{ Page Three: Collections & Anthologies }
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collections & anthologies anthology series non-series anthologies recently published
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"Science fiction, outside of poetry, is the only literary field which has no limits, no parameters whatsoever. You can go not only
into the future, but into that wonderful place called other, which is simply another universe, another planet, another species."
— Theodore Sturgeon [1918-85]
"Science fiction is no more written for scientists than ghost stories are written for ghosts."
— Brian W. Aldiss
science fiction entry at Wikipedia
browse Science Fiction Bestseller Books at Amazon
search on keywords 'science fiction' {returns only 34 titles} at Internet Movie Database
Internet Speculative Fiction Database [est. 1995]
official ISFDb website •
ISFDb entry at Wikipedia
The New York Review of Science Fiction [est. Sept 1988]
Cyber Film Festival at Magic Lantern Video & Book Store
Science Fiction Film Festival at Magic Lantern Video & Book Store
Collections & Anthologies & Guides
anthology series {just below} • non-series anthologies • recently published
"The Science Fiction Hall of Fame" anthologies [1970-1986]
"The Greatest Science Fiction Stories of All Time Chosen By The members of The Science Fiction Writers of America"
![]() | "The Science Fiction Hall of Fame, Volume 1: 1929-1964" [26 stories 1970] Edited by Robert Silverberg includes 26 stories by authors Isaac Asimov, Alfred Bester, Jerome Bixby, James Blish, Anthony Boucher, Ray Bradbury, Fredric Brown, John W. Campbell Jr., Arthur C. Clarke, Lester del Rey, Tom Godwin, Robert A. Heinlein, Daniel Keyes, Damon Knight, C.M. Kornbluth, Fritz Leiber, Murray Leinster, Richard Matheson, Judith Merril, Lewis Padgett, Clifford D. Simak, Cordwainer Smith, Theodore Sturgeon, A.E. van Vogt, Stanley G. Weinbaum, and Roger Zelazny Orb Books 8¼x5½ pb [1/2005] for $16.33 Avon Books mass pb [1971] out of print/many used Avon Books mass pb [1971] out of print/used Doubleday 8¼x5&34 hardcover [6/70] out of print/many used Doubleday 8¼x5&34 hardcover [6/70] out of print/50+ used |
![]() | "The Science Fiction Hall of Fame, Volume Two A" [12 novellas 1973] Edited by Ben Bova 'The Greatest Science Fiction Novellas of All Time', Part A: 12 novellas by Poul Anderson, John W. Campbell, Lester del Rey, Robert A. Heinlein, C.M. Kornbluth, Henry Kuttner & C.L. Moore, Eric Frank Russell, Cordwainer Smith, Theodore Sturgeon, H.G. Wells, and Jack Williamson Orb Books 8¼x5½ pb [7/2009] for $18.54 Orb Books 8x5½ pb [2/2010] for $19.95 Avon Books mass pb [6/74] out of print/40+ used Doubleday & Co. Book Club 8¼x5&34 hardcover [1973] out of print/used |
![]() | "The Science Fiction Hall of Fame, Volume Two B" [11 novellas 1973] Edited by Ben Bova 'The Greatest Science Fiction Novellas of All Time', Part B: 11 more novellas by Ray Bradbury, James Blish, Algis Budrys, Theodore Cogswell, E.M. Forster, Frederik Pohl, James H. Schmitz, T.L. Sherred, Wilmar H. Shiras, Clifford D. Simak, and Jack Vance Orb Books 8x5½ pb [2/2010] for $19.95 Avon Books mass pb [6/83] out of print/40+ used Avon Books mass pb [1974] out of print/used Tor Books 8x6 hardcover [4/2008] out of print/many used Doubleday & Co. 8x5½ hardcover [1973] out of print/used |
![]() | "The Science Fiction Hall of Fame, Volume III: Nebula Winners, 1965-1969" [16 stories 1982] Edited by Arthur C. Clarke & George W. Proctor includes 16 stories by authors Brian W. Aldiss, Samuel R. Delany (2), Gordon R. Dickson, Harlan Ellison ("Repent, Harlequin! Said the Ticktockman" and "A Boy and His Dog"), Fritz Leiber, Anne McCaffrey, Richard McKenna, Michael Moorcock, Robert Silverberg, Jack Vance, Kate Wilhelm, Richard Wilson, and Roger Zelazny (2) Avon Books mass pb [3/82] out of print/used Avon Books 8¼x5¾ hardcover [3/82] out of print/used Avon Book Club 8¼x5¾ hardcover [3/82] out of print/used |
![]() | "The Science Fiction Hall of Fame, Volume IV: Nebula Winners, 1970-1974" [14 stories 1986] Edited by Terry Carr includes 14 stories by authors Poul Anderson, Gregory Benford, Arthur C. Clarke, Gordon Eklund, Ursula K. Le Guin, Fritz Leiber, Katherine MacLean, Vonda N. McIntyre, Joanna Russ, Robert Silverberg (2), Theodore Sturgeon, James Tiptree Jr., and Gene Wolfe Avon Books mass pb [6/86] out of print/used |
"Nebula Winners Twelve" [1978] Edited by Gordon R. Dickson
"Nebula Winners Thirteen" [1980] by Edited Samuel R. Delany
