Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore

Science  and  Philosophy

physicist Steven Hawking [1942-2018] at age 75 (2017)        Sir Isaac Newton [1643-1727]         Charles Darwin [1809-92]

atomic physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer [1904-67]         physicist Marie Curie [1867-1934] of France         Galileo [1564-1642]

              here on Page 1:

short history

books on the subject

image gallery


top of Page 2
movies & TV
stageplays, other media
philosophers of science

top of Page 3
general science
major branches of science
Kindle Editions

DI disagree !“The world is most consistent with purposeful creation.”
— Nobel-laureate Arno Penzias

“Science is a way of thinking much more than it is a body of knowledge.”
— Carl Sagan [1934-96]

“Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing.”
— rocket scientist Wernher von Braun [1912-77]

“The art and science of asking questions is the source of all knowledge.”
— novelist Thomas Berger [1924-2014]

“Science is the great antidote to the poison of enthusiasm and superstition.”
Adam Smith [1723-90]

“Science knows no country, because knowledge belongs to humanity, and is the torch which illuminates the world.”
— Louis Pasteur [1822-95]

“I am among those who think that science has great beauty.”
— Nobel-laureate Marie Curie [1867-1934]

“Science is not only a discipline of reason but, also, one of romance and passion.”
Stephen W. Hawking [1942-2018]

“Science does not know its debt to imagination.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson [1803-82]

“Science is always discovering odd scraps of magical wisdom and making a tremendous fuss about its cleverness.”
— Aleister Crowley [1875-1947]

“This world, after all our science and sciences, is still a miracle; wonderful, inscrutable, magical and more, to whosoever will think of it.”
— Thomas Dekker [1572-1632]

“The virtues of science are skepticism and independence of thought.”
— Nobel-laureate Walter Gilbert

“One can't prove that God doesn't exist. But science makes God unnecessary.”
Stephen W. Hawking [1942-2018]

DI disagree !“There is no such thing as philosophy-free science; there is only science whose philosophical baggage is taken on board
without examination.”  — Daniel Dennett, in his book "Darwin's Dangerous Idea" [1995]

“Science, unlike certain political philosophies and personality cults, corrects its mistakes.”
— Tom Siegfried at Science News

“Science is everything [that] we understand well enough to explain to a computer. Art is everything else.”
— Donald Knuth

          short history
          t e x t
          h e r e

'Philosophy of Science' topic at Wikipedia
browse books at the Science & Math Dept. at Amazon

'The Computer' Page at Spirit of America Bookstore
'The Internet' Page at Working Minds Philosophy of Empowerment website
'Inventors of America' Pages at Spirit of America Bookstore
'Robots & Cyborgs' Pages at Spirit of America Bookstore
Quantum Physics Page at Working Minds Philosophy website

Union of Concerned Scientists

Books  On  The  Subject
jump to year 2000 + year 2020

Essential Writings of Henri Poincaré book edited by Stephen Jay Gould  "The Value of Science: Essential Writings of Henri Poincaré, 1903-1908" [2001]
Edited by Stephen Jay Gould

the three most important books of Henri Poincaré [1854-1912]: "Science and Hypothesis" [1903]; "The Value of Science" [1905]; and "Science and Method" [1908]
Kindle Edition from Modern Library/Random House [9/2012] for $12.99
Modern Library Science 8½x5½ pb [10/2001] for $25.49
Science and The Modern World book by Alfred North Whitehead  "Science and The Modern World" [1925]
by Alfred North Whitehead [1861-1947]

included in Volume 55 of the 1990 edition of 'The Great Books of The Western World' series
Free Press 8½x5½ pb [8/97] for $19.50
Mentor/N.A.L. mass pb [7/60] out of print/used
Pelican Mentor Books mass pb [1949] out of print/scarce
Macmillan hardcover [1926] long out of print/used
Essays On Science and Philosophy by Alfred North Whitehead  "Essays On Science and Philosophy" [1947] by Alfred North Whitehead
arranged into four sections: Personal Reflections, Philosophy, Education,
and Science & Mathematics

