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The G.O.P. Economic Meltdown
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Books,  2009  and  Later

http://www.amazon.com/Origins-Crash-Great-Bubble-Undoing/dp/B000BNPG8M/ + /0143034677/

"Fatal Risk: A Cautionary Tale of AIG's Corporat..." [4/2011] by Roddy Boyd

"What Caused The Financial Crisis" [12/2010] Edited by Jeffrey Friedman

jump to 2010 • • jump to 2015

Meltdown book by Katrina vanden Heuvel & The Nation Magazine  "Meltdown: How Greed and Corruption Shattered Our Financial System and How We Can Recover" [2009] by Katrina vanden Heuvel and the editors of "The Nation" Magazine, Introduction by William Greider
Nation Books 7x5 pb [1/2009] for $12.44
Plunder and Blunder, The Bubble Economy book by Dean Baker  "Plunder and Blunder: The Rise & Fall of The Bubble Economy" [2009]
by Dean Baker

The author is co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research in Washington, DC; the book "documents the fundamental policy changes since 1980 that destabilized the economy and eroded the broad prosperity of the post-war period"
Polipoint Press 8½x5½ pb [1/2009] for $10.85
Meltdown book by Thomas E. Woods, Jr.  "Meltdown: A Free-Market Look At Why The Stock Market Collapsed, The Economy Tanked, and Government Bailouts Will Make Things Worse" [2/2009]
by Thomas E. Woods, Jr., Foreword by Rep. Ron Paul

Historian Woods, of the Ludwig von Mises Institute in Alabama, writes with typical Libertarian wrong-headedness – de-regulate everything and things will get better, which is how we got into this mess in the first place!.
Maestro, My Ass! book by Michael Ashton  "Maestro, My Ass!: How We Got Into This Mess" [2009]
by Michael Ashton

Kindle Edition from Groundbreaking Press [3/2009] for $2.99 {sic}
Groundbreaking Press 8½x5½ pb [3/2009] for $24.95
House of Cards book by William D. Cohan  "House of Cards: A Tale of Hubris and Wretched Excess On Wall Street" [2009]
by William D. Cohan

In early March 2008, the monetary fabric of investment bank Bear Stearns, one of the world’s oldest and largest, began unraveling; ten days later, the bank no longer existed, its assets sold under duress to rival JPMorgan Chase.
Anchor Books 7¾x5¼ pb [2/2010] for $11.53
Doubleday 9½x6 hardcover [3/2009] for $18.45
Crash of 2008 & What It Means book by George Soros  "The Crash of 2008 and What It Means: The New Paradigm For Financial Markets"
[2009] by financier George Soros

PublicAffairs 7½x5 pb [3/2009] for $10.17
Bailout Nation book by Barry Ritholtz & Aaron Task  "Bailout Nation: How Greed and Easy Money Corrupted Wall Street and Shook The World Economy" [2009]
by Barry Ritholtz, with Aaron Task, Foreword by Bill Fleckenstein

Kindle Edition from Wiley & Sons [7/2009] for $10.54
Wiley & Sons 8¾x6¼ pb [7/2010] for $11.10
Wiley & Sons 9¼x6½ hardcover [5/2009] for $16.13
Fool's Gold / J.P. Morgan / Wall Street Greed book by Gillian Tett  "Fool's Gold: How The Bold Dream of A Small Tribe At J.P. Morgan Was Corrupted By Wall Street Greed and Unleashed A Catastrophe"
[2009 New York Times & Wall Street Journal bestseller] by Gillian Tett

Free Press 8½x6½ pb [4/2010] for $11.29
Abacus pb [5/2010] out of print/used
Little, Brown export edition 9¼x6 pb [3/2009] - overpriced
Free Press 9x6 hardcover [5/2009] for $23.90
"Gusha No O"gon: Daibo"so" o Unda Kin'yu" Gijutsu" Japanese-language edition [2009]
Translated by Koji Hirao & Nami Hijikata

Nihon Keizai Shinbun Shuppansha 7½x5½ tankoban pb [10/2009] for $61.44
"L'Or des Fous" French-language edition [2011]
Kindle Edition from Jardin Des Livres [5/2015] for $9.99
Jardin Des Livres 9¼x5¾ pb [1/2013] for $25.16

