America's  Authors
on Page One-A:  Anthologies & Literary History    on Page One-B:  Early American Authors
on Page Two:  Early XXth Century Authors - A thru M
on Page Three:  Early XXth Century Authors - N thru Z
on Page Four:  Latter XXth Century Authors - A thru L
here on Page Five:  Latter XXth Century Authors - M thru Z
on Page Six:  XX-XXIst Century Authors
Authors of Britain Pages Authors of France Page
American Poets Pages including The Beats
American Literature of The XIXth Century
American Literature of The XXth Century
Latter XXth Century
American Authors
A thru L {on Page 4}    M thru Z {just below}
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Norman Mailer [1923-2007]
browse books IMDb listing
"The Executioner's Song" [1979] by Norman Mailer won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction
![]() | "The Deer Park" [Putnam 1955] Based on Mailer's experiences working as a screenwriter in Hollywood in the early 1950s, set in a desert town much like Palm Springs, California. Vintage 8x5¼ pb [10/97] for $11.20 |
![]() | "The Armies of The Night: History As A Novel, The Novel As History" [1968] Mailer participated in the March On The Pentagon of 21 October 1967; his arrest and news commentary were expanded into a book, which became a bestseller and won the Pulitzer Prize for Non-Fiction. Plume 8x5¼ pb [1/95] for $10.20 New American Library hardcover [12/68] out of print/used |
![]() | "The Spooky Art: Some Thoughts On Writing" [2003] "[This] may be the most insightful book written about writing." — Robert Jaffee, L.A. Weekly Random House 8x5¼ pb [2/2004] for $11.16 Random House 9½x6½ hardcover [1/2003] for $17.47 |
"Mind of An Outlaw: Selected Essays by Norman Mailer" [] Edited by Philip Sipiora, editor of The Mailer Review
contains 50 of Norman Mailer's best essays; many have argued about Mailer the novelist, but there's no arguing about Mailer the essayist -- he was outstanding.
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playwright & film writer-director David Mamet
won Pulitzer Prize for Drama for "Glengarry Glen Ross"
"Five Television Plays" [] by David Mamet
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David Markson [1927-2010]
browse books IMDb listing
![]() | "The Ballad of Dingus Magee: Being The Immortal True Saga of The Most Notorious and Desperate Bad Man of The Olden Days" [1965] by David Markson Western parody; stagecoach robber Dingus Magee robs his old pal Hoke, who stops off at the town of Yerkie's Hole and is appointed sheriff by the lady mayor, who is also madam of the bordello. Her plan is to stir up the local (peaceful) Indians, so that the U.S. Army cavalry outpost does not move away, taking with it the town's economy. Counterpoint bargain price mass pb [5/2008] for $5.58 Counterpoint mass pb [5/2008] for $12.55 Dell mass pb [1965] out of print/used Bobbs-Merrill 8x5¾ hardcover [1965] out of print/used |
![]() | "Dirty Dingus Magee" feature film [M.G.M. Nov 1970] Co-produced & directed by Burt Kennedy; based on the novel by David Markson; starring Frank Sinatra, George Kennedy, Anne Jackson, Lois Nettleton, Jack Elam, Michele Carey & John Dehner full credits at IMDb movie entry at Wikipedia M.G.M./Warner color VHS [9/98] out of prodn/used Double Feature soundtrack CD - with "The Dirty Dozen" [1967] Chapter III Records soundtrack CD [7/2000] 26 tracks - out of prodn/used |
"Cry For Me, Billy" [1972] Western movie /tt0068429/
"Wittgensteins Mistress" [Dalkey Archive, 1988]
"Readers Block" [Dalkey Archive Press, 1996]
"This Is Not A Novel" [Counterpoint, 2001]
"Vanishing Point" [Shoemaker & Hoard, 2004]
"The Last Novel" [Shoemaker & Hoard, 2007]
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Al Martinez [1929-2015]
