![]() | French  philosopher  Voltaire |               ![]() |
![]() |             | short profile |
French Enlightenment writer, historian, and philosopher François-Marie Arouet [1694-1778] - known as Voltaire - was famous for his wit,
as well as for his advocacy of freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and separation of church & state.
          B I O
          t e x t
          h e r e
Voltaire entry at Wikipedia
French-language website for La Société Voltaire [est. 2000]
browse books at the Voltaire Store {returns 1700+ titles} at Amazon
"Between two servants of Humanity, who appeared eighteen hundred years apart, there is a mysterious relation . . . Let us say it with a sentiment of profound respect: JESUS WEPT : VOLTAIRE SMILED. Of that divine tear and of that human smile is composed the sweetness of the present civilization."
~~~ Victor Hugo [1802-85]
Major  Works
Voltaire wrote 27 novels & novellas, 15 short stories, at least 50 stageplays, and tons of essays in French and English over his career.
"The Works of Voltaire: A Contemporary Version" in 31/42 volumes" [E.R. DuMont 1901]
Edited by John Morley [1838-1923]
major confusion happening here: library at Cornell University mixes together two editions of 'Works' and ten volumes of the
'Philosophical Dictionary'; add to that several listings from UC whose title pages do not match anything from Cornell
![]() |
hardcover [8/00] for $0.00
out of print/used
Volume 1: http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924088380435 1901 intro + candide Volume 2: http://www.archive.org/details/worksofvoltaire0002unse/ 1901 romances part 1 Volume 3: romances part 2 Volume 4: http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924024798021 1901 romances part 3 Volume 5: http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924024798039 F1901 Ph Dictionary Part 1 Volume 5: http://www.archive.org/details/worksofvoltairec05voltiala UC1906 Ph Dictionary Part 1 Volume 6: http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924024798047 1901 Ph Dictionary Part 2 Volume 6: http://www.archive.org/details/worksofvoltairec06voltiala UC1906 Ph Dictionary Part 2 Volume 7: http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924024798054 F1901 Ph Dictionary Part 3 Volume 8: http://www.archive.org/details/worksofvoltairec08voltiala UC1906 Ph Dictionary Part 4 Volume 9: http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924024798070 F1901 Ph Dictionary Part 5 Volume 10: http://www.archive.org/details/worksofvoltairec10voltiala/ UC1906 Ph Dictionary Part 6 Volume 11: Ph Dictionary Part 7 Volume 12: Ph Dictionary Part 8 Volume 13: http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924024798112 F1901 Ph Dictionary Part 9 Volume 14: http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924024798120 F1901 Ph Dictionary part 10 Volume 14: http://www.archive.org/details/worksofvoltairec14voltiala/ UC1906 Ph Dictionary Part 10 Volume 15: http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924077720245 1901 drama part 1/5            Merope, Olympia, Orphan, Brutus Volume 16: http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924024798138 F1901 drama part 2/5            Mahomet, Amelia, Oedipus, Mariamne, Socrates Volume 17: http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924024798146 1901 drama part 3/5            Alzire, Orestes, Semiramis, Catiline, Pandora Volume 18: http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924077720252 1901 drama part 4/5            Scotch Woman, Tatler, Prude, Nanine Volume 19: http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924024798153 F1901 drama part 5/5            Zaire, Caesar, Prodigal, Prefaces Volume 20: http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924024798161 F1901 hist charles part 1 Volume 21: http://www.archive.org/details/worksvoltaireac34leiggoog 1904 hist charles part 2 Volume 21: