Elbert  Hubbard
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short profile
major works
"Prison is a Socialist's Paradise, where equality prevails, everything is supplied, and competition is eliminated."
"God will not look you over for medals, diplomas, or degrees – but for scars."
"Don't take life too seriously. You'll never get out of it alive, anyway."
"He picked up the lemons that Fate had sent him and started a lemonade-stand."
"Jesus was an Anarchist."
"Everyone is a damn fool for at least five minutes every day. Wisdom consists in not exceeding that limit."
"I am an Anarchist. No man who believes in force and violence is an Anarchist. The true Anarchist decries all influences save those
of love and reason. Ideas are his only arms. Being an Anarchist I am also a Socialist. Socialism is the antithesis of Anarchy.
One is the North Pole of Truth, the other the South." - in 1901
"One machine can do the work of fifty ordinary men. No machine can do the work of one extraordinary man."
"To avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing, be nothing."
— Elbert Hubbard
          B I O
          t e x t
          h e r e
Roycrofters official website
Elbert Hubbard entry at Wikipedia
browse Elbert Hubbard books at Amazon
Major  Works
"The Man: A Story of Today" novel [J.S. Ogilvie, 1891]
"One Day: A Tale of The Prairies" novel [Arena Publng, 1893]
"Forbes of Harvard" novel [Arena Publng, 1894]
"No Enemy (But Himself)" [G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1894]
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"Little Journeys To The Homes of Good Men and Great" [1895-1910]
Hubbard wrote a series of articles under the title "Little Journeys To The Homes of The Great" starting in 1895; the Roycrofters Colony reprinted them at various times into the 1940s; the whole set was published in a 14 volume Memorial Edition in 1916, plus complete single-volume and 14-volume handbound hardcover editions in 1928. The volume titles are: 1: Good Men, 2: Famous Women, 3: American Statesmen, 4: Eminent Painters, 5: English Authors, 6: Eminent Artists, 7: Eminent Orators, 8: Philosophers, 9: Great Reformers, 10: Great Teachers, 11: Great Businessmen, 12: Great Scientists, 13: Great Lovers, and 14: Great Musicians.
Hardcover and paperback and Kindle editions are coded below in the 'Little Journeys' Series Section.
![]() | "Little Journeys To The Homes of The Great by Elbert Hubbard (Complete)" for Kindle [2012] Kindle Edition from Library of Alexandria [12/2012] for $2.99 {sic} |
![]() | "The Legacy" [Roycroft, 1896 & 1934] Kessinger Publng 9x6 pb [9/2010] for $17.96 Kessinger Publng 9x6 hardcover [9/2010] for $28.76 |
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"A Message To Garcia" [1899]
Originally published as an untitled filler article in the March 1899 issue of Hubbard's The Philistine Magazine, but quickly
reprinted as a pamphlet and a book; the inspirational piece was wildly popular, and has sold over 40 million copies worldwide.
Two movie adaptations were produced, an Edison silent feature in 1916 and a Fox sound feature in 1936 {see below}.
The story begins when President McKinley needs to contact Cuban rebels during the war with Spain; U.S. Army Capt. Andrew Rowan
[1857-1943] accepts the task to deliver the message to Gen. Calixto Garcia, even though nobody knew where he was.
