Maison d'Être  Philosophy  Bookstore
{ Page Two }

Walter Benjamin [1892-1940] of Europe         Albert Camus [1913-60] of France         educator John Dewey [1859-1952]

Mahatma Gandhi [1869-1948] of India         Eric Hoffer [1902-83]         H.L. Mencken [1880-1956] of Baltimore, Maryland

educator Dr. Maria Montessori [1870-1952] of Italy        Jean-Jacques Rousseau [1712-78] of Geneva         Howard Zinn [1922-2010]

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well-known thinkers

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well-known thinkers

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general philosophy books
philosophy links
other thinkers
philosophy magazines

Well-Known Thinkers
A to FG to I • J to M {just below} • N to Z


pragmatist William James [1842-1910]
"[Wm. James] represented the true America, and represented in a measure the whole
ultramodern, radical world." — George Santayana [1863-1952]

browse booksEmory Univ pagesWikipedia

William James Society [est. 1999] based in Canada

Library of America editions: Volume I | Volume II


German-Swiss existential philosopher Karl Jaspers [1883-1969]
browse booksWikipedia

Karl Jaspers Society of North America (KJSNA) [est. 1980]
Karl Jaspers Society of Austria [est. 1984]
Jaspers Society of Japan {in Japanese only}
Polskie Towarzystwo Karla Jaspersa / Jaspers Society of Poland []
Società Italiana Karl Jaspers / Italian Karl Jaspers Society
Jaspers entry at the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy by Chris Thornhill

Philosophy of Existence book by Karl Jaspers  
"Philosophy of Existence" [1958]
by Karl Jaspers, 1971 translation by Richard F. Grabau

Univ PA Press 8x5 pb [6/71] for $18.95
The Great Philosophers books by Karl Jaspers  
The Great Philosophers books by Karl Jaspers  
"The Great Philosophers" in 2 volumes [1962/1966]
by Karl Jaspers, Edited by Hannah Arendt, Translated by Ralph Manheim

Volume 1: "The Foundations: The Paradigmatic Individuals - Socrates, Buddha, Confucius, Jesus" / "The Seminal Founders of Philosophical Thought: Plato, Augustine, Kant" [1962]
Harcourt, Brace & World hardcover [1962] out of print/used
Harcourt, Brace & World hardcover [1962] out of print/used

Volume 2: "The Original Thinkers - Anaximander, Heraclitus, Parmenides, Plotinus, Anselm, Nicholas of Cusa, Spinoza, Lao-Tzu, Nagarjuna" [1966]
Harvest Books/Houghton Mifflin Harcourt hardcover [1975] out of print/used
Harcourt, Brace & World hardcover [1966] out of print/used


Thomas Jefferson [1743-1826] Page
at Spirit of America Bookstore


Carl Gustav Jung [1875-1961]
browse booksWikipedia

Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore's Carl Jung Page


Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore's
physicist Dr. Michio Kaku Page


Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore's
Immanuel Kant [1724-1804] Page

Kant was wrong in many ways, but is still an important philosopher, in that he needs to be
held accountable for his negative influence on modern Western society.

"Immanuel Kant is the real evil of our age, the villain of European history."
~~ philosopher Ayn Rand [1905-82]

important work "Critique of Pure Reason"


Oxford philosopher Anthony Kenny [b. 1931]
browse the Anthony Kenny Store {returns 70+ titles} at AmazonWikipedia

"Ancient Philosophy: A New History of Western Philosophy, volume 1" [Clarendon Press 2004] ISBN 0-19-875273-3
"Medieval Philosophy: A New History of Western Philosophy, volume 2" [Oxford Univ Press 2005] ISBN 978-0-19-875275-2
"The Rise of Modern Philosophy: A New History of Western Philosophy, volume 3" [Oxford Univ Press 2006] ISBN 978-0-19-875277-6
"Philosophy In The Modern World: A New History of Western Philosophy, volume 4" [Oxford Univ Press 2007] ISBN 978-0-19-875279-0
"A New History of Western Philosophy" [Oxford Univ Press 2010] ISBN 978-0-19-958988-3


Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard [1813-55]
browse booksI.E.P. pagesS.E.P. pagesWikipedia

Ilse's Kierkegaard fansite

Kierkegaard's Existential Ethics book by George J. Stack  
"Kierkegaard's Existential Ethics" [1992]
by George J. Stack

Ashgate hardcover [1/92] for $61.94
Kierkegaard in 90 Minutes book by Paul Strathern  "Kierkegaard in 90 Minutes" [1997]
by Paul Strathern

Ivan R. Dee, Publr 8x5 pb [11/2001] for $7.95
Ivan R. Dee, Publr 8½x5¼ hardcover [4/97] for $14.95

"An Animated Introduction To Søren Kierkegaard’s Life & Thought" [2015]
watch 6/2015 short video [6:46] online at YouTube


Alfred Korzybski [1879-1950], originator of general semantics
browse booksWikipedia


Elisabeth Kübler-Ross [1926-2004]
browse booksofficial websiteWikipedia


Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore's
Thomas S. Kuhn [1922-96] Page


French neurobiologist & philosopher Henri Laborit [1914-95]

"Mon Oncle d'Amérique (My American Uncle)" [Gaumont France May 1980, USA Dec 1980] /tt0081176/
directed by Alain Resnais; written by Jean Gruault, based on writings of Henri Laborit; starring Gérard Depardieu,
Nicole Garcia, Roger Pierre, Nelly Borgeaud, Pierre Arditi, Henri Laborit


Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore's
Chinese philosopher Lao-Tzu [IVth Century B.C.E.] Page


Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore's
Dr. Timothy Leary [1920-96] Page


German polymath Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz [1646-1716]
important work "Discourse On Metaphysics" [1686]
important work "The Relation Between Soul and Body" excerpted from "A New System of Nature ..." [1695]


political writer Walter Lippmann [1889-1974]
browse booksselected booksWikipedia


John Locke [1632-1704]
browse booksonline worksI.E.P. pagesWikipedia

Locke Institute
Spirit of America Bookstore's Founding Fathers Page

John Locke's Political Writings book edited by David Wootton  "John Locke: Political Writings" [1993] Edited by David Wootton
includes "Second Treatise of Government" [c. 1681] & "A Letter Concerning Toleration" [1685]
Hackett Publng 8¼x5¼ pb [3/2003] for $12.95
Hackett Publng 8½x5¾ hardcover [3/2003] for $39.95
Locke Political Essays book edited by Mark Goldie  "Locke: Political Essays" [1997]
Edited by Mark Goldie

Cambridge Univ Press 8½x5½ pb [10/97] for $24.99
Cambridge Univ Press 8½x5¾ hardcover [10/97] out of print/used
Locke in 90 Minutes book by Paul Strathern  "Locke in 90 Minutes" [1999]
by Paul Strathern

Ivan R. Dee, Publr 8x5 pb [11/99] for $7.95
Ivan R. Dee, Publr 8x5 hardcover [11/99] for $14.95
John Locke Collection 6 Classic Works for Kindle  "The John Locke Collection: 6 Classic Works" [2013]
635-page Kindle Edition {without index} from Waxkeep Publng [3/2013] for $1.99
634-page CreateSpace 9x6 pb [11/2014] for $13.49

Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore's
evolutionary psychologist David Loye Page


French philosopher Jean-François Lyotard [1924-98]
browse books by Jean-Francois Lyotard and-or by Jean-François {sic} Lyotardentry at Wikipedia

The Lyotard Reader book edited by Andrew Benjamin   "The Lyotard Reader" [1990]
Edited by Andrew Benjamin

Wiley-Blackwell 9x6¼ pb [1/91] for $57.95 {sic}
Blackwell Publng 8x6 hardcover [9/90] out of print/used

physicist & philosopher Ernst Mach [1838-1916]
browse booksentry at Wikipedia
important "The Analysis of Sensations and The Relation of The Physical To The Psychical"


libertarian scholar Tibor R. Machan [1939-2016]
browse booksentry at Wikipedia

Capitalism & Individualism book by Tibor R. Machan  "Capitalism and Individualism: Reframing The Argument For A Free Society"
[1990] by Tibor R. Machan

