.95
Schalkenbach Fndtn 7½x5½ hardcover [6/60] out of print/used
Prophet of San Francisco / Henry George book by Louis Freeland Post  "The Prophet of San Francisco: Personal Memories & Interpretations of Henry George" [1902] by Louis Freeland Post
Trieste Publng 9¼x6 pb [8/2017] for $9.99
Forgotten Books 9x6 pb [11/2016] for $9.57
Univ Press of the Pacific 8x5 pb [4/2002] out of print/used
Palala Press 9¼x6 hardcover [5/2016] for $21.95
Vanguard Press hardcover [1930] out of print/used
available as free online etext at Internet Archive

"Critics of Henry George: An Appraisal of Their Strictures on Progress and Poverty, Volume 1" 2nd Edition [1979]
Edited by Robert V. Andelson

Alternative America ... and The Adversary Tradition book by John L. Thomas  "Alternative America: Henry George, Edward Bellamy, Henry Demarest Lloyd, and The Adversary Tradition" [1983] by John L. Thomas
George's "Progress and Poverty", Bellamy's "Looking Backward", and Lloyd's "Wealth Against Commonwealth" each in its turn became an international best-seller, championing a national policy of social reform and speaking out for community values, international peace, and the goals of brotherhood and interdependence
Belknap Press 9½x6½ hardcover [1/83] for $49.00

"Henry George" biography [5/1991] by Charles Albro Barker

Nature's Herald biography of Henry George by Malcolm Hill  "Nature's Herald: The Man Who Said NO!" [1997] by Malcolm Hill
Kindle Edition from Just Democracy Books [9/2015] for $4.95
Othila Press 8¾x5¾ pb [8/1997] out of print/used
Henry George's Legacy in Economic Thought book edited by John Laurent  "Henry George's Legacy In Economic Thought" [2005]
Edited by John Laurent

Edward Elgar Publng, UK 9¼x6¼ hardcover [12/2005] for $146.00 {sic}
Capitalism, Unjust, Unstable & Unsustainable book by Ben Battersby  "Capitalism: Unjust, Unstable, and Unsustainable - Henry George &
Jean-Baptiste Say Revisited" [2009] by Ben Battersby

iUniverse 9x6 pb [11/2009] for $15.95
iUniverse 9¼x6¼ hardcover [11/2009] for $25.95
Economics of Henry George book by Phillip J. Bryson  "The Economics of Henry George: History's Rehabilitation of America's Greatest Early Economist" [2011] by Phillip J. Bryson
Kindle Edition from Palgrave Macmillan [7/2011] for $59.32 {sic}
Palgrave Macmillan 8½x5¾ hardcover [8/2011] for $54.88
Henry George and the Crisis of Inequality book by Edward T. O'Donnell  "Henry George and The Crisis of Inequality: Progress and Poverty In The Gilded Age" [2015] by Edward T. O'Donnell
Kindle Edition from Columbia Univ Press [6/2015] for $24.66 {sic}
Columbia Univ Press 9x6 pb [4/2017] for $25.96
Columbia Univ Press 9¼x6¼ hardcover [6/2015] for $22.94

Dr. Edward O’Donnell discusses "Henry George and The Crisis of Inequality" book [podcast Aug 2015]
episode on Henry George School's "Smart Talk" series, with Andrew Mazzone and Dr. Alexandra (Alex) Lough of HGSSS
watch full episode [33.12] online at YouTube

'The Essential Henry George' in Kindle format by Joel Mabry  
"The Essential Henry George: The Nineteenth Century Solution To Twenty-First Century Problems" for Kindle [2017] by Joel P. Mabry
100-page Kindle Edition from Amazon Digital Services [2/2017] for $5.99

movies,  stageplays,  other  media
Henry George has no credits listed at Internet Movie Database

Penn & Teller: Bullsh*t! TV series  "Taxes" [Showtime Networks Aug 2009]
Season 7 Episode 7 of the "Penn & Teller: Bullsh*t!" TV series

Penn & Teller attack the tax system of the United States as complex and unfair, and visit the halls of Congress in search of a legislator willing to discuss America's tax system • Co-produced, co-written & hosted by Penn & Teller; featuring Dick Armey, Stephen Daige, Kevin Hassett, Derek Hunter, David Cay Johnston, Vera Miranda, Jim Moran, traitor Grover Norquist, Cong. Ron Paul, Cong. Nancy Pelosi, Cong. Charles Rangel, Roy Sekoff, Cong. Henry Waxman
full credits at IMDbSeason 7 entry at Wikipedia
Penn & Teller: Bullsh*t!: Eight Season Pack [2011]
Showtime Ent. color DVD box set [5/2011] 20 disks for $139.99
Penn & Teller: Bullsh*t!: Season Seven
Showtime Ent. color DVD [5/2010] 2 disks for $13.89
Amazon Instant Video [2009] watch free with Prime or Showtime, purchase for $14.99 or $19.99

Henry George School of Social Science YouTube Channel [est. 2013]
watch dozens of lectures free online at YouTube

Kindle  Editions

Henry George Selected Writings & Speeches in Kindle format from Evergreen Review   "Henry George: Selected Writings and Speeches" for Kindle [2008]
166-page ebook not indexed, jumbled list shows: "A Menace and A Promise"; "What The Railroad Will Bring Us"; "Henry George and The Socialists: A Debate"; "Ode To Liberty"; "The Interrogration of Henry George"; "On Patents and Copyrights"; "On Production"; "Progress and Poverty (Intro)" and "Progress and Poverty" [1879]; "Scotland and Scotsmen"; "The Single Tax, What It Is, and Why We Urge It"; "Social Problems" [1883]; "Thou Shall Not Steal"; and "What We Stand For"
Kindle Edition from Evergreen Review [5/2008] for $4.95

image  gallery

poster for 2012 Annual Henry George Commemorative Dinner in Australia         label of Henry George 5-cent cigars

family  &  friends
Henry George was born in 1839 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; he died of a stroke in New York City in 1897 at age 58.

wife Annie Corsina Fox George [1843?-1904], an eighteen-year-old orphan from Sydney - married 1861, widowed 1897

son Henry George, Jr. [1862–1916], Congressman from New York, 1911-15
"The Romance of John Bainbridge" [1906] by Henry George, Jr.

son sculptor Richard F. George [1865-1912]

daughter Jennie George Atkinson [c.1867–1897]

daughter Anna Angela George de Mille [1879?-1947]
married William Churchill de Mille [1878-1955] - married 1903-29

granddaughter dancer/choreographer Agnes de Mille [1905-93]
DeMille's memoir "Dance To The Piper" [1951] • official website
credits [1916-2013] at IMDbcredits [1936-2003] at IBDbentry at Wikipedia

granddaughter actress Peggy George (nee Margaret George de Mille) [1908-78]
single credit at IMDbsingle credit at IBDb • no entry at Wikipedia

their uncle movie mogul Cecil B. DeMille [1881-1959]

L i n k s
Henry George entry at Wikipedia
search for books by 'Henry George' at Amazon produces an unusable list of 2600+ titles
browse Henry George Store at Amazon
Henry George Birthplace & Archives [built 1801, est. 2013], 413 So. Tenth Street, Philadelphia, PA

Henry George Foundation of Australia [est. 1928] is based in North Melbourne, Victoria
Annual Henry George Commemorative Dinner [Sept 2013 = #122] in Melbourne, Australia
Henry George Foundation, U.K. [est. 1929] is based in London
Henry George School of Social Sciences [est. 1932] in New York City
Henry George Institute [est. 1971] in New York City

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