Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore

economist  Nouriel  Roubini

N.Y.U. economist Nouriel Roubini color photo portrait, 2020             short profile

major works
other works

plays, movies, other media

works about Nouriel Roubini

image gallery

friends & family


pungent quotation
— somebody

          B I O
          t e x t
          h e r e

Roubini Global Economics official website
homepage at NYU/Stern
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Major  Works

      $    $      

"Political Cycles and The Macroeconomy" [MIT Press 1997]
by Alesina, Alberto; Roubini, Nouriel; Cohen, Gerald D. (1997-11-14

"Bailouts or Bail-Ins?: Responding to Financial Crises in Emerging Economies [2004]
by Nouriel Roubini & Brad Setser | Apr 30, 2004 Peterson Institute

"New International Financial Architecture" [Edward Elgar Publng 2006] editor with Marc Uzan) NewIntlFinArchitecture1NR.jpg

Crisis Economics, Crash Course book by Nouriel Roubini & Stephen Mihm  "Crisis Economics: A Crash Course In The Future of Finance" [2010]
by Nouriel Roubini & Stephen Mihm

Penguin Press 9¼x6 hardcover [5/2010] for $16.34
ECONOMIE DE CRISE (Essais et documents) (French Edition) by Nouriel Roubini avec Stephen Mihm | Jun 2, 2010 turkish
/B0819THHYS/ chinese

Other  Works
The Occupy Handbook edited by Janet Byrne  "The Occupy Handbook" [2012] Edited by Janet Byrne
66 pieces by authors Brandon Adams, Tyler Cowen, Peter Diamond, Ariel Dorfman, Barbara Ehrenreich, Amy Goodman, David Graeber, David Cay Johnston, Paul Krugman, Michael Lewis, Bethany McLean, Salvador Martí Puig, Raghuram Rajan, Robert B. Reich, Nouriel Roubini, Emmanuel Saez, Robert Shiller, Matt Taibbi, Gillian Tett, Scott Turow, Lawrence Wechsler, Robin Wells, Martin Wolf, Neri Zilber — and 42 others
Kindle Edition from Little, Brown/Hachette [4/2012] for $9.99
Back Bay Books 8½x5¼ pb [4/2012] for $8.71

Stageplays,  Movies,  Other  Media

"Squawk Box" [episode 1995] /tt0972177/
A morning news-and-talk program, featuring newsmaker interviews
Stars: Becky Quick, Joe Kernen, Andrew Ross Sorkin, Michelle Caruso-Cabrera

"The Big Risk (2007) /tt4657510/ episode of "Squawk Box" [1995–?]
Stars: Joe Kernen, Nouriel Roubini, Janet Tavakoli
Director: Alexa Polar | Stars: Stanley Bullock, Lisabeth Davis, Robert Davis, James Gregory

"Democracy Now!" [episode aired 29 November 2007] /tt2254453/
Stars: Sarah Dufendach, Juan Gonzalez, Amy Goodman, Mark Winston Griffith

‘ ‘

"Inside Job" [Sony Pictures Classics Oct 2010]
won Oscar for Best Documentary Feature  Inside Job documentary film by Charles Ferguson  "If you're not enraged by the end of this movie, [then] you haven't been paying attention."
— Mary & Richard Corliss, in Time Magazine
A comprehensive analysis of the global financial crisis of 2008, thru exhaustive research and extensive interviews with key financial insiders, politicians, journalists & academics • Co-produced, written & directed by Charles Ferguson; narrated by Matt Damon; featuring Congressman Barney Frank, Raghuram Rajan, Nouriel Roubini, George Soros, Eliot Spitzer, Paul A. Volcker, many others; won Oscar for Best Documentary Feature, D.G.A. & W.G.A. Awards, New York Film Critics Circle Award
Sony Pictures Classics widescreen color DVD [3/2011] for $14.99
credits at IMDbofficial movie site

‘ ‘

"America Foreclosed" documentary short [2015] /tt3464066/
A compelling short documentary on the state of Foreclosures in the United States. America Foreclosed, from the Great Depression to the Great Recession.

"Maria Bartiromo's Wall Street" [episode aired 2015] /tt4679468/
Maria Bartiromo hosts Gary Kaminsky, Anthony Scaramucci, Charles Gasparino

"Maria Bartiromo's Wall Street" [episode aired 28 September 2018] /tt8901730/
starring Jason Trennert, Strategas Securities CEO; former U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson; economist Nouriel Roubini; Maria Bartiromo, Jason Trennert, Henry Paulson, Nouriel Roubini

"WSJ At Large with Gerry Baker" [episode aired 21 February 2020] /tt11673810/ series /tt9632358/
starring Gerard Baker, Nouriel Roubini

Works  About  Nouriel  Roubini
[ to be added ]

Image  Gallery


Friends  &  Family
Nouriel Roubini was born in Istanbul, Türkiye in March 1958

L i n k s
[ to be added ]
xx credits [since 19xx] at Internet Movie Database

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