literary critic
Harold  Bloom
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short profile
primary works
[on his critics] "I'm always being denounced. A few years ago I named all these people: the pseudo-feminists, the pseudo-Marxists,
the pseudo-power-and-gender freaks, as I call them. I call them all, in capital letters, the School of Resentment."
"My one distinction that I would crave as a teacher is that no two of my students resemble one another, or resemble me in any way whatsoever.
Ralph Waldo Emerson, my great hero, once said 'That which I gain from another is never instruction but only provocation'."
"If we read the Western Canon in order to form our social, political, or personal moral values, I firmly believe
[that] we will become monsters of selfishness and exploitation."
— Harold Bloom
Harold Bloom entry at Wikipedia
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Harold Bloom credits at Internet Movie Database
  Primary  Works
browse books at the Harold Bloom Store {returns 170+ items} at Amazon poets 4/2005 2006 2007 2006 epic 4/2005
"Romanticism and Consciousness: Essays In Criticism" [Norton, 1970]
"The Anxiety of Influence: The Theory of Poetry" [Oxford Univ Press, 1973]
"The Map of Misreading" [Oxford Univ Press, 1975]
![]() | "The Bright Book of Life: Novels To Read and Reread" [2020] by Harold Bloom  ![]() Kindle Edition from Knopf [11/2020] for $15.99 Knopf 9½x6½ hardcover [11/2020] for $22.70 'this ambitious final book of Bloom's career is elegant and insightful' and includes these works: "Emma" [1815], "Persuasion" [1817], and "Pride and Prejudice" [1813] by Jane Austen; "The Loser (Der Untergeher)" [Germany 1983] by Thomas Bernhard; "The Death of The Heart" [1938] by Elizabeth Bowen; "Wuthering Heights" [1847] by Emily Brontë; "The Master and Margarita" [Russia 1967] by Mikhail Bulgakov; "Nostromo" [1904] and "The Secret Agent: A Simple Tale" [1907] and "Under Western Eyes" [1911] by Joseph Conrad; The Vautrin Saga: "Old Goriot" [1835], "Lost Illusions" [1837-43], and "The Splendor and Misery of The Courtesans" [1838-47] by Honoré de Balzac; "Don Quixote" [Spain 1605 + 1615] by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra; "Book of Numbers" [2015] by Joshua Cohen; "Bleak House" [1852-53] and "Our Mutual Friend" [1864-65] by Charles Dickens; "The Brothers Karamazov" [Russia 1879-80] by Fyodor Dostoevsky; "Invisible Man" by [1952] Ralph Ellison; "Absalom, Absalom!" [1936] by William Faulkner; "Tom Jones" [1749] by Henry Fielding; "Madame Bovary: Provincial |
Manners" [France 1856] by Gustave Flaubert;
"The Return of The Native" [1878] by Thomas Hardy;
"Les Misérables" [France 1862] by Victor Hugo;
"The Ambassadors" [1903] and "The Princess Casamassima" [1885-86] by Henry James;
"Ulysses" [1922] by James Joyce;
"The Rainbow" [1915] and sequel "Women In Love" [1920] by D.H. Lawrence;
"The Dis-possessed" [1974] and "The Left Hand of Darkness" [1969] by Ursula K. Le Guin;
"The Magic Mountain (Der Zauberberg)" [Germany 1924] by Thomas Mann;
"I Promessi Sposi (The Betrothed)" [Italy 1827] by Alessandro Manzoni;
"Blood Meridian: or, The Evening Redness In The West" [1985] by Cormac McCarthy;
"Moby-Dick" [1851] by Herman Melville;
"In Search of Lost Time (À La Recherche du Temps Perdu)" [7 volumes 1913-27] by Marcel Proust;
"The Captain’s Daughter" [Russia 1836] by Alexander Pushkin;
"Clarissa: or, The History of A Young Lady" [1748] by Samuel Richardson;
"The Rings of Saturn: An English Pilgrimage (Die Ringe des Saturn: Eine Englische Wallfahrt)" [Germany 1995, English 1998] by W.G. Sebald;
"The Charterhouse of Parma" [1839] and "The Red and the Black (Le Rouge et Le Noir: Chronique du XIXe Siècle)" [1830] by Stendhal;
"Vanity Fair: Pen and Pencil Sketches of English Society" [1847-48] by William Makepeace Thackeray;
"Anna Karenina" [1873-78] and "The Cossacks" [1863] and "Hadji Murat" [1912-17] and "War and Peace" [1869] by Leo Tolstoy; "A Sportsman’s Notebook" [stories 1852] and "First Love" [1860] by Ivan Turgenev; "The Reef" [1912] by Edith Wharton; and "To The Lighthouse" [1927] by Virginia Woolf |
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Bloom's  Major / Great  Writers
The 36 individual volumes are mostly still in print, and I had planned to code them all 'someday', but I soon realized that these books are not much different than Cliff's Notes for students who cheat; page count ranges from 70 to 150 per book, and some may still be useful – the plan now is to code such Bloom Notes books as I happen to code new full pages for the various authors.