http://www.archive.org/details/worksofvoltairec21voltiala UC1906 hist charles part 2 Volume 22: http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924024798187 F1901 louis part 1 Volume 23: http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924024798195 F1901 louis part 2 Volume 24: http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924024798203 F1901 ancient/modern part 1/7 Volume 24: http://www.archive.org/details/worksofvoltairec24voltiala 1906 ancient/modern part 1/7 Volume 25: http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924024798211 F1901 ancient/modern part 2/7 Volume 26: http://www.archive.org/details/worksvoltaireac20leiggoog 1901 ancient/modern part 3/7 Volume 26: http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924024798229 F1901 ancient/modern part 3/7 Volume 27: http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924024798237 F1901 ancient/modern part 4/7 Volume 28: http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924024798245 F1901 ancient/modern part 5/7 Volume 29: http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924024798252 F1901 ancient/modern part 6/7 Volume 30: ancient/modern part 7/7 Volume 31: http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924024798278 F1901 annals part 1 Volume 31: http://www.archive.org/details/worksvoltaireac27leiggoog UC1904 annals part 1 Volume 32: http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924024798286 F1901 annals, part 2 Volume 33: http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924024798294 F1901 hist 1741 Volume 34: http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924024798302 F1901 hist russia part 1 Volume 34: http://www.archive.org/details/worksofvoltairec34voltiala UC1906 hist russia part 1 Volume 35: http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924024798310 F1901 hist russia part 2 Volume 36: Volume 37: http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924024798336 F1901 essays Volume 38: http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924024798344 F1901 henriade Volume 39: http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924024798351 F1901 short studies Volume 40: orleans part 1 Volume 41: http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924024798377 F1901 orleans part 2 Volume 42: http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924024798385 F1901 Biographical Critique by John Morley Volume 42: http://www.archive.org/details/worksofvoltairec42voltiala/ UC1906 Biographical Critique these entries conflict with basic 1901 42-volume work
studies  & collections
![]() | "Collected Works of Voltaire" [1941] The Complete Romances, including "Candide", and "The Ignorant Philosopher" Greystone Press hardcover [1941] out of print/scarce |
![]() |
"The Portable Voltaire" [1949] Edited with Introduction by Ben Ray Redman
contains: "Candide, Part One"; three stories: "Micromegas" (1752), "Zadig" (1757), "Story of A Good Brahmin" (1759); selections from "The Philosophical Dictionary", "The Lisbon Earthquake", and other works; and thirty-five letters; Introduction includes Timeline of Voltaire's Life Kindle Edition from Penguin Books [1977 edition] for $16.99 Penguin Classics 8x5¼ pb [7/77] for $22.00 |
![]() | "The Cambridge Companion To Voltaire, Illustrated Edition" [2009] Edited by Nicholas Cronk contributors include: David Beeson, Miguel Benítez, Daniel Brewer, editor Cronk, Olivier Ferret, Graham Gargett, Russell Goulbourne, Gianni Iotti, John Leigh, Christiane Mervaud, John Renwick, Philip Stewart, Geoffrey Turnovsky, Catherine Volpilhac-Auger Kindle Edition from Cambridge Univ Press [3/2009] for $28.00 Cambridge Univ Press 9x6 pb [2/2009] for $34.99 Cambridge Univ Press 9x6 hardcover [2/2009] for $84.99 {sic} |
27  novels  and  novellas
"The One-Eyed Street Porter, Cosi-sancta" [1715]
"Le Micromégas" novella [1752] by Voltaire [1694-1778]