L.L. Christenson Publng 9x6 pb [6/2002] out of print/used
Palgrave Macmillan 9¼x6 hardcover [8/90] out of print/used
Ayn Rand biography by Tibor Machan  "Ayn Rand" biography [2000] by Tibor R. Machan
Peter Lang Publg pb [3/2000] for $24.95
'Why Is Everyone Else Wrong?' book by Tibor R. Machan  "Why Is Everyone Else Wrong? Explorations In Truth and Reason" [2010]
29-page monograph by Tibor R. Machan

"explores the principles of truth, reason, and ideology, with particular respect to the profound political, economic, and social crises gripping the world today . . . not only sheds light on the nature of 'truth' but also suggests a framework for embracing differences to come up with creative solutions"
Kindle Edition from Springer [12/2010] for $39.89 {sic}
Springer 9¼x6 pb [12/2010] for $41.98 {sic}


British philosopher Bryan Edgar Magee [1930-2019]
U.K. philosopher, TV show host, author, Member of Parliament
browse booksIMDb listingentry at Wikipedia

Men of Ideas BBC-TV series  "Men of Ideas" TV series [BBC-TV Jan-April 1978]
fifteen 45-minute color BBC-TV episodes; episode titles were: 1) An Introduction To Philosophy, 2) Marxist Philos-ophy, 3) Marcuse and The Frankfurt School, 4) Heidegger and Modern Existentialism, 5) The Two Philosophies of Wittgenstein, 6) Logical Positivism and Its Legacy, 7) The Spell of Linguistic Philosophy, 8) Moral Philosophy, 9) The Ideas of Quine, 10) The Philosophy of Language, 11) The Ideas of Chomsky, 12) The Philosophy of Science, 13) Philosophy and Politics, 14) Philosophy and Literature, and 15) Philosophy: The Social Context • host Bryan Magee interviews A.J. Ayer [1910-89], William Barrett, Isaiah Berlin, Noam Chomsky, Ronald Dworkin, Ernest Gellner, R.M. Hare, Herbert Marcuse [1898-1979], Iris Murdoch [1919-99], Hilary Putnam, Willard Van Orman Quine [1908-2000], Anthony Quinton, John Searle, Charles Taylor, Bernard Williams
series credits at IMDbseries entry at Wikipedia

detail links for YouTube videos are on the Philosophy & Educational Media Page

"Thinking Aloud" TV series [BBC-TV 1984-1987]
twenty-seven 40-minute multi-guest color episodes over 4 years
detail info about the episodes are on the Philosophy & Educational Media Page

The Great Philosophers BBC-TV series  "The Great Philosophers" TV series [BBC-TV Sept-Dec 1987]
fifteen 45-minute color BBC-TV episodes; episode titles/subjects were: 1) Plato; 2) Aristotle; 3) Medieval Philosophy; 4) Descartes; 5) Spinoza and Leibniz; 6) Locke and Berkeley; 7) Hume; 8) Kant; 9) Hegel and Marx; 10) Schopen-hauer; 11) Nietzsche; 12) Husserl, Heidegger, and Modern Existentialism; 13) The American Pragmatists; 14) Frege, Russell, and Modern Logic; and 15) Wittgenstein • host Bryan Magee interviews A.J. Ayer, Michael Ayres, Myles Burnyeat, Frederick Copleston, Hubert Dreyfus, Anthony Kenny, Sidney Morgenbesser, Martha Nussbaum, John Passmore, Anthony Lord Quinton, John Searle, Peter Singer, J.P. Stern, Geoffrey Warnock, Bernard Williams
series credits at IMDbseries entry at Wikipedia

detail links for YouTube videos are on the Philosophy & Educational Media Page

The Great Philosophers book by Bryan Magee  "The Great Philosophers: An Introduction To Western Philosophy -
Based on the B.B.C. Television Series" [1987] by Bryan Magee

companion book to the TV series, based on 'fifteen dialogues' {as above}
Oxford Univ Press 2nd edition 7¾x5 pb [1/2001] for $17.16
Oxford Univ Press pb [10/2000] for $28.91
Oxford Univ Press 1st edition 7¾x5¼ pb [12/88] out of print/used
Oxford Univ Press pb [1992] out of print/used
B.B.C. Books 1st edition hardcover [1987] out of print/used

Aspects of Wagner 1968 book by Bryan Magee  "Aspects of Wagner" [1968] by Bryan Magee
Described by W.H. Auden as 'perhaps the greatest genius that ever lived', Wilhelm Richard Wagner [1813-83] has inspired both greater adulation and greater loathing than any other composer. British philosopher Magee examines not only Wagner's music and detailed stage directions but also the prose works in which he formulated his ideas, shedding new light on Wagner's anti-semitism and the way in which the Nazis twisted his theories to suit their own purposes
Oxford Univ Press 2nd edition 7¾x5 pb [9/88] for $13.70
Stein and Day pb [1969] out of print/used
Oxford Univ Press 2nd edition hardcover [9/88] out of print/used
Alan Ross hardcover [1968] out of print/used

"Confessions of a Philosopher: A Personal Journey Through Western Philosophy from Plato to Popper" [1997] by Bryan Magee

Story of Philosophy book by Bryan Magee  "The Story of Philosophy: A Concise Introduction To The World's Greatest Thinkers and Their Ideas" [1998] by Bryan Magee
240-page D.K. 9¼x7¼ pb [7/2001] for $16.53
D.K. Publng pb [9/98] for $16.84
D.K. Adult hardcover [9/98] for $36.12
"The Story of Thought" Quality Paperback Bookclub pb [1998] out of print/70+ used
The Story of Philosophy book by Bryan Magee  "The Story of Philosophy: 2,500 Years of Great Thinkers From Socrates To The Existentialists and Beyond" [2006] by Bryan Magee
D.K. 9¼x7¾ pb [5/2016] for $19.29
Barnes & Noble hardcover [2006] for $28.83
D.K. hardcover [2000] for $41.88

YouTube's "Philosophy Overdose Channel" [est. 2008] lists over 800 videos and has 223K subscribers
visit the "Philosophy Overdose Channel" [last update 1/2021] online at YouTube
the "Philosophy Overdose - Bryan Magee Interviews" list contains 30 videos: 5 are short excerpts, 13 are from the 1978 series, and 12 are from the 1987 series
visit the "Philosophy Overdose Channel" [last update 1/2021] online at YouTube

YouTube's "Manufacturing Intellect Channel" [est. 2005] lists over 1,000 videos and has 138K subscribers
visit the "Manufacturing Intellect Channel" [last update 9/2020] online at YouTube


philosopher Mediocrates says 'Meh, good enough'


Chinese philosopher Mencius (Mengzi) [372-289 B.C.E.]
browse booksentry at Wikipedia

detail was cut to the new Ancient Chinese Philosophy Page in Summer 2022


H.L. Mencken [1880-1956] Page
at Spirit of America Bookstore

H.L. Mencken Quotations Page
at Working Minds Philosophy website


'fearless public intellectual' Eduardo Mendieta
browse booksSUNY homepage • no entry at Wikipedia


British philosopher John Stuart Mill [1806-73]
Chosen for an experiment in education by his father and his father’s mentor, the utilitarian philosopher Jeremy Bentham, he was crammed
with learning; the aim was to produce a mind distended out of all proportion, i.e. force-fed facts, as unlucky geese are force-fed corn.
browse booksWikipedia
J.S. Mill pages at Victorian Web


Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore's
sociologist C. Wright Mills [1916-62] Page


Renaissance philosopher
{Michel Eyquem de} Montaigne [1533-1592]


How to Live, A Life of Montaigne book by Sarah Bakewell  "How To Live: or, A Life of Montaigne In One Question
and Twenty Attempts At An Answer" [2010]
by Sarah Bakewell

Other Press 9x6¼ hardcover [10/2010] for $16.50
author's bookpageauthor's website

"Montaigne On Trial" The New Yorker article [1/2017?] by Adam Gopnik
What do we really know about the philosopher who invented liberalism?


