Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales
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The  Tales
Book 1 of "Kinder und Hausmärchen" was published in 1812 with 86 stories, which are designated by scholars as KHM1 to KHM86. Book 2 of "Kinder und Hausmärchen" was published in 1815 with 114 stories, KHM87 to KHM200; ten children's legends (Kinderlegende) were added to the 1819 edition, KHM201 to KHM210. The total story count is 240 tales, plus or minus.
Tales  in  Book  One
KHM 1: The Frog King, or Iron Heinrich (Der Froschkönig oder Ser Eiserne Heinrich)
KHM 2: Cat and Mouse In Partnership (Katze und Maus In Gesellschaft)
KHM 3: Mary's Child (Marienkind)
KHM 4: The Story of The Youth Who Went Forth To Learn What Fear Was (Märchen von Einem, Der Auszog Das Fürchten zu Lernen)
KHM 5: The Wolf and The Seven Young Kids (Der Wolf und Die Sieben Jungen Geißlein)
KHM 6: Faithful John or Trusty John (Der Treue Johannes)
KHM 7: The Good Bargain (Der gute Handel)
KHM 8: The Wonderful Musician or The Strange Musician (Der Wunderliche Spielmann)
KHM 9: The Twelve Brothers (Die Zwölf Brüder)
KHM 10: The Pack of Ragamuffins (Das Lumpengesindel)
KHM 11: Little Brother and Little Sister (Brüderchen und Schwesterchen)
KHM 12: Rapunzel
KHM 13: The Three Little Men In The Woods (Die Drei Männlein Im Walde)
KHM 14: The Three Spinning Women (Die Drei Spinnerinnen)
KHM 15: Hansel and Grethel (Hänsel und Gretel)
KHM 16: The Three Snake-Leaves (Die Drei Schlangenblätter)
KHM 17: The White Snake (Die Weiße Schlange)
KHM 18: The Straw, The Coal, and The Bean (Strohhalm, Kohle und Bohne)
KHM 19: The Fisherman and His Wife (Von Dem Fischer und Seiner Frau)
KHM 20: The Brave Little Tailor or The Valiant Little Tailor or The Gallant Tailor (Das Tapfere Schneiderlein)
KHM 21: Cinderella (Aschenputtel) aka "The Ash Maiden"
KHM 22: The Riddle (Das Rätsel)
KHM 23: The Mouse, The Bird, and The Sausage (Von Dem Mäuschen, Vögelchen und Der Bratwurst)
KHM 24: Mother Holle or Mother Hulda or Old Mother Frost (Frau Holle)
KHM 25: The Seven Ravens (Die Sieben Raben)
KHM 26: Little Red-Cap (Rotkäppchen), later retold as "Little Red Riding Hood"
KHM 27: The Bremen Town Musicians (Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten)
KHM 28: The Singing Bone (Der Singende Knochen)
KHM 29: The Devil With The Three Golden Hairs (Der Teufel Mit Den Drei Goldenen Haaren)
KHM 30: The Louse and The Flea (Läuschen und Flöhchen)
KHM 31: The Girl Without Hands or The Handless Maiden (Das Mädchen Ohne Hände)
KHM 32: Clever Hans (Der Gescheite Hans)
KHM 33: The Three Languages (Die Drei Sprachen)
KHM 34: Clever Elsie (Die Kluge Else)
KHM 35: The Tailor In Heaven (Der Schneider Im Himmel)
KHM 36: The Magic Table, The Gold-Donkey, and The Club In The Sack ("Tischchen Deck Dich, Goldesel und Knüppel Aus Dem Sack" aka "Tischlein, Deck Dich!")