![]() | Some scholars believe that versions of this story were published as early as 1738 or 1739, but the popular publication in 1752 is commonly agreed upon, with a revised edition following in 1754 • The tale recounts the visit to Earth of an enormous being from a planet circling the star Sirius, with his less-gigantic companion from the planet Saturn
'Micromégas' story entry at Wikipedia "Plato's Dream" short story [1756] 'Plato's Dream' story entry at Wikipedia • read English online etext at Wondersmith fansite "Micromegas and Other Short Fictions" collection [2002] by Voltaire NOTE: The Penguin pb & Kindle editions contain both stories Kindle Edition from Penguin Classics [2002 edition] for $9.99 Penguin Classics 7¾x5 pb [8/2002] for $12.99 |
"Candide, or Optimism" [1758] or "Voltaire's Candide, ou L'Optimism" [1759]
"Story of A Good Brahmin" [1759]
"The King of Boutan" [1761]
"The City of Cashmere" [1760]
"An Indian Adventure" [1764]
"The White and The Black" [1764]
"Jeannot and Colin" [1764]
"The Blind Judges of Colors" [1766]
"The Princess of Babylon" [1768]
"The Man With/of Forty Crowns" [1768]
"The Letters of Amabed" [1769]
"The Huron, or Pupil of Nature" [1771]
"The White Bull" [1772]
"An Incident of Memory" [1773]
"The History of Jenni" [1774]
"The Travels of Reason" [1774]
"The Ears of Lord Chesterfield and Chaplain Goudman" [1775]
"The Sage and The Atheist" [1775]
15 stories
"The World As It Goes: The Vision of Babouc" [1750]
"Plato's Dream" [1756]
non-fiction and philosophical works
"Letters On The Quakers" [1727]
"Letters Concerning The English Nation" [London, 1733] - revised as "Letters On The English" [circa 1778]
French version entitled "Lettres philosophiques sur les Anglais" [Rouen, 1734]
"Le Mondain" 1736]
"Sept Discours en Vers sur l'Homme" [1738]
"The Elements of The Philosophy of Newton (Éléments de La Philosophie de Newton)" [1738; 2nd expanded edition 1745]
co-authored by mathematician & physicist Émilie du Châtelet
made the great British scientist accessible to a far larger public
"Le Siècle de Louis XIV ('The Age of ...' or 'The Century of Louis XIV')" [1751]
"The History of Peter The Great, Emperor of Russia" [1755]
"The Sermon of The Fifty" [1759]
"The Calas Affair: A Treatise On Tolerance" [1762] + "Traité sur La Tolérance" [1763]
"Dictionnaire Philosophique (A Philosophical Dictionary)" [1764]
not so much an actual dictionary, but ten volumes of Voltaire's comments on a wide range of words and topics and concepts,
compiled over many years and arranged in alphabetical order • book entry at Wikipedia
"Ce Qui Plaît aux Dames" [1764]
"Idées Républicaines" [1765]
"La Philosophie de L'histoire" [1765]
"Questions sur Les Miracles" [1765]
"L'Ingénu" [1767]
"La Princesse de Babylone" [1768]
"Des Singularités de La Nature" [1768]
"Les Dialogues d’Evhémère" [1777]
"Letters On The English" [circa 1778]
Other  Works
dialogues + poems collection + letters collections
Movies & Television
·                        ·
"Sémiramis" silent short [1910]
"L'Ingenuo" silent [1921]
"Candide" [1960]
"Candide" TV movie [1962] based on the novella "Candide"
"Les Aventures de Zadig" TV movie [1970]
"The Artless One" [1972] based on the novel "L'Ingenu"
"Candide" [1973] on the "BBC Play of the Month" TV series
"Voltaire's Folies" TV movie [1974] /tt0324469/
Directed by Jean-Pierre Spiero; based on a stageplay by Jean-François Prevand, adapted from several stories by Voltaire
"Mondo Candido" [1975]
"L'Ingénu" TV movie [1975]
5 episodes on the "Jackanory" TV series [1976]
"Zadig The Nobleman (1976)
"Zadig The Detective (1976)
"Zadig The Grand Vizier (1976)
"Zadig The Slave (1976)
"Zadig The King (1976)
"Erotic Adventures of Candy" [1978] based on the novella "Candide"
"Zadig ou La Destinée" TV movie [1981]
"Semiramide" TV movie [1982]
"Leonard Bernstein: Candide" [1986] on the "Live from Lincoln Center" TV series
"Dandy" documentary [1988] based on the novella "Candide"
"Candide" TV movie [1991] adapted from the novella "Candide"