Los Angeles Times columnist, 1984-2009
browse books
Los Angeles Times homepage
IMDb listing no entry at Wikipedia
online text of the L.A. Times obituary, January 2015
"Rising Voices" [8/1974] by Al Martinez
"Jigsaw John" [1975] by Al Martinez
"Jigsaw John" TV series [NBC-TV 1976] /tt0074010/
15 hour-long color episodes starring veteran character actor Jack Warden
"Ashes In The Rain: Selected Essays" [3/1989] by Al Martinez
"City of Angles: A Drive-By Portrait of L.A." [1996]
"The Last City Room" [2000] a novel about the death of a newspaper
"Reflections: Columns From The Los Angeles Times" [8/2003]
"I'll Be Damned If I'll Die In Oakland: A Sort of Travel Memoir" [12/2003]
"Barkley: A Dog's Journey" [2006]
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Leonard Michaels [1933-2003]
browse books
IMDb listing
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"The Collected Stories" [2007] by Leonard Michaels FS&G 8¼x5½ pb [7/2008] for $10.20 FS&G 9x6 hardcover [5/2007] for $17.16 |
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Spirit of America Bookstore's
James A. Michener [1907-97] Page
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Spirit of America Bookstore's
Arthur Miller [1915-2005] Page
![]() | Arthur Miller: Collected Plays, 1944-1961 [2006] Edited by Tony Kushner Library of America 8x5¼ hardcover [2/2006] for $23.10 includes "The Man Who Had All the Luck" [written 1940]; "All My Sons" [1947]; "Death of A Salesman" [1949]; Miller's 1950 adaptation of Ibsen's "An Enemy of The People"; "The Crucible" [1953]; "A View From The Bridge [1955]; "A Memory of Two Mondays" [1955 one-act]; and "The Misfits" [1961 novella] |
![]() | "The Portable Arthur Miller" [1971] Edited by Christopher Bigsby expanded edition includes full texts of plays "Death of A Salesman" [1949]; "The Crucible" [1953]; "After The Fall" [1964]; "The American Clock" [1980]; "The Last Yankee" [1993]; and "Broken Glass" [1994]; plus excerpts from the play "The Golden Years" [1939-1940] & Miller's autobiography "Timebends" [1987] Penguin Classics 7½x5 pb [7/2003] for $11.56 |
Daniel Patrick Moynihan [1904-64]
U.S. Ambassador, 1973-76; U.S. Senator from New York, 1977-2001; wrote over 20 books
browse books
"Daniel Patrick Moynihan: A Portrait In Letters of An American Visionary"
[PublicAffairs 2010] Edited by Steven R. Weisman
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California historian-journalist Remi A. Nadeau [1920-2016]
browse books
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playwright/novelist/screenwriter N. Richard Nash [1913-2000]
browse books
credits at IBDb
credits at IMDb
"Parting At Imsdorf" stage drama in verse [1940]
"The Athenian Spirit" book of philosophy [circa 1940]
"The Wounds of Sparta" book of philosophy [circa 1940]
"Incognito" stageplay [July 1942] was performed at the Ogunquit Playhouse in Ogunquit, Maine
"The Second Best Bed" comedy stageplay [1946]
"Nora Prentiss" screen play [1947] /tt0039666/
"Sainted Sisters" screenplay [1948] /tt0040754/
"The Young and Fair" stageplay [1948]
"The Vicious Years" screenplay [1950] /tt0043105/
"See The Jaguar" stageplay [1952]
"The Young and The Fair" teleplay [1953] /tt0591243/ episode of "Goodyear Playhouse"
"The Rainmaker" stageplay [1954] + 1956 movie /tt0049653/
"The Joker" screenplay [1954] /tt0674411/
"Top of The World" screenplay [1955] /tt0048735/
"Girls of Summer: A Play in Three Acts" [1956]
"Handful of Fire: A Play in Three Acts" [1958]
"The Young and The Fair" teleplay [1958] /tt2567500/ episode of "Matinee Theatre"
"Porgy and Bess" screenplay [1959] /tt0053182/
"Wildcat" musical comedy stageplay [1960]
"110 In The Shade" musical stageplay [1963] based on the "The Rainmaker"