Kindle Edition from Philosophical Library/Open Road [11/2014] for $9.99
Allied Books, Ltd. 8½x5¾ pb [5/84] out of print/used
Greenwood Press 9¼x6½ hardcover [8/68] out of print/used
Philosophical Library hardcover [1948] out of print/used
Structure of Scientific Revolutions book by Thomas S. Kuhn  "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions" [1962 classic]
by Thomas S. Kuhn [1922-96]

"If ever there were a true classic on the history & development of science that is must reading for each new generation, it is Kuhn's benchmark work."
3rd edition for Kindle from Univ Chicago Press [10/2010] for $8.77
Univ Chicago Press 8x5¼ pb [12/96] for $9.23
Univ Chicago Press 8x5½ hardcover [12/96] for $30.00
Visual Dictionary of the Universe book from Dorling Kindersley  
"DK Eyewitness: The Visual Dictionary of The Universe" [ages 9 & up; 1993]
Dorling Kindersley 12¼x10¼ hardcover [9/93] out of print/90+ used
Visual Dictionary of the Earth book from Dorling Kindersley  "DK Eyewitness: The Visual Dictionary of The Earth" [ages 9 & up; 1993]
Dorling Kindersley 12¼x10¼ hardcover [9/93] out of print/80+ used
Everything You Need To Know About Science Homework book by Anne Zeman & Kate Kelly  "Everything You Need To Know About Science Homework: A Desk Reference For Students and Parents" [ages 9-11; 1994] by Anne Zeman & Kate Kelly
Scholastic Reference 10½x8¾ pb [2005] for $22.43
Scholastic Reference 11x8¾ pb [8/97] out of print/100+ used
Scholastic 11¼x9 library hardcover [8/94] out of print/used
Scholastic 11¼x9 library hardcover [8/94] out of print/used
Visual Dictionary of Physics book from Dorling Kindersley  
"DK Eyewitness: The Visual Dictionary of Physics" [ages 9 & up; 1995]
Dorling Kindersley 12¼x10½ hardcover [9/95] out of print/40+ used
Visual Dictionary of Chemistry book from Dorling Kindersley  "DK Eyewitness: The Visual Dictionary of Chemistry" [1996]
Dorling Kindersley 12¼x10½ hardcover [4/96] out of print/60+ used
Dorling Kindersley 12¼x10½ hardcover [4/96] out of print/used
Philosophy of Science book by Alexander Bird  "Philosophy of Science (Fundamentals of Philosophy Series)" [1998]
by Alexander Bird

Kindle Edition from Routledge [2006 edition] for $36.76 {sic}
Routledge 8½x5½ pb [5/98] for $41.09
Routledge 8½x5½ hardcover [5/98] for $111.03 {sic}
Ultimate Visual Dictionary of Science book from Dorling Kindersley  "DK Eyewitness: Ultimate Visual Dictionary of Science" [ages 11 & up; 1998]
Dorling Kindersley 9½x8 hardcover [8/98] out of print/60+ used
Dorling Kindersley 9½x7¾ hardcover [6/98] out of print/used
Barnes & Noble 9½x7¾ hardcover [2006] out of print/50+ used
D.K. Encyclopedia of Science book from Dorling Kindersley  "D.K. Encyclopedia of Science" [grades 5-12; 1998]
D.K. Children 11x8½ pb [11/2006] for $12.39
D.K. Children 11¼x8 hardcover [9/99] for $16.63
Microbes & Man book by John Postgate   "Microbes & Man" [1975, 1992 & 2000] best-seller by John Postgate
Fourth edition is extensively updated to include such topics as CJD (Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease - subacute spongiform encephalopathy), genetic manipulation, and gene therapy - book describes the extraordinary impact that the microbial community has on our everyday lives in an accessible and easy-to-read style.
Kindle Edition from Cambridge Univ Press [2000 edition] for $27.33
Cambridge Univ Press 4th edition 8½x5½ pb [2/2000] for $54.17 {sic}
Cambridge Univ Press 4th edition pb [2/2000] out of print/used
Cambridge Univ Press 3rd edition 8¾x5½ hardcover [3/92] out of print/used