"Nebula Winners Fourteen" [1982] Edited by Frederik Pohl
"Nebula Winners Fifteen" [2/1983] Edited by Frank Herbert
"Nebula Winners Sixteen" [1984] Edited by Jerry Pournelle
"Nebula Awards 27: S.F.W.A.'s Choices For The Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of The Year" [4/1993] Edited by James Morrow
"Nebula Awards 28" [4/1994] Edited by James Morrow
"Nebula Awards 30" [4/1996] Edited by Pamela Sargent
"Nebula Awards 31" [4/1997] Edited by Pamela Sargent
"Nebula Awards 32" [4/1998] Edited by Jack Dann
"The Nebula Awards Showcase 2000" [4/2000] by Gregory Benford
"The Nebula Awards Showcase 2008" [4/2008] by Ben Bova
"The Nebula Awards Showcase 2009" [4/2009] by Ellen Datlow
"The Nebula Awards Showcase 2010" [4/2010] by Bill Fawcett
"The Nebula Awards Showcase 2011" [5/2011] by Kevin J. Anderson
"The Nebula Awards Showcase 2014" [5/2014] by Kij Johnson
World's Best Science Fiction: 1965
World's Best Science Fiction: 1966
World's Best Science Fiction: 1967
World's Best Science Fiction: 1968
World's Best Science Fiction: 1969
World's Best Science Fiction: 1970
World's Best Science Fiction: 1971
https://www.amazon.com/Annual-Worlds-Best-Science-Fiction/dp/0879970057/ pb 1972
https://www.amazon.com/1973-Annual-Worlds-Best-SF/dp/0879970537/ pb
https://www.amazon.com/1977-Annual-Worlds-Best-SF/dp/0879972971/ pb
https://www.amazon.com/1977-Annual-Worlds-Best-Sf/dp/B000CE8EQ6/ hc
https://www.amazon.com/Annual-Worlds-Best-Science-Fiction/dp/0879974591/ 1979
https://www.amazon.com/Annual-Worlds-Best-Science-Fiction/dp/0879975350/ 1980 pb
https://www.amazon.com/Donald-Wollheim-Presents-Annual-Worlds/dp/B000GQWQD2/ 1981
Edited by Gardner Dozois [1947-2018]
"The Year's Best Science Fiction Annual Collection" [#1 = 1984]
"The Year's Best Science Fiction Annual Collection" [#2 = 1985]
"The Year's Best Science Fiction Annual Collection" [#3 = 1986]
"The Year's Best Science Fiction Annual Collection" [#4 = 1987]
"The Year's Best Science Fiction Annual Collection" [#5 = 1988]
"The Year's Best Science Fiction Annual Collection" [#6 = 1989]
"The Year's Best Science Fiction Annual Collection" [#7 = 1990]
"The Year's Best Science Fiction Annual Collection" [#8 = 1991]
"The Year's Best Science Fiction Annual Collection" [#9 = 1992]
"The Year's Best Science Fiction Annual Collection" [#10 = 1993]
"The Year's Best Science Fiction Annual Collection" [#11 = 1994]
"The Year's Best Science Fiction Annual Collection" [#12 = 1995]
"The Year's Best Science Fiction Annual Collection" [#13 = 1996]
"The Year's Best Science Fiction Annual Collection" [#14 = 1997]
"The Year's Best Science Fiction Annual Collection" [#15 = 1998]
"The Year's Best Science Fiction Annual Collection" [#16 = 1999]
"The Year's Best Science Fiction Annual Collection" [#17 = 2000]
"The Year's Best Science Fiction Annual Collection" [#18 = 2001]
"The Year's Best Science Fiction Annual Collection" [#19 = 2002]
"The Year's Best Science Fiction Annual Collection" [#20 = 2003]
"The Year's Best Science Fiction Annual Collection" [#21 = 2004]
"The Best of The Best: 20 Years of The Year's Best Science Fiction" [2005]
"The Year's Best Science Fiction Annual Collection" [#22 = 2005]
"The Year's Best Science Fiction Annual Collection" [#23 = 2006]
"The Best of The Best, Volume 2: 20 Years of The Year's Best Short Science Fiction Novels" [2007]
"The Year's Best Science Fiction Annual Collection" [#24 = 2007)
"The Year's Best Science Fiction Annual Collection" [#25 = 2008]
"The Year's Best Science Fiction Annual Collection" [#26 = 2009]
"The Year's Best Science Fiction Annual Collection" [#27 = 2010]
"The Year's Best Science Fiction Annual Collection" [#28 = 2011]
"The Year's Best Science Fiction Annual Collection" [#29 = 2012]
"The Year's Best Science Fiction Annual Collection" [#30 = 2013]
"The Year's Best Science Fiction Annual Collection" [#31 = 2014]
"The Year's Best Science Fiction Annual Collection" [#32 = 2015]
"The Year's Best Science Fiction Annual Collection" [#33 = 2016]
"The Year's Best Science Fiction Annual Collection" [#34 = 2017]
"The Year's Best Science Fiction Annual Collection" [#35 = 2018]
![]() | "The Very Best of The Best: 35 Years of The Year's Best Science Fiction" [38 stories 2019] Edited by Gardner Dozois [1947-2018] Kindle Edition from St. Martin's Press/Macmillan [2/2019] for $11.99 St. Martin's Griffin 9½x6½ pb [2/2019] for $15.77 St. Martin's Griffin 9½x6½ hardcover [2/2019] for $24.75 |
![]() |   | "The Science Fiction Galaxy" anthology [1950] Edited by Groff Conklin [1904-68]