"The Happy Time" musical stageplay [1967]
Nash wrote the libretto for the musical version of Samuel Taylor's stageplay; book by Robert L. Fontaine; John Kander was composer,
Fred Ebb was lyricist; Gower Champion was director & choreographer; world premiere at the Ahmanson Theater
in Los Angeles (Nov-Dec 1967) with Robert Goulet and David Wayne in the cast; produced on Broadway in 1968
"Echoes" stageplay [1973]
"Dragonfly" novel [] & 1976 movie /tt0075014/ + rerelease as "One Summer Love"
![]() | "Cry Macho" novel [1975] by N. Richard Nash Written first as a screenplay, which was rejected by the studios; so Nash decided to write a novelization (which took two weeks); book received a $10,000 advance, was published in both hardcover & paperback, and was a small hit, so the same studios bid for the movie rights; the winning studio asked Nash to write a screenplay, so he handed over the rejected screenplay and got paid for it; worked with screenwriter Schenk before Nash's death in 2000 at age 87 Dell mass pb [1976] out of print/scarce Delacorte Press hardcover [1975] out of print/scarce book entry at Wikipedia "Cry Macho" [Malpaso Prodns/Warner Bros. DUE 2021]  |
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children's author Scott O'Dell [1898-1989]
wrote 26 historical novels for young people, along with three novels for adults & four nonfiction books
won the Hans Christian Andersen Medal in 1972
official website
IMDb listing
Newbery Medal winner "Island of The Blue Dolphins" [Houghton Mifflin 1/1960] plus movie
![]() | "The King's Fifth" [ages 12 & up; 1966] by Scott O'Dell
The year is 1541 and young mapmaker Esteban is returned to Spain from an expedition to the New World; but there are spiteful rumors that he has hidden his share of the gold and other spoils taken from the natives, and not paying the 'king's fifth' royalty is treason ... Book won the Newbery Honor in 1967 Kindle Edition from H.M.H.B.F.Y.R. [2006 edition] for $4.99 H.M.H. Books for Young Readers 7¾x5 pb [9/2006] for $6.26 Houghton Mifflin 8¾x5¾ hardcover [9/66] for $13.24 |
"The Mysterious Cities of Gold" animated TV series [NHK-TV Japan 1982-83] 39 half-hour episodes
"Les Mystιrieuses Citιs d'Or" animated TV series [TF1-TV France 2012-13] 26 half-hour episodes
"The Black Pearl" [Houghton Mifflin 1/1967] plus 1978 movie with Gilbert Roland & Mario Custodio
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sci-fi author-editor-publisher Raymond A. 'Ray' Palmer [1910-77]
browse books {common name, lots of chaff} no entry at IMDb entry at Wikipedia
Raymond A. Palmer entry at the Internet Speculative Fiction Database
![]() | "The Man From Mars: Ray Palmer's Amazing Pulp Journey" [2013] by Fred Nadis Kindle Edition from Penguin/Tarcher [6/2013] for $14.99 Penguin/Tarcher 9¼x6¼ hardcover [6/2013] for $17.09 publisher's official bookpage |
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mystery author Robert B. Parker [1932-2010] Page
at BlackHat Mystery Bookstore
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Spirit of America Bookstore's
Denne Bart Petitclerc [1929-2006] Page
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Spirit of America Bookstore's
sci-fi author H. Beam Piper [1904-64] Page
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journalist & editor George Plimpton [1927-2003]
browse books
IMDb listing [since 1962]
"Plimpton! Starring George Plimpton As Himself" [Laemmle/Zeller 2013?] /tt1817235/ official movie site
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sci-fi author Frederik Pohl [1919-2013]
"I am a sort of preacher. I like to talk to people and get them to change their views when I think
[that] their views are wrong. Why else would anyone write a book?"