Contemporary Introduction to Philosophy of Science book by Alex Rosenberg  "Philosophy of Science: A Contemporary Introduction" [2000]
by Alex Rosenberg

Kindle Edition from Routledge [3rd edition 2/2011] for $33.50 {sic}
Routledge 3rd edition 9¼x6pb [7/2011] for $36.24 {sic}
Routledge 8¾x6 pb [10/2000] out of print/many used
Routledge 9½x6½ hardcover [10/2000] out of print/used
Mystery of the Periodic Table book by Benjamin Wiker  "The Mystery of The Periodic Table" [2003] by Benjamin Wiker,
Illustrated by Jeanne Bendick & Ted Schluenderfritz

Kindle Edition from Bethlehem Books [2003 edition] for $4.95
Ignatius Press 8¼x5 pb [5/2003] for $15.44
Short History of Nearly Everything book by Bill Bryson  "A Short History of Nearly Everything" [2003 bestseller] by Bill Bryson
Kindle Edition from Broadway Books [2006 edition] for $12.99
Broadway Books 9x6 pb [9/2004] for $10.97
Broadway Books 9½x6*frac12 hardcover [5/2003] for $19.00
"A Really Short History of Nearly Everything" [2009] (560 pages reduced to 169 pages)
Corgi Books 11x8½ pb [9/2010] out of print/70+ used
Delacorte BFYR 11¼x8¾ hardcover [10/2009] for $13.61

Story of Science Aristotle book by Joy Hakim  Story of Science Newton book by Joy Hakim  
Story of Science Einstein book by Joy Hakim  
"The Story of Science: Aristotle Leads The Way" [grades 7-9; 2004]
by Joy Hakim

Kindle Edition from Smithsonian Books/Penguin Random House [4/2016] for $23.99
Smithsonian Books 9½x7¾ hardcover [5/2004] for $19.96

"The Story of Science: Newton At The Center" [grades 7-9; 2005]
by Joy Hakim

Kindle Edition from Smithsonian Books/Penguin Random House [4/2016] for $23.99
Smithsonian Books 9½x7¾ hardcover [10/2005] for $22.72

"The Story of Science: Einstein Adds A New Dimension" [grades 7-9; 2007]
by Joy Hakim

Kindle Edition from Smithsonian Books/Penguin Random House [4/2016] for $23.99
Smithsonian Books 9½x7¾ hardcover [11/2007] for $26.09

Republican War On Science book by Chris Mooney  
"The Republican War On Science" [2005] by Chris Mooney
Basic Books 8x5¼ 2nd edition pb [8/2006] for $10.17
Basic Books 9½x6½ hardcover [9/2005] for $16.47
author website/blogofficial booksite
Undermining Science In The Bush Administration book by Seth Shulman  "Undermining Science: Suppression & Distortion In The Bush Administration" [2007] by Seth Shulman
Univ CA Press 9x6 hardcover [1/2007] for $16.47
Philosophy of Science Key Concepts book by Steven French  "Philosophy of Science: Key Concepts" [2007, rev 2016]
by Steven French

Kindle Edition from Bloomsbury Academic [2nd edition 1/2016] for $14.74
Bloomsbury Academic 8½x5½ 2nd edition pb [3/2016] for $24.95
Bloomsbury Academic 8½x5½ 2nd edition hardcover [3/2016] for $88.00 {sic}
Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Science book edited by Martin Curd & Stathis Psillos  "The Routledge Companion To Philosophy of Science" [2008]
Edited by Martin Curd & Stathis Psillos

Kindle Edition from Routledge [2nd edition 7/2013] buy for $61.33, rent for $20.97 {sic}
Routledge 2nd edition 9¾x6¾ [8/2013] for $64.56 {sic}
Routledge 2nd edition 9¾x7 hardcover [8/2013] for $255.00 {sic}

