When George Dubya took office as President in January 2001, the United States
had a budget surplus and
the National Debt stood at $5,727,776,738,304.64.
Mismanagement of government spending by the Bush administration increased that
official debt to $10,626,877,048,913.08 as-of 20 January 2009, an increase of 51.5%.
At the end of Bush 43's administration, the full Republican National Debt of TWENTY-FIVE TRILLION dollars breaks down as follows: 12 trillion dollars of official debt, 5 trillion dollars of subprime mortgage paper (owned by collapsed Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac), 3 trillion dollars of deferred infrastructure maintenance, one trillion dollars for bringing the troops home from Iraq, 2 trillion dollars of Wall Street bailout money, one trillion of Detroit automaker bailout money, and another trillion for contingencies. George Dubya Bush ran up more debt than any other human being in the history of Mankind.
The current official National Debt is now
{moot} 2013/2014 Elections Page at Working Minds website
Working Minds Essay #108: Civilization Is Imploding [July 2015]
{moot} 2015/2016 Elections Page at Working Minds website
Obama and his team had a very tough road ahead of them, and the relentless media and amoral political
money machine of the Oligarchs and fascists and the Republican Party carried the day in November 2016,
which has caused the end of democracy in America.
{moot} 2017/2018 Elections Page at Working Minds website
2019/2020 Pre-Election Races at Working Minds website
Next National Elections Page at Working Minds website {redirect}
- 2135: An asteroid named Bennu is currently hurtling towards our planet, and while the chance of it actually colliding with us is slim - 1 in 2,700 - N.A.S.A. is getting ready. Just in case. The asteroid is the size of the Empire State building and N.A.S.A. is working on a contingency plan because 'they don't want to die at the hands of a catastrophic fireball of annihilation', same as the rest of us.
global warming / climate change / species extinction
Earth's Biosphere Page at Working Minds website
Books on the Subject of Earth's Biosphere
Movies on the Subject of Earth's Biosphere, Climate Change, and the Water Crisis
Working Minds essay #60 "Climate & Politics" [June 2006]
Working Minds essay #66 "Cooling The Planet" [December 2006]
pollution / drought / The Water Cartel
Thousands have lived without love, not one without water.
— W.H. Auden [1907-1973]
Earth's Biosphere Page at Working Minds website
Books on the Subject of The Water Crisis
Movies on the Subject of the Water Crisis
Water Heritage Trust [est. 1985]
The Media Cartel / The Energy Cartel / The Water Cartel
Big Oil / Big Media / Big Pharma / Agribusiness
Working Minds 'Corporations vs. America' Page
Books on the Subject of 'Corporations vs. America'
Working Minds Business & Economic Monopolies Page
Working Minds Philosophy's Barbarians & Fascists Pages
Working Minds Philosophy's Fascists & Barbarians Pages
Working Minds essay #42 "The Oligarchy" [April 2004]
Working Minds essay #113 "No More July Fourth For Me" [June 2017]
Big Pharma
Working Minds / Things To Worry About / Health Care Issues Page
Books on the Subject of Health Care
Movies on the Subject of Health & Health Care
Working Minds / Things To Worry About / War & Peace Page
Books on the Subject of War & Peace
The Wuhan coronavirus pandemic was a big surprise but it soon became obvious that it was not going away,
so I started a coronavirus 2020 page in February; I also posted events in New Mexico USA, where I live now,
and that section grew large enough to cut to a separate NM page in July.
2046 Valentine's Day: An asteroid roughly the size of an Olympic swimming pool
has about a 1-in-560 chance of hitting Earth, per N.A.S.A. (2023).
  | "A Short History of Progress" bestseller [2004] by Ronald Wright
Kindle Edition from Da Capo Press [2004 edition] for $9.99
Da Capo Press 8x5½ pb [3/2004] for $13.15
Canongate Books Ltd. 8½x5½ hardcover [3/2005] out of print/used
  | "2045: A Story of Our Future" [2009] by Peter Seidel A dystopian novel describing what life will be like when eight dominant mega-companies rule every aspect of the planet - commerce, politics, and even the internet.