Street Fighters, Bear Stearns, Wall Street book by Kate Kelly  "Street Fighters: The Last 72 Hours of Bear Stearns, The Toughest Firm On Wall Street" [2009] by {Wall Street Journal reporter} Kate Kelly
This riveting hour-by-hour account of the brutal final weekend at Bear Stearns goes behind the stock prices and into the meeting rooms of top executives. As word got out that the firm was in trouble, a wave of panic selling sent the stock plummeting to $60 on the second day of the crisis, to bottom out at two dollars a share in a fire-house-sale offer from rival JPMorgan Chase.
Ace/Portfolio 8¼x5½ pb [2/2010] for $12.00
Portfolio 9x6 hardcover [5/2009] for $18.94
Looting of America book by Les Leopold  
"The Looting of America: How The Game of Fantasy Finance Destroyed Our Jobs, Pensions & Prosperity, and What We Can Do About It" [2009]
by Les Leopold

Chelsea Green Publng 8¼x5¼ pb [6/2009] for $10.17
How Wall Street's Greed & Stupidity Brought Capitalism to Its Knees book by David Faber  "And Then The Roof Caved In: How Wall Street's Greed & Stupidity Brought Capitalism To Its Knees" [2009] by David Faber {market news analyst for CNBC}
Wiley & Sons 9¼x6 hardcover [6/2009] for $17.79
Colossal Failure of Common Sense / Collapse of Lehman Brothers book by Lawrence G. McDonald  "A Colossal Failure of Common Sense: The Inside Story of The Collapse of Lehman Brothers" [2009] by Lawrence G. McDonald, with Patrick Robinson
Three Rivers Press 8x5 pb [6/2010] for $10.69
Crown Business 9¼x6¼ hardcover [7/2009] for $17.82
Ben Bernanke's War on the Great Panic book by David Wessel  "In Fed We Trust: Ben Bernanke's War On The Great Panic" [2009]
by David Wessel

Author Wessel – Wall Street Journal economics editor – gives Bernanke credit for preventing The Great Panic from morphing into something even worse.
Crown Business hardcover [8/2009] for $17.81

U.S. Federal Reserve Page at Maison d'Κtre Philosophy Bookstore

It Takes a Pillage book by Nomi Prins  
"It Takes A Pillage: Behind The Bailouts, Bonuses & Backroom Deals From Washington To Wall Street" [2009] by Nomi Prins
Wiley & Sons 9¼x6½ hardcover [9/2009] for $17.13
author website
Murder of Lehman Brothers / Global Meltdown book by Joseph Tibman  "The Murder of Lehman Brothers: An Insider's Look At The Global Meltdown" [2009]
by Joseph Tibman

Brick Tower Books 9x6¼ hardcover [10/2009] for $16.47
author's weblog
Capitalism Hits the Fan, Global Economic Meltdown book by Richard Wolff  "Capitalism Hits The Fan: The Global Economic Meltdown and What To Do About It"
[2009] by Prof. Richard D. Wolff of UMass

Olive Branch Press 9x6 pb [10/2009] for $12.24
Richard Wolff 'Capitalism Hits The Fan' lecture on DVD [2009]
Media Education Foundation hour-long color DVD [3/2009] for $19.95
author's official website
The Sellout, How Wall Street Greed Destroyed the Global Financial System book by Charles Gasparino  "The Sellout: How Three Decades of Wall Street Greed & Government Mismanagement Destroyed The Global Financial System" [2009] by Charles Gasparino
HarperBusiness 9x6¼ hardcover [11/2009] for $15.39
Hoodwinked book by Economic Hit Man John Perkins  "Hoodwinked: An Economic Hit Man Reveals Why The World Financial Markets Imploded – and What We Need To Do To Remake Them" [2009]
by John Perkins

Kindle Edition from Random House Digital [11/2009] for $9.99
Crown Business 8x5¼ pb [11/2011] for $14.00
Crown Business 8¼x5¾ hardcover [11/2009] for $16.10
How Markets Fail book by John Cassidy  "How Markets Fail: The Logic of Economic Calamities" [2009]
by John Cassidy