Philosophy of Science Historical Anthology book edited by McGrew,? Alspector-Kelly & Allhoff  "Philosophy of Science: An Historical Anthology" [2009]
by Edited by Timothy McGrew, Marc Alspector-Kelly & Fritz Allhoff

Wiley-Blackwell 9½x6¾ pb [5/2009] for $53.98 {sic}
Wiley-Blackwell 10x7 hardcover [5/2009] for $133.95 {sic}
includes essays by — Unit 1 (Ancient): Aristotle (5), Jean Buridan, Diogenes Laertius, Epicurus, Lucretius, Moses Maimonides, Philode-mus, John Philoponus (2), Plato, Proclus, Claudius Ptolemy, Zeno; Unit 2 (Revolution): Robert Boyle, Tycho Brahe, Nicholas Copernicus, Galileo Galilei (4), Christiaan Huygens, Isaac Newton (5), Johannes Kepler (3), Andreas Osiander, Georg Joachim Rheticus; Unit 3 (Modern): Francis Bacon, René Descartes (2), David Hume (2), Immanuel Kant, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, John Locke; Unit 4 (19th-20th Century): Georges Cuvier, Charles Darwin, Pierre Duhem, Albert Einstein, John Herschel, Pierre-Simon Laplace, Antoine Lavoisier, Charles Lyell, John Stuart Mill, Charles Sanders Peirce (2), Henri Poincaré, William Whewell (2); Units 5 thru 9: Richard N. Boyd, Rudolf Carnap (2), Arthur Fine, Nelson Goodman, N.R. Hanson, Carl Hempel (3), Philip Kitcher, Thomas S. Kuhn, Imre Lakatos, Larry Laudan, Grover Maxwell, Karl Popper, Hilary Putnam, W.V.O. Quine, Hans Reichenbach, Wesley Salmon (3), Peter Strawson, Bas van Fraassen

Philosophy of Science Beginner's Guide book by Geoffrey Gorham  "Philosophy of Science: A Beginner's Guide" [2009]
by Geoffrey Gorham

Kindle Edition from Oneworld Publns [12/2012] for $6.15
Oneworld Publns 8x5¼ pb [9/2009] for $8.58
Concise History of Science & Invention book from National Geographic  "National Geographic Concise History of Science & Invention: An Illustrated Time Line" [2009] from National Geographic
National Geographic 11¼x9½ hardcover [10/2009] out of print/many used
The Poetry of Physics and the Physics of Poetry textbook by Robert K. Logan  "The Poetry of Physics and The Physics of Poetry" [2010] by Robert K. Logan
A textbook on physics taught with very little mathematics that takes into account social impact and influences from the arts and society, thus combining physics, literature, history, and philosophy from the dawn of human life to the 21st century
Kindle Edition from World Scientific Publng [6/2010] for $33.29
World Scientific Publng 9x6 pb [6/2010] for $38.99
World Scientific Publng 9x6 hardcover [6/2010] for $64.00
Eyewitness / Science book from Dorling Kindersley  "DK Eyewitness Books: Science" [2011]
'Discover the story of science - and how it shaped our understanding of the world'
DK Children 11¼x8¾ library hardcover [2/2011] out of print/used
Dorling Kindersley 11¼x8¾ hardcover [2/2011] out of print/used
Periodic Tales book by Hugh Aldersey-Williams  "Periodic Tales: The Curious Lives of The Elements" [2011]
by Hugh Aldersey-Williams

Kindle Edition from HarperCollins e-books [3/2011] for $13.49
Penguin Books 9¼x6 pb [2/2011] out of print/used
Ecco pb [2/2012] out of print/used
Ecco 8½x6 hardcover [3/2011] out of print/many used
Viking 8¾x5¾ hardcover [2/2011] out of print/used
For The Love of Physics book by Walter Lewin  "For The Love of Physics: From The End of The Rainbow To The Edge of Time - A Journey Through The Wonders of Physics" [2011]
by Walter Lewin, with Warren Goldstein

