G.E. Nordell's
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"The man who does not read good books has no advantage
over the man who cannot read."
— Mark Twain [1835-1910]
G.E. Nordell's books
literary links
books on writing
movies about writers
Index of All of G.E. Nordell's Writings & other works
The Rick Walker Detective Novels website
Working Minds: A Philosophy of Empowerment
'Dateline Chamesa' weblog
G.E. Nordell's Movie Scripts Page
Nordell Online Bookstores Group
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G.E. Nordell's Books
Private investigator Rick Walker is the hard-boiled hero of a series of novels, the first of which, BACKLOT REQUIEM, is published & available online in English (including Kindle format) and in Croatian.
Subsequent titles include "Waltzing Mice", "Ballad of The Tall Man", "Desert Riff", "Viper Serenade", "Gashouse Beat", "Grape Jam", "Hoppyland Lullaby", "Ragtime", "Romanov Fandango", "Shasta Hoedown", "Pin-Striped Suite", and the sequel to "Backlot Requiem", "Trio For Blunt Instruments".
go to novels website
Agents and-or publishers wanting to contact the author regarding expansion of the Rick Walker detective novel series may request chapter outlines of "Desert Riff" and "Viper Serenade" by email or per the Contacts Page
|     |
 WORKING MINDS A Philosophy of Empowerment is partly based on the ideas of Ayn Rand [Objectivism], Albert Camus [Existentialism], Eric Berne [Transactional Analysis], Carlos Castañeda, sociologist C. Wright Mills, economist Thorstein Veblen, a little quantum physics — plus a host of original thought.
The WORKING MINDS Source Document is available in several free ebook formats as well as in Kindle format via Amazon.
The free WMail ezine [2000-2007] was replaced by the Dateline Chamesa weblog [est. 2005].
go to Working Minds website
Agents and-or publishers wanting to contact the author regarding "Working Minds" texts or editors wanting to publish excerpts from the 100-plus issues of the Working Minds Philosophy Essays
may reach the author/editor by email
or per the Contacts Page
The Nordell Online Bookstores Group
BlackHat Mystery Bookstore
Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore & Beatnik Coffeehouse
'Readers of The Purple Sage' Western Bookstore
Spirit of America Bookstore
Magic Lantern Video & Book Store
Los Angeles Bookstores Page
Publishers of Real Actual Books
Casa de Snapdragon LLC/JB Stillwater book publishers [est. 2006] in Albuquerque, New Mexico
Chronicle Books [est. 1966] of San Francisco, California
Ingalls Publishing Group of Boone, NC
Resurrected Press [est. 2010] of Wisconsin
Small Publishers, Artists & Writers Network
Ten Speed Press / Celestial Arts / Tricycle Press
TrineDay Publishing [est. 2002] in Walterville, Oregon
University of New Mexico Press [est. 1929]
eBook & Subsidy Publishers
Buy Books On The Web [print-on-demand] is now
Infinity Publishing [est. 1997] {print-on-demand}
flipOX Digital LLC [est. 2012] for multi-platform conversions - based in Chicago & Pakistan
Xlibris Publishing [est. 1997] {print-on-demand}
Literary Links
About.com Arts/Literature
New Mexico-Arizona Book Awards [est. 2006]
Author Marketing Club [est. 2012] based in Cleveland, Ohio
Authors Guild [est. 1919] based in New York City
BizWeb Guide  +  Publishers Category at BizWeb
Books In Print (from Bowker)
BookSpot: Book Info Portal
California Literacy [est.1956]
Chief Blackbear's Literary Tribe
U.S. Copyright Office
Great Books Foundation
Great Books Index
Granta Publications
Independent Writers of Southern California
Joseph Campbell Foundation [est. 1991]
Literacy Network of Greater Los Angeles
Los Angeles [CA] Science Fantasy Society [est. 1934]
Los Angeles Times Book Prizes [each April; est. 1980]
M.I.T.'s Internet Classics Archive
National Latino Writers Conference [May 2006 = #4] in Albuquerque, NM
[U.S.] National Punctuation Day [est. 22 August 2004]
National Writers Union [est. 1981]
NetLibrary USA
NetRead: The Publishing Portal
New Mexico Book Awards [est. 2006]
P.E.N. American Center [est. 1921]
Poets & Writers Magazine
Project Gutenberg
Publishers Weekly
Quills Book Awards [est. 2005] to be televised Oct 2005
Reading Is Fundamental [est. 1966]
Reading Is Fundamental of Southern California [est. 1966]
Self-University Bookstore
Start A Writing Business [UK]
Southwest Manuscripters [est. 1950] in Torrance, CA
The Sun Magazine [est. 1974]
Tony Hillerman Writer's Weekend Conference [2003-2015]
University of Pennsylvania's Digital Library of Online Books
The Writer Magazine [est. 1887]
Writer's Digest Magazine
Books on Writing
  | "On Writing by Charles Bukowski" [2015] Edited by Abel Debritto   Scholar Debritto pored over 2,000 pages of poet Charles Bukowski's highly-opinionated letters in order to assemble this collection of advice from Hank.