official weblog
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Charles Portis [b.1933] of Little Rock, Arkansas
"Norwood" [1966 novel]
"True Grit: A Novel" [1968]
"The Dog of The South" [1979 novel]
"Masters of Atlantis" [1985 novel]
"Gringos" [1991 novel]
![]() | "Escape Velocity: A Charles Portis Miscellany - Collected Non-Fiction, Stories, and Drama" [2012] Edited by Jay Jennings includes "stunningly good examples of his early newspaper reporting, as well as short stories, travel pieces, a memoir, and a never-before-published comic three-act play Delray's New Moon" Butler Center 9x6 hardcover [10/2012] for $14.52 |
humorist Roger Price [1918-90]
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James {Otis} Purdy [1914-2009]
A singular American visionary. — N.Y. Times reviewer
An authentic American genius. — Gore Vidal, in the N.Y. Times
browse books
The James Purdy Society [est. 2003] defunct?
"James Purdy: Selected Plays" [Ivan R. Dee, 8/2012]
"The Complete Short Stories of James Purdy" [Liveright 7/2013] Introduction by John Waters
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Appalachian author Ron Rash lives in North Carolina
"Chemistry and Other Stories" [] won 2007 PEN/Faulkner Award
"Burning Bright" [] won 2010 Frank O'Connor International Short Story Award
"Something Rich and Strange: Selected Stories" [Ecco, 34 stories 2014] 9780062349347
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Spirit of America Bookstore's
J.D. Salinger [1919-2010] Page
"Salinger" [The Weinstein Company Sept 2013?]
Found 2/2013: Feature documentary with major actors & others either speaking about Salinger or reading Salinger, or maybe both; co-produced,
written & directed by Shane Salerno; featuring A. Scott Berg, John Cusack, Danny DeVito, E.L. Doctorow, Elizabeth Frank, John Guare, Stephen Adly
Guirgis, Philip Seymour Hoffman, David Milch, Edward Norton, Martin Sheen, Robert Towne, Gore Vidal & Tom Wolfe
latest info at IMDb
official movie site
watch 6/2013 official trailer [2:32] at YouTube
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Thomas Savage [1915-2003]
publisher page not on Wikipedia
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Miv Schaaf [??-1998]
weekly columnist for the Los Angeles Times, circa 1970s
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Hubert Selby, Jr. [1928-2004]
browse books
movie credits
'Exit Wounds' Hubert Selby, Jr. fansite
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author-illustrator Maurice Sendak [1928-2012]
![]() | "Circus Girl" [1957] by Jack Sendak [1924-95], Pictures by {brother} Maurice Sendak HarperCollins 10x7¾ hardcover [10/2002] for $19.95 |
  "Where the Wild Things Are" [1963] by Maurice Sendak [1928-2012]
author entry at Wikipedia
book entry at Wikipedia
![]() | "Nutcracker" [1984] by E.T.A. Hoffmann, Translated by Ralph Manheim, Pictures by Maurice Sendak Crown Publrs 10x10 pb [10/91] out of print/70+ used Crown Publrs 10¼x10¼ hardcover [10/2012] for $17.52 Crown Publrs 10¼x10¼ hardcover [1984] out of print/200+ used |
"Nutcracker: The Motion Picture" ballet [Atlantic Releasing Nov 1986]
![]() | Produced by The Kushner-Locke Company, based on Pacific Northwest Ballet's original production of "The Nutcracker" as conceived by Kent Stowell & children's book artist Maurice Sendak; filmed at Warner Bros. Studios in Burbank, California Directed by Carroll Ballard; Clara's voice (narration?) by Julie Harris; with dancers Vanessa Sharp, Wade Walthall, Hugh Bigney, Patricia Barker, Russell Burnett, Jacob Rice
Olive Films widescreen color Blu-ray [12/2017] for $16.20 Olive Films widescreen color DVD [12/2017] for $9.22 M.G.M. Home Video color DVD-R [12/2011] for $19.99 full credits at IMDb movie entry at Wikipedia |