book entry at Wikipedia •
free etext at the Roycroft website
"How I Carried The Message To Garcia" [1922] article by Andrew Summers Rowan
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Kindle Edition from Amazon Digital Services [3/2011] for FREE {sic} Executive Books 6½x3¾ pb [6/2002] for $0.00 Applewood Books 6¾x4¼ mini-hardcover [2/93] for $8.96 both the Hubbard & Rowan essays together in Kindle format Kindle Edition from Amazon Digital Services [10/2009] for $1.39 |
"Time and Chance: A Romance of History - Being The Story of The Life of A Man" [Roycroft, 1899]
Hubbard's fictional biography of John Brown; also a revised edition by G.P. Putnam's Sons in 1901
"A Message To Garcia and Thirteen Other Things" [1901]
"Love, Life & Work: Being A Book of Opinions Reasonably Good-Natured Concerning How To Attain
The Highest Happiness For One's Self With The Least Possible Harm To Others" [1904]
"The Man of Sorrows" [Roycroft, 1905]
"So Here Cometh White Hyacinths: Being A Book of The Heart Wherein Is An Attempt
To Body Forth Ideas and Ideals For The Betterment of Men" [Roycroft, 1907]
"Health and Wealth" [1908]
"Jesus Was An Anarchist" [1910] also published as "The Better Part"
![]() | "The Mintage: Being Ten Stories & One More" [1910] Wildside Press 8½x5½ pb [1/2006] for $8.96 |
![]() | "The Philosophy of Elbert Hubbard" [1916 & 1930] Edited by John Thomas Hoyle and The Roycrofters Wm. H. Wise & Co. 8½x6 hardcover [1946] out of print/used Wm. H. Wise & Co. 9x6 hardcover [1930] out of print/used Roycrofters Limited Edition 9x6½ hardcover [1916] out of print/used |
![]() | "Queen of The Porch and Other Droll Stories" [1920]
Kessinger Publng 9x6 pb [9/2010] for $15.08 Kessinger Publng 9x6 hardcover [9/2010] for $25.88 The Roycrofters hardcover [1920] out of print/used |
"Selected Writings of Elbert Hubbard" in multiple volumes [Wm. H. Wise & Co. 1923]
![]() | "Elbert Hubbard's Scrap Book" [1923] 'One thousand selections by 523 thinkers and writers gathered over a lifetime of discrimi-nating reading by one of the keenest minds of modern times . . . Elbert Hubbard' Firebird Press ABRIDGED? 9¼x7½ pb [11/99] for $17.96 Wm. H. Wise & Co. original pb [1923] out of print/used Amereon, Ltd. 11½x9 hardcover [6/84] for $31.30 Wm. H. Wise & Co. original 9x6 hardcover [1923] out of print/used Wm. H. Wise & Co. original hardcover [1923] out of print/used |
![]() | "The Notebook of Elbert Hubbard: Mottos, Epigrams, Short Essays, Passages, Orphic Sayings, and Preachments" [1927] Edited by Elbert Hubbard II
PLiterary Licensing, LLC 9x6 pb [7/2012] for $26.96 Literary Licensing, LLC 9x6 hardcover [7/2012] for $40.46 The Roycrofters/Wise & Co. 6¾x4¼ hardcover [1927] out of print/used |
![]() | "The Works of Elbert Hubbard" for Kindle
Kindle Edition from Packard Technologies [2007 edition] for $5.95 Packard Technologies reprints of public domain literary works often show up as sub-standard product; in this case, the Astor article is a duplicate, the first-level index is in proper numerical order, then Volume 1 is followed by Volumes 10-14, then Volumes 2-9, and so on . . . includes 18 Hubbard works: all 14 volumes of the "Little Journeys" series {'Good Men', 'Famous Women', 'American Statesmen', 'Eminent Painters', 'English Authors', 'Eminent Artists', 'Eminent Orators', 'Great Philosophers', 'Great Reformers', 'Great Teachers', 'Great Businessmen', 'Great Scientists', 'Great Lovers', and 'Great Musicians'}; plus "John Jacob Astor" [1909]; "Love, Life & Work" [1904]; "A Message To Garcia" [1899]; and "The Mintage" [11 stories; 1910] |
'Little Journeys' Series
Somehow when I first coded "The Olympians" onto the Elbert Hubbard page and later copied it to the Fred Harvey page, the list of people was amazingly incorrect - I can not now find where that info came from, but the versions of "The Olympians" on Amazon & Internet Archive show 13 chapters only, from Aristotle to Edgar Allen Poe. The incorrect 33-chapter list showed "oil & food tycoon E.T. Bedford, botanist Luther Burbank, railroad tycoon Benjamin Franklin Bush, arms maker Samuel Pomeroy Colt, railroad executive George H. Daniels, John Davey, utilities tycoon Henry L. Doherty, automaker Henry Ford, educator Thomas J. Foster, steel tycoon Elbert H. Gary, restaurant tycoon Fred Harvey, railroad tycoon Charles M. Hays, college president Patrick J. Healy, explorer Henry Hudson, automaker {Packard} Henry B. Joy, cereal tycoons Dr. J.H. Kellogg & C.W. Post, Canadian statesman Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Judge Benjamin B. Lindsey, New York City politician William T. Noonan, New York City attorney John Edward Parsons, cash register tycoon {N.C.R.} John H. Patterson, Illinois banker & politician George M. Reynolds, tractor tycoons J.A. Secor & E.A. Rumely, toolmaker E.C. Simmons, hatmaker John B. Stetson, railroad tycoon Frederick D. Underwood, college president Dr. Charles R. Van Hise, New York City politician John H. Vincent, automaker John North Willys, machinery tycoon Sidney W. Winslow, and educator Ella Flagg Young". The corrected contents of "The Olympians" are just below.