Kindle Edition from Ecco Press [7/2015] for $13.99
Ecco Press 9x6 hardcover [8/2015] for $14.58
"The Writer's Quotebook: 500 Authors On Creativity, Craft & The Writing Life" [2006] Compiled, arranged & edited by Jim Fisher
Rutgers Univ Press 9x6¼ hardcover [9/2006] for $22.95
"The Writer's Handbook 2007" Edited by Barry Turner
Macmillan 8¼x6x2 inches thick! pb [8/2006] for $16.47
2006 edition: Macmillan 8¼x6x2 inches thick! pb [4/2006] for $16.47
"Ayn Rand: My Fiction-Writing Teacher" [2005] by Erika Holzer
Madison Press pb [12/2005] for $20.00
"Weinberg On Writing: The Fieldstone Method" [2005] by Gerald M. Weinberg
Dorset House Publng 9x6 pb [11/2005] for $24.95
author's official website
"13 Ways of Looking At The Novel" [2005] by Jane Smiley
Anchor 7¾x5¼ pb [9/2006] for $10.85
Knopf 9¼x6¼ hardcover [9/2005] for $17.79
"The Writer's Voice" [2004] by A. Alvarez
W.W. Norton 8½x5¾ hardcover [11/2004] for $14.93
  | "Ten Percent of Nothing: The Case of The Literary Agent From Hell" [2004] by Jim Fisher (former F.B.I. agent)
Southern IL Univ Press 9¼x6¼ hardcover [5/2004] for $27.50
"Eats, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach To Punctuation" [2004] by Lynne Truss
listed as Los Angeles Times Book Review Best of 2004
Gotham 7¼x5¼ hardcover [4/2004] for $13.57
Penguin UNABR audio CD [4/2004] for $10.17
official booksite
  | "Common Errors In English Usage" [2003] by Paul Brians
William James & Co. 9x6 pb [3/2003] for $10.20
official booksite
"The Spooky Art: Some Thoughts On Writing" [2003] by Norman Mailer
"[This] may be the most insightful book written about writing." — Robert Jaffee, L.A. Weekly
Random House 8x5¼ pb [2/2004] for $11.16
Random House 9½x6½ hardcover [1/2003] for $17.47
"The Plot Thickens: 8 Ways To Bring Fiction to Life" [2002] by Noah T. Lukeman
St. Martin 7x5 pb [6/2003] for $10.36
St. Martin 7½x5.3 hardcover [7/2002] for $13.97
author's booksite
"Stealing Fire From The Gods: A Dynamic New Story Model For Writers & Filmmakers" [1999] by James Bonnet
"It cracks the code to great story telling."
Michael Wiese Prodns 9x6 pb [9/99] for $26.95
author's website
"Description" (WD Elements of Fiction Writing) [1999] by Monica Wood
Writers Digest Books 9x6 pb [8/99] for $10.39
Writers Digest Books 9¼x6¼ hardcover [8/99] out of print/used
"Beginnings, Middles & Ends" (WD Elements of Fiction Writing) [1999] by Nancy Kress
Writers Digest Books 9x6 pb [5/99] for $10.39
"Dynamic Characters: How to Create Personalities That Keep Readers Captivated" [1998] by Nancy Kress
Writers Digest Books 9.4x6 pb [7/98] for $13.29
"The Writer's Journey: Mythic Structure for Writers" [1992] by Christopher Vogler
Michael Wiese Prodns 9x6 pb [11/98] for $17.47
author's website
"Zen in the Art of Writing: Essays on Creativity" [1989] by Ray Bradbury
Capra Press Expanded Edition 8x5½ pb [4/94] for $10.36
Bantam pb [4/92] for $5.85
"The Art & Craft of Novel Writing" [1989] by Oakley M. Hall
Story Press 9½x7½ pb [8/2001] for $15.99
Writers Digest hardcover [3/89] out of print/used
"Joseph Campbell & The Power of Myth" [PBS mini-series 1988]
Mystic Fire/Winstar DVD [10/2001] 2 disks/6 hours for $50.99
full credits from IMDb
more on the Joseph Campbell [1904-87] Page at Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore
"Plot" (WD Elements of Fiction Writing) [1988] by Ansen Dibell
Writers Digest Books 9x6 pb [8/99] for $10.39
Writers Digest Books 9¼x6¼ hardcover [8/88] out of print/used
  | "The Art of The Novel" [1986] by Milan Kundera
Harper Perennial 8¼x5¼ pb [4/2003] for $10.75