The combined set of three dozen volumes was published in December 1999 and is no longer available as a set (2013).
![]() | "Kurt Vonnegut (Bloom's Great Writers)" biography [2004] by John Tomedi
Chelsea House 9x6 hardcover [4/2004] for $31.95 |
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Bloom's  Major  Short  Story  Writers  Series
![]() | "Bloom's Major Short Story Writers" multi-volume set [1998] Edited by Harold Bloom 15 volumes include guides to authors William Faulkner, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, O. Henry, James Joyce, Herman Melville, Flannery O'Connor, Edgar Allan Poe, J.D. Salinger, John Steinbeck, Mark Twain, Eudora Welty, three more Chelsea House Publng 9x6 hardcover set [9/2005] out of print/ SOLD OUT ! Chelsea House Publng 9½x6½ hardcover set [11/98] list $275.40 - out of print/ SOLD OUT ! |
![]() | "O. Henry (Bloom's Major Short Story Writers)" [1998] Edited & with an Introduction by Harold Bloom Chelsea House 9¼x6¾ library hardcover [12/98] out of print/used |
![]() | "Rudyard Kipling (Bloom's Major Short Story Writers)" [2003] Edited & with an Introduction by Harold Bloom Chelsea House Publng 9¼x6¼ library hardcover [8/2003] for $28.76 |
![]() | "Herman Melville (Bloom's Major Short Story Writers) - Comprehensive Research and Study Guide" [1998] Edited & with an Introduction by Harold Bloom Chelsea House Publng 9¾x6¼ library hardcover [5/98] for $31.95 |
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Bloom's  Modern  Critical  Interpretations  Series
all books in this section are edited by Harold Bloom and published by Chelsea House
![]() | "C.S. Lewis's Chronicles of Narnia (Bloom's Modern Critical Interpretations)" [2006]
Chelsea House Publns 9½x6½ library hardcover [7/2006] for $45.00 Chelsea House Publns library hardcover [7/2006] out of print/used see also the C.S. Lewis [1898-1963] Page at Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore |
![]() | "John Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath (Bloom's Modern Critical Interpretations)" [2006]
Chelsea House Publns 9½x6 library hardcover [11/2006] for $45.00 see also Spirit of America Bookstore's John Steinbeck [1902-68] Page |
![]() | "Louisa May Alcott's Little Women (Bloom's Modern Critical Interpretations)" [2016]
Chelsea House Publng 9½x6½ hardcover [10/2016] not found at Amazon or B&N (2020) see also Spirit of America Bookstore's Louisa May Alcott [1832-88] Page |
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Bloom's  Critical  Views  Series
"Edgar Allan Poe" (Bloom's Modern Critical Views)" [1985]
![]() | "Emily Dickinson (Bloom's Modern Critical Views)" [1985] Edited & Introduction by Harold Bloom contains Introduction by Bloom, a brief biography, a life chronology, sixteen essays (Joyce Carol Oates, Adrienne Rich, Allen Tate, others) Kindle Edition from Chelsea House Publng [2008 edition] for $45.00 {sic} Chelsea House Publng 9¼x6¼ pb [8/2002] out of print/used Chelsea House Publng 9½x6½ hardcover [rev 8/2008] for $10.83 Chelsea House Publng 8¾x6¾ hardcover [8/2002] out of print/used Chelsea House Publng 9½x6½ hardcover [1985] out of print/40+ used |
![]() | "Albert Camus (Bloom's Modern Critical Views)" [1989]
Chelsea House 9½x6 hardcover [4/2003] for $35.00 Chelsea House 9½x6½ hardcover [2/89] out of print/used |
"Louisa May Alcott (Modern Critical Views" [1994] by literary critic Harold Bloom [1930-2019]
Chelsea House Publng hardcover [4/94] out of print/SOLD OUT !