Kindle Edition from Free Press/Simon & Schuster Digital Sales [3/2012] for $11.99
Free Press 8½x5½ pb [3/2012] for $13.60
Free Press 9x5¾ hardcover [2011] out of print/used
Science Definitive Visual Guide book from Dorling Kindersley  "Science: The Definitive Visual Guide" [grades 3-7; 2011]
sections include: 1) The Dawn of Science; 2) Renaissance & Enlightenment; 3) The Industrial Revolution; 4) The Atomic Age; 5) The Information Age; and Reference
D.K. Publng 10/8½ pb [9/2011] out of print/40+ used
D.K. Publng 2nd edition 12x10½ hardcover [9/2016] for $29.28
Introducing Philosophy of Science: A Graphic Guide by Ziauddin Sardar  "Introducing Philosophy of Science: A Graphic Guide" [2011]
by Ziauddin Sardar, Illustrated by Borin Van Loon

Kindle Edition from Icon Books [6/2015] for $4.61
Icon Books 6½x4½ pb [11/2011] for $9.95
Science Fact-O-Pedia book by Wendy M. Leonard  "The Utterly, Completely, and Totally Useless Science Fact-O-Pedia: A Startling Collection of Scientific Trivia You'll Never Need To Know" [2012]
by Wendy M. Leonard, PhD

Kindle Edition from HarperCollins Publrs [1/2013] for $5.99
Skyhorse Publng pb [10/2012] for $3.12 {sic}
HarperCollins Publrs 7¾x6 hardcover [1/2013] out of print/many used
HarperCollins Publrs 7¾x6 hardcover [1/2013] out of print/many used
A Little History of Science book by William Bynum  
"A Little History of Science" [2012] by William Bynum
Kindle Edition from Yale Univ Press [11/2012] for $10.99
Yale Univ Press 8¼x5½ pb [9/2013] for $11.95
Yale Univ Press 9x6¼ hardcover [11/2012] out of print/40+ used
Periodic Table Visual Guide book by Paul Parsons & Gail Dixon  "The Periodic Table: A Visual Guide To The Elements" [2013]
by Paul Parsons & Gail Dixon

Kindle Edition from Quercus/Hachette Book Group [3/2014] for $9.99
Quercus 8¼x6 pb [3/2014] for $11.04
Quercus 8¼x6 pb [3/2014] out of print/many used
Quercus 8½x6¼ flexibound [8/2013] out of print/used
Timelines of Science book from Dorling Kindersley  "Timelines of Science: The Ultimate Visual Guide To The Discoveries That Shaped The World" [2013] from The Smithsonian
Kindle Edition from Dorling Kindersley [9/2013] for $14.99
Dorling Kindersley 10x8½ pb [9/2015] for $24.96
Dorling Kindersley 12x10¼ hardcover [9/2013] for $40.00
Stuff Matters / Marvelous Materials book by Mark Miodownik  "Stuff Matters: Exploring The Marvelous Materials That Shape Our Man-Made World" [2014] New York Times bestseller by Mark Miodownik
Kindle Edition from Mariner Books/Houghton Mifflin Harcourt [5/2014] for $9.99
Mariner Books 8x5¼ pb [3/2015] for $10.38
Viking Intl. 7¾x5 pb [5/2014] out of print/50+ used
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt 8½x5¾ hardcover [5/2014] for $15.22
Science Visual Encyclopedia book from D.K. / Smithsonian  "Science: A Visual Encyclopedia" [ages 7-12; 2014]
by Chris Woodford & Steve Parker

Dorling Kindersley pb [12/2014] out of print/used
D.K. Children New Edition 11x8½ hardcover [4/2018] for $19.99
D.K. Children 11x9 hardcover [7/2014] for $21.76
The Science Book book from Dorling Kindersley  "The Science Book (Big Ideas Simply Explained)" [2014]
from Dorling Kindersley

Kindle Edition from D.K./Penguin Group [2/2015] for $9.99
Dorling Kindersley 9½x8 hardcover [7/2014] for $16.02
Philosophy and the Sciences for Everyone book by Michela Massimi  "Philosophy and The Sciences For Everyone" [2014]
essays by Michela Massimi and others