Picador 8¼x5½ pb [11/2010] for $10.88
FS&G 9x6 hardcover [11/2009] for $18.48
Saving Capitalism from Wall Street & Washington by Nicole Gelinas  "After The Fall: Saving Capitalism From Wall Street and Washington" [2009]
by Nicole Gelinas

Encounter Books 9½x6½ hardcover [11/2009] for $16.29
Too Big To Save / the U.S. Financial System book by Robert Pozen  "Too Big To Save? How To Fix The U.S. Financial System" [2009]
by Robert Pozen, Foreword by Robert J. Shiller

Wiley & Sons 9x6¼ hardcover [11/2009] for $19.28
Buyout of America / the Next Great Credit Crisis book by Josh Kosman  "The Buyout of America: How Private Equity Will Cause The Next Great Credit Crisis"
[2009] by Josh Kosman

Kindle Edition from Penguin/Portfolio [11/2009] for $12.99
Portfolio 8½x5½ pb [11/2010] for $12.48
Portfolio 9¼x6½ hardcover [11/2009] out of print/many used
Economic Meltdown Funnies comic book by Chuck Collins & Nick Thorkelson  "Economic Meltdown Funnies" comic book [Red Sun Press 2010]
Co-written by Chuck Collins & Nick Thorkelson; drawn by Nick Thorkelson

available only at the official book site
sponsored by Institute for Policy Studies [est. 1963] Program On Inequality & The Common Good, and Jobs With Justice [est. 1987], and Working Group on Extreme Inequality [est.2007]
Crash Course, Automobile Industry's Road to Disaster book by Paul Ingrassia  "Crash Course: The American Automobile Industry's Road From Glory To Disaster"
[2010] by Paul Ingrassia

Random House 9x6½ hardcover [1/2010] for $17.16
The Road From Ruin / How To Revive Capitalism book by Matthew Bishop & Michael Green  "The Road From Ruin: How To Revive Capitalism and Put America Back On Top"
[2010] by Matthew Bishop & Michael Green

Crown Business 9¼x6½ hardcover [1/2010] for $17.82
Freefall / Sinking of the World Economy book by Joseph E. Stiglitz  "Freefall: America, Free Markets & The Sinking of The World Economy" [2010]
by Joseph E. Stiglitz

W.W. Norton 9¼x6¼ hardcover [1/2010] for $16.34
The Race To Stop The Collapse of The Global Financial System book by Henry M. Paulson  "On The Brink: Inside The Race To Stop The Collapse of The Global Financial System" [2010] by Henry M. Paulson
Business Plus 9½x6½ pb [2/2011] for $11.60
Business Plus 9x6¼ hardcover [2/2010] for $15.94
Wall Street Financial Meltdown book by Simon Johnson & James Kwak  "13 Bankers: The Wall Street Takeover & The Next Financial Meltdown" [2010]
by Simon Johnson & James Kwak

Pantheon hardcover [3/2010] for $16.17
Slapped by the Invisible Hand / Panic of 2007 book by Gary B. Gorton  "Slapped By The Invisible Hand: The Panic of 2007" [2010]
by Gary B. Gorton

Oxford Univ Press 9¼x6½ hardcover [3/2010] for $31.95
The Big Short, Inside the Doomsday Machine book by Michael Lewis  "The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine" [New York Times bestseller 2010]
by Michael Lewis

A character-rich and darkly humorous account of how the combination of ridiculously easy money, investment broker and shareholder greed, non-regulation, and toxic derivatives caused the free fall of the American economy. Movie rights purchased before publication by Paramount Pictures for Brad Pitt's Plan B company • book entry at Wikipedia
movie tie-in Kindle Edition from W.W. Norton [11/2015] for $8.51
W.W. Norton 8¼x5½ pb [2/2011] for $8.96
W.W. Norton 9¼x6 hardcover [3/2010] for $18.36
"La Gran Apuesta (The Big Bet)" Spanish edition [2013]
Spanish-language Kindle Edition from Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial [7/2013] for $9.99
Debolsillo Spanish-language 7½x5 pb [3/2010] for $11.95
Devil's Casino / Inside Lehman Brothers book by Vicky Ward  
"The Devil's Casino: Friendship, Betrayal, and The High Stakes Games Played Inside Lehman Brothers" [2010 New York Times bestseller] by Vicky Ward
Wiley 8½x5½ pb [4/2011] for $11.20
Wiley 9¼x6½ hardcover [3/2010] for $18.45
End of Wall Street book by Roger Lowenstein  "The End of Wall Street" [2010]
by Roger Lowenstein