KHM 37: Thumbling (Daumsdick) {see also Tom Thumb}
KHM 38: The Wedding of Mrs. Fox (Die Hochzeit der Frau Füchsin)
KHM 39: The Elves (Die Wichtelmänner) aka The Elves and the Shoemaker
    First Story (Erstes Märchen) + Second Story (Zweites Märchen) + Third Story (Drittes Märchen)
KHM 40: The Robber Bridegroom (Der Räuberbräutigam)
KHM 41: Herr Korbes
KHM 42: The Godfather (Der Herr Gevatter)
KHM 43: Frau Trude
KHM 44: Godfather Death (Der Gevatter Tod)
KHM 45: Thumbling's Travels (Daumerlings Wanderschaft){see also Tom Thumb}
KHM 46: Fitcher's Bird (Fitchers Vogel)
KHM 47: "The Juniper Tree (Von dem Machandelboom)"
A second wife hates her stepson and kills him, cooking the body as a tasty 'blood soup' stew; when she buries the bones beneath the juniper tree, a bird emerges and flies away to
sing to the townspeople of the brutal murder; the bird drops a millstone on the stepmother's head, killing her; the boy emerges from the flames & smoke for a happy ending.
entry at Wikipedia
![]() | "The Juniper Tree: And Other Tales From Grimm" [27 stories 1973] Edited & translated by Lore Segal, Edited & Illustrated by Maurice Sendak, Translated by Randall Jarrell FS&G BFYR 6¾x5½ pb [1983] out of print/used FS&G BFYR 6¾x5½ hardcover [10/2003] for $27.99 Farrar, Straus & Giroux 6¾x5½ 2-volume hardcover [1974] for $86.59 Farrar, Straus & Giroux 7½x6 2-volume hardcover [1973] out of print/used |
![]() | "The Juniper Tree" [1985] by Barbara Comyns, Introduction by Sadie Stein A modern reimagining of a classic Grimm Brothers fairy tale Kindle Edition from Capuchin Classics [7/2012] for $6.36 Kindle Edition from NYRB Classics/Penguin Random House [1/2018] for $9.99 New York Review of Books Classics 8x5 pb [1/2018] for $6.69 Methuen UK 8½x5½ hardcover [1985] out of print/used |
![]() | "The Juniper Tree: A Dark Tale of Witchcraft & Mysticism" [Iceland April 1990] Filmed 'in black and white on bleak locations in Iceland'; when their mother is burned at the stake as a witch, Margit and her sister flee and find refuge at the home of a farmer and his son . . . • Co-produced, written & directed by Nietzchka Keene; music by Larry Lipkis; starring Björk (Guðmundsdóttir), Bryndis Petra Bragadóttir, Valdimar Örn Flygenring, Guðrún Gísladóttir, Geirlaug Sunna Þormar Arbelos Films widescreen b&w Blu-ray [9/2019] for $25.42 Rhino Records b&w DVD [4/2002] out of prodn/used full credits at IMDb • movie entry at Wikipedia |
"Le Piège d'Issoudun {Issoudun's Trap)" [Canada Nov 2003]
French-Canadian drama feature film, shows up in searches but has nothing to do with Grimm's "Juniper Tree" story •
credits at IMDb
KHM 51: Foundling-Bird (Fundevogel)
KHM 52: King Thrushbeard (König Drosselbart)
KHM 53: Little Snow White (Schneewittchen)
KHM 54: The Knapsack, The Hat, and The Horn (Der Ranzen, Das Hütlein, und Das Hörnlein)
KHM 55: Rumpelstiltskin (Rumpelstilzchen)
KHM 56: Sweetheart Roland (Der Liebste Roland)