"Alzira" video [1991] (play)
"Tancredi" TV movie [1992] based on the stageplay "Tancrède"
"Cultivating Charlie" [1994] based on the novella "Candide"
"Candide" [1994]
"Le Prophète (Video) (essay)" [1998]
"Leonard Bernstein: Candide" TV special [2003]
"Leonard Bernstein's Candide: A Comic Operetta in Two Acts" [2005] episode on the "Great Performances" TV series
"L'ingénu" video documentary [2008]
"The Time of Love" short [2009] additional material
"The Adventures of Candide" animated TV series [2014] /tt3730486/
this TV series is a contemporary adaptation of Voltaire's "Candide ou l'Optimism" [1759]
"Semiramide" Video [2017] based on the novella "Candide"
"A Valsa do Vento" short [2017] based on a poem by Voltaire
"Le Prophète" TV movie [2017] based on an essay by Voltaire
"Rossini: Semiramide" [2018] based on the play "Sémiramis" - episode of the "Great Performances at the Met" TV series
Stageplays, Other  Media
Voltaire wrote between fifty and sixty stageplays
Stageplays by Voltaire
"Œdipe" [1718]
"Artémire" [1720]
"Mariamne" [1724]
"Brutus" [1730]
"Éryphile" [1732]
"Zaïre" [1732], inspiration for "Zaira", opera by Vincenzo Bellini (1829)
"Alzire, ou Les Américains" [1736], inspiration for "Alzira", opera by Giuseppe Verdi (1845)
"Zulima" [1740]
"Mahomet" [1741]
"Mérope" [1743]
"La Princesse de Navarre" [1745]
"Sémiramis" [1748], inspiration for "Semiramide", opera by Gioachino Rossini (1823)
"Nanine" [1749]
"L'Orphelin de la Chine" [1755]
"Socrate" [published 1759]
"La Femme qui a Raison" [1759]
"Tancrède" [1760], inspiration for "Tancredi", opera by Gioachino Rossini (1813)
"Don Pèdre, roi de Castille" [1774]
"Sophonisbe" [1774]
"Irène" [1778]
"Agathocle" [1779]
![]() | "Voltaire Collection" [1778] another instance of Amazon's low integrity: several entries indicate 660 pages, yet Amazon's 'Look Inside' feature quits after five plays and around 350 pages; the specified five stageplays are "Alzire" [1736], "Catiline", "Orestes", "Pandora", and "Sémiramis" [1748] Hanse Books, Germany imported 8½x6½ pb [3/2020] for $43.90 |
![]() | "Seventeen Plays by Voltaire" [2011] Translation by William F. Fleming A collection containing "Alzire", "Amelia", "Brutus", "Catiline", "Mahomet", "Mariamne", "Merope", "Nanine", "Œdipus", "Olympia", "Orestes", "The Orphan of China", "Pandora", "The Prude", "The Scotch Woman", "Sémiramis", and "Socrates" Kindle Edition from Start Publng LLC [8/2013] for $1.99 Wilder Publns 9x6 pb [2/2011] for $17.99 Wilder Publns 9x6 hardcover [4/2018] for $24.99 |
![]() | "The Voltaire Anthology: Candide, Zadig, and Seventeen Plays" [2011] 'omnibus edition' includes two novels - "Candide" and "Zadig" - and 'seventeen of Voltaire's most important plays': same selection as the '17 Plays' book just above Kindle Edition from Start Publng LLC [8/2013] for $1.99 Wilder Publns 9x6 pb [2/2011] for $29.13 Wilder Publns 9x6 hardcover [4/2018] for $29.99 |
![]() ![]() | Zadig & Voltaire Paris fashion house
Zadig & Voltaire is headquartered in the 16th arrondissement, in the unique & striking four-story, Haussmann-style building Hôtel Particulier Iéna, located in the Right Bank of Paris, with a view of the Eiffel Tower; designers Thierry Gillier & Cécilia Bönström produce Clothing for Women - jackets & coats, dresses, shirts & tops, sweaters, cashmere, knits & tees, pants & jeans, skirts & shorts & leather - and Clothing for Men and Shoes and Accessories (including fragrances & designer face masks) Zadig & Voltaire eau de toilette for men - imported 3.3-ounce bottle for $74.38 Zadig & Voltaire eau de toilette for women - imported 3.3-ounce bottle for $75.99 official website (in English) |
![]() | "Works of Voltaire" for Kindle [2013]