![]() | "The Olympians: A Tribute To Tall Sun-Crowned Men" [1921] by Elbert Hubbard chapters/topics include Aristotle, {Ralph Waldo} Emerson, explorer Henry Hudson, Victor Hugo, {Robert G.} Ingersoll, Andrew Lang, French polymath Gustave Le Bon, Maurice Maeterlinck, Plutarch, Edgar Allan Poe, Jean Jacques Rousseau, {Henry David} Thoreau, and {Count Leo} Tolstoy BiblioLife 8x5 pb [10/2008] out of print/used BiblioLife 9¼x6 hardcover [2/2019] for $22.95 available as free online flip-book at Internet Archive |
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"Little Journeys To The Homes of Good Men and Great" [1895-1910]
Hubbard wrote a series of articles under the title "Little Journeys To The Homes of The Great" starting in 1895; the Roycrofters Colony reprinted them at various times into the 1940s; the whole set was published in a 14 volume Memorial Edition in 1916, plus complete single-volume and 14-volume handbound hardcover editions in 1928. Hardcover and paperback and Kindle editions are coded just below.
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14-volume hardcover Memorial Edition [1916]
Roycrofters 14-volume hardcover set [1916] out of print/used Roycrofters 14-volume hardcover set [1916] out of print/used "Little Journeys To The Homes of The Great: Guide Book" [1926] Roycrofters/Wise & Co. 8¼x6 hardcover [1926] out of print/used Roycrofters/Wise & Co. 8¼x6 hardcover [1926] out of print/used 14-volume hardcover edition [1928] Roycrofters 14-volume hand-bound hardcover set [1928] out of print/used single volume hardcover Memorial Edition [1928] "Done into a book by the Roycrofters at their shops in East Aurora, Erie County, New York" Roycrofters hand-bound hardcover [1928] out of print/scarce |
![]() | "Little Journeys To The Homes of The Great by Elbert Hubbard (Complete)" for Kindle [2012] Kindle Edition from Library of Alexandria [12/2012] for $4.99 {sic} |
"Little Journeys, Volume 1: Good Men" []
includes articles on Thomas Carlyle, author Charles Dickens, inventor Thomas A. Edison, George Eliot, William E. Gladstone,
Oliver Goldsmith, French author Victor Hugo, John Ruskin, William Shakespeare, Jonathan Swift, William M. Thackeray,
painter J.M.W. Turner, Walt Whitman, and Wm. Wordsworth
http://www.amazon.com/Little-journeys-homes-great-v-01/dp/B0062O7SYE/ UC blue cover
"Little Journeys, Volume 2: Famous Women" []
includes articles on Jane Austen, Rosa Bonheur, Charlotte Brontë, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Madame de Staël, Empress Joséphine de
Beauharnais, reformer Elizabeth Fry, Madame Guyon, Mary Ann Lamb, Harriet Martineau, poet Christina Rossetti, and Mary Shelley
http://www.amazon.com/Little-journeys-homes-great-v-02/dp/B0062TLYP8/ UC blue cover
![]() | "Little Journeys, Volume 3: American Statesmen" [1916] includes articles on 'The Little Journeys Camp', John Quincy Adams, Samuel Adams, Henry Clay, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, John Hancock, John Jay, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, William H. Seward, George Washington, and Daniel Webster Kindle Edition from Amazon Digital Services [3/2011] for FREE! {sic} Qontro Classic Books 11x8½ pb [7/2010] for $9.99 Perfect Library 9x6 pb [5/2015] for $15.90 Scholar's Choice 9¾x7½ pb [2/2015] for $24.75 Univ California Libraries blue cover 8x5 pb [1916 facsimile] for $24.99 available as free online etext at Internet Archive |
"Little Journeys, Volume 4: Eminent Painters" []
includes articles on Gustave Doré, Mariano Fortuny, Sir Edwin Henry Landseer, Jean-Louis-Ernest Meissonier, Michelangelo, Jean-François
Millet, Rembrandt van Rijn, Sir Joshua Reynolds, Sir Peter Paul Rubens, Ary Scheffer, Titian, and Anthony van Dyck
http://www.amazon.com/Little-journeys-homes-great-v-04/dp/B0062P2L5E/ UC blue cover
"Little Journeys, Volume 5: English Authors" []