KHM 57: The Golden Bird (Der Goldene Vogel)
KHM 58: The Dog and The Sparrow (Der Hund und Der Sperling)
KHM 59: Frederick and Catherine (Der Frieder und Das Katherlieschen)
KHM 60: The Two Brothers (Die Zwei Brüder)
KHM 61: The Little Peasant (Das Bürle)
KHM 62: The Queen Bee (Die Bienenkönigin)
KHM 63: The Three Feathers (Die Drei Federn)
KHM 64: The Golden Goose (Die Goldene Gans)
KHM 65: All-Kinds-of-Fur (Allerleirauh) aka "The Princess In Disguise"
KHM 66: The Hare's Bride (Häschenbraut)
KHM 67: The Twelve Huntsmen (Die Zwölf Jäger)
KHM 68: The Thief and His Master (De Gaudeif und Sien Meester)
KHM 69: Jorinde and Joringel (Jorinde und Joringel)
KHM 70: The Three Sons of Fortune (Die Drei Glückskinder)
KHM 71: How Six Men Got On In The World (Sechse Kommen Durch Die Ganze Welt)
KHM 72: The Wolf and The Man (Der Wolf und Der Mensch)
KHM 73: The Wolf and The Fox (Der Wolf und Der Fuchs)
KHM 74: Gossip Wolf and The Fox (Der Fuchs und die Frau Gevatterin)
KHM 75: The Fox and The Cat (Der Fuchs und Die Katze)
KHM 76: The Pink (Die Nelke)
KHM 77: Clever Grethel (Die Kluge Gretel)
KHM 78: The Old Man and His Grandson (Der Alte Großvater und Der Enkel)
KHM 79: The Water Nixie (Die Wassernixe)
KHM 80: The Death of The Little Hen (Von Dem Tode des Hühnchens)
KHM 81: Brother Lustig (Bruder Lustig)
KHM 82: Gambling Hansel (De Spielhansl)
KHM 83: Hans In Luck (Hans Im Glück)
KHM 84: Hans Married (Hans Heiratet)
KHM 85: The Gold-Children (Die Goldkinder)
KHM 86: The Fox and The Geese (Der Fuchs und Die Gänse)
Tales  in  Book  Two
KHM 87: The Poor Man and The Rich Man (Der Arme und Der Reiche)
KHM 88: The Singing, Springing Lark (Das Singende Springende Löweneckerchen)
KHM 89: The Goose Girl (Die Gänsemagd)
KHM 90: The Young Giant (Der Junge Riese)
KHM 91: The Gnome (Dat Erdmänneken)
KHM 92: The King of The Gold Mountain (Der König Vom Goldenen Berg)
KHM 93: The Raven (Die Raben)
KHM 94: The Peasant's Wise Daughter (Die Kluge Bauerntochter)
KHM 95: Old Hildebrand (Der Alte Hildebrand)
KHM 96: The Three Little Birds (Die Drei Vügelkens)
KHM 97: The Water of Life (Das Wasser des Lebens)
KHM 98: Doctor Know-all (Doktor Allwissend)
KHM 99: The Spirit In The Bottle (Der Geist Im Glas)
KHM 100: The Devil's Sooty Brother (Des Teufels Rußiger Bruder)
KHM 101: Bearskin (Bärenhäuter)
KHM 102: The Willow Wren and The Bear (Der Zaunkönig und Der Bär)
KHM 103: Sweet Porridge (Der Süße Brei)
KHM 104: Wise Folks (Die Klugen Leute)
KHM 105: Tales of The Paddock (Märchen Von Der Unke)
KHM 106: The Poor Miller's Boy and The Cat (Der Arme Müllersbursch und Das Kätzchen)
KHM 107: The Two Travelers (Die Beiden Wanderer)
KHM 108: Hans My Hedgehog (Hans Mein Igel)
KHM 109: The Shroud (Das Totenhemdchen)
KHM 110: The Jew Among Thorns (Der Jude Im Dorn)
KHM 111: The Skillful Huntsman (Der Gelernte Jäger)
KHM 112: The Flail From Heaven (Der Dreschflegel Vom Himmel)
KHM 113: The Two Kings' Children (Die Beiden Königskinder)