Kindle Edition from The Perfect Library [4/2013] for $2.99 contains 18 works by Voltaire in 312 pages, with a dynamic table of contents: "Azolan"; "Candide"; "From Love To Friendship"; "In Camp Before Philippsburg, July 3, 1734"; "Letters On England"; "Mahomet"; "Micro-megas"; "On The Death of Adrienne Lecouvreur"; "The History of Peter The Great, Emperor of Russia"; "The Origin of Trades"; "The Padlock"; "Thelema and Macareus"; "To A Lady Very Well Known To The Whole Town"; "To Her Royal Highness, The Princess of ..."; "To The Queen of Hungary"; "Voltaire's Philosophical Dictionary"; "Voltaire's Romances Complete Work"; and "Zadig: or, The Book of Fate" |
![]() |
"The Collected Works of Voltaire" for Kindle [2015]
9,148-page Kindle Edition from PergamonMedia [4/2015] for $1.99 Table of Contents for the ebook lists: "Voltaire's Romances, Complete in One Volume" ("Zadig", "Micro-megas", others); "Voltaire's Philosophical Dictionary" (Edition de La Pacification) in 10 volumes; "A Philosophical Dictionary, A-Z"; "Candide"; "The History of Peter the Great, Emperor of Russia"; "Inter-national Short Stories" Compiled by Francis J. Reynolds - 18 by Voltaire; "Life of Jean Meslier" by Voltaire; Amazon low-integrity listing of contents also shows: "Letters On The English"; "Socrates"; "Correspondance with King of Prussia Frederick II"; "Suspended Judgments: Essays On Books and Sensations - John Cowper Powys"; "Works of Voltairine de Cleyre" {sic}; "The Fourth Book of Virgil's Aeneid" {sic}; and the Ninth Book of Voltaire's "Henriad" |
![]() | "Voltaire Premium Collection: Novels, Philosophical Writings, Historical Works, Plays, Poems & Letters - 60+ Works in One Volume, Illustrated" for Kindle [2016]
6,068-page Kindle Edition from e-artnow [3/2016] for 99¢ {sic} includes eight novels: "Candide", "The Huron", "The Man of Forty Crowns", "Micromegas", "The Princess of Babylon", "The Sage and The Atheist", "The White Bull", and "Zadig"; 15 stories; dialogues; 21 stageplays; poems collection; philosophical works: "A Philosophical Dictionary", "Letters On England", and "Treatise On Tolerance"; historical works: "Age of Louis XIV" and "The History of Peter The Great, Emperor of Russia"; letters collections; literary criticism by Lytton Strachey & Robert Green Ingersoll; and four biographies |
![]() | "Voltaire: Œuvres Complètes et Annexes - 145 Titres, Annotés" for Kindle [2019] (Complete Works and Annexes - 145 Titles, Annotated); Edited by Pierre Libret 16,791-page Kindle French Edition from Arvensa Éditions [5/2020] for $5.99 specified section titles are: Œuvres Philosophiques; Œuvres Théâtrales; Poemes, Épîtres, Satires; Œuvres Historiques; Melanges Voltairiens; Œuvres Autobiographiques; and Annexes |
Works  About  Voltaire
"Voltaire In The Netherlands" [circa 1740?] by C.A. (Cornelis Ascanius) van Sypesteyn [1694-1744]
the composite book "Voltaire, Saint-Germain, Cagliostro, Mirabeau In Nederland" was published in 1869;
there are versions in Dutch and Chinese on Amazon, which lack the Look Inside feature
Dutch-language 1869 edition is available as free online flip-book at Internet Archive
"Voltaire" monograph [1872] by John Morley [1838-1923]
1913 edition available as free online etext/flip-book at Internet Archive
"Voltaire: A Sketch of His Life and Works, With Selections From His Writings" [1891] by G.W. Foote & J.M. Wheeler
available as free online etext at Project Gutenberg
![]() | "Spinoza" 46-page article [orig 1904] by Elbert Hubbard [1856-1915]
Kessinger Publng 9x7½ pb [9/2010] for $11.48 Kessinger Publng 10¾x8 pb [12/2005] for $12.44 Kessinger Publng 9¾x7 hardcover [9/2010] for $22.28 extracted from "Little Journeys To The Homes of The Great, Volume 8: Philosophers" Kessinger Publng 10½x7¾ facsimile pb [5/1942 edition] for $30.84 includes articles on philosophers Aristotle, Marcus Aurelius, Auguste Comte, Immanuel Kant, Schopen-hauer, Seneca, Socrates, Herbert Spencer, Spinoza, Swedenborg, Henry David Thoreau, and Voltaire |
"Voltaire" essay for Encyclopedia Britannica [1911] by George Saintsbury [1845-1933]
read 6-page essay from Volume 28, pages 199-205 as .PDF file online at University of Florida C.L.A.S.