'Twelve oustanding stories by top writers': Introduction by editor Conklin; "The Machine Stops" by E.M. Forster; "As Easy As A.B.C." by Rudyard Kipling; "The Derelict" by William Hope Hodgson; "The Fires Within" by Arthur C. Clarke; "A Child Is Crying" by John D. MacDonald; "Quis Custodiet .... ?" by Margaret St. Clair; "The Life-Work of Professor Muntz" by Murray Leinster; "The Appendix and The Spectacles" by Miles J. Breuer; "Death From The Stars" by A. Rowley Hilliard; "The Hurkle Is A Happy Beast" by Theodore Sturgeon; "King of The Gray Spaces" by Ray Bradbury; and "The Living Galaxy" by Laurence Manning • book entry at Wikipedia Perma Books pb [1950] out of print/scarce Perma Books hardcover [1950] out of print/used available as free online flip-book [upload 2/2021] at Internet Archive |
![]() |   | "Science Fiction Thinking Machines" [1954] Edited by Groff Conklin [1904-68] The following are in both the hardback edition & the abridged "Selections From ..." softback edition: Introduction by editor Conklin; "Robbie" by Isaac Asimov; "Virtuoso" by Herbert Goldstone; "Boomerang" by Eric Frank Russell; "The Jester" by William Tenn; "Skirmish" by Clifford D. Simak; "Men Are Different" by Alan Bloch; "Letter To Ellen" by Chan Davis; "The Golden Egg" by Theodore Sturgeon; "Dead End" by W. Macfarlane; "Sam Hall" by Poul Anderson; "Dumb Waiter" by Walter M. Miller, Jr.; "Problem For Emmy" by Robert Sherman Townes • The hardback edition also includes: "R.U.R." stageplay by Karel Capek, translated by Paul Selver; "The Mechanical Bride" teleplay by Fritz Leiber; "Moxon's Master" by Ambrose Bierce; "Automata: I, Automata: II, and Automata: III" by S. Fowler Wright; "The Scarab" by Raymond Z. Gallun; "Soldier Boy" by Michael Shaara; "Sculptors of Life" by Wallace West; "Answer" by Hal Clement; and "Selected List of Tales About Robots, Androids, and Computers" by editor Conklin • book entry at Wikipedia 12 stories Bantam Books mass pb [1955] out of print/used 22 stories Vanguard Press hardcover [1954] out of print/used |
![]() |   | "A Century of Science Fiction" [1962] Edited by Damon Knight [1922-2002] Contributing authors are: J.H. Rosny aîné ('Another World'); Brian W. Aldiss ('But Who Can Replace A Man?'); Poul Anderson ('Call Me Joe'); Isaac Asimov ('Reason'); Alfred Bester ('Of Time and Third Avenue'); Ambrose Bierce ('Moxon's Master', 1899); Marion Zimmer Bradley ('The Wind People'); Arthur C. Clarke ('The Star'); Philip Jose Farmer ('Sail On! Sail On!'); Edmond Hamilton ('What's It Like Out There?'); Robert A. Heinlein ('Sky Lift'); Frank Herbert ('Cease Fire'); Keith Laumer (excerpt from 'Worlds of The Imperium'); Katherine Maclean ('Unhuman Sacri-fice'); Fitz-James O'Brien ('What Was It?'); Edgar Pangborn ('Angel's Egg'); Mack Reynolds ('The Business, As Usual'); Will Stanton ('You Are With It!'); Olaf Stapledon (excerpt from 'Odd John'); Theodore L. Thomas ('Day of Succession'); Mark Twain ('From The London Times of 1904', 1898); Claude Veillot ('The First Days of May'); Jules Verne (excerpt from 'Twenty-Thousand Leagues Under The Sea', 1870); Stanley G. Wein-baum (excerpt from'The Ideal', 1935); and H.G. Wells ('The Crystal Egg' and excerpt from 'The Time Machine', 1895) Dell mass pb [2/63] out of print/used Dell #1157 mass pb [2/63] out of print/used Simon & Schuster 8¼x5¾ hardcover [1962] out of print/used |
![]() | "Great Science Fiction By Scientists" [16 stories; 1962] Edited with an Introduction and story prefaces by Groff Conklin 'Imaginative tales' by Arthur C. Clarke, Isaac Asimov, J.B.S. Haldane, Julian Huxley, Norbert Wiener, Leo Szilard, and ten others Collier Books mass pb [1973] out of print/used Collier Books mass pb [1972] out of print/used |
![]() | "100 Years of Science Fiction: Outstanding Stories of Worlds of Tomorrow • Aliens On Earth and Elsewhere • Other Dimensions • Mutants and Monsters • Marvelous Inventions • The Mysterious Universe • by 21 Outstanding Writers of Science Fiction" [1968] Edited by Damon Knight Contributing authors include: Poul Anderson, J.G. Ballard, Ambrose Bierce, Anthony Boucher, Arthur C. Clarke, A.J. Deutsch, Gordon R. Dickson, Rudyard Kipling, editor Knight, C.M. Kornbluth, Fritz Leiber, Murray Leinster, Thomas McMorrow, Kris Neville, J.H. Rosny (aîné), Theodore Sturgeon, and H.G. Wells Pan U.K. import mass pb [1972] for $0.00 Simon & Schuster 9x6½ hardcover [1968] out of print/used |