Dr. Maria Montessori [1870-1952]
booksbio [1984]Wikipedia

Assn. Montessori Internationale
North American Montessori Teachers Assn. [est. 1970]
Montessori Foundation

Montessori: The Science Behind The Genius lecture on DVD  "Angeline Lillard Presents Montessori: The Science Behind The Genius"
university-level lecture [Paladin Pictures Oct 2006]

104-minute lecture; a full century after Dr. Maria Montessori opened a school in a slum in Rome, Italy to test some new theories she had about children's learning & development, psychology research is showing that her educational theories were ahead of their time; featuring Dr. Angeline Lillard, PhD
Northlea Enterprises color DVD [10/2006] for $34.95
not listed on IMDb • Dr. Lillard's homepage at Univ/Virginiaofficial book & movie site
companion book [2005]
Kindle Edition from Oxford Univ Press [8/2008] for $9.99
Oxford Univ Press 9¼x6¼ pb [8/2008] for $14.61
Oxford Univ Press 9¼x6½ hardcover [3/2005] out of print/many used


Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore's
Nobel-laureate economist Gunnar Myrdal [1898-1987] Page


Prof. Alexander Nehamas [b. 1946]
booksPrinceton Univ. bio pageWikipedia

Art of Living / Socratic Reflections book by Alexander Nehamas  "The Art of Living: Socratic Reflections From Plato To Foucault"
[1998] by Alexander Nehamas

Provides an incisive reevaluation of Socrates's significance in Western
philosophy (as reported by Plato) and then shows his importance in the
writings of Montaigne, Nietzsche, and Foucault

Kindle Edition from Univ California Press [2000 edition] for $16.17
Univ California Press 9x6 pb [3/2000] for $28.76
Univ California Press 9½x6½ hardcover [9/98] out of print/used
Virtues of Authenticity / Plato and Socrates book by Alexander Nehamas  "Virtues of Authenticity: Essays On Plato and Socrates" [1998]
by Alexander Nehamas

A collection of 16 previously-published essays on various themes
concerning Plato and Socrates

Princeton Univ Press 9¼x6 pb [11/98] for $28.83
Princeton Univ Press 9½x6½ hardcover [11/98] out of print/used

Sir Isaac Newton [1643-1727]
Newton's reputation rests on four creative acts: the discovery & definition of gravity; the invention of calculus
(in order to complete the math); the publication of "Principia" [1687]; and the definition of Newton's Three Laws of Motion.
booksCambridge Univ. bio pageWikipedia

The Newton Project [est. 1998] at University of Sussex, U.K.

Big Idea Newton & Gravity book by Paul Strathern  
"Newton & Gravity" [1998]
Anchor/Doubleday 7¾x5½ pb [7/98] for $9.95
The Newton Papers book by Sarah Dry  "The Newton Papers: The Strange and True Odyssey of Isaac Newton's
Manuscripts" [2014] by Sarah Dry

Kindle Edition from Oxford Univ Press [3/2014] for $13.19
Oxford Univ Press 9¼x6 hardcover [5/2014] for $23.62
Newtonian Physics for Babies book by Christopher Ferrie  "Newtonian Physics For Babies" [2017]
by Christopher Ferrie

CreateSpace pb [5/2017] out of print/used
Sourcebooks, Inc. / Baby University 8x8 hardcover [5/2017] for $6.56
author's official website

"Dark Matter: The Private Life of Sir Isaac Newton" novel [2002] Crown ISBN 0-609-60981-5
by Philip Kerr [1956-2018]

Announced 6/2012: Producer Gene Kirkwood & director Rob Cohen are developing a feature film about
Sir Isaac Newton as action hero; Cohen will write a script and oversee the design of a graphic novel that
will focus on Newton, the historical figure known for his work in the fields of physics & mathematics, as the
chief detective and head of the British Mint {Newton was indeed warden and then Master of the Mint
from 1696 to 1727) • not listed at IMDb {5/2014)

"Isaac Newton: The Last Magician" TV movie [BBC2 July 2013] /tt2878302/


(Karl Paul) Reinhold Niebuhr [1892-1971]
A favorite philosopher of Barack Obama, for his thinking on the Christian faith's
relationship to the realities of modern politics & diplomacy.


'The Niebuhr Legacy' at Elmhurst College
Reinhold Niebuhr Papers at Library of Congress


Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore's
Friedrich Nietzsche [1844-1900] Page

Friedrich Nietzsche [1844-1900] Quotations Page
at Working Minds Philosophy website


Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore's
Robert Nozick [1938-2002] Page


philosopher Martha Craven Nussbaum
"one of the preëminent philosophers in America, owing to her groundbreaking studies on subjects ranging from the ancient Greeks
to modern feminism" — per The New Yorker Magazine in 2021
browse booksWikipedia

The New Yorker Magazine June 2021 In Conversation Q. & A. by Isaac Chotiner with Martha Nussbaum on #MeToo

Nussbaum’s latest book “Citadels of Pride: Sexual Abuse, Accountability, and Reconciliation”


British philosopher Anthony O'Hear
professor of philosophy at the University of Buckingham in England, the director of the Royal Institute
of Philosophy (London), and the editor of the journal Philosophy
browse booksWikipedia

"The School of Freedom: A Liberal Education Reader From Plato To The Present Day" [7/2009] by Anthony O'Hear & Marc Sidwell


Spanish philosopher José Ortega y Gasset [1883-1955]

Fundación José Ortega y Gasset y Gregorio Marañón [est. 1978] in Spain
Fundación José Ortega y Gasset Argentina [est. 1988]

Revolt of the Masses book by José Ortega y Gasset  "The Revolt of The Masses" [Spanish 1932, English 1934]
by José Ortega y Gasset

W.W. Norton 8¼x5½ pb [2/94] for $10.85
W.W. Norton 7¾x5 pb [4/64] out of print/many used
W.W. Norton 7½x5 hardcover [8/1932] out of print/used
book entry at Wikipedia

physician & astrologer Paracelsus [1493-1541] of Switzerland
born Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim; improved medical practices, but also used astrology & talismans as cures


oddball philosopher Derek Antony Parfit, FBA [1942-2017] of U.K.
browse booksWikipedia
long September 2011 article by Larissa MacFarquhar at The New Yorker Magazine

Reasons and Persons book by Derek Parfit  "Reasons and Persons" [1984] by Derek Parfit
'dense with science-fictional thought experiments, all urging a shift toward a more impersonal, non-physical, and selfless view of human life'
Kindle Edition from Oxford Univ Press [1986 edition] for $28.22
Oxford Univ Press 7¾x5 pb [2/86] for $29.71
Oxford Univ Press 9½x6¼ hardcover [6/84] out of print/used
On What Matters 2-volume set by Derek Parfit  "On What Matters" in 3 volumes [2011 & 2017] by Derek Parfit
'a major work in moral philosophy'
Oxford Univ Press 9½x6½ 2-volume hardcover set [6/2011] for $61.25
Volume 1: Kindle Edition from Oxford Univ Press [5/2011] for $14.57
Volume 1: Oxford Univ Press 9x6 pb [9/2013] for $27.93
Volume 1: Oxford Univ Press 9½x6 hardcover [6/2011] for $31.12
Volume 2: Kindle Edition from Oxford Univ Press [5/2011] for $14.57
Volume 2: Oxford Univ Press pb [6/2011] out of print/used
Volume 2: Oxford Univ Press 9½x6½ hardcover [6/2011] out of print/used
Volume 3: Kindle Edition from Oxford Univ Press [2/2017] for $17.04
Volume 3: Oxford Univ Press 9¼x6½ hardcover [3/2017] for $31.15


mathematician & philosopher Blaise Pascal [1623-62] important work "Pensées (Thoughts)" [French 1670, English 1688]


Carol S. Pearson, PhD of Santa Barbara, California
browse books • no entry at Wikipedia

president since 2/2012 at Pacifica Graduate Institute [est. 1971]

Pearson Archetypal System website [est. 1997]
The twelve archetypes on the website are: Caregiver, Creator, Everyperson, Explorer,
Hero, Innocent, Jester, Lover, Magician, Revolutionary, Ruler, and Sage

The Hero Within / Six Archetypes book by Carol S. Pearson, PhD  "The Hero Within: Six Archetypes We Live By" [1986 bestseller]
The 1986 book lists six archetypes: Innocent, Magician, Martyr, Orphan,
Wanderer, and Warrior
HarperOne 8x5½ pb [7/98] for $10.19
Harper & Row 7¾x5 pb [1986] out of print/dozens used
Awakening the Heroes Within / Twelve Archetypes book by Carol S. Pearson, PhD  "Awakening The Heroes Within: Twelve Archetypes To Help Us Find Ourselves and Transform Our World" [1991]
The 1991 book lists twelve archetypes: Caregiver, Creator, Destroyer, Innocent, Jester/Fool, Lover, Magician, Orphan, Ruler, Sage, Seeker, and Warrior
Kindle Edition from HarperCollins Publrs [7/2012] for $10.67
HarperOne 9¼x7½ pb [7/91] for $12.92
Transforming Leadership for the Twenty-First Century book by Carol S. Pearson, PhD  
"The Transforming Leader: New Approaches To Leadership For The Twenty-First Century" [2012] Edited by Carol S. Pearson
Kindle Edition from Berrett-Koehler Publrs [6/2012] for $19.99
Berrett-Koehler Publrs 9¼x6 pb [6/2012] for $39.32

mathematician Roger Penrose  [b. 1931]
one of today's most-celebrated mathematical minds; Emeritus Professor at Oxford; also Cambridge & University College London