Penguin Press 9½x6½ hardcover [4/2010] for $9.99
Global Economic Crisis book edited by Michel Chossudovsky & Andrew Gavin Marshall  "The Global Economic Crisis: The Great Depression of The XXIst Century" [2010]
Edited by Michel Chossudovsky & Andrew Gavin Marshall

contributors include Ellen Brown, Tom Burghardt, editor Chossudovsky, Richard C. Cook, Shamus Cooke, John Bellamy Foster, Michael Hudson, Tanya Cariina Hsu, Fred Magdoff, editor Marshall, James Petras, Peter Phillips, Peter Dale Scott, Bill Van Auken, Claudia von Werlhof & Mike Whitney
Global Research Publrs 8¼x5½ pb [5/2010] for $17.13
Fault Lines / Still Threaten the World Economy book by Raghuram G. Rajan  "Fault Lines: How Hidden Fractures Still Threaten The World Economy" [2010]
by Raghuram G. Rajan

Princeton Univ Press 9¼x6 hardcover [5/2010] for $17.79
Diary of A Very Bad Year book by Keith Gessen  "Diary of A Very Bad Year: Confessions of An Anonymous Hedge Fund Manager"
[2010] by Keith Gessen

based on two years of interviews with hedge fund manager 'HSM'
Kindle Edition from HarperCollins e-books [6/2010] for $8.00
Harper Perennial 8x5¼ pb [6/2010] for $11.69
The Zeroes / Misadventures In Wall Street book by Randall Lane  "The Zeroes: My Misadventures In The Decade Wall Street Went Insane" [2010]
by Randall Lane

Mixed reviews on Amazon, but apparently well-written as well as accurate.
Kindle Edition from Penguin/Portfolio [8/2011] for $12.99
Portfolio 8½x6½ pb [8/2011] for $12.48
Portfolio 9x6½ hardcover [6/2010] out of print/100+ used
Exiles in Eden / Florida's Great Recession book by Paul Reyes  "Exiles In Eden: Life Among The Ruins of Florida's Great Recession" [2010]
by Paul Reyes

"an on-the-ground, intimate tour of the human toll of the nation's foreclosure crisis"
Henry Holt & Co. 8½x5¾ hardcover [8/2010] for $25.00
Rise and Fall of Bear Stearns book by Alan C. Greenberg  "The Rise and Fall of Bear Stearns" [2010]
by Alan C. Greenberg (former CEO & Chairman of Bear Stearns), with Mark Singer

Simon & Schuster 8x5 pb [5/2011] for $9.99
Simon & Schuster 8¾x6½ hardcover [6/2010] for $16.44
Great American Stick-Up book by Robert Scheer  "The Great American Stickup: How Reagan Republicans and Clinton Democrats Enriched Wall Street While Mugging Main Street" [2010] by Robert Scheer
Underlying these essays by leading scholars is the premise that the U.S.'s problems can be understood only in a broad historical context, that they arise not from cyclical phenomena, but structural distortions of the economy.
Nation Books 8x5½ pb [9/2010] for $10.85
Overhaul / Emergency Rescue of the Auto Industry book by Steven Rattner  "Overhaul: An Insider's Account of The Obama Administration's Emergency Rescue of The Auto Industry" [2010] by Steven Rattner
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt 9¼x6½ hardcover [9/2010] for $17.82
Bought and Paid For / Barack Obama & Wall Street book by Charles Gasparino  "Bought and Paid For: The Unholy Alliance Between Barack Obama and Wall Street"
[2010] by Charles Gasparino