![]() | "Twenty Years of The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction" [1970] Edited by Edward L. Ferman & Robert P. Mills, Introduction by Isaac Asimov Berkley 7x5 pb [1970] out of print/used G.P. Putnam's Sons hardcover [1970] out of print/used |
![]() |   | "Science Fiction: The Future" [1971] Edited by Dick Allen Some of the most unusual science fiction stories, ever: essays & Introduction by editor Allen; poems by Allen Ginsberg ('Poem Rocket', 1960), Kenneth Koch, D.M. Thomas & Richard Wilbur; essays by Kingsley Amis, Isaac Asimov, Gerald Heard, Arthur Koestler, David Lyle, Susan Sontag, John P. Sisk, and Time Magazine; and short fiction by: Donald Barthelme; Ray Bradbury ("To The Chicago Abyss" 1963); Arthur C. Clarke ("History Lesson" 1949); Harlan Ellison "Repent, Harlequin! Said The Ticktockman" 1965); E.M. Forster (novelette "The Machine Stops" 1909); Nathaniel Hawthorne; Robert A. Heinlein ("They" 1941 and "The Green Hills of Earth" 1947); George MacBeth; Frederik Pohl; Bob Shaw; Isaac Bashevis Singer; Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. ("Harrison Bergeron" 1961); H.G. Wells (excerpt from "The Time Machine" 1895 and novelette "The Country of The Blind" 1904); and Roger Zelazny unknown publr 8¼x5½ pb [1983] out of print/used Thomson Learning 8¼x5¼ pb [1971] out of print/50+ used |
"100 Years of Science Fiction Illustration: Stories by Jules Verne, Stanton A. Coblentz, Clare Winger Harris, Anthony Frewin, et al [1975]
![]() |   | "The Human Zero: The Science Fiction Stories of Erle Stanley Gardner" [1981] Edited by Alan Scholefield Wm. Morrow 8¼x6 hardcover [1/81] out of print/many used A collection of seven science-fiction novellas by Erle Stanley Gardner published in Argosy Magazine between 1928 and 1932: "A Year In A Day", "The Human Zero", "The Man With Pin-Point Eyes", "Monkey's Eyes" (1929), "New Worlds" (1932), "Rain Magic" (1928), and "The Sky's The Limit" (1929) |
![]() |   | "Machines That Think: The Best Science Fiction Stories About Robots and Computers" [1984] Edited by Isaac Asimov, Patricia S. Warrick & Martin H. Greenberg with 29 outstanding works of Ambrose Bierce ('Moxon’s Master'); John Wyndham; Harl Vincent; editor Asimov ('Robbie' aka 'Strange Playfellow', 'Runaround', 'The Evitable Conflict', 'Evidence', 'The Bicen-tennial Man'; Harry Bates; Robert Moore Williams; Lester del Rey; A.E. van Vogt; Harlan Ellison ('I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream'); Murray Leinster/Will F. Jenkins; Poul Anderson; Walter M. Miller, Jr.; J.F. Bone; Harry Harrison; Michael Shaara; Philip K. Dick (2); Gordon R. Dickson; Arthur C. Clarke; Robert Silverberg; John Brunner; Fredric Brown; Vernor Vinge; Gene Wolfe; George Zebrowski Henry Holt & Co. hardcover [8/1984] out of print/used Henry Holt & Co. hardcover [8/1984] out of print/used |
![]() |   | "Science Fiction: The 100 Best Novels" [1986] by David Pringle Considered 'a landmark work' and 'an essential guide to science fiction literature'; featured authors include J.G. Ballard, Alfred Bester, Ray Bradbury, Octavia Butler, Philip K. Dick, William Gibson, William Golding, Russel Hoban, Michael Moorcock, George Orwell, Marge Piercy, Joanna Russ, Cordwainer Smith, Theodore Sturgeon, Ian Watson Kindle Edition from Gateway/Hachette [6/2014] for $5.99 Carroll & Graf Publng 8¼x5¾ pb [12/97] out of print/many used Carroll & Graf Publng 8½x5½ hardcover [7/86] out of print/many used |
"Science Fiction in the Twentieth Century" [12/1994] by Edward James
"The Science Fiction Century" [10/1997] edited by David G. Hartwell
"Best Military Science Fiction of the 20th Century" [5/2001] edited by Harry Turtledove & Martin H. Greenberg
![]() | "D.A.W. 30th Anniversary Science Fiction Anthology" [2002] Edited by Betsy Wollheim & Sheila Gilbert A celebration of 30 years of publishing science fiction novels, eighteen brand new short science fiction stories written specifically for this anthology; the authors are: Brian W. Aldiss, Neal Barrett, Jr., eluki bes shahar, C.J. Cherryh, Julie E. Czerneda, Kate Elliot, C.J. Friedman, Ron Goulart, Charles L. Harness, Charles Ingrid, Lisanne Norman, Frederik Pohl, Robert Sheckley, Brian Stableford, S. Andrew Swann, Ian Watson, Tad Williams, Timothy Zahn D.A.W. Books mass pb [5/2003] for $13.32 D.A.W. Books 9½x6½ hardcover [5/2002] for $2.99 {sic} |
"Art of Imagination: 20th Century Visions of Science Fiction, Horror, and Fantasy" [10/2002] by Frank M. Robinson & Robert E. Weinberg
"20th Century Science Fiction, Volume 1" [4/2003] edited by David G. Hartwell