![]() | "Presto and Zesto In Limboland" [2018] by by Arthur Yorinks & Maurice Sendak, Illustrated by Maurice Sendak The art was created on commission in 1990 for the London Symphony Orchestra, then placed in a drawer; Sendak and Yorinks worked together around 2000 to build a story based on the drawings, then moved on to other projects; the pictures and typescript were rediscovered after Sendak's death; in the story, two boys are transported to Limboland and have various adventures, then learn that in order to return home, they must procure a set of bagpipes from a devilish monster named Bumbo . . . 9/2018 article & review by Washington Post critic Michael Dirda Michael di Capua Books 8x11 hardcover [9/2018] for $12.89 |
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playwright Christopher Sergel [1918-93]
president of Dramatic Publishing, Inc., 1970-93
browse books
author page at Dramatic Publng
Wikipedia {empty}
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"Harper Lee's To Kill A Mockingbird: Acting Edition" [1960] 'adapted/dramatized' by Christopher Sergel Dramatic Publng Company mass pb [6/60] for $8.33 "Harper Lee's To Kill A Mockingbird" playscript [1970] Dramatic Publng Company mass pb [1/70] out of print/used "To Kill A Mockingbird" Novel & Movie Page at Spirit of America Bookstore |
"The Mouse On The Moon: A Comedy in 2 Acts" stageplay [1967]
adapted by Christopher Sergel, from the book by Leonard Wibberley
Dramatic Publng Co. pb [1967] out of print/scarce
![]() | stageplay "The Mouse On Mars" [1972] playscript by Christopher Sergel, credited as 'from the book by Leonard Wibberley' {book not found} Young Dutchess Gloriana has been studying Machiavelli and history, which results in the Duchy of Grand Fenwick being forced into an international space race to put a man on Mars . . . Dramatic Publng Co. pb [1972] out of print/used license/playscripts available at Dramatic Publng Co. |
![]() | "The Mouse That Roared: A Comedy in 2 Acts" [1985] playscript by Christopher Sergel, from the book by Leonard Wibberley Dramatic Publng Co. 7x5 pb [6/85] out of print/used license/playscripts available at Dramatic Publng Co. |
![]() | "The Play of To Kill A Mockingbird" [1988] by Christopher Sergel, Introduction by Ray Speakman Heinemann Plays 8x5½ hardcover [1/95] out of print/many used |
"Black Elk Speaks: A Play" [1996]
adapted by by Christopher Sergel, based on the book by John G. Neihardt
"Cheaper By The Dozen" [1950]
adapted by Christopher Sergel, based on the book by Frank B. Gilbreth, Jr.
"The Homecoming: A Play" [2002]
adapted by Christopher Sergel, based on the book by Earl Hamner, Jr.
"I'm A Fool"
adapted by Christopher Sergel, based on a Sherwood Anderson story
"Meet Me In St. Louis: A Play" [1978]
adapted by Christopher Sergel, based on the book by Sally Benson
"Mrs. Miniver"
adapted by Christopher Sergel, based on the book by Jan Struther
"Our Miss Brooks: A Comedy in Three Acts" [1978]
adapted by Christopher Sergel, based on the book by R.J. Mann
"The Outsiders: A Full-Length Play in Two Acts" [1990]
adapted by Christopher Sergel, based on the book by S.E. Hinton.
"Pillow Talk" [1963
adapted by Christopher Sergel, based on the screenplay by Stanley Shapiro & Maurice Richlin
"Take Me To Your President: A Play" [1964]
adapted by Christopher Sergel, based on the book by Leonard Wibberley
"Up The Down Staircase" [1969]
adapted by Christopher Sergel, based on the book by Bel Kaufman
"Welcome To The Monkey House: A Full-Length Play" [1970]
adapted by Christopher Sergel, based on the book by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.