KHM 114: The Cunning Little Tailor or The Story of A Clever Tailor (Vom Klugen Schneiderlein)
KHM 115: The Bright Sun Brings It To Light (Die Klare Sonne Bringt's an Den Tag)
KHM 116: The Blue Light (Das Blaue Licht)
KHM 117: The Willful Child (Das Eigensinnige Kind)
KHM 118: The Three Army Surgeons (Die Drei Feldscherer)
KHM 119: The Seven Swabians (Die Sieben Schwaben)
KHM 120: The Three Apprentices (Die Drei Handwerksburschen)
KHM 121: The King's Son Who Feared Nothing (Der Königssohn, Der Sich Vor Nichts Fürchtete)
KHM 122: Donkey Cabbages (Der Krautesel)
KHM 123: The Old Woman In The Wood (Die Alte Im Wald)
KHM 124: The Three Brothers (Die Drei Brüder)
KHM 125: The Devil and His Grandmother (Der Teufel und Seine Großmutter)
KHM 126: Ferdinand The Faithful and Ferdinand The Unfaithful (Ferenand Getrü und Ferenand Ungetrü)
KHM 127: The Iron Stove (Der Eisenofen)
KHM 128: The Lazy Spinner (Die Faule Spinnerin)
KHM 129: The Four Skillful Brothers (Die Vier Kunstreichen Brüder)
KHM 130: Little One-Eye, Little Two-Eyes, and Little Three-Eyes (Einäuglein, Zweiäuglein, und Dreiäuglein)
KHM 131: Fair Katrinelje and Pif-Paf-Poltrie (Die Schöne Katrinelje und Pif Paf Poltrie)
KHM 132: The Fox and The Horse (Der Fuchs und Das Pferd)
KHM 133: The Shoes That Were Danced To Pieces (Die Zertanzten Schuhe)
KHM 134: The Six Servants (Die Sechs Diener)
KHM 135: The White and The Black Bride (Die Weiße und Die Schwarze Braut)
KHM 136: Iron John (Eisenhans)
KHM 137: The Three Black Princesses (De Drei Schwatten Prinzessinnen)
KHM 138: Knoist and His Three Sons (Knoist und Sine Drei Sühne)
KHM 139: The Maid of Brakel (Dat Mäken Von Brakel)
KHM 140: My Household (Das Hausgesinde)
KHM 141: The Lambkin and The Little Fish (Das Lämmchen und Das Fischchen)
KHM 142: Simeli Mountain (Simeliberg)
KHM 143a in the 1812/1815 edition was The Starving Children (Die Kinder In Hungersnot)
KHM 143b: Going A Traveling (Up Reisen Gohn) appeared in the 1819 edition
KHM 144: The Donkey (Das Eselein)
KHM 145: The Ungrateful Son (Der Undankbare Sohn)
KHM 146: The Turnip (Die Rübe)
KHM 147: The Old Man Made Young Again (Das Junggeglühte Männlein)
KHM 148: The Lord's Animals and The Devil's (Des Herrn und Des Teufels Getier)
KHM 149: The Beam (Der Hahnenbalken)
KHM 150: The Old Beggar Woman (Die Alte Bettelfrau)
KHM 151: The Three Sluggards (Die Drei Faulen)
KHM 151a: The Twelve Idle Servants (Die Zwölf Faulen Knechte)
KHM 152: The Shepherd Boy (Das Hirtenbüblein)
KHM 153: The Star Money (Die Sterntaler)
KHM 154: The Stolen Farthings (Der Gestohlene Heller)
KHM 155: Looking For A Bride (Die Brautschau)
KHM 156: The Hurds (Die Schlickerlinge)
KHM 157: The Sparrow and His Four Children (Der Sperling und Seine Vier Kinder)
KHM 158: The Story of Schlauraffen Land (Das Märchen Vom Schlaraffenland)
KHM 159: The Ditmarsch Tale of Lies (Das Dietmarsische Lügenmärchen)
KHM 160: A Riddling Tale (Rätselmärchen)