includes articles on Joseph Addison; Victorian poet Robert Browning; Scots bard Robert Burns; George Gordon, Lord Byron; Samuel Taylor
Coleridge; Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield; Dr. Samuel Johnson; Thomas Babington Macaulay; John Milton; William Morris;
poet Robert Southey; and poet Alfred, Lord Tennyson
http://www.amazon.com/Little-journeys-homes-great-v-05/dp/B006YU3J62/ UC blue cover
"Little Journeys, Volume 6: Eminent Artists" []
includes articles on Edwin Austin Abbey, Giovanni Bellini, Sandro Botticelli, Benvenuto Cellini, Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot,
Antonio da Correggio, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Gainsborough, Raphael {Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino}, Bertel Thorvaldsen,
Diego Velázquez, and James Abbott McNeill Whistler
http://www.amazon.com/Little-journeys-homes-great-v-06/dp/B006KYDBCE/ UC blue cover
"Little Journeys, Volume 7: Eminent Orators" []
includes articles on Marcus Antonius; Henry Ward Beecher; Edmund Burke; Patrick Henry; Robert G. Ingersoll; Thomas Starr King; Martin
Luther; Jean-Paul Marat; Athens statesman Pericles; abolitionist Wendell Phillips; William Pitt, Earl of Chatham; and Girolamo Savonarola
http://www.amazon.com/Little-journeys-homes-great-v-07/dp/B006KYAD9I/ UC blue cover
"Little Journeys To The Homes of The Great, Volume 8: Philosophers"
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http://www.amazon.com/Little-journeys-homes-great-philosophers/dp/112555584X/ UC blue cover Kessinger Publng 10½x7¾ facsimile pb [5/1942 edition] for $30.84 includes articles on philosophers Aristotle, Marcus Aurelius, Auguste Comte, Immanuel Kant, Schopen-hauer, Seneca, Socrates, Herbert Spencer, Spinoza, Swedenborg, Henry David Thoreau, and Voltaire "Aristotle" 38-page article [orig 1904] by Elbert Hubbard Kessinger Publng 9x7½ pb [9/2010] for $12.76 Kessinger Publng 10¾x8 pb [8/2005] for $14.10 Kessinger Publng 10x7 hardcover [9/2010] for $22.28 "Spinoza" 46-page article [orig 1904] by Elbert Hubbard Kessinger Publng 9x7½ pb [9/2010] for $11.48 Kessinger Publng 10¾x8 pb [12/2005] for $12.44 Kessinger Publng 9¾x7 hardcover [9/2010] for $22.28 |
"Little Journeys, Volume 9: Great Reformers" [] EHlittlejourneysTPaine.jpg
includes articles on English atheist Charles Bradlaugh, John Bright, Richard Cobden, Oliver Cromwell, Giuseppe Garibaldi, Henry George,
Anne Hutchinson, Scottish theologian John Knox, Thomas Paine, Transcendentalist Theodore Parker, philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau,
and Methodist theologian John Wesley
http://www.amazon.com/Little-journeys-homes-great-v-09/dp/B006QYUF3G/ UC blue cover
"Little Journeys To The Homes of The Great, Volume 10: Great Teachers" [1908]
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Kindle Edition from Amazon Digital Services [undated] for $1.99
Ulan Press 10x7½ pb [8/2012] for $23.99 Univ California Libraries {blue cover} 8x5 pb [1916 facsimile] for $28.99 The Roycrofters hardcover [1908] out of print/used includes articles on Thomas Arnold, Chinese philosopher Confucius, Christian Science founder Mary Baker Eddy, Desiderius Erasmus, Friedrich Fröbel, Greek philosopher Hypatia, King Alfred the Great of Wessex, Moses, Greek philosopher Plato, Greek philosopher Pythagoras, St. Benedict of Nursia, and Afro-American leader Booker T. Washington "Plato" 34-page article [orig 1907] by Elbert Hubbard Kessinger Publng 9x6 pb [9/2010] for $12.76 Kessinger Publng 9x6 hardcover [9/2010] for $24.76 |
"Little Journeys To The Homes of The Great, Volume 11: Great Businessmen" [1909]
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Univ California Libraries {blue cover} 8x5 pb [1916 facsimile] for $30.39