"Winesburg, Ohio: A Play" [1974
adapted by Christopher Sergel
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Spirit of America Bookstore's
Dr. Seuss {Theodor Geisel 1904-91} Page
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playwright & poet Ntozake Shange [1948-2018]
movie & TV credits
"for colored girls who have considered suicide / when the rainbow is enuf" [1974 stageplay]
stageplay entry at Wikipedia
![]() | "for colored girls who have considered suicide / when the rainbow is enuf: A Choreopoem" [1975]
Scribner movie tie-in 8½x5½ pb [11/2010] for $7.20 Scribner 8½x5¾ hardcover [11/2010] for $15.64 Bantam Books mass pb [12/81] out of print/used Shameless Hussy Press hardcover illustrated by Wopo Hilip [1/75] out of print/used |
Broadway credits, 9/1976-7/1978 {Tony Award nomination}
![]() | "American Playhouse" TV broadcast [P.B.S./WPBT-TV Feb 1982] 78-minute telecast directed by Oz Scott; adapted by & co-starring Ntozake Shange; also starring Sarita Allen, Trazana Beverley, Gregory T. Daniel, Pedro De Pool, Lisa Henley, Patti LaBelle, Carol Maillard, Lynn Whitfield & Alfre Woodard Kultur Video color DVD [2/2002] for $17.49 Kultur Video color VHS [2/2002] out of prodn/used full credits at IMDb |
American Place Theatre, off-Broadway revival 2000
"For Colored Girls" [Lionsgate/34th Street Films Nov 2010]
![]() | Feature film set in Atlanta, with much of Ntozake Shange's poetry intact; the seven color names are dropped, and the 20 characters have regular names; Perry's direction is superb, and the performances in the soliloquies are astounding Co-produced, written & directed by Tyler Perry; adapted from Ntozake Shange's 1974 stageplay; starring Kimberly Elise, Janet Jackson, Loretta Devine, Thandie Newton, Anika Noni Rose, Kerry Washington, Tessa Thompson, Phylicia Rashad & Whoopi Goldberg
DVD/Blu-ray not yet available full credits at IMDb movie entry at Wikipedia official movie site |
Jean Shepherd [1921-99]
browse books
spoken word
2004 bio
movie credits
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | "A Christmas Story" [M.G.M. Nov 1983]
Set in northern Indiana in 1940; young Ralphie wants only one thing for Christmas, an official Red Ryder carbine-action 200-shot range model BB rifle with a compass in the stock. His attempts to convince the world of the rightness of his quest run into opposition from his parents, his teacher, and even Santa Claus himself. Co-produced, co-written & directed by Bob Clark; co-written by Leigh Brown & Jean Shepherd, based on stories by Jean Shepherd; starring Peter Billingsley, Melinda Dillon, Darren McGavin, R.D. Robb, Tedde Moore, Yano Anaya & Zack Ward, narrated by Jean Shepherd; won Oscars for Best Director & Best Script Adaptation, nominated for 7 others including Best Picture; W.G.A. nom for Best Adapted Script Warner Home Video widescreen color Blu-ray [11/2008] for $15.99 Warner Home Video Collectors Edition widescreen color DVD [11/2008] 2 disks for $30.99 Warner Special Edition widescreen color DVD [11/2008] 2 disks for $23.99 Warner Special Edition widescreen color DVD [10/2003] 2 disks out of prodn/many used Warner Home Video color VHS [9/2000] out of prodn/many used full credits at IMDb movie entry at Wikipedia official movie site 'A Christmas Story House' Museum & Gift Shop in Cleveland, Ohio |
![]() | sequel "My Summer Story" [M.G.M. Sept 1994] Ralphie is on a quest for the perfect spinning top to beat the school bully, The Old man is feuding with hillbilly neighbors, and Mother is determined to win all the pieces of a glass china set at a local movie theater. Co-written & directed by Bob Clark; co-written by Leigh Brown & Jean Shepherd, based on stories by Jean Shepherd; starring Kieran Culkin, Charles Grodin, Mary Steenburgen, Christian Culkin M.G.M. Video widescreen color DVD [8/2006] for $17.99 M.G.M. Video color VHS [4/97] out of prodn/used full credits at IMDb |
more details (synopses, sequels, Broadway musical, posters, books, links, merchandise) on
Magic Lantern's "A Christmas Story" 1983 Movie Page