KHM 161: Snow-White and Rose-Red (Schneeweißchen und Rosenrot)
KHM 162: The Wise Servant (Der Kluge Knecht)
KHM 163: The Glass Coffin (Der Gläserne Sarg)
KHM 164: Lazy Henry (Der Faule Heinz)
KHM 165: The Griffin (Der Vogel Greif)
KHM 166: Strong Hans (Der Starke Hans)
KHM 167: The Peasant In Heaven (Das Bürli Im Himmel)
KHM 168: Lean Lisa (Die Hagere Liese)
KHM 169: The Hut In The Forest (Das Waldhaus)
KHM 170: Sharing Joy and Sorrow (Lieb und Leid Teilen)
KHM 171: The Willow Wren (Der Zaunkönig)
KHM 172: The Sole (Die Scholle)
KHM 173: The Bittern and The Hoopoe (Rohrdommel und Wiedehopf)
KHM 174: The Owl (Die Eule)
KHM 175: The Moon (Der Mond)
KHM 176: The Duration of Life (Die Lebenszeit)
KHM 177: Death's Messengers (Die Boten Des Todes)
KHM 178: Master Pfreim (Meister Pfriem)
KHM 179: The Goose-Girl At The Well (Die Gänsehirtin Am Brunnen)
KHM 180: Eve's Various Children (Die Ungleichen Kinder Evas)
KHM 181: The Nixie of The Mill-Pond (Die Nixe Im Teich)
KHM 182: The Little Folks' Presents (Die Geschenke Des Kleinen Volkes)
KHM 183: The Giant and The Tailor (Der Riese und Der Schneider)
KHM 184: The Nail (Der Nagel)
KHM 185: The Poor Boy In The Grave (Der Arme Junge Im Grab)
KHM 186: The True Bride (Die Wahre Braut)
KHM 187: The Hare and The Hedgehog [de] (Der Hase und Der Igel)
KHM 188: Spindle, Shuttle, and Needle (Spindel, Weberschiffchen, und Nadel)
KHM 189: The Peasant and The Devil (Der Bauer und Der Teufel)
KHM 190: The Crumbs On The Table (Die Brosamen Auf Dem Tisch)
KHM 191: The Sea-Hare (Das Meerhäschen)
KHM 192: The Master Thief (Der Meisterdieb)
KHM 193: The Drummer (Der Trommler)
KHM 194: The Ear of Corn (Die Kornähre)
KHM 195: The Grave Mound (Der Grabhügel)
KHM 196: Old Rinkrank (Oll Rinkrank)
KHM 197: The Crystal Ball (Die Kristallkugel)
KHM 198: Maid Maleen (Jungfrau Maleen)
KHM 199: The Boots of Buffalo Leather (Der Stiefel Von Üffelleder)
KHM 200: The Golden Key (Der Goldene Schlüssel)
The children's legends (Kinderlegende) first appeared in the G. Reimer 1819 edition at the end of volume 2
KHM 201: Saint Joseph In The Forest (Der Heilige Joseph Im Walde)
KHM 202: The Twelve Apostles (Die Zwölf Apostel)
KHM 203: The Rose (Die Rose)
KHM 204: Poverty and Humility Lead To Heaven (Armut und Demut Führen Zum Himmel)
KHM 205: God's Food (Gottes Speise)
KHM 206: The Three Green Twigs (Die Drei Grünen Zweige)
KHM 207: The Blessed Virgin's Little Glass or Our Lady's Little Glass (Muttergottesgläschen)
KHM 208: The Little Old Lady or The Aged Mother (Das Alte Mütterchen)
KHM 209: The Heavenly Marriage or The Heavenly Wedding (Die Himmlische Hochzeit)
KHM 210: The Hazel Branch (Die Haselrute)
Other  Tales
These 30 tales were included at some point, but then removed (not in the 1856 edition); in an attempt at clarity on this page, these KHM numbers are changed
to lower case (khm) for the first 18 tales and new khm numbers are added for the latter 12 tales.