Kindle Edition from Routledge [9/2014] for $15.63
Routledge 9¼x6 pb [9/2014] for $21.15
Routledge 9¼x6 hardcover [9/2014] for $31.84
Discovery of Modern Science book by Steven Weinberg  "To Explain The World: The Discovery of Modern Science" [2015]
by Steven Weinberg

Kindle Edition from HarperCollins Publrs [2/2015] for $12.99
HarperPerennial 8x5¼ pb [2/2016] for $10.63
Harper 9x6 hardcover [2/2015] for $17.93
Harper hardcover [2/2015] out of print/used
The Invention of Science book by David Wootton  "The Invention of Science: A New History of The Scientific Revolution" [2015]
by David Wootton

Kindle Edition from HarperCollins Publrs [12/2015] for $12.99
HarperPerennial 8x5¼ pb [12/2016] for $14.10
Harper 9x6 hardcover [12/2015] for $19.79
Philosophy of Science for Scientists textbook by Lars-Göran Johansson  "Philosophy of Science For Scientists" [2015] by Lars-Göran Johansson
Kindle Edition from Springer [12/2015] for $59.92 {sic}
Springer Undergraduate 9¼x6 hardcover [12/2015] for $63.07
Women In Science / 50 Fearless Pioneers book by Rachel Ignotofsky  "Women In Science: 50 Fearless Pioneers Who Changed The World" [2016]
Written & illustrated by Rachel Ignotofsky

Kindle Edition from Ten Speed Press/Random House [7/2016] for $9.99
Ten Speed Press 9¼x7¾ hardcover [7/2016] for $10.32
Storm in a Teacup / Physics of Everyday Life book by Helen Czerski  "Storm In A Teacup: The Physics of Everyday Life" [2016]
by {physicist} Helen Czerski

Kindle Edition from W.W. Norton & Co. [1/2017] for $9.43
W.W. Norton & Co. pb [DUE 1/2018] pre-order for $15.95
Bantam Press 9¼x6 pb [11/2016] out of print/used
W.W. Norton & Co. 9½x6½ hardcover [1/2017] for $17.67
Science Year by Year book from Smithsonian Institution  "Science Year By Year: A Visual History, From Stone Tools To Space Travel"
[ages 9-12; 2017] from Smithsonian Institution

Kindle Edition from Dorling Kindersley [3/2017] for $10.99
Dorling Kindersley 11¼x8¾ hardcover [3/2017] for $21.99
Physics of Everyday Things book by James Kakalios  "The Physics of Everyday Things: The Extraordinary Science Behind An Ordinary Day" [2017] by James Kakalios
Kindle Edition from Crown/Random House [5/2017] for $13.99
Crown Books 8½x5¾ hardcover [5/2017] for $16.49
History of Medicine in 50 Discoveries book by Marguerite Vigliani & Gale Eaton  "A History of Medicine In 50 Discoveries" [2017]
by Marguerite Vigliani, MD & Gale Eaton

Kindle Edition from Tilbury House Publrs [10/2017] for $20.98 {sic}
Tilbury House Publrs 10x7 hardcover [5/2017] for $24.95
History & Philosophy of Science Reader book edited by Daniel J. McKaughan & Holly Vande Wall  "The History and Philosophy of Science: A Reader" [2018]
Edited by Daniel J. McKaughan & Holly Vande Wall

Kindle Edition from Bloomsbury Academic [1/2018] for $18.35 {sic}
Bloomsbury Academic 9½x6¾ pb [1/2018] for $47.43 {sic}
Bloomsbury Academic 9½x6¾ hardcover [1/2018] for $128.00 {sic}
Getting Science Wrong book by Paul Dicken  "Getting Science Wrong: Why The Philosophy of Science Matters" [2018]
by Paul Dicken