![]() | "Masterpieces: The Best Science Fiction of The Century" [2004] Edited by Orson Scott Card 27 short stories featuring {per cover} Isaac Asimov, Arthur C. Clarke, Wm. Gibson, Robert A. Heinlein, Ursula K. Le Guin, Frederick Pohl; the other contributing authors are Brian W. Aldiss, Poul Anderson, Lloyd Biggle, Terry Bisson, James Blish, Ray Bradbury, C.J. Cherryh, John Crowley, George Alec Effinger, Harlan Ellison, Karen J. Fowler, Lisa Goldstein, Edmond Hamilton, James Patrick Kelly, John Kessel, R.A. Lafferty, George R.R. Martin, Larry Niven, Robert Silverberg, Theodore Sturgeon, Michael Swanwick, and Harry Turtledove Kindle Edition from Ace/Penguin Group [2004 edition] for $13.99 Ace Trade 9x6 pb [3/2004] for $13.68 Ace Trade 9x6 pb [3/2004] out of print/many used Ace Trade 9x6 pb [3/2004] out of print/many used Ace Books 9¼x6½ hardcover [11/2001] out of print/50+ used |
"The Science Fiction Century, Volume 2" [10/2006] by David G. Hartwell
![]() | "The Very Best of Fantasy & Science Fiction, Volume 1: Sixtieth Anniversary Anthology" [2009] Edited by Gordon Van Gelder
Tachyon Publns 9x6 pb [9/2009] for $13.17 23 stories that appeared for the first time in The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, by authors Peter S. Beagle, Alfred Bester, Terry Bísson, Ray Bradbury, Ted Chiang, Philip K. Dick, Harlan Ellison, Jeffrey Ford, Karen Joy Fowler, Neil Gaiman, Shirley Jackson, John Kessel, Daniel Keyes ('Flowers For Algernon'), Stephen King, Damon Knight, Ursula K. Le Guin, M. Rickert, Theodore Sturgeon, Michael Swanwick, William Tenn, James Tiptree Jr., Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., and Roger Zelazny |
![]() | "The Wesleyan Anthology of Science Fiction" [2010]
Wesleyan Univ Press 9¼x6¼ pb [8/2010] for $25.14 free online Teacher's Guide at Wesleyan (66-page .PDF file) 52 stories in 792 pages covering over 160 years of scifi history; authors included are: Nathaniel Hawthorne ("Rappaccini's Daughter", 1844); Jules Verne (excerpt from "Journey To The Center of The Earth", 1864); H.G. Wells ("The Star", 1897); E.M. Forster ("The Machine Stops", 1909); Edmond Hamilton ("The Man Who Evolved", 1931); Leslie F. Stone ("The Conquest of Gola", 1931); C.L. Moore ("Shambleau", 1933); Stanley Weinbaum ("A Martian Odyssey", 1934); Isaac Asimov ("Reason", 1941); Clifford Simak ("Desertion", 1944); Theodore Sturgeon ("Thunder and Roses", 1947); Judith Merril ("That Only A Mothe", 1948); Fritz Leiber ("Coming Attraction", 1950); Ray Bradbury ("There Will Come Soft Rains", 1950); Arthur C. Clarke ("The Sentinel", 1951 - original basis for "2001"; Robert Sheckley ("Specialist", 1953); William Tenn ("The Liberation of Earth", 1953); Alfred Bester ("Fondly |
Fahrenheit", 1954); Avram Davidson ("The Golem", 1955); Cordwainer Smith ("The Game of Rat and Dragon", 1955); Robert A. Heinlein ("All You Zombies --", 1959); J.G. Ballard ("The Cage of Sand", 1962); R.A. Lafferty ("Slow Tuesday Night", 1965); Harlan Ellison ("`Repent, Harlequin!' Said The Ticktockman", 1965); Frederik Pohl ("Day Million", 1966); Philip K. Dick ("We Can Remember It For You Wholesale", 1966); Samuel R. Delany ("Aye, and Gomorrah ...", 1967); Pamela Zoline ("The Heat Death of The Universe", 1967); Robert Silverberg ("Passengers", 1968); Brian Aldiss ("Supertoys Last All Summer Long", 1969); Ursula K. Le Guin ("Nine Lives", 1969); Frank Herbert ("Seed Stock", 1970); Stanislaw Lem ("The Seventh Voyage" from "The Star Diaries", 1971); Joanna Russ ("When It Changed", 1972); James Tiptree, Jr. ("And I Awoke and Found Me Here On The Cold Hill's Side", 1973); John Varley ("Air Raid", 1977); Carol Emshwiller ("Abominable", 1980); William Gibson ("Burning Chrome", 1981); Octavia Butler ("Speech Sounds", 1983); Nancy Kress ("Out of All Them Bright Stars", 1985); Pat Cadigan ("Pretty Boy Crossover", 1986); Kate Wilhelm ("Forever Yours, Anna", 1987); Bruce Sterling ("We See Things Differently", 1989); Misha Nogha ("Chippoke Na Gomi", 1989); Eileen Gunn ("Computer Friendly", 1989); John Kessel ("Invaders", 1990); Gene Wolfe ("Useful Phrases", 1992); Greg Egan ("Closer", 1992); James Patrick Kelly ("Think Like A Dinosaur", 1995); Geoff Ryman ("Everywhere", 1999); Charles Stross ("Rogue Farm", 2003); and Chiang ("Exhalation", 2008) |
"The Mammoth Book of 20th Century SF II" [9/2011] by David G. Hartwell
![]() | "Science Fiction: The 101 Best Novels, 1985-2010" [2012] by Damien Broderick & Paul di Filippo, Foreword by David Pringle Kindle Edition from NonStop Press [9/2015] for $5.99 NonStop Press 8½x5½ pb [6/2012] for $10.95 NonStop Press pb [6/2012] out of print/used NonStop Press pb [6/2012] out of print/used |