khm 6 Von Der Nachtigall und Der Blindschleiche (The Nightingale and The Slow Worm or The Nightingale and The Blindworm)
khm 8 The Hand With The Knife (Die Hand Mit Dem Messer)
khm 22 The Children Who Played Slaughtering (Wie Kinder Schlachtens Miteinander Gespielt Haben)
khm 27 Death and The Goose Keeper (Der Tod und Der Gänsehirt)
khm 33 Puss In Boots (Der Gestiefelte Kater)
khm 37 Of The Napkin, The Knapsack, The Cannon Guarding Flax, and The Horn (Von Der Serviette, Dem Tornister, Dem Kanonenhütlein, und Dem Horn)
khm 43 The Strange Inn or The Wonderful Guesting Manor (Die Wunderliche Gasterei)
khm 54 Foolish Hans (Hans Dumm)
khm 62 Bluebeard (Blaubart)
khm 66 Hurleburlebutz
khm 70 The Okerlo (Der Okerlo)
khm 71 Princess Mouse Skin (Prinzessin Mäusehaut)
khm 72 The Fruit Will Not Fall (Das Birnli Will Nit fallen)
khm 73 The Murder Castle (Das Mörderschloss)
khm 77 Of The Carpenter and Turner (Vom Schreiner und Drechsler)
khm 82 The Three Sisters (Die Drei Schwestern)
khm 85A Snow Flower (Schneeblume)
khm 85D Of Prince Johannes {fragment} (Vom Prinz Johannes)
khm 211 The Princess and The Pea (Die Prinzessin Auf Der Erbse)
khm 212 The Sluggard and The Diligent (Der Faule und Der Fleißige)
khm 213 The Good Rag {fragment} (Der Gute Lappen)
khm 214 The Holy Woman Kummernis (Die Heilige Frau Kummernis)
khm 215 The Crows (Die Krähen)
khm 216 The Lion and The Frog (Der Löwe und Der Frosch)
khm 217 The Robber and His Sons (Der Räuber und Seine Söhne)
khm 218 The Soldier and The Carpenter (Der Soldat und Der Schreiner)
khm 219 The Faithful Animals (Die Treuen Tiere)
khm 220 The Accident (Das Unglück)
khm 221 The Wild Man (Der Wilde Mann)
khm 222 The Smith and The Devil
here on the Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales [1812 & 1815] Pages at Spirit of America Bookstore
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Spirit of America Bookstore's Brothers Grimm of Germany Page
"Brothers Grimm Film Festival Page at Magic Lantern Video & Book Store
Jacob Grimm [1785–1863] credits as writer [300+ items since 1897] at Internet Movie Database
Wilhelm Grimm [1786–1859] credits as writer [300+ items since 1897] at Internet Movie Database
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"The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" Novel & Movies Page
"Aesop's Fables" Stories, Books, Stageplays & Movies Page
"Alice In Wonderland" Books, Stageplays & Movies Page
"Animal Farm" Novel & Movies Page
"Atlas Shrugged" Novel and Movies Page at Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore
"Ben-Hur" Novel & Movies Page
"The Boxcar Children" Books & Movies Page at BlackHat Mystery Bookstore
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"Brothers Grimm of Germany Page
"Brothers Grimm Film Festival Page at Magic Lantern Video & Book Store
"Dune" Novels & Movies Page
"Gone With The Wind" Novel & Movie Page
"The Grapes of Wrath" Novel & Movie Page
"The Great Gatsby" Novel & Movies Page
"Ivanhoe" Novel & Movies Page
Kipling's "The Jungle Books" Stories & Movies Page
"The Last Tycoon" Novel & Movies Page
"The Little Prince (Le Petit Prince)" Novel & Movies Page
"The Maltese Falcon" Novel & Movies Page at BlackHat Mystery Bookstore
"Nineteen Eighty-Four (1 9 8 4)" Novel & Movies Page
"Peter Pan" Books, Stageplays & Movies Page
"The Railway Children" Novel & Movies Page
"Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer" Books & Movies Page
'Tarzan' Movies & Fiction Pages
'The Thin Man' Movies Page at BlackHat Mystery Bookstore
"To Kill A Mockingbird" Novel & Movie Page
'Tom Swift' Books Series Page
"Treasure Island" Books & Movies Page
'Uncle Remus' Tales by Joel Chandler Harris
"Winnie The Pooh" Books & Movies Page
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