Sentinel 9¼x6 hardcover [10/2010] for $17.79
The Monster / How Wall Street Bankers Fleeced America book by Michael Hudson  "The Monster: How A Gang of Predatory Lenders and Wall Street Bankers Fleeced America - and Spawned A Global Crisis" [2010] by Michael W. Hudson
St. Martin's Griffin pb [9/2011] for $10.98
Times Books 9¼x6¼ hardcover [10/2010] for $17.16
Griftopia, Breaking America book by Matt Taibbi  "Griftopia: Bubble Machines, Vampire Squids, and The Long Con That Is Breaking America" [2010] by Matt Taibbi
Spiegel & Grau pb [8/2011] for $10.88
Spiegel & Grau 9¼x6 hardcover [11/2010] for $15.71
All The Devils Are Here book by Bethany McLean & Joe Nocera  "All The Devils Are Here: The Hidden History of The Financial Crisis" [2010]
by Bethany McLean & Joe Nocera

Kindle Edition from Penguin/Portfolio [8/2011] for $13.99
Portfolio 9¼x6 pb [8/2011] for $11.56
Portfolio 9x6¼ hardcover [11/2010] for $19.53
The Financial Crisis of Our Time book by Robert W. Kolb  "The Financial Crisis of Our Time" [2011]
by Robert W. Kolb

Kindle Edition from Oxford Univ Press [1/2011] for $14.29
Oxford Univ Press hardcover [1/2011] for $30.05
Punching Out book by Paul Clemens  "Punching Out: One Year In A Closing Auto Plant" [2011]
by Paul Clemens

Kindle Edition from Random House Digital [1/2011] for $11.99
Anchor Books 8x5 pb [1/2012] for $13.85
Doubleday 8¼x5¾ hardcover [1/2011] for $17.13
Failure by Design / America's Broken Economy book by Josh Bivens  "Failure By Design: The Story Behind America's Broken Economy" [2011]
by Josh Bivens, Foreword by Lawrence Mishel

Kindle Edition from Cornell Univ Press [1/2011] for $9.99
Cornell Univ Press 9x6¼ hardcover [1/2011] for $14.03
official book page
Money for Nothing / Bankrupting America book by John Gillespie & David Zweig  "Money For Nothing: How CEOs and Boards Are Bankrupting America" [2011]
by John Gillespie & David Zweig

Free Press 8½x5½ pb [1/2011] for $11.70
The Financial Crisis & Federal Reserve Policy book by Lloyd B. Thomas  "The Financial Crisis and Federal Reserve Policy" [2011]
by Lloyd B. Thomas

Kindle Edition from Palgrave Macmillan [2/2011] for $79.79 {sic}
Palgrave Macmillan 8¼x5½ hardcover [2/2011] for $83.99
Money and Power, Goldman Sachs book by William D. Cohan  "Money and Power: How Goldman Sachs Came To Rule The World" [2011]
by William D. Cohan

Kindle Edition from Random House Digital [4/2011] for $13.99
Anchor Books pb [1/2012] for $12.21
Doubleday 9¼x6 hardcover [4/2011] for $16.94
Age of Greed / Decline of America book by Jeffrey G. Madrick  "Age of Greed: The Triumph of Finance and The Decline of America, 1970 To The Present" [2011] by Jeff Madrick
Knopf hardcover [5/2011] for $16.66
Reckless Endangerment / Economic Armageddon book by Gretchen Morgenson & Joshua Rosner  "Reckles$ Endangerment: How Outsized Ambition, Greed, and Corruption Led To Economic Armageddon" [2011] by Gretchen Morgenson & Joshua Rosner
Times Books 9¼x6¼ hardcover [5/2011] for $16.95
End This Depression Now! book by Paul Krugman  "End This Depression Now!" [2012]
by Nobel-laureate Paul Krugman

Kindle Edition from W.W. Norton & Co. [4/2012] for $9.48
W.W. Norton & Co. pb [DUE Jan 2013] for $10.85
W.W. Norton & Co. 10½x6½ hardcover [4/2012] for $14.56
Unintended Consequences apologia by Edward Conard  "Unintended Consequences: Why Everything You've Been Told About The Economy Is Wrong" [6/2012] by Edward Conard {former 'manager' at Bain Capital, no less}
Just another fascist attempt to explain away the stupidity and greed of Wall Street and the banks that intentionally caused the G.O.P. Economic Meltdown of 2008 and since.

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