F.Q. Books 11x8½ pb [7/2010] for $8.99 BiblioBazaar 8x5 pb [2/2008] for $19.78 includes articles on meatpacking tycoon Philip Danforth Armour, fur trader John Jacob Astor, steel tycoon Andrew Carnegie, industrialist Peter Cooper, banker Stephen Girard, railroad tycoon James J. Hill, inventor & industrialist James Oliver, socialist mill owner Robert Owen, merchant banker George Peabody, oil tycoon H.H. {Henry Huttleston} Rogers, banker Mayer Amschel Rothschild, and drygoods tycoon A.T. {Alexander Turney} Stewart "James J. Hill" 46-page article [orig 1909] by Elbert Hubbard Kessinger Publng 9x7½ pb [9/2010] for $11.48 Roycrofters pb [1909] out of print/scarce Kessinger Publng 9¾x7 hardcover [9/2010] for $22.28 |
"Little Journeys, Volume 12: Great Scientists" [] EHlittlejourneysCopernicus.jpg
includes articles on astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus, naturalist Charles Darwin, philosopher & historian John Fiske, astronomer
Galileo Galilei, naturalist Ernst Haeckel, astronomer William Herschel, biologist Thomas Henry Huxley, biologist Carl Linnæus, physicist
Sir Isaac Newton, physicist John Tyndall, naturalist & explorer Alexander von Humboldt, and naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace
"Little Journeys, Volume 13: Great Lovers" [1906]
includes articles on Dante Alighieri & Beatrice Portinari; Honoré de Balzac & Madame Hanska; François Fénelon & Madame Guyon;
William Godwin & Mary Wollstonecraft; Ferdinand Lassalle & Helene von Dönniges; Horatio, Lord Nelson & Emma, Lady Hamilton;
Charles Stewart Parnell & Kitty O'Shea; Petrarch & Laura de Noves; Dante Gabriel Rossetti & Elizabeth Eleanor Siddal;
Robert Louis Stevenson & Fanny Osbourne; and Josiah & Sarah Wedgwood
http://www.amazon.com/Little-journeys-homes-great-v-13/dp/B0068U2L0I/ UC blue cover
http://www.amazon.com/Little-journeys-homes-great-lovers/dp/B008L4UENU/ UC blue cover
"Little Journeys, Volume 14: Great Musicians" [] EHlittlejourneysPaganini.jpg
includes articles on Johann Sebastian Bach, Johannes Brahms, Frédéric Chopin, George Frideric Handel, Franz Liszt, Felix Mendelssohn,
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Niccolò Paganini, Robert Schumann, Ludwig van Beethoven, Giuseppe Verdi, and Wilhelm Richard Wagner
![]() | "Fred Harvey" biographical article [prior to 1921] by Elbert Hubbard Hubbard published an article about restaurant tycoon Fred Harvey [1835-1901] as part of the "Little Journeys To The Homes of The Great" series produced by Hubbard's Roycrofters commune 18-page Kessinger Publng 11x8½ pb [9/2010] for $7.96 18-page Kessinger Publng 11x8½ pb [9/2010] for $7.96 |
![]() | "Socrates, Aristotle, and Plato: The Story and Work of Great Philosophers" [2016] by Elbert Hubbard 114-page L.M. Publrs 8x5¼ pb [1/2016] for $7.99 |
Other Works, Other  Media
Elbert Hubbard credits {1910-36} at Internet Movie Database
"Justinian and Theodora" short film [Selig Polyscope 1910] /tt0354677/
"A Message To Garcia" silent film [Edison/K-E-S-E Dec 1916]
Silent b&w feature filmed in Cuba; directed by Richard Ridgely; starring Robert Conness, Mabel Trunnelle, Herbert Prior,
Robert Kegerreis, Brad Sutton, Charles Sutton, Paul Everton, Helen Strickland, Ray Fairchild & Bigelow Cooper
VHS/DVD/Blu-ray not available • credits at IMDb
"A Message To Garcia" sound film [Fox April 1936]
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President McKinley orders Lt. Rowan to deliver a message into the hands of Cuban rebel leader Gen. Calixto Garcia; once in Cuba, he is helped by an American deserter, a girl seeking revenge against the Spanish oppressors, and a British merchant, while being pursued by the mercenary Doctor Krug. Produced by Darryl F. Zanuck; directed by George Marshall; based on essays by Elbert Hubbard & Andrew Rowan; starring John Boles {as Lt. Rowan}, Wallace Beery, Barbara Stanwyck, Alan Hale, Herbert Mundin, Mona Barrie, Enrique Acosta {as García}, Juan Torena, Martin Garralaga
Fox Video b&w DVD-R [3/2013] for $19.98 full credits at IMDb • movie entry at Wikipedia |