Harper Perennial 8x5½ pb [1/89] out of print/used
Faber & Faber hardcover [12/88] out of print/used
  | "The Art of Fiction: Notes On Craft For Young Writers" [1984] by John Gardner
Vintage 8x5¼ pb [6/91] for $9.60
Knopf hardcover [1/84] out of print/used
  | "Jack Woodford On Writing" [1980] Compiled, selected, and edited by Jess E. Stewart includes Introductory Notes, Writer's Cramp (complete), Trial and Error (excerpts), How To Write and Sell A Novel (excerpts), How To Write For Money (excerpts), Plotting (excerpts), and Citizen Arrest (short story)
Woodford Memorial Editions pb [4/81] out of print/used
more on Spirit of America Bookstore's Jack Woodford [1894-1971] Page
  | "The Writer's Quotation Book: A Literary Companion" [1980] Edited by James Charlton
Faber & Faber 4th edition 7½x5&frac hardcover [10/97] out of print/used
  | "The Art Of Dramatic Writing: Its Basis In The Creative Interpretation of Human Motives" [S&S 1960] by Lajos Egri [1888-1967]
Kindle Edition from Amazon Digital Services [2005 edition] for $2.99 {sic}
B.N. Publng mass pb [2/2009] for $11.99
S&S/Touchstone 8¾x5¼ pb [rev 2004] out of print/used
B.N. Publng 9¼x6 hardcover [5/2009] for $15.59
book entry at Wikipedia
  | "The Hero With A Thousand Faces" [1949 classic] by Joseph Campbell
Princeton Univ Press 9x6 pb [3/72] for $11.87
Princeton Univ Press hardcover [12/89] out of print/used
Audio Renaissance ABR [3/95] for $13.97
Audio Renaissance ABR audio CD [1/2001] for $25.20
more on the Joseph Campbell [1904-87] Page at Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore
  | "Writing and Selling" [1940] by Jack Woodford [1894-1971], Introduction by Arnold Gingrich, editor of Esquire
Perma Giants Edition hardcover [1949] out of print/used
Star Books hardcover [1940] out of print/used
  | "Why Write A Novel?" [1943] by Jack Woodford [1894-1971] later self-published as "How To Write and Sell A Novel" "Woodford knows the writing game and what he says about it is very much to the point." — cover blurb by Upton Sinclair [1878-1968]
HTWSN: Kessinger Publng 9x6 pb [3/2007] for $21.24
HTWSN: Kessinger Publng 9x6 hardcover [6/2008] for $32.64
HTWSN: Woodford Press hardcover [1948] out of print/used
WWAN?: Murray & Gee hardcover [1943] out of print/used
  | "Trial and Error: A Dithyramb On The Subject of Writing & Selling" [1935] by Jack Woodford, Introduction by Arnold Gingrich, editor of Esquire
Kessinger Publng 8¾x6 pb [3/2007] for $23.52
Woodford Memorial Editions 8¼x5½ pb [6/80] out of print/used
Kessinger Publng 9¼x6½ hardcover [6/2008] for $34.92
Garden City Publng 7¾x5¼ hardcover [1940] out of print/used
book entry at Wikipedia
  | "Becoming A Writer" [1934 classic] by Dorothea Brande [1893-1948]
J.P. Tarcher 8x5 pb [3/81] for $9.95 author entry at Wikipedia
  | "Aspects of The Novel" [1927 classic] by E.M. Forster [1879-1970] a collection of lectures delivered at Cambridge University
Mariner Books 8x5¼ pb [9/56] for $9.10
Hodder Arnold/Abinger hardcover [11/74] out of print/used
Movies About Writers of Novels
"Sunset Blvd." [1950] by Billy Wilder
"The Shining" [1980] by Stanley Kubrick starring Jack Nicholson
"Tenebre" [1982] by Dario Argento starring Anthony Franciosa
"Misery" [1990] /tt0100157/ starring James Caan & Kathy Bates
"In The Mouth of Madness" [1994] /tt0113409/ by John Carpenter
"Sliding Doors" [U.K. 1998] starring John Lynch
"Secret Window" [2004] starring Johnny Depp
"Limitless" [2011] starring Bradley Cooper
Index of All of G.E. Nordell's Writings & other works
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