"The Impossible Man: Roger Penrose and The Cost of Genius" [] from science journalist Patchen Barss


Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore's
Dr. Jordan B. Peterson Page


Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore's
educator Jean Piaget  [1896-1980] Page

Essential Piaget Reference & Guide book edited by Howard E. Gruber & J. Jacques Voneche  "The Essential Piaget: An Interpretive Reference and Guide" [1977]
Edited by Howard E. Gruber & J. Jacques Voneche

"The best and most complete of all the anthologies of my work."  — Jean Piaget
Jason Aronson 9x6¼ 100th Anniversary Edition pb [8/95] for $93.95
Basic Books pb [5/82] out of print/used
Basic Books hardcover [2/77] out of print/used

Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore's
psychologist Steven Pinker [b. 1954] Page

Harvard professor and cognitive psychologist; author of eighteen books
browse booksofficial websiteWikipedia


Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore's
Greek philosopher Plato [427-347 B.C.E.] Page

Plato: Complete Works book edited by John M. Cooper & D.S. Hutchinson  "Plato: Complete Works" [1997] Edited by John M. Cooper & D.S. Hutchinson
Kindle Edition from Hackett Publng [8/2011] for $33.12 {sic}
Hackett Publng 9¼x6½ hardcover [5/97] for $48.84
Described as "the definitive edition in English of the Platonic writings . . . replaces completely the Hamilton-Cairns collection"; 1,800+ pages that include Platonian works and 'non-Platonian works in the Socratic style'; the Table of Contents lists: Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, Phaedo; Cratylus; Theaetetus; Sophist; Statesman; Parmen-ides; Philebus; Symposium, Phaedrus; First & Second Alcibiades; Hipparchus; Rival Lovers; Theages; Charm-ides, Laches; Lysis; Euthydemus; Protagoras; Gorgias; Meno; Greater & Lesser Hippias; Ion; Menexenus; Clitophon; The Republic; Timaeus; Critias; Minos; Laws; Epinomis; Letters; Definitions; On Justice; On Virtue; Demodocus; Sisyphus; Halcyon; Eryxias; Axiochus; and Epigrams


Edgar Allan Poe [1809-49]
Edgar Allan Poe is considered by many to have invented the American horror story,
the modern detective story, and science fiction. While Poe is usually taught as a literary master,
he was also an intellectual giant on the level of Michelangelo or Da Vinci or Einstein.

Spirit of America Bookstore's Edgar Allan Poe [1809-49] Page


French polymath Henri Poincaré [1854-1912]

Essential Writings of Henri Poincaré book edited by Stephen Jay Gould  "The Value of Science: Essential Writings of Henri Poincaré" [2001]
Edited by Stephen Jay Gould

Poincaré's three most important books: "Science and Hypothesis" [1903]; "The Value of Science" [1905]; and "Science and Method" [1908]
Kindle Edition from Modern Library/Random House [9/2012] for $12.99
Modern Library Science 8½x5½ pb [10/2001] for $25.49

Louis Paul Pojman [1935-2005]
teacher & author, wrote 34 books and 100 articles
browse booksofficial websiteWikipedia

Philosophy / Quest for Truth book by Louis P. Pojman & Lewis Vaughn  "Philosophy: The Quest For Truth" [orig 1989, rev 2019]
by Louis P. Pojman & Lewis Vaughn

provides an excellent selection of classical and contemporary readings
on nineteen key problems in philosophy

Oxford Univ Press 9x7½ 11th edition pb [10/2019] for $87.35
Oxford Univ Press 9x7½ 10th edition pb [9/2016] - overpriced

Karl Polanyi [1886-1964]
browse booksWikipedia
Karl Polanyi Institute of Political Economy [est. 1988] & Digital Archive

The Great Transformation 1944 book by Karl Polanyi  "The Great Transformation: The Political and Economic Origins of Our Time" [1944]
by Dr. Karl Polanyi

Kindle Edition from Beacon Press [2001 edition] for $18.99
Beacon Press 8½x5½ pb [3/2001] for $23.71
Beacon Press 8x5½ pb [6/80] out of print/used
Toyo Keizai Japanese-language tankoban hardcover [2001] out of print/used
book entry at Wikipedia

Karl's daughter economist Kari Polanyi Levitt
studied under Friedrich Hayek at the London School of Economics and is now Emerita Professor of Economics
at McGill University in Montréal, Québec, Canada

From the Great Transformation to the Great Financialization book by Kari Polanyi-Levitt  "From The Great Transformation To The Great Financialization: On Karl Polanyi and Other Essays" [2013] by Kari Polanyi-Levitt
Zed Books 9x6 pb [8/2013] for $31.95
Zed Books 9x6 hardcover [8/2013] for $104.00 {sic}
"De La Gran Transformación a La Gran Financiarización" Spanish-language edition
Fondo de Cultura Economica USA 8¼x5¼ pb [10/2018] for $24.26

Karl's brother polymath & philosopher Michael Polanyi, FRS [1891-1976]

Personal Knowledge 1958 book by Michael Polanyi  "Personal Knowledge: Towards A Post-Critical Philosophy - Expanded Edition"
[orig 1958, rev 2015] by Michael Polanyi, Foreword by Mary Jo Nye

Kindle Edition from Univ Chicago Press [6/2015] for $17.99
Univ Chicago Press 90x6 pb [6/2015] for $25.00
Univ Chicago Press hardcover [1960] out of print/used
"The Tacit Dimension [1966]


Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore's
philosopher Karl Popper [1902-94] Page


philosopher Hilary Whitehall Putnam [1926-2016]
browse booksWikipedia

"Philosophy of Mathematics: Selected Readings" [Prentice-Hall 1964]
Edited with Paul Benacerraf ISBN 0-521-29648-X
"Philosophy of Logic" [Harper and Row, 1971] ISBN 0-04-160009-6
"Meaning and the Moral Sciences" [1978]
"Reason, Truth, and History" [Cambridge Univ Press 1981] 2004 pb ISBN 0-521-29776-1
"The Many Faces of Realism" [1987] ISBN 0-8126-9043-5
"Representation and Reality" [MIT Press, 1988] ISBN 0-262-66074-1
"Renewing Philosophy" [Harvard University Press 1992] ISBN 0-674-76094-8
"Pragmatism: An Open Question" [Blackwell, 1995] ISBN 0-631-19343-X

"The Twin Earth Chronicles: Twenty Years of Reflection on Hilary Putnam's the 'Meaning of Meaning'" [6/1996]
by Andrew Pessin & Sanford Goldberg

"The Threefold Cord: Mind, Body, and World" [Columbia Univ Press, 1999] ISBN 0-231-10287-9
"Enlightenment and Pragmatism" []
"Ethics Without Ontology" [Harvard Univ Press, 2002] ISBN 0-674-01851-6
"Jewish Philosophy as a Guide to Life: Rosenzweig, Buber, Levinas, Wittgenstein" [Indiana Univ Press, 2008]
"Philosophy in an Age of Science" [Harvard Univ Press, 2012]
edited by Mario De Caro & David Macarthur 9780674050136
"Naturalism, Realism, and Normativity, edited by Mario De Caro" [Harvard Univ Press, 2016] 9780674659698


James W. Rachels, PhD [1941-2003]
He taught at University of Alabama at Birmingham for 26 years; his specialty was moral philosophy.
browse booksofficial websiteWikipedia

Elements of Moral Philosophy textbook by James Rachels  "The Elements of Moral Philosophy" [orig 1986, rev 2018]
by James Rachels & {son} Stuart Rachels