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humorist Max Shulman [1919-88]
creator of Dobie Gillis and other silliness
Broadway credits
movie & TV credits
"Barefoot Boy with Cheek: A Novel" [1943] by Max Shulman Jan 19, 2016
"The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis" [1951]
¨            ¨
playwright {Marvin} Neil Simon [b. 1927]
Broadway credits [1955-2010]
movie & TV credits [1948-2007]
Rewrites: A Memoir (1996) /0684835622/
The Play Goes On: A Memoir (1999) /0684869802/ = vol 1 = vol 2 = vol 3 = vol 4
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columnist Jack Smith [1916-96] of the Los Angeles Times
family website
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Rex Stout [1886-1975] + Nero Wolfe series Page
at BlackHat Mystery Bookstore
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sci-fi author Theodore Sturgeon [1918-85]
browse books
IMDb listing
Theodore Sturgeon Literary Trust official website
ERW's Theodore Sturgeon fansite
Theodore Sturgeon entry at Internet Speculative Fiction Database
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Spirit of America Bookstore's
Louis 'Studs' Terkel [1912-2008] Page
Chicago Historical Society Studs Terkel website
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Spirit of America Bookstore's
gonzo journalist Hunter S. Thompson [1937-2005] Page
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John Kennedy Toole [1937-69]
IMDb listing
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"Ken & Thelma: The Story of A Confederacy of Dunces" [2005] by Joel L. Fletcher Pelican Publg 7¾x6½ hardcover [4/2005] for $14.96 |
John Updike [1932-2009]
IMDb listing
John Updike Award [est. 2011] of the American Academy of Arts & Letters
"Updike" literary biography [] by Adam Begley
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Spirit of America Bookstore's
Gore Vidal [1925-2012] Page
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Spirit of America Bookstore's
Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. [1922-2007] Page
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"Kurt Vonnegut: Novels & Stories, 1950-1962" [2012] Edited by Sidney Offit Library of America 8x5 hardcover [4/2012] for $22.47 includes "Player Piano" [1952], "The Sirens of Titan" [1959], "Mother Night" [1962], six short stories |
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"Kurt Vonnegut: Novels & Stories, 1963-1973" [2011] Edited by Sidney Offit Library of America 8x5¼ hardcover [6/2011] for $23.10 includes "Cats Cradle" [1963], "God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater" [1965], "Slaughterhouse-Five" [1966], "Breakfast of Champions" [1973], and three short stories |
Frank Waters [1902-95]
IMDb listing
![]() | "The Man Who Killed The Deer: A Novel of Pueblo Indian Life" [1942] recommended by author Rudolfo Anaya as an essential study book about New Mexico Swallow Press / Ohio Univ 8½x6 pb [1989] for $10.26 Pocket mass pb [12/84] out of print/120+ used Ohio Univ Press 8x5¼ hardcover [6/42] out of print/used |
![]() | "Deep Waters: Frank Waters Remembered In Letters and Commentary" [2017] by Alan Louis Kishbaugh Kindle Edition from Univ New Mexico Press [2/2017] for $34.22 {sic} Univ New Mexico Press 9x6 hardcover [4/2017] for $34.22 |
Eudora Welty [1909-2001]
browse books
IMDb listing
Broadway credits
Eudora Welty site at Ole Miss
Eudora Welty Society
Eudora Welty Foundation
Eudora Welty House museum [built 1925; opened 2006] in Jackson, MS
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Welty: Complete Novels [1998] Edited by Richard Ford & Michael Kreyling Library of America 8x5¼ hardcover [8/98] for $23.10 includes "The Robber Bridegroom" [1942 novella]; "Delta Wedding" [1946]; "The Ponder Heart" [1953]; "Losing Battles" [1970]; and Pulitzer Prize-winner "The Optimist's Daughter" [1972] Welty: Stories, Essays & Memoir [1998] Edited by Richard Ford & Michael Kreyling Library of America 8x5¼ hardcover [8/98] for $23.10 includes 41 short stories, 9 essays & the memoir "One Writer's Beginnings" [1984] |