Kindle Edition from Bloomsbury Academic [1/2018] for $18.99
Bloomsbury Academic 8½x5¾ pb [1/2018] for $22.95
Bloomsbury Academic 8½x5½ hardcover [1/2018] for $68.00 {sic}
This Idea Is Brilliant book edited by John Brockman  "This Idea Is Brilliant: Lost, Overlooked, and Underappreciated Scientific Concepts Everyone Should Know" [2018] Edited by science writer John Brockman
over 200 articles selected from The Edge by authors that include Richard Dawkins, Jared Diamond, Helen Fisher, Alison Gopnik, Lawrence Krauss, Ian McEwan, Steven Pinker, Lisa Randall, Carlo Rovelli, Richard Thaler, and Frank Wilczek
Kindle Edition from HarperPerennial/HarperCollins [1/2018] for $12.99
HarperPerennial 8x5¼ pb [1/2018] for $12.78

"Alice and Bob Meet the Wall of Fire: The Biggest Ideas in Science from Quanta" [The MIT Press 11/2018]
edited by Thomas Lin, foreword by Sean Carroll

"The Prime Number Conspiracy: The Biggest Ideas in Math from Quanta" [The MIT Press 11/2018]
edited by Thomas Lin, foreword by James Gleick

'Time of The Magicians / Reinvent(ing) Philosophy' book by Wolfram Eilenberger   "Time of The Magicians: Wittgenstein, Benjamin, Cassirer, Heidegger, and The Decade That Reinvented Philosophy" [2020] by Wolfram Eilenberger
author stylishly traces the paths of these remarkable & turbulent lives, which feature not only philosophy but several important figures of the early century, including John Maynard Keynes, Hannah Arendt, and Bertrand Russell, telling a gripping story about four of history's most ambitious and passionate thinkers
Kindle Edition from Penguin Press [8/2020] for $15.99
Penguin Books 8½x5½ pb [DUE Aug 2021] for $19.00
Penguin Press 9½x6¼ hardcover [8/2020] for $21.06
Timeline (of) Science and Technology book by Peter Goes  
"Timeline (of) Science and Technology: A Visual History of Our World"
[grades 5-12; 2020] Written & Illustrated by Peter Goes

Gecko Press 14½x10½ hardcover [10/2020] for $25.31

Science Magazine [est. 1880] academic journal
Science Magazine
[est. 1880]

peer-reviewed academic journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Science

magazine website
entry at Wikipedia

Popular Science Magazine [est. 1872] subscription
Popular Science
Magazine [est. 1872]

auto-renewal at Amazon
6 issues/year for $12.00

magazine website
entry at Wikipedia

Discover Magazine [est. 1980] subscription
Discover Magazine
[est. 1980]

subscribe at Amazon
12 issues/year for $19.95

magazine website
entry at Wikipedia

Scientific American Magazine [est. 1845] subscription
Scientific American
Magazine [est. 1845]

auto-renewal at Amazon
12 issues/year for $34.99

magazine website
entry at Wikipedia

New Scientist Magazine [est. 1956] subscription - based in London, U.K.
New Scientist
Magazine [est. 1956]
based in London, U.K.

auto-renewal Kindle Edition at Amazon
12 issues/year for $84.99

U.S. edition
subscribe at Amazon
12 issues/year for $154.00

magazine website
entry at Wikipedia

Science Illustrated Magazine [est. 1984] Kindle subscription
Science Illustrated
Magazine [est. 1984]
{ceased USA in 2013}

Kindle Edition at Amazon
6 issues/year for $17.16

Australia Edition website
entry at Wikipedia

'Giants  of  Science'  Book  Series

"Alexander Graham Bell: Father of Modern Communication" [Aug 24, 2000] by Michael Pollard [1847-1922]

"Robert Boyle: The Father of Chemistry" [2005-09-02] by John Allen [1627-91]

"George Washington Carver: {subtitle illegible}" [Oct 25, 2002] by Lisa Halvorsen [1860s-1943]

"Nicolaus Copernicus: {subtitle illegible}" [Mar 19, 2004] by Scott Ingram [1473-1543]

"Marie Curie: Courageous Pioneer In The Study of Radioactivity" [Aug 24, 2000] by Beverley Birch
"Gigantes de Ciencia - Bilingual - Marie Curie" [Jul 11, 2005] by Beverly Birch [1867-1934]