'firmly established as the standard text for undergraduate courses in ethics'
Kindle Edition from McGraw-Hill Education [3/2018] for $25.00
McGraw-Hill Education 8½x5½ 9th edition pb [3/2018] for $71.37
McGraw-Hill Education 8¼x5½ 8th edition pb [10/2014] for $88.00
McGraw-Hill Education 8¾x5¼ 7th edition pb [12/2011] out of print/used
book entry at Wikipedia
Problems from Philosophy book by James Rachels & Stuart Rachels  
"Problems From Philosophy" [2004]
by James Rachels & {son} Stuart Rachels

McGraw-Hill Education 8¾x5½ 3rd edition pb [1/2011] for $52.93
Legacy of Socrates Essays book by James Rachels  "The Legacy of Socrates: Essays In Moral Philosophy" [14 essays 2007]
by James Rachels, Edited by {son} Stuart Rachels

title essay is #8 of fourteen; general theme is moral philosophy
Columbia Univ Press 9x6 hardcover [1/2007] for $51.15

genius mathematician Frank P. Ramsey [1903-30] of Cambridge University, England
Frank Ramsey entry in Stanford's Encyclopedia of PhilosophyWikipedia

article "The Man Who Thought Too Fast" by Anthony Gottlieb in The New Yorker Magazine, May 2020

article "The Master and The Prodigy" by William Janeway - September 2020

comment by Lance Taylor, response by William Janeway - October 2020

Frank Ramsey biography by Cheryl Misak  Frank Ramsey: A Sheer Excess of Powers" biography [2020]
by Prof. Cheryl Misak of the University of Toronto

Kindle Edition from Oxford Univ Press [2/2020] for $14.74
Oxford Univ Press 9¼x6¼ hardcover [3/2020] for $31.67

John Bordley Rawls [1921-2002]
award-winning American moral & political philosopher in the liberal tradition
Simon Kuznets entry at Wikipedia


Wilhelm Reich, MD [1897-1957]
browse booksWikipedia

Mass Psychology of Fascism 1946 book by Wilhelm Reich, MD  "The Mass Psychology of Fascism" [1933]
by Wilhelm Reich, MD [1897-1957], Newly Translated by Vincent R. Carfagno

Kindle Edition from FS&G/Macmillan [7/2013] for $10.99
Farrar, Straus & Giroux 8x5½ pb [11/80] for $19.05
original translation by Theodore P. Wolfe, MD
Pocket mass pb [8/76] out of print/used
Farrar, Straus & Giroux 8¼x5½ hardcover [1970] out of print/used
Orgone Institute Press hardcover [1946] out of print/used
book entry at Wikipedia

"Character Analysis" [1933]
"The Sexual Revolution" [1936]


French philosopher Ernest Renan [1823-92]
browse booksWikipedia


French philosopher Charles Bernard Renouvier [1815-1903]
primary concept: "one is made free by acting as if one were free"
books not available in English translation • Wikipedia


Richard Rorty [1931-2007]
Found opinion: Richard Rorty is no longer regarded as a philosopher by most philosophers but as more of a literary or cultural critic.

Richard Rorty biography by Neil Gross  
"Richard Rorty: The Making of An American Philosopher"
[2008] by Neil Gross

Univ Chicago Press 9x6 hardcover [5/2008] for $21.45

Alfred Rosenberg [1893-1946]   click here for photograph (in a new window)
Rosenberg was seriously wrong-headed, but he is known as 'the official Nazi philosopher' for creating or espousing basic Nazi policies
such as racial and religious persecution; he was tried at Nuremberg and hanged for his war crimes.
browse booksIMDb listingentry at Wikipedia

"Der Mythus des 20. Jahrhunderts (The Myth of The Twentieth Century)" [1930]


Jean-Jacques Rousseau [1712-78]
"Rousseau's autobiography is nothing less than a manifesto of modern individualism." — Richard Wolin

important work "Discourse On Inequality" [1755]

important work "The Social Contract" [1762]

"Confessions, Books I to VI" [written 1765-67, publd 1782, English 1790]

"Confessions, Books VII to XII" [written 1769-70, publd 1789, English 1790]

"Reveries of the Solitary Walker" [unfinished 1776-78, publd 1782] new translation by Russell Goulbourne
Oxford World's Classics


Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore's
Bertrand Russell [1872-1970] Page

Bertrand Russell Quotations Page
at Working Minds Philosophy website

Basic Writings of Bertrand Russell book  
"The Basic Writings of Bertrand Russell, 1903-1959" [1961]
Edited by Robert E. Egner & Lester E. Denonn

Kindle Edition from T & F Books, U.K. [3/2009] for $16.47
Routledge 8½x5½ pb [4/2009] for $19.77
Allen & Unwin, London hardcover [1961] out of print/used

"Bertrand Russell: Advice For Future Generations" TV interview segment [1959]
watch film clip [8/2012 upload; 1:59] online at YouTube


neurologist & author Dr. Oliver Sacks [1933-2015]
browse booksofficial websiteWikipedia
Oliver Sacks Foundation [est. ]

In 2008 Sacks began a friendship with writer & New York Times contributor Bill Hayes; their friendship slowly evolved into a committed long-term
partnership that lasted until Sacks's death; Hayes wrote about it in the memoir "Insomniac City: New York, Oliver, and Me" [2017]

"Awakenings" []

"The Man Who Mistook His Wife For A Hat" []

"Musicophilia" []

Lawrence Weschler's biography "And How Are You, Dr. Sacks?" []

"Oliver Sacks: His Own Life" [] a documentary film by Ric Burns  9/2020


Prof. Michael J. Sandel
browse booksHarvard faculty pageWikipedia
Sandel won the 2018 Princess of Asturias Award for Social Sciences

"Justice" Lecture Series {24 one-hour episodes} from Harvard & WGBH-TV {website broken?}
Philosophy & Educational Media / Harvard / Sandel / "Justice" course

Michael Sandel gave the 2009 Reith Lectures on "A New Citizenship" on B.B.C. Radio Four, addressing the 'prospect for a new politics
of the common good'; the lectures were delivered in London on May 18, in Oxford on May 21, in Newcastle-upon-Tyne on May 26,
and in Washington, DC in early June; NOTE: these 8 lectures are selected from the 24 of Sandel's famed "Justice" course.
B.B.C. Four homepage for the eight lectures

Justice Reader book edited by Michael J. Sandel  "Justice: A Reader" [2007] Edited by Michael J. Sandel
contributors include Aristotle, Jeremy Bentham, Milton & Rose Friedman, Friedrich A. Hayek, Immanuel Kant, John Locke, John Stuart Mill, Robert Nozick, John Rawls & editor Sandel
Oxford Univ Press 9¾x7½ pb [9/2007] for $38.49
Oxford Univ Press 10x7¼ hardcover [9/2007] out of print/used
Justice, The Right Thing To Do book by Michael J. Sandel  "Justice: What's The Right Thing To Do?" [2009]
by Michael J. Sandel

Kindle Edition from FS&G [9/2009] for $11.99
FS&G 8¼x5¾ pb [8/2010] for $11.99
FS&G 9x6½ hardcover [9/2009] for $41.45
Justice, The Right Thing To Do on DVD  "Justice: What's The Right Thing To Do?" on DVD [2009]
with Harvard University's Michael Sandel

12 hours from Sandel's taped lectures
P.B.S. Direct DVD set [9/2009] 3 disks for $25.21
bare credits at IMDb
Justicia book by Michael Sandel Spanish translation  "Justicia: ¿Hacemos Lo Que Debemos? (Do We Do What We Should?)" Spanish Edition [2011] by Michael J. Sandel, Translation by Juan Pedro Campos
Kindle Edition from Debate [2/2011] for $8.99
Debolsillo 7½x5 pb [2/2021] for $11.53
Debate 9¼x6¼ hardcover [2/2011] for $39.55

Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore's
George Santayana [1863-1952] Page


biology & neurology professor Robert Sapolsky of Stanford University

"Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers" [1994]
"The Trouble With Testosterone: And Other Essays On The Biology of The Human Predicament" [1997]
"A Primate’s Memoir" [2002]
"Monkeyluv: And Other Essays On Our Lives As Animals" [2005]
"Behave: The Biology of Humans At Our Best and Worst" [2017]

Feb 2018 lecture at jccsf featuring his new book "Behave"
watch 2/2018 full lecture [1:21:32] online at YouTube


Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore's
Jean-Paul Sartre [1905-80] Page


philosopher Moritz Schlick [1882–1936] of Vienna
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy entry for Moritz Schlick

"Space and Time In Contemporary Physics" [1917]
a philosophical introduction to the new physics of Relativity, which was highly acclaimed by Einstein himself as well as many others.