![]() | "American Science Fiction: Nine Classic Novels of the 1950s" [2012] Edited by Gary K. Wolfe The two hardcover volumes include "The Space Merchants" [1952] by Frederik Pohl & C.M. Kornbluth; "More Than Human" [1953] by Theodore Sturgeon; "The Long Tomorrow" [1955] by Leigh Brackett; "The Shrinking Man" [1956] by Richard Matheson; "Double Star" [1956] by Robert A. Heinlein; "The Stars My Destination" [1956] by Alfred Bester; "A Case of Conscience" [1958] by James Blish; "Who?" [1958] by Algis Budrys; and "The Big Time" [1958] by Fritz Leiber Library of America 8½x5½ slipcover edition [9/2012] for $45.71 |
![]() | "The Very Best of Fantasy & Science Fiction, Volume 2" [2014] Edited & Foreword by Gordon Van Gelder, Introduction by Michael Dirda Kindle Edition from Tachyon Publns [7/2014] for $7.99 Tachyon Publns 9x6 pb [7/2014] for $13.23 27 more stories that appeared for the first time in The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, by authors Brian W. Aldiss, Paolo Bacigalupi, Chris de Lint, George Alec Effinger, Harlan Ellison, Jack Finney, Elizabeth Hand, M. John Harrison, Robert A. Heinlein, Zenna Henderson, James Patrick Kelly, Stephen King, Damon Knight, C.M. Kornbluth, R.A. Lafferty, Ken Liu, Maureen F. McHugh, Kit Reed, Robert Reed, Geoff Ryman, Robert Sheckley, Lucius Shepard, Robert Silverberg, Bruce Sterling, Jack Vance, Gene Wolfe, and Jane Yolen |
![]() | "The Year's Best Science Fiction & Fantasy Novellas, 2015" anthology [#1 = 2015] Edited by Paula Guran Kindle Edition from Prime Books [7/2015] for $6.99 Prime Books 8¾x6 pb [8/2015] for $16.95 Nine short novels by Seth Chambers ("In Her Eyes"), James S.A. Corey ("The Churn: A Novella of the Expanse"), Pasi Ilmari Jaaskelainen ("Where the Trains Turn"), Nancy Kress ("Yesterday's Kin"), John P. Murphy ("Claudis Rex"), K.J. Parker ("The Things We Do For Love"), Mary Rickert ("The Mothers of Voorisville"), Patrick Rothfuss ("The Lightning Tree"), and Genevie Valentine ("Dream Houses") |
![]() | "The Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy, 2015" [#1 = 2015] Edited by Joe Hill & John Joseph Adams Twenty short stories by authors Nathan Ballingrud, T.C. Boyle, Adam-Troy Castro, Neil Gaiman, Theodora Goss, Alaya Dawn Johnson, Kelly Link, Carmen Maria Machado, Seanan McGuire, Sam J. Miller, Susan Palwick, Cat Rambo, Jess Row, Karen Russell, A. Merc Rustad, Sofia Samatar (2), Kelly Sandoval, Jo Walton, and Daniel H. Wilson Kindle Edition from Mariner Books [10/2015] for $9.99 Mariner Books 8½x5½ pb [10/2015] for $11.32 |
![]() | "Funny Science Fiction" anthology [17 stories 2015] Edited by Alex Shvartsman 17 humorous stories from 2005 to 2015 by authors James Beamon, Anatoly Belilovsky, Oliver Buckram, Dantzel Cherry, Tina Connolly, Shaenon Garrity, Ken & Lisa Liu, Sarah Pinsker, Tim Pratt, Mike Resnick, Cat Rambo, Leonard Richardson, Mike Rimar, Lawrence M. Schoen, Lavie Tidhar, Brian Trent, and Desmond Warzel Kindle Edition from Unidentified Funny Objects Publng [8/2015] for $3.99 Unidentified Funny Objects Publng 8½x5½ pb [1/2016] for $14.99 |
![]() | "Funny Fantasy" anthology [14 stories 2016] Edited by Alex Shvartsman
14 humorous stories by Susan Jane Bigelow, Donald J. Bingle, Gail Carriger, Esther Friesner, Shaenon K. Garrity, David Gerrold, Jim C. Hines, G. Scott Huggins, Richard Parks, Tim Pratt, Jean Rabe, Laura Resnick, Mike Resnick, and Sarah Totton Kindle Edition from Unidentified Funny Objects Publng [4/2016] for $3.99 Unidentified Funny Objects Publng 8½x5½ pb [4/2016] for $14.99 |
![]() | "Invaders: 22 Tales From The Outer Limits of Literature" [22 stories 2016] Edited by Jacob Weisman 22 stories by authors Max Apple, Jami Attenberg, Amiri Baraka, Robert Olen Butler, Junot Diáz, Katharine Dunn, Julia Elliott, Brian Evenson, Rivka Galchen, Molly Gloss, Karen Heuler, W.P. Kinsella, J. Robert Lennon, Jonathan Lethem, Ben Loory, Kelly Luce, Steven Millhauser, Deji Bryce Olukotun, Eric Puchner, George Saunders, Jim Shepard, and Chris Tarry Kindle Edition from Tachyon Publns [7/2016] for $7.99 Tachyon Publns 9x6 pb [7/2016] for $10.86 |
![]() | "The Big Book of Science Fiction" [98 stories, 2016] Edited by Jeff & Ann Vandermeer