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Bloom's  Poetry  Series
![]() | "Walt Whitman (Bloom's Major Poets)" [grades 7-12; 1999] Edited & with an Introduction by Harold Bloom Chelsea House Publrs 9¼x6¼ hardcover [2/99] for $27.96 |
![]() | "The Best Poems of The English Language: From Chaucer Through Frost" [2004] Selected and with Commentary by Harold Bloom includes a substantial & significant introductory essay "The Art of Reading Poetry", plus "an abundance [of poetry] that can never be exhausted" Harper Perennial 9x6½ pb [8/2007] for $15.68 Harper 9¼x6 library hardcover [8/2007] for $27.89 Harper 9¼x6½ hardcover [3/2004] out of print/70+ used |
Other  Works
[ Coming Soon ] **
Movies & Television,  Stageplays,  Other  Media
Harold Bloom credits at Internet Movie Database
"In Search of Angels" documentary [indep Aug 1994]
![]() | "The meaning, myth, and allure of angels" • the audio CDs seem to be instrumental and light choral tracks related to the movie {not a soundtrack album per se} • Produced by Kate Coe; directed by Ken Short; music by Malcolm Dalglish; narrated by Debra Winger; featuring Harold Bloom, Sophy Burnham, Mordecai Finley, Rickie Lee Jones, Tony Kushner •
credits at IMDb
DVD/Blu-ray not available 60-minute Perennial Ent. color VHS [11/99] for $7.00 45-minute Cerebellum Corp. color VHS [2/99] out of prodn/used BMG/Windham Hill/Valley audio CD [10/2012] for $11.99 Sony Legacy audio CD [8/94] for $31.68 |
"William Shakespeare: A Life of Drama" documentary [2000]
"My Fair Lady: Loverly" documentary [2001] episode of "Omnibus" TV series
"Charlie Rose" TV show with Azar Nafisi, Harold Bloom, Matilda Cuomo [aired 18 April 2003]
"Charlie Rose" TV show [aired 27 October 2005]
"Apparition of The Eternal Church" documentary [2006] = sold out
"The Mormons: Part I" documentary [2007] episode of "American Experience" TV series
"Charlie Rose" TV show [aired 10 November 2011]
"Even Though The Whole World Is Burning" documentary [2014]
"W.S. Merwin: To Plant A Tree" documentary [2016]
Works  About  Harold  Bloom
"Harold Bloom: The Rhetoric of Romantic Vision" [Univ Massachusetts Press 1985] by David Fite
"A Recent Imagining: Interviews with Harold Bloom, Geoffrey Hartman, J. Hillis Miller, Paul De Man" [Archon 1986] by Robert Moynihan
"Harold Bloom: Toward Historical Rhetorics" [Routledge 1988] by Peter De Bolla
"Harold Bloom: Poetics of Conflict" [Harvester Wheatsheaf 1994] by Graham Allen
"The Saving Lie: Harold Bloom and Deconstruction" [Northwestern 2011] by Agata Bielik-Robson ISBN 978-0-8101-2728-9
"The Salt Companion to Harold Bloom" [Salt Publng 2007] Edited by Roy Sellars & Graham Allen ISBN 9781876857202
"10 Questions with Harold Bloom" [Time Magazine May 11, 2015] by Daniel D'Addario
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Harold Bloom entry at Wikipedia
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Harold Bloom credits at Internet Movie Database
official website at Yale University
Sterling Professor of the Humanities at Yale University
Henry W. & Albert A. Berg Professor of English at New York University Graduate School
here on the literary critic Harold Bloom [1930-2019] Page at Spirit of America Bookstore
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