influential "General Theory of Knowledge" [1918]

The Murder of Professor Schlick / Vienna Circle book by David Edmonds  "The Murder of Professor Schlick: The Rise and Fall of The Vienna Circle" [2020]
by David Edmonds

The leader of the Vienna Circle group was shot dead on the university steps by a deranged former student; that June 1936 event halted further collaboration among the group, which was largely gone by the time that World War II began
Kindle Edition from Princeton Univ Press [10/2020] for $9.78
Princeton Univ Press 9¼x6¼ hardcover [10/2020] for $24.95

Carl Schmitt [1888-1985]
Widely acknowledged to be one of the most important and influential political theorists of the XXth Century; a professor of public law under the Weimar Republic, he supported the Nazi regime, including anti-Semitism, during the first years of the Reich, before distancing himself in 1936; also known as 'the crown jurist of the Third Reich'.
browse booksentry at Wikipedia
Carl Schmitt entry at Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Dictatorship 1921 book by Carl Schmitt  "Dictatorship (Die Diktatur)" [German 1921; English 2013] by Carl Schmitt
Kindle Edition from Polity [1/2015] for $15.99
Polity 8¾x5¾ pb [11/2013] for $24.95
Polity 9¼x6¼ hardcover [11/2013] for $59.78
Duncker & Humblot GmbH German-language 9¼x6¼ pb [1994] for $50.30
Points/Essai French-language mass pb [3/2015] for $11.67
Alianza Editorial SA Spanish-language 9¼x6¼ pb [2/2013] for $34.41

"Carl Schmitt: Politics and Theory" (Greenwood Press, 1990) by Paul Gottfried ISBN 0-313-27209-3
"The Challenge of Carl Schmitt" (1999) Edited by Chantal Mouffe
"The Enemy: An Intellectual Portrait of Carl Schmitt" (2000) by Gopal Balakrishnan
"A Philosophy of Concrete Life: Carl Schmitt and the political thought of late modernity" [2006] by Mika Ojakangas ISBN 3-03910-963-4
"Carl Schmitt and the Politics of Hostility, Violence and Terror" (Palgrave Macmillan, 2009) by Gabriella Slomp ISBN 978-0-230-00251-7
"The political discourse of Carl Schmitt" [Rowman & Littlefield 2015] by Montserrat Herrero


Arthur Schopenhauer [1788-1860]
important work "The World As Will and Representation/Idea" [1818 & 1844]
"Arthur Schopenhauer" biography [1890] by William Wallace
"Schopenhauer" biography [1904] by Elbert Hubbard
"Schopenhauer" biography [1909] by Thomas Whittaker

Collected Works of Arthur Schopenhauer in Kindle format from Delphi Classics  "Collected Works of Arthur Schopenhauer (Illustrated)" for Kindle [2017]
Kindle Edition from Delphi Classics [5/2017] for $1.99 {sic}
contains: twelve books: "On The Fourfold Root of The Principle of Sufficient Reason" [1813], "The World As Will and Representation/Idea" [1818 & 1844], "The Art of Being Right" [1831], "On The Will In Nature" [1836], "On The Basis of Morality" [1840], "The Wisdom of Life" [1890], "Counsels and Maxims", "Essays on Religion and A Dialogue", "The Art of Literature", "Studies In Pessimism", "On Human Nature", and "The Art of Controversy"; the complete essays: translated by T. Bailey Saunders in seven volumes, with individual contents tables; and 3 biographies: by Elbert Hubbard, by William Wallace, and by Thomas Whittaker

E.F. Schumacher [1911-77]

The E.F. Schumacher Society [est. 1980]
Schumacher U.K. [est. 1978]


Roman Stoic philosopher Lucius Annaeus Seneca 'The Younger' [c.4 BCE – 65 CE]
The philosophy of Seneca influenced the essays of Montaigne, Elizabethan-era tragedy, the theology of Calvin, and the doctrines of the French Revolution.
browse booksWikipedia

Stoic Philosophy of Seneca book translated by Moses Hadas  "Stoic Philosophy of Seneca: Essays and Letters" [1968]
Translation & Introduction by Moses Hadas

W.W. Norton & Co.7¾x5 pb [9/68] for $16.83
On the Shortness of Life book by Seneca  "On The Shortness of Life (De Brevitate Vitae): Life Is Long If You Know How To Use It (Penguin Great Ideas)" [circa 58 CE] by Seneca, 1997 Translation by C.D.N. Costa
Kindle Edition from Penguin Books [9/2005] for $9.99
Penguin Books mass pb [9/2005] for $8.16
essay entry at Wikipedia
online 1932 translation at the Digital Library of Latin Literature
Brill's Companion To Seneca book edited by Gregor Damschen & Andreas Heil  "Brill's Companion To Seneca: Philosopher and Dramatist" [2013]
Edited by Gregor Damschen & Andreas Heil

Brill Academic Publng 9½x6½ hardcover [12/2013] out of print/used
Seneca Six Pack - Essential Texts  "Seneca Six Pack: Six Essential Texts" [2016]
contains five works in translation and a modern biography: "On The Happy Life (De Vita Beata)" [circa 58 CE] translated by Aubrey Stewart, 1900; "On Leisure (De Otio)" [fragments circa 62 CE] translated by Aubrey Stewart, 1900; "Letters From A Stoic: Volume I" [First Century CE] translated by Richard Mott Gummere, 1917; "Medea" stageplay [First Century CE] translated by Ella Isabel Harris, 1899; "The Daughters of Troy" stageplay [First Century CE] translated by Ella Isabel Harris, 1899; and "The Stoic: A Biography of Seneca"
[1920] by Francis Caldwell Holland

Kindle Edition from Amazon Digital Services [2/2016] for 99¢ {sic}
CreateSpace 9x6 pb [2/2016] for $18.79 9x6 hardcover [2/2016] for $75.00 {sic}


philosopher & economist Henry Sidgwick [1838-1900]
browse booksWikipedia
Henry Sidgwick fansite {English or French}

"The Ethics of Conformity and Subscription" [1870]

Methods of Ethics book by Henry Sidgwick  "The Methods of Ethics" [1874] by Henry Sidgwick
'the apogee of classical utilitarianism'
Kindle Edition from Amazon Digital Services [3/2014] for 99¢
Kindle Edition from Jefferson Adams Library of Moral Philosophy [6/2011] for $5.99
Forgotten Books 9x6 pb [6/2017] for $9.57
Hackett Publng 7th edition 9x6 pb [8/81] for $15.47
Hackett Publng 7th edition 9¼x6¼ hardcover [8/81] for $43.00
"Principles of Political Economy" [1883]
"The Scope and Method of Economic Science" [1885]
"The Elements of Politics" [1891]
"Practical Ethics" [1898]
"Philosophy: Its Scope and Relations" [1902]

"Sidgwick's Ethics and Victorian Moral Philosophy" [Clarendon Press, 1977] by Jerome Schneewind
"Sidgwickian Ethics" [Oxford University Press, 2011] by David Phillips


Karl Sigmund
professor of mathematics at the University of Vienna and one of the pioneers of evolutionary game theory
browse booksfaculty homepageWikipedia

"Games of Life" [Oxford Univ Press, 1994]

Exact Thinking in Demented Times book by Karl Sigmund of Austria  "Exact Thinking In Demented Times: The Vienna Circle and The Epic Quest For The Foundations of Science" [2017] by Karl Sigmund, Preface by Douglas Hofstadter
Kindle Edition from Basic Books/Hachette [12/2017] for $17.99
Basic Books 9½x6½ hardcover [12/2017] for $21.75

B.F. (Burrhus Frederic) Skinner [1904-90]
an American psychologist, behaviorist, author, inventor, and social philosopher who developed 'behaviorism', based on the conclusion that animals (including humans) initially behave randomly and then repeat those behaviors that get rewarded; he was a professor of psychology at Harvard University from 1958 until his retirement in 1974; a June 2002 survey listed Skinner as the most influential psychologist of the XXth Century.
browse books at incomplete B.F. Skinner Store at AmazonStanford E.P. behaviorism entryWikipedia

B.F. Skinner Foundation [est. 1988] =
Society for Experimental Analysis of Behavior [est. 1957]


celebrity German posthumanist philosopher Peter Sloterdijk
1970s follower of Osho Acharya Rajneesh [1931-90]
spent decades railing against the pieties of liberal democracy, 'now his ideas seem prophetic'
browse booksmulti-language official websiteIMDb listingentry at Wikipedia