Kindle Edition from Vintage/Random House [7/2016] for $12.99 Vintage 9x7x2" {3 pounds!} pb [7/2016] for $17.74 A veritable trove of international science fiction treasures by authors Yoshio Aramaki, Juan José Arreola, Isaac Asimov (“The Last Question” 1956), J.G. Ballard (“The Voices of Time” 1960), Iain M. Banks, Jacques Barbéri, John Baxter, Barrington J. Bayley, Greg Bear, Dmitri Bilenkin, Jon Bing, Michael Bishop, James Blish (“Surface Tension” 1952), Michael Blumlein, Jorge Luis Borges (“Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius” 1940), Ray Bradbury (“September 2005: The Martian” 1949), cyber-netic visionary David R. Bunch, Octavia Butler (“Bloodchild” 1984), Pat Cadigan, André Carneiro, Adolfo Bioy Casares, Stepan Chapman, C.J. Cherryh, Ted Chiang, Arthur C. Clarke (“The Star” 1955), Alicia Yánez Cossío, John Crowley, Miguel de Unamuno (“Mechanopolis” 1913), Samuel R. Delany (“Aye, and Gomorrah” |
1967), Philip K. Dick (“Beyond Lies The Wub” 1952), Cory Doctorow, W.E.B. Du Bois (“The Comet” 1920), Jean-Claude Dunyach, S.N. Dyer, Harlan Ellison (“Repent Harlequin! Said The Ticktock Man” 1965), Carol Emshwiller, Paul Ernst (“The Microscopic Giants” 1936), Karen Joy Fowler, Sever Gansovsky, William Gibson (“New Rose Hotel” 1984), Angélica Gorodischer, Edmond Hamilton (“The Star Stealers” 1929), Song Han, Alfred Jarry (“The Elements of Pataphysics” 1911), Gwyneth Jones, Langdon Jones, Shinji Kaijo, Gérard Klein (“The Monster” 1958), Damon Knight (“Stranger Station” 1956), Leena Krohn, R.A. Lafferty, Kojo Laing, Geoffrey A. Landis, Ursula K. Le Guin (“Vaster Than Empires and More Slow” 1971), Tanith Lee, Stanislaw Lem, international sensation Cixin Liu (“The Poetry Cloud” 1997), Katherine MacLean (“The Snowball Effect” 1952), Geoffrey Maloney, George R.R. Martin (“Sandkings” 1979), Michael Moorcock, Pat Murphy, Misha Nogha, Silvina Ocampo (“The Waves” 1959), Chad Oliver (“Let Me Live In A House” 1954), Manjula Padmanabhan, Frederick Pohl (“Day Million” 1966), Rachel Pollack, Robert Reed, Kim Stanley Robinson, Joanna Russ, Josephine Saxton, Paul Scheerbart (“The New Abyss” 1911), James H. Schmitz (“Grandpa” 1955), Vadim Shefner, Robert Silverberg, Clifford D. Simak (“Desertion” 1944), Johanna Sinisalo, Cordwainer Smith (“The Game of Rat and Dragon” 1955), Margaret St. Clair, Bruce Sterling, Karl Hans Strobl (“The Triumph of Mechanics” 1907), Arkady & Boris Strugatsky (“The Visitors” 1958), Theodore Sturgeon (“The Man Who Lost The Sea” 1959), William Tenn (“The Liberation of Earth” 1953 and “Ghost Standard” 1994), James Tiptree Jr., Tatyana Tolstoya, Yasutaka Tsutsui, Lisa Tuttle, Élisabeth Vonar-burg, Kurt Vonnegut Jr. (“2BRO2B” 1962), H.G. Wells (“The Star” 1897), James White (“Sector General” 1957), Connie Willis, Gene Wolfe, Valentina Zhuravlyova, and Yefim Zozulya (“The Doom of Principal City” 1918) |
![]() | "The Year's Best Science Fiction & Fantasy Novellas, 2016" anthology [#2 = 2016] Edited by Paula Guran Kindle Edition from Prime Books [7/2016] for $6.99 Prime Books 8¾x6 pb [7/2016] for $19.95 Nine short novels by C.S.E. Cooney ("The Bone Swans of Amandale"), Aliette de Bodard ("The Citadel of Weeping Pearls"), Usman T. Malik ("The Pauper Prince and The Eucalyptus Jinn"), Nnedi Okorafor ("Binti"), K.J. Parker ("The Last Witness"), Rachel Pollack ("Johnny Rev"), Kristine Kathryn Rusch ("Inhuman Garbage"), Carter Scholz ("Gypsy"), and Bao Shu ("What Has Passed Shall In Kinder Light Appear" translated by Ken Liu) |
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"The Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy, 2016" anthology [#2 = 2016] Edited by Karen Joy Fowler
Kindle Edition from Mariner Books/Houghton Mifflin Harcourt [10/2016] for $9.99 Mariner Books 8¼x5½ pb [10/2016] for $13.98 Twenty short stories by Charlie Jane Anders ("Rat Catcher’s Yellows"), Dale Bailey ("Lightning Jack’s Last Ride"), Ted Chiang ("The Great Silence"), Seth Dickin-son ("Three Bodies At Mitanni"), Maria Dahvana Headley ("The Thirteen Mercies"), S.L. Huang ("By Degrees and Dilatory Time"), Adam Johnson ("Interesting Facts"), Kij Johnson ("The Apartment Dweller’s Bestiary"), Will Kaufman ("Things You Can Buy For A Penny"), Kelly Link ("The Game of Smash and Recovery"), Sam J. Miller ("The Heat of Us: Notes Toward An Oral History"), Dexter Palmer ("The Daydreamer By Proxy"), Salman Rushdie ("The Duniazát"), Sofia Samatar ("Meet Me In Iram"), Vandana Singh ("Ambiguity Machines: An Examination"), Julian Mortimer Smith ("Headshot"), Rachel Swirsky ("Tea Time"), Catherynne M. Valente ("Planet Lion"), Nick Wolven ("No Placeholder For You, My Love"), and Liz Ziemska ("The Mushroom Queen") |