"The Ponder Heart" [PBS TV movie 2001]
![]() | "Dixie Limited: Railroads, Culture, and The Southern Renaissance" [2002] by Joseph R. Millichap "A detailed reading of the complex and often ambivalent relationships among technology, culture, and literature that railroads represent in selected writers and works of the Southern Renaissance" including literary giants Ralph Ellison, William Faulkner, Robert Penn Warren, Eudora Welty, Thomas Wolfe, and poet Dave Smith Univ Press KY 9x6 hardcover [3/2002] for $40.00 |
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playwright August Wilson [1945-2005]
browse books & playscripts
Broadway credits
movie credits
won Pulitzer Prizes in 1986 & 1990
MD's August Wilson fansite
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author Herman Wouk [1915-2019]
browse books
Broadway credits
movie credits
![]() | "The Lawgiver: A Novel" [2012] by Herman Wouk Novelist Wouk has wanted to write a biography of O.T. prophet Moses for decades, and at age 97 created a structure: The daughter of a rabbi gets a chance to write & direct a script about Moses, but she must convince an Australian billionaire and also get approval of ancient writer Herman Wouk. Kindle Edition from Simon & Schuster Digital Sales [11/2012] for $9.99 Simon & Schuster 8¼x6½ deckle-edge hardcover [11/2012] for $14.12 |
![]() | "Sailor and Fiddler: Reflections of A 100-Year-Old Author" memoir [2015] by Herman Wouk Kindle Edition from Simon & Schuster Digital Sales [12/2015] for $14.99 Simon & Schuster hardcover [12/2015] for $28.00 |
"The Caine Mutiny Court-Martial"
Broadway stageplay credits at IBDb
"The Caine Mutiny" [1951 novel] by Herman Wouk won Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 1952
Broadway stage play: original run Jan 1954 - Jan 1955 credits at IBDb
"The Caine Mutiny" feature film [Columbia PicturesJune 1954]
Directed by Edward Dmytryk; based on Wouk's stageplay, which was adapted from Wouk's Pulitzer Prize-winning 1951 novel
Starring Humphrey Bogart, Josι Ferrer, Van Johnson, Fred MacMurray & E.G. Marshall; full credits at IMDb
Broadway revival May-Nov 1983 credits at IBDb
"The Caine Mutiny Court-Martial"
[Sony-Columbia/CBS tv movie May 1988]
Directed by Robert Altman [1925-2006]; teleplay by Herman Wouk, from his classic play; full credits at IMDb
Broadway revival failure May 2006 credits at IBDb
¨            ¨
Richard Wright [1908-60]
browse books IMDb listing
University of Buffalo's Richard Wright website
"Native Son" [1940 novel]:
book entry at Wikipedia
"Native Son" b&w movie [1951]:
credits at IMDb
"Native Son" color movie [Cinecom 1986]:
credits at IMDb
¨            ¨
Richard Yates [1926-92]
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![]() | ![]() Mired in creeping boredom in the suburbs, with unfulfilled lives and careers, a prosperous Connecticut couple decides to move with their two children to France to escape the consumer- ist demands of capitalist America. The book is compared to Updike, and described as 'well written, witty & intriguing' Kindle Edition from Vintage/Random House [2008 edition] for $9.99 Vintage 8x5¼ pb [4/2000] for $13.00 Greenwood Press 8½x5¾ hardcover [10/71] for $85.50 book entry at Wikipedia |
![]() | feature film [DreamWorks Dec 2008] Co-produced & directed by Sam Mendes; starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet, Kathy Bates & Michael Shannon; cast won Ensemble Performance Award at the Palm Springs International Film Festival Paramount widescreen color Blu-ray [6/2009] for $14.95 Paramount widescreen color DVD [6/2009] for $9.09 Paramount widescreen color DVD [6/2009] for $13.46 Nonesuch soundtrack CD [12/2008] 15 tracks for $11.88 full credits at IMDb movie entry at Wikipedia |
![]() | "A Tragic Honesty: The Life and Work of Richard Yates" [2003] by Blake Bailey Picador 8¼x5½ pb [5/2004] for $12.24 Picador 9½x6½ hardcover [7/2003] out of print/many used |
Frank Yerby [1916-91]
browse books (out of print) IMDb listing Wikipedia
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