"Critique of Cynical Reason (Kritik der Zynischen Vernunft)" [1983; Univ Minnesota Press 1988]
translation by Michael Eldred; foreword by Andreas Huyssen, ISBN 0-8166-1586-1

"Der Zauberbaum: Die Entstehung der Psychoanalyse im Jahr 1785" [1985]

"Thinker On Stage: Nietzsche's Materialism (Der Denker auf Der Bühne: Nietzsches Materialismus)" [1986; Univ Minnesota Press, 1989]
translation by Jamie Owen Daniel; foreword by Jochen Schulte-Sasse, ISBN 0-8166-1765-1

"Bubbles: Spheres Volume I - Microspherology (Sphären I: Blasen - Mikrosphärologie)" [1998; Semiotext(e), 2011]
translation by Wieland Hoban ISBN 1-58435-104-7

"Globes: Spheres Volume II - Macrospherology (Sphären II: Globen - Makrosphärologie)" [1999; Semiotext(e), 2014]
translation by Wieland Hoban ISBN 1-58435-160-8

"Nietzsche Apostle (Über die Verbesserung der Guten Nachricht: Nietzsches fünftes Evangelium, Rede zum 100)"
[2000 lecture; Semiotext(e) 2013] translation by Steve Corcoran ISBN 978-1-58435-099-6

"Not Saved: Essays After Heidegger (Nicht Gerettet: Versuche Nach Heidegger)" [2001; Polity Press, 2016]
translation by Ian Alexander Moore & Christopher Turner

"Neither Sun Nor Death (Die Sonne und Der Tod: Dialogische Untersuchungen)" [2001; Semiotext(e) 2011]
interview by German writer Hans-Jürgen Heinrichs, translation by Steven Corcoran ISBN 978-1-58435-091-0

"Terror From The Air (Luftbeben: An den Wurzeln des Terrors)" [2002; Semiotext(e), 2009]
translation by Amy Patton, ISBN 1-58435-072-5

"Foams: Spheres Volume III - Plural Spherology (Sphären III: Schäume - Plurale Sphärologie)" [2004; Semiotext(e), 2016]
translation by Wieland Hoban ISBN 1-58435-187-X

"Inside The World of Capital: Towards A Philosophical Theory of Globalization (Im Weltinnenraum des Kapitals)"
[2005; Polity Press, 2013], translation by Wieland Hoban ISBN 978-0-7456-4769-2

"Rage and Time (Zorn und Zeit: Politisch-psychologischer Versuch)" [2006; Columbia Univ Press, 2010]
translation by Mario Wenning ISBN 978-0-231-14522-0

"Derrida, An Egyptian (Derrida Ein Ägypter)" [2007; Polity Press 2009] ISBN 0-7456-4639-5

"God's Zeal: The Battle of The Three Monotheisms (Gottes Eifer: Vom Kampf der Drei Monotheismen)"
[2007; Polity Press, 2009] ISBN 978-0-7456-4507-0

"Theory of The Post-War Periods: Observations On Franco-German Relations Since 1945 (Theorie der Nachkriegszeiten)"
[2008; Springer, 2008], translation by Robert Payne; foreword by Klaus-Dieter Müller ISBN 3-211-79913-3

"You Must Change Your Life (Du mußt dein Leben ändern)" [2009; Polity Press, 2013]
translation by Wieland Hoban ISBN 978-0-7456-4921-4

"The Art of Philosophy: Wisdom As A Practice (Scheintod im Denken: Von Philosophie und Wissenschaft als Ubung)"
[2010; Columbia Univ Press 2012], translation by Karen Margolis ISBN 978-0-231-15870-1


Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore's
Greek philosopher Socrates [470?-399 BCE] Page


Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore's
Baruch Benedictus de Spinoza [1632-77] Page

important work "The Nature of Evil" excerpted from "Ethics" [1677]

Spinoza: Complete Works translated by Samuel Shirley  "Spinoza: Complete Works" [2002] by Benedictus de Spinoza
Translations by Samuel Shirley, edited by Michael L. Morgan

Hackett Publng 9x6½ pb [11/2002] for $63.15
includes "The Short Treatise On God, Man & His Well-Being" [c. 1660]; "Treatise On The Emendation of The Intellect" [1662]; "Principles of Cartesian Philosophy" [1663]; "A Theological-Political Treatise"
[1670]; {unfinished} "Political Treatise" [1675-76]; "Ethics Demonstrated In Geometrical Order" [1677]; "Hebrew Grammar" [1677]; plus Letters {200 pages}

eco-journalist David Suzuki
"Fracking is one of the dumbest technologies [that] there is."
browse booksWikipedia

co-founder of the David Suzuki Foundation [est. 1990] in Vancouver, BC, Canada
Suzuki's video channel on YouTube

David Suzuki Reader book by David Suzuki  "The David Suzuki Reader: A Lifetime of Ideas From A Leading Activist and Thinker" [2004, rev 2014] by David Suzuki, Foreword by Bill McKibben
Kindle Edition from Greystone Books [rev 8/2014] for $12.99
Greystone Books 9x6 pb [rev 8/2014] for $14.76
Greystone Books 9x6 pb [3/2004] for $17.54
autobiography by David Suzuki  "David Suzuki: The Autobiography" [2006]
Kindle Edition from Allen & Unwin [11/2010] for $11.99
Greystone Books 9x6 pb [9/2007] for $18.95
Greystone Books 9½x6¼ hardcover [7/2006] for $23.05
The Legacy / Sustainable Future book by David Suzuki  "The Legacy: An Elder's Vision For Our Sustainable Future" [2010]
by David Suzuki, Foreword by Margaret Atwood

expanded from a famous 2009 lecture at the University of British Columbia,
where Suzuki had worked for 39 years

Kindle Edition from Greystone Books [9/2010] for $7.60
Greystone Books 7½x5½ pb [8/2011] out of print/used
Greystone Books 8¼x5¾ hardcover [9/2010] for $12.01

Swedish scientist, inventor & theologian Emanuel Swedenborg [1688-1772]
browse booksWikipedia
The Swedenborg Society [est. 1810] in London, England
The Swedenborg Foundation [est. 1849] in West Chester (Philadelphia), PA


Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore's
Sun Tzu & 'The Art of War' Page


philosopher Olúfémi Táíwò [the elder b. 1956] is a professor at Cornell University

not to be confused with

philosopher Olúfémi O. Táíwò [the younger b. circa 1989] is a professor at Georgetown University described him as 'one of America’s most prominent philosophers'

"Elite Capture: How The Powerful Took Over Identity Politics (and Everything Else)" [Haymarket Books 2022] ISBN 978-1-64259-735-6
condemns the 'elite capture' of radical movements


Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore's
Nikola Tesla [1846-1943] Pages


Henry David Thoreau [1817-62] Page
at Spirit of America Bookstore


Paul Tillich [1886-1965]
browse booksWikipedia

North American Paul Tillich Society

The Courage to Be by Paul Tillich  
"The Courage to Be" [1952 classic]
by Paul Tillich

Yale Univ Press 7¾x5 pb [7/2000] for $10.36
Yale Univ Press pb [9/59] out of print/many, many used
Yale Univ Press hardcover [12/52] out of print/used

futurist Alvin Toffler [1928-2016]
browse booksWikipedia
official Toffler Associates [est. 1996] website

Future Shock book by Alvin Toffler  "Future Shock" [1970] by Alvin Toffler
"Examines the effects of rapid industrial and technological changes upon the individual, the family, and society"
Bantam mass pb [6/84] for $7.43
Random House 8½x5¾ hardcover [6/70] out of print/70+ used
book entry at Wikipedia
Learning for Tomorrow book edited by Alvin Toffler  "Learning For Tomorrow: The Role of The Future In Education" [1974]
Edited by Alvin Toffler

Random House mass pb [2/74] out of print/40+ used
Random House 9x6¼ hardcover [2/74] out of print/used
The Third Wave book by Alvin Toffler   "The Third Wave: The Classic Study of Tomorrow" [1980] by Alvin Toffler
"casts fresh light on our new forms of marriage and family, on today's dramatic changes in business and economics; explains the role of cults [and] the new definitions of work, play, love, and success; points toward new forms of XXIst Century democracy"
Bantam mass pb [5/84] for $7.99
Pan Books mass pb [5/81] out of print/used
Wm. Morrow 9x6½ hardcover [1980] out of print/100+ used
book entry at Wikipedia
Powershift 1990 book by Alvin Toffler  "Powershift: Knowledge, Wealth, and Violence At The Edge of The 21st Century"
[1990] by Alvin Toffler