![]() | "Invisible Planets: Contemporary Chinese Science Fiction In Translation" [2016] thirteen stories and 4 essays edited & translated by Ken Liu Kindle Edition from Tor Books/Macmillan [11/2016] for $2.99 Tor Books 8¼x5½ pb [8/2018] for $9.33 Tor Books 8½x5¾ hardcover [11/2016] out of print/used |
![]() | "The Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy, 2017" anthology [#3 = 2017] Edited by Charles Yu Kindle Edition from Mariner Books/Houghton Mifflin Harcourt [10/2017] for $9.99 Mariner Books 8¼x5½ pb [10/2017] for $10.99 These twenty short stories are almost 90% speculative fiction, rather than fantasy or plain science fiction; contributors include: Dale Baily (2 stories), Peter S. Beagle, Leigh Bardugo, Brian Evenson ('Smear'), Jeremiah Tolbert ('Not By Wardrobe, Tornado, or Looking Glass'), Catherynne M. Valente ('The Future Is Blue'), Yoachim ('Welcome To The Medical Center'), E. Lili Yu, a dozen others |
![]() | "A Conversation Larger Than The Universe: Readings In Science Fiction and The Fantastic, 1762-2017" [2018] by Henry Wessells, Foreword by John Crowley Catalogue of an exhibit at The Grolier Club [est. 1884] in New York City from January thru March 2018; contemplates topics such as Science Fiction in the Gothic, The End of the World (and After), Imaginary Voyages, Dystopia, Women Authors, Literary Innovation, Humor, The Sixties, Rock n Roll, Cyberpunk, Steampunk, and What's Happening Right Now The Grolier Club/Oak Knoll Books 9x6 pb [1/2018] for $45.00 |
![]() | "The Reincarnated Giant: Twenty-First-Century Chinese Science Fiction" [2018] Edited by Mingwei Song & Theodore Huters Kindle Edition from Columbia Univ Press [9/2018] for $19.24 Columbia Univ Press 9x6 pb [9/2018] for $35.00 Columbia Univ Press 9x6 hardcover [9/2018] for $72.01 {sic} |
![]() | "Resist Fascism" [2018] Edited by Kay T. Holt, Bart R. Leib & Crystal M. Huff 9 short stories by M. Michelle Bardon, Santiago Belluco, J.L. George, R.K. Kalaw, Barbara Krasnoff, Rivqa Rafael, Marie Vibbert, Izzy Wasserstein, Tiffany E. Wilson Kindle Edition from Crossed Genres Publns [11/2018] for $3.99 Crossed Genres Publns 9x6 pb [10/2018] for $9.99 |
![]() | "The Future Is Female! 25 Classic Science Fiction Stories By Women, From Pulp Pioneers To Ursula K. Le Guin" [2018] Edited by Lisa Yaszek
Kindle Edition from Library of America/Penguin/Random House [10/2018] for $13.99 Library of America Special Publn 8½x5½ hardcover [10/2018] for $18.27 |
![]() | "Broken Stars: Contemporary Chinese Science Fiction In Translation" [2019] sixteen stories and 3 essays edited & translated by Ken Liu Kindle Edition from Tor Books/Macmillan [2/2019] for $14.99 Tor Books 8½x5¾ hardcover [2/2019] for $16.26 |
![]() | "American Science Fiction: Eight Classic Novels of The 1960s" [2019] Edited by Gary K. Wolfe The two hardcover volumes include: madcap "The High Crusade" [1960] by Poul Anderson; Hugo Award-winning "Way Station" [1963] by Clifford D. Simak; ". . . And Call Me Conrad (aka This Immortal)" [1966] by Roger Zelazny; "Flowers For Algernon" [1966] by Daniel Keyes; "Emphyrio" [1967] by Jack Vance; proto-cyberpunk space opera novel "Nova" [1968] by Samuel R. Delany; "Past Master" [1968] by R.A. Lafferty; and pioneering feminist SF "Picnic On Paradise" [1969] by Joanna Russ • Library of America 8½x5½ slipcover edition [9/2019] for $75.00 |
![]() | "The New Voices of Science Fiction" anthology [20 stories 2019] Edited by Hannu Rajaniemi & Jacob Weisman 20 stories from authors Nino Cipri, Amal El-Mohtar, Alice Sola Kim, Rich Larson, Darcie Little Badger, S. Qiouyi Lu, Sam J. Miller, Samantha Mills, David Erik Nelson, Suzanne Palmer, Sarah Pinsker, Vin Jie-Min Prasad, Lettie Prell, Rebecca Roanhorse, Kelly Robson, Amman Sabet, Jason Sanford, Jamie Wahls, Alexander Weinstein, and E. Lily Yu Kindle Edition from Tachyon Publns [11/2019] for $8.69 Tachyon Publns 9x6 pb [11/2019] for $17.95 |
![]() | "Recognize Fascism: A Science Fiction and Fantasy Anthology" [22 stories 2020] Edited & Introduction by Crystal M. Huff 22 short stories from 9 countries: authors are Phoebe Barton, Leonardo Espinoza Benavides, Octavia Cade, Alexei Collier, Luna Corbden, Selene dePackh, Jaymee Goh, Blake Jessop, Rodrigo Juri, Lucie Lukacovicová, Sam J. Miller, Meridel Newton, Kiya Nicoll, Nina Niskanen, Brandon O'Brien, Lauren Ring, Jennifer Shelby, Jonathan Shipley, Justin Short, Laura Jane Swanson, Dianne M. Williams, Hal Y. Zhang Kindle Edition from World Weaver Press [10/2020] for $5.99 World Weaver Press 9x6 pb [10/2020] for $15.95 |
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