"Charles Darwin: Visionary Behind The Theory of Evolution" [Sep 2, 2002] by Michael Pollard
Maison d'Être Bookstore's Charles Darwin [1809-82] Page

"Thomas Edison: The World's Greatest Inventor" [Aug 24, 2000] by Anna Sproule
Spirit of America Bookstore's Thomas Alva Edison [1847-1931] Page

"Albert Einstein: Genius Behind The Theory of Relativity" [Aug 24, 2000] by Fiona MacDonald
"Gigantes de Ciencia - Bilingual - Albert Einstein" [Jul 11, 2005] by Fiona MacDonald
Maison d'Être Bookstore's Albert Einstein [1879-1955] Page

"Enrico Fermi" [Mar 1, 2006] by Carrie Golus SOLD OUT! [1901-54]

"Alexander Fleming: {subtitle illegible}" [Sep 2, 2002] by Beverley Birch [1881-1955]

"Benjamin Franklin: {subtitle illegible}" [Oct 25, 2002] by Peggy Parks [1706-90]

"Robert Fulton: Innovator With Steam Power" [Dec 5, 2003] by Peggy J. Parks [1765-1815]

"Galileo Galilei: Inventor, Astronomer, and Rebel" [Aug 18, 1999] by Michael White
"Gigantes de Ciencia - Bilingual - Galileo Galilei" [Jul 11, 2005] by Michael Wright [1564-1642]

Robert Goddard: Rocket Pioneer biography by Kaye Patchett  "Robert Goddard: Rocket Pioneer (Giants of Science)" [2003]
by Kaye Patchett

Blackbirch 9x6¼ hardcover [12/2003] out of print/used

Spirit of America Bookstore's Robert H. Goddard [1882-1945] Page

"Johann Gutenberg: Master of Modern Printing" [Mar 8, 2001] by Anna Sproule [1400?-1468]

"Joseph Lister: The Father of Antiseptics" [Jul 12, 2005] by Peggy J. Parks [1827-1912]

"Guglielmo Marconi: Radio Pioneer" [Sep 4, 2001] by Beverley Birch [1874-1937]

"Margaret Mead: Bringing World Cultures Together" [Aug 18, 1999] by Michael Pollard [1901-78]

"Isaac Newton: Discovering Laws That Govern The Universe" [Aug 18, 1999] by Michael White
"Gigantes de Ciencia - Bilingual - Isaac Newton" [Jul 11, 2005] by Michael Wright [1642-1727]

"Robert Oppenheimer: Father of The Atomic Bomb" [Feb 14, 2005] by Toney Allman
Spirit of America Bookstore's J. Robert Oppenheimer [1904-67] Page

"Louis Pasteur: Father of Modern Medicine" [Mar 8, 2001] by Fiona MacDonald [1822-95]

"Jonas Salk: Polio Vaccine Pioneer" [Dec 5, 2003] by Peggy Parks [1914-95]

"James Watt: Master of The Steam Engine" [Sep 4, 2001] by Anna Sproule [1736-1819]

"Eli Whitney: {subtitle illegible}" [Dec 5, 2003] by Kaye Patchett [1765-1825]

"The Wright Brothers: The Birth of Modern Aviation" [Aug 18, 1999] by Anna Sproule
"Gigantes de Ciencia - Bilingual - The Wright Brothers" [July 11, 2005] - Orville [1871-1948] and Wilbur [1867-1912]

— and just off the top, they omitted Richard P. Feynman [1918-88], R. Buckminster Fuller [1895-1983],
Stephen W. Hawking[1942-2018], Nikola Tesla [1856-1943], Alan Turing [1912-54]

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L i n k s

National Center for Science Education [est. 1981]

U.S. National Science Foundation [est. 1950]

Atomic U.S.A. Pages at Spirit of America Bookstore
Spirit of America Bookstore's Atomic U.S.A. Books Page
Atomic Film Festival Page at Spirit of America Bookstore
Los Alamos, NM & The Manhattan Project Pages at Spirit of America Bookstore

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