"Knowledge, not violence nor money, is the essence of power in the information age"
Bantam mass pb [11/91] for $7.99
Bantam 9¾x6½ hardcover [10/90] out of print/200+ used
book entry at Wikipedia
Creating a New Civilization / Third Wave book by Alvin & Heidi Toffler  "Creating A New Civilization: The Politics of The Third Wave" [1995]
by Alvin & Heidi Toffler, Foreword by Newt Gingrich

Turner Publng 8¼x5¾ pb [3/95] out of print/used
Turner Publng 8½x6 hardcover [3/95] out of print/used
Revolutionary Wealth book by Alvin & Heidi Toffler  "Revolutionary Wealth: How It Will Be Created and How It Will Change Our Lives" [2006] by Alvin & Heidi Toffler
Kindle Edition from Knopf/Random House [2006 edition] for $13.99
Crown Business 8¼x5½ pb [6/2007] for $15.28
Knopf 9½x6¾ hardcover [4/2006] out of print/100+ used
book entry at Wikipedia

Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore's
British computer genius Alan Turing [1912-54] Page

Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore's
Thorstein B. Veblen [1857-1929] Page


The Vienna Circle (Der Wiener Kreis), 1924-36
Among the members were chairman Moritz Schlick [1882–1936], Hans Hahn, Philipp Frank, Otto Neurath, Rudolf Carnap, Herbert Feigl, Richard von Mises,
Karl Menger, Kurt Gödel, Friedrich Waismann, Felix Kaufmann, Viktor Kraft, and Edgar Zilsel; in addition, the Vienna Circle was occasionally visited by
Alfred Tarski, Hans Reichenbach, Carl Gustav Hempel, Willard Van Orman Quine, Ernest Nagel, Alfred Jules Ayer, Oskar Morgenstern, and Frank P. Ramsey,
while Ludwig Wittgenstein [1889-1951] and Karl Popper were in close contact with the Vienna Circle, but never participated in the meetings. [est. 1991] [est. 1991]

Exact Thinking in Demented Times book by Karl Sigmund of Austria  "Exact Thinking In Demented Times: The Vienna Circle and The Epic Quest For The Foundations of Science" [2017] by Karl Sigmund, Preface by Douglas Hofstadter
Kindle Edition from Basic Books/Hachette [12/2017] for $17.99
Basic Books 9½x6½ hardcover [12/2017] for $21.75
The Murder of Professor Schlick / Vienna Circle book by David Edmonds  "The Murder of Professor Schlick: The Rise and Fall of The Vienna Circle" [2020]
by David Edmonds

The leader of the Vienna Circle group was shot dead on the university steps by a deranged former student; that June 1936 event halted further collaboration among the group, which was largely gone by the time that World War II began
Kindle Edition from Princeton Univ Press [10/2020] for $9.78
Princeton Univ Press 9¼x6¼ hardcover [10/2020] for $24.95

philosopher François-Marie Arouet dit Voltaire [1694-1778]
French Enlightenment writer, historian, and philosopher François-Marie Arouet - known as Voltaire - was famous for his wit,
as well as for his advocacy of freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and separation of church and state.
browse books at AmazonWikipedia

visit Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore's French philosopher Voltaire [1694-1778] Page
see also Voltaire [1694-1778] Quotations Page at Working Minds Philosophy of Empowerment website


philosopher Wang Chong aka Wang Ch'ung
[27 A.D - circa 100 A.D.]

detail was cut to the new Ancient Chinese Philosophy Page in Summer 2022


anarchist/economist Josiah Warren [1798-1874]

online etext of "Equitable Commerce" [1852]


sociologist Maximilian Karl Emil 'Max' Weber [1864-1920]
Max Weber is often cited, with Émile Durkheim and Karl Marx, as one of the three founding architects of sociology.
browse booksWikipedia

Frank Elwell's Max Weber Page

Max Weber by C. Wright Mills  "From Max Weber: Essays In Sociology" [1946]
Edited & translated by Hans Gerth & C. Wright Mills

Oxford Univ Press hardcover [12/58] for $26.95
Essential Weber book Edited by Sam Whimster   "The Essential Weber: A Reader" [2003] Edited by Sam Whimster
The book is divided into four sections: Comparing civilizations and the origins of modernity; Structures of power and stratification; The dilemmas of modernity; and Methodology of the social sciences. The author teaches at Guildhall University and is a research fellow at the Global Policy Institute, both in London, U.K.
Routledge 9¼x6 pb [12/2003] for $65.50 {sic}
Routledge 9¼x6 hardcover [12/2003] for $176.59 {sic}

Alfred North Whitehead, OM FRS [1861-1947]
browse booksWikipedia

masterpiece 'Principia Mathematica' books by Alfred North Whitehead & Bertrand Russell  "Principia Mathematica" in 3 volumes [1910–1913; 2nd edition 1925-27]
by Alfred North Whitehead & Bertrand Russell

often called 'the most influential book written in the XXth Century'
"The long prose introduction is a philosophical masterpiece."

Cambridge Math Library Student Edition 'to #56' 8¾x6 pb [10/97] $72.00
Cambridge Univ Press Student Edition 'to #56' 8½x5½ pb [1962] out of print/used
Cambridge Univ Press 10x7 2nd edition 3-volume hardcover set [1925-27] for $736.80 !

"An Introduction To Mathematics" [1911]
included in Volume 56 of the 1990 edition of 'The Great Books of The Western World' series

Science and The Modern World book by Alfred North Whitehead  "Science and The Modern World" [1925] by Alfred North Whitehead
included in Volume 55 of the 1990 edition of 'The Great Books of The Western World' series
Free Press 8½x5½ pb [8/97] for $19.50
Mentor/N.A.L. mass pb [7/60] out of print/used
Pelican Mentor Books mass pb [1949] out of print/scarce
Macmillan hardcover [1926] long out of print/used
Essays On Science and Philosophy by Alfred North Whitehead  "Essays On Science and Philosophy" [1947] by Alfred North Whitehead
arranged into four sections: Personal Reflections, Philosophy, Education,
and Science & Mathematics

Kindle Edition from Philosophical Library/Open Road [11/2014] for $9.99
Allied Books, Ltd. 8½x5¾ pb [5/84] out of print/used
Greenwood Press 9¼x6½ hardcover [8/68] out of print/used
Philosophical Library hardcover [1948] out of print/used

Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore's
Norbert Wiener [1894-1964] Page
top of page  •  short profile  •  major works  •  other works  •  selected quotations  •  radio, movies, other media  •
other works about cybernetics  •  works about Norbert Wiener  •  friends & family  •  links & institutions


Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore's
Ludwig Wittgenstein [1889-1951] Page


Robert Paul Wolff

1975 classic "About Philosophy"
books/CDs at Amazonofficial booksite


Chinese philosopher Zhuangzi [circa IVth Century B.C.E.]
aka Zhuang Zhou or Chuang Tzu

detail was cut to the new Ancient Chinese Philosophy Page in Summer 2022


Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore's
activist Howard Zinn [1922-2010] Page

'Howard Zinn Online' fansite


Slovenian Marxist philosopher Slavoj Žižek
browse booksWikipedia

PANdemIC COVID-19 book by Slavoj Žižek  "PAN-dem-IC!: COVID-19 Shakes The World" [2020]
Kindle Edition from Polity [5/2020] for $7.99
Polity 7x5 pb [5/2020] for $14.20
Polity 9x6 hardcover [5/2020] for $51.99 {sic}

"Zizek!" documentary film [2005] by Astra Taylor

Pervert's Guide to Cinema documentary film starring Slavoj Zizek  "The Pervert's Guide To Cinema" 2½-hour documentary
[Channel 4 TV/ICA Projects Oct 2006, USA Jan 2009]

"An exhilarating ride thru some of the greatest movies ever made ... [an] engaging and passionate approach to thinking [and] the hidden language of cinema, uncovering what movies can tell us about ourselves" • Co-produced & directed by Sophie Fiennes; written by & starring Slavoj Žižek; original music by Brian Eno
DVD available at producer's movie site • full credits at IMDbofficial movie site

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