children's author
Franklin  Folsom
short profile |              ![]() |
there is no Franklin Folsom entry at Wikipedia (2018)
nor are there any credits listed for Franklin Folsom at Internet Movie Database (2017)
the Franklin Folsom Store at Amazon lists only 12 titles (2017)
search for books by author Franklin Folsom {returns 100 titles} at Amazon
Primary Works
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"Search In The Desert" [1955] by Franklin Folsom
"Fury and The Mystery At Trappers' Hole" [1959] by Franklin Folsom
"Wagon Train" [1959] by Franklin Folsom
"The Story of Archaeology of The Americas" [1960] by Franklin Folsom and his wife Mary Elting Folsom
"Americas Ancient Treasures: A Guide To Archaeological Sites and Museums In The United States and Canada" [1962]
by Franklin Folsom and his wife Mary Elting Folsom pb [10/93] hc [10/93] [5/94]
"Famous Pioneers" [1963] by Franklin Folsom
![]() | "The Language Book: From Tom Toms To Telstar" [1963] by Franklin Folsom, Illustrated by John Hull & Tran Hawicke "The whole dramatic story of language: What it is . . . How it began . . . How it changes" Grosset & Dunlap 11x8½ hardcover [1963] out of print/used Grosset & Dunlap 10½x8¼ hardcover [1963] out of print/used |
"Science and The Secret of Mans Past" [1966] by Franklin Folsom
"The Answer Book of History" [1966] by Mary Elting Folsom & Franklin Folsom
"Flags of All Nations and The People Who Live Under Them" [1967] by Mary Elting Folsom & Franklin Folsom
"If You Lived In The Days of The Wild Mammoth Hunters" [1968] by Franklin Folsom and his wife Mary Elting Folsom
![]() ![]() | "The Life and Legend of George McJunkin: Black Cowboy" [ages 10 & up; 1973] by Franklin Folsom [1907-95] Afro-American cowboy George McJunkin [18511922] was born a slave in Texas and after the Civil War became a buffalo hunter, journeyman cowboy, and ranch foreman in Colorado, New Mexico & Texas; in 1908 he discovered the archeological site near Folsom, New Mexico that revolutionized thinking on the arrival of Native Americans in North America. Roberts Rinehart Forgotten Pioneers Series 8½x6 pb [5/92] out of print/used E.P. Dutton 8x5½ hardcover [12/73] out of print/used |
![]() | "Red Power On The Rio Grande: The Native American Revolution of 1680" [1973] by Franklin Folsom, Introduction by Alfonzo Ortiz won the Charles W. Follett Award Council for Indian Education 9¼x6¼ pb [9/89] out of print/used Follett Publng Co. 9x6 hardcover [3/73] for $69.43 Follett Publng Co. 9x6 textbook hardcover [3/73] out of print/used "Indian Uprising On The Rio Grande: The Pueblo Revolt of 1680" [1996] by Franklin Folsom {same book, new title} Univ New Mexico Press 8x5 pb [7/96] for $11.82 |
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Franklin Folsom was active in labor politics during the 1930s & 1940s (a possible reason for his later use of pseudonyms). Folsom was executive
secretary of The League of American Writers for five of its seven years in existence; the League was openly backed by the American Communist Party.
![]() | "Impatient Armies of The Poor: The Story of Collective Action of The Unemployed, 1808-1942" [1991] by Franklin Folsom
Univ Press of Colorado 9½x6¼ hardcover [1991] out of print/40+ used |
![]() | "Days of Anger, Days of Hope: A Memoir of The League of American Writers, 1937-1942" [1994] by Franklin Folsom
Univ Press of Colorado 9½x6½ hardcover [6/1994] out of print/40+ used |
Other  Works  of  Franklin  Folsom
Folsom also wrote under the pseudonyms Benjamin Brewster, Chase Elwell, Michael Gorham, Lyman Hopkins, Horatio D. Jones, Troy Nesbit, and Philip Stander
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Writing  as  Troy  Nesbit
browse books by Troy Nesbit {returns 29 items} at Amazon no entry at Wikipedia
Troy Nesbit Wilderness Mystery Series fansite
Troy Nesbit fanpage in U.K.
six titles in the Whitman Publishing Troy Nesbit set:
"Sand Dune Pony" [TN#1 = 1952]
"The Jinx of Payrock Canyon" [TN#2 = 1954]
"The Indian Mummy Mystery" [TN#3 = 1953]
"The Mystery At Rustlers' Fort" [TN#4 = 1957]
"The Diamond Cave Mystery" [TN#5 = 1956]
"The Forest Fire Mystery" [TN#6 = 1962]
these books were re-issued in 2013 by Taylor Trade
titles in the Harvey House Publishing re-issues set:
"Sand Dune Pony Mystery" [HH#1 = 1960]
"Mystery At Payrock Canyon" [HH#2 = 1962]
"Indian Mummy Mystery" [HH#3 = 1962]
"Mystery At Rustlers' Fort" [HH#4 = 1960]
"Diamond Cave Mystery" [HH#5 = 1962]
"The Forest Fire Mystery" [HH#6 = 1963]
"The Hidden Ruin" [HH#7 = 1966]
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Writing  As  Benjamin  Brewster
"It's A Secret" [Wonder Book 1950]
"The First Book of Cowboys" [FB#13 = 1950]
"The First Book of Indians" [1950]
"The First Book of Firemen" [FB#21 = 1951]
"Columbus, The Exploring Burro" [1951]
"The Baby Elephant" [1951, G&D Vintage 10/2015 reissue]
"The First Book of Eskimos" [1952]
"The First Book of Baseball" [1958, rev 1979]
"The Big Book of The Real Circus" [1958]
"Baseball" [1972]
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Writing  as  Michael  Gorham
"The Real Book of American Tall Tales" [RB#30 1952] by Michael Gorham and Herbert Danska
"The Real Book About Cowboys" [1952] by Michael Gorham (Author), C.L. Hartman (Illustrator)
"The Real Book About Abraham Lincoln" [] by Michael Gorham
"The Real Book About Red Indians" [1958] by Michael Gorham
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Writing  as  Lyman  Hopkins
"The Real Book About Baseball" [rev 1962] by Lyman Hopkins
Works  About  Franklin  Folsom
short memoir of working with Franklin Folsom by anthropologist George A. Agogino
Family & Friends
Franklin Brewster Folsom was born on 21 July 1907 in Boulder, Colorado; after writing over 80 books, mostly for children, he died in 1995 at age 88.
wife Mary Elting Folsom [?-2005] - widowed 1995
son Michael Folsom was born in New York City on 22 November 1938.
daughter Rachel Folsom was born in New York City in 1944 and raised in Roosevelt, New Jersey.
not to be confused with Frank M. Folsom [1894-1970] who was president of R.C.A.
L i n k s
there is no Franklin Folsom entry at Wikipedia (2017)
nor are there any credits showing for Franklin Folsom at Internet Movie Database (2017)
the Franklin Folsom Store at Amazon lists only 12 titles (2017)
search for books by author Franklin Folsom {returns 100 titles} at Amazon
the papers of Franklin Folsom are at University of Colorado, Boulder
papers of Franklin & Mary Folsom relating to The Great Peace March, 1986 are at Swarthmore University in Pennsylvania
here on the Franklin Folsom [1907-95] Page at Spirit of America Bookstore
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