![]() | "Voltaire and Rousseau (World of Philosophy)" [1997] Written by Prof. Charles Sherover, Series Narrator Lynn Redgrave Blackstone Audio CD [7/2006] for $9.95 Knowledge Products cassette tape [3/97] out of prodn/used |
Movies & TV  About  Voltaire
"Launching the Voltaire" silent short [1909] /tt4312248/
preparation and launch of the French battleship Voltaire, 1909-35
"Fridericus Rex - 3. Teil: Sanssouci" [1923] /tt1407202/
Part 3 of a 4-part biographical film about Friedrich II of Prussia: Friedrich befriends the French philosopher Voltaire and then realizes a long-held dream
by building the castle of Sanssouci; director: Arzén von Cserépy | Stars: Otto Gebühr, Erna Morena, Gertrud de Lalsky, Anton Edthofer
"Voltaire" [1933]- Turner Classic Movies /tt0024742/
Writer and philosopher Voltaire, loyal to his king Louis XV of France, nonetheless writes scathingly of the king's disdain for the rights and needs
of the people; Louis admires Voltaire ... Director: John G. Adolfi | Stars: George Arliss, Doris Kenyon, Margaret Lindsay, Reginald Owen
"Einfach Sterben (Just Die) ..." TV Movie [Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen (ZDF) Nov 1971] /tt1164577/
Directed by Stanislav Barabas; teleplay by Theodor Schübel; Stars: Hans Schweikart as Voltaire, Petra Peters, Gerlinde Locker
"Meeting of Minds" [P.B.S./KCET-TV 1977-1981]
![]() | series had 12 episodes, each in two parts; filmed before a live audience, in b&w & color; imaginary dinner parties placing famous thinkers and doers in conversation with people they never met, with the dialogue mostly culled from their published works • Written & hosted by Steve Allen [1921-2000]; episode starring {his wife} Jayne Meadows {as Florence Nightingale}, Leon Askin {as Martin Luther}, David Hooks {as Plato}, John Hoyt {as Voltaire} series credits at IMDb • series entry at Wikipedia • official series site Season 2, Episode 1: "Florence Nightingale / Plato / Martin Luther / Voltaire: Part 1 [March 1978] /tt0645826/ Season 2, Episode 2: "Florence Nightingale / Plato / Martin Luther / Voltaire: Part 2 [March 1978] /tt0645827/ 2-hour Audible Audiobook CD [8/2017] for $3.99 |
more info about the series on the Steve Allen [1921-2000] Page at Magic Lantern Video & Book Store
"Voltaire-Rousseau" TV movie [1992] /tt0346118/
based on the stageplay by Jean-François Prevand; starring Jean-Paul Farré, Jean-Luc Moreau
"Biography of The Millennium: 100 People - 1,000 Years" TV Mini-Series documentary [1999] Voltaire was #37
"Voltaire et L'Affaire Calas" TV movie [ARTE/France TV-3/Télévision Suisse-Romande April 2007] /tt0996668/
![]() | "Famous Authors: Voltaire ~ Francois-Marie Arouet - A Concise Biography" [Kultur Video 2008] • not listed at IMDb 30-minute Kultur Video color DVD [3/2008] for $13.99 |
"Les Aventures du Jeune Voltaire" TV mini-series [Arezzo Films France Jan-Feb 2021] /tt13648386/
Image  Gallery
Friends  &  Family
François-Marie Arouet was born in Paris, France in November 1694; he began using the pseudonym 'Voltaire' in 1718; he wrote 27 novels and novellas,
at least 50 stageplays, and tons of essays in French and English over the years; he died in Paris, France in May 1778 at age 83.
mistress / young widow Marie-Marguerite de Rupelmonde [] - circa 1722
mistress Emilie du Chatelet [1706-49] - together 1733-49
![]() | "Passionate Minds: Emilie du Chatelet, Voltaire & The Great Love Affair of The Enlightenment" [2006] by David Bodanis Three Rivers Press 8x5¼ pb [10/2007] for $11.16 Crown 9¼x6½ hardcover [10/2006] for $16.47 |
![]() | "Emilie Du Chatelet: Daring Genius of The Enlightenment" [2007] by Judith P. Zinsser Penguin 8¼x5½ pb [11/2007] for $12.00 |
his niece Marie Louise Mignot [1712-90] - met 1744, they lived together later on,
perhaps platonically, and remained together until Voltaire's death
'Cabaret Voltaire' is an electropunk band in Mexico
'Voltaire' band - music guests on 2006 Poland talk show
'Voltaire Twins' is a band in Australia
L i n k s
Voltaire entry at Wikipedia
Château de Cirey official website - residence of Voltaire 1734-49
Château de Voltaire à Ferney official website - residence of Voltaire 1759-78
xx credits [since 19xx] at Internet Movie Database
This Réseau Voltaire / Voltaire Network International group describes itself as 'a web of non-aligned press groups dedicated to the analysis of international relations'.
THAT IS A LIE: they are fear-mongering conspiracy theorists, led by French conspiracy theorist Thierry Meyssan, and each and every member has the IQ of a penguin.
Their use of Voltaire's name is a defilement; they are included here as a warning.
here on the French philosopher Voltaire [1694-1778] Page at Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore
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Kindle Editions •• works about Voltaire •• image gallery •• friends & family •• links
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