Kindle Edition from Prometheus Books [3/2009] for $10.31
Prometheus Books 9x6 pb [3/2009] for $15.00
  | "Collapse" documentary feature [Bluemark/Vitagraph Nov 2009] Author & blogger Ruppert's warning about the 2008 economic collapse happened as he predicted; he is now warning of a systemic & societal breakdown that may interrupt the food chain for humans Co-produced & directed by Chris Smith; based on interviews and Michael Ruppert's book
full credits at IMDb
official movie site
movie entry at Wikipedia
M.P.I. Home Video widescreen color DVD [6/2010] for $12.12
  | "Confronting Collapse: The Crisis of Energy and Money In a Post-Peak-Oil World" [2009] by Michael Ruppert, Foreword by Colin Campbell, PhD
Kindle Edition from Chelsea Green Publng [12/2009] for $9.75
Chelsea Green Publng 8¼x5¼ pb [12/2009] for $10.74
  | "Sic Semper Tyrannis: A Novel of Liberty and The American Future" [2010] by Seamus Branaugh Set in the early XXIIIrd Century; after the collapse of the U.S. federal government, walled city-state fiefdoms survive and compete, with vast lawless wastelands between them; one Florida CEO is unjustly banished and survives by teaching people to read, while forming them into 'companies' that are soon ready to attack Tampa.
Kindle Edition from Silver Lake Publng [8/2010] for $5.99
Silver Lake Publng 9¼x6½ hardcover [5/2010] for $15.56
  | "The Reckoning: A Novel of The End of The United States" [2011] by Seamus Branaugh Described as the prequel to "Sic Semper Tyrannis", this book relates the bankruptcy and collapse of the U.S. federal government from four different perspectives: the President of the U.S.A., the heir of a Florida banking fortune, a Wall Street currency trader, and the head of a small California-based technology firm.
Kindle Edition from Silver Lake Publng [6/2011] for $2.99 {sic}
Silver Lake Publng 9x6 pb [9/2012] for $13.57
  | "Surviving Progress" documentary [Canada 2011, USA 2012] 'Inspired by' Ronald Wright's bestselling "A Short History of Progress"; shows how past civilizations were destroyed by 'progress traps' - alluring technologies and belief systems that serve immediate needs, but ransom the future - and how civilization on Planet Earth may be approaching a similar fate Written & directed by Mathieu Roy & Harold Crooks; featuring Stephen W. Hawking, Jane Goodall, Margaret Atwood, David Suzuki, J. Craig Venter & Ronald Wright
First Run Features widescreen color DVD [9/2012] for $18.28
full credits at IMDb
official movie site
watch official trailer [2:02] at YouTube
"Lights Out: How It All Ends" for Kindle [2012] The editors of Scientific American look at several 'end of the world' scenarios or at least, things that could make human life really difficult . . .
235-page Kindle Edition from Scientific American Magazine [12/2012] for $4.99
  | "America 2020" [2014] by Porter Stansberry Conspiracy theorist Porter Stansberry foments the idea that some group of oligarchs are definitely going to declare an 'America Jubilee' that wipes away all debt for the (disappearing) American Middle Class, which will disrupt the banking systems of the entire world. The project began in 2010 and is still paying for lame ads ('watch the captioned video, learn nothing, you gotta buy the book')
"America 2020: The Survival Blueprint" [2014] Foreword by Dr. Ron Paul (in 2015 edition}
self-publd 8½x5¾ pb [2014] out of print/used
self-publd 8½x5½ hardcover [2015] out of print/hundreds used
"America 2020, Volume II: How the Richest Men in America Are Protecting Their Wealth Right Now" [2016]
self-publd 8¼x5¾ hardcover [2016] out of print/used
  | "Ten Lessons For A Post-Pandemic World" [2020]   by Fareed Zakaria the ten topics discussed are: buckling up, quality government, markets, experts, digital life, socialization, inequality, globalization, the bipolar world, and realism/idealism
Kindle Edition from W.W. Norton & Co. [10/2020] for $9.32
W.W. Norton & Co. hardcover [10/2020] for $17.64
Spirit of America Bookstore's U.S. History Timeline Pages
Ancient Times - 3500 B.C.E to 1490
The Biden-Harris Era
The Looming Future? {top of this page}