"Elbert Hubbard: An American Original" [PBS Nov 2009]
Hubbard not listed on IMDb credits {see below}
Works  About  Elbert Hubbard
![]() | "Elbert Hubbard and His Work: A Biography, A Sketch, and A Bibliography" [1901] by Albert Lane Univ California Libraries {blue cover} 8x5 pb [1901 facsimile] for $14.24 Kessinger Publng 9x6 hardcover [7/2007] for $29.65 Blanchard Press original hardcover [1901] out of print/used free online text at Archive.org |
![]() | "In Memoriam: Elbert and Alice Hubbard" [1915] 360-page book published by Roycrofters; several hundred contributors include meat-packing magnate J. Ogden Armour, educator Roger Babson, botanist Luther Burbank, seed-company founder W. Atlee Burpee, ketchup magnate Henry J. Heinz, National Park Service founder Franklin Knight Lane, Orison Swett Marden, pioneer cartoonist Richard F. Outcault, poet James Whitcomb Riley, Nobel-laureate Elihu Root, evangelist Billy Sunday, Booker T. Washington, and poet Ella Wheeler Wilcox. BiblioBazaar 8¾x5¾ pb [3/2009] for $23.32 BiblioLife 9¼x6 hardcover [3/2009] for $32.39 free online text at Archive.org |
![]() | "Elbert Hubbard of East Aurora" biography/memoir [1926] by Felix Shay, Foreword by Henry Ford "A fascinating anecdotal first-hand account by a man who worked closely with Hubbard." Wm. H. Wise & Co. hardcover [1926] out of print/60+ used |
![]() | "Art and Glory: The Story of Elbert Hubbard" [1968] by Freeman Champney Kent State Univ Press 9x6 pb [11/83] out of print/used Crown Publrs hardcover [1968] out of print/used |
"Elbert Hubbard, William Morris's Greatest Imitator" [1999]
Yellow Barn/Previous Parrot Press by John J. Walsdorf
"The Common Sense Revolutionary: A Business Vision For Our Times" [2003] by Daniel Diehl
Spiro Press 8½x6½ hardcover [6/2003] for $24.95
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"Elbert Hubbard: An American Original" [P.B.S. Nov 2009] Hour-long documentary covering Elbert Hubbard's life and works and legacy; much footage of modern artisans at work at Roycroft; co-produced, written & directed by Paul Lamont; narrated by Liev Schreiber P.B.S. color DVD [12/2009] for $19.58 • credits at IMDb PBS official webpages: watch program free in 14 segments totalling 56:20 |
Elbert Hubbard and-or the Roycrofter Movement are way overdue for an A&E/Biography episode.
The Roycrofter Movement [1894-1938]
Roycrofters official website
The Roycroft Campus Corporation [built 1897, landmark status 1986] in East Aurora, NY
The Roycroft Inn [built 1905, restored 1995], 40 So. Grove Street in East Aurora, NY
Roycroft entry at Wikipedia
search books on keyword 'Roycrofters' {returns 1,200+ titles} on Amazon
"Roycroft Furniture Catalog, 1906" [6/1994]
"The Book of The Roycrofters: Consecrated Lives" [1907] by Elbert Hubbard
"Roycroft Decorative Accessories In Copper and Leather: The 1919 Catalog" [9/2002]
"As Bees In Honey Drown: Elbert Hubbard and The Roycrofters" [A.S. Barnes, 1973]
by Charles Franklin Hamilton ISBN 0-498-01052-X
"Furniture of The American Arts and Crafts Movement: Stickley and Roycroft Mission Oak"
[New American Library, 1981] by David M. Cathers 0-453-00397-4
![]() | "A Catalog of The Roycrofters: Some Things For Sale At Our Shop - Featuring Metalwork and Lighting Fixtures, Profusely illustrated" [1989] Edited by Stephen Gray Turn of The Century Editions 10½x7¼ pb [6/89] out of print/used |
"Roycroft Art Metal" [1990] by Kevin McConnell
http://www.amazon.com/Roycroft-Art-Metal-Kevin-McConnell/dp/0764329901/ 7/2008
"Head, Heart, and Hand: Elbert Hubbard and The Roycrofters" [Univ Rochester Press, 1994]
Edited by Marie Via & Marjorie Searl ISBN 1-878822-43-8
"More Roycroft Art Metal: With Price Guide" [3/1997] by Kevin McConnell
"The Roycroft Campus (Images of America Series)" [Arcadia Publng, 2000]
by Robert Rust, et al ISBN 0-7524-1344-9
"Roycroft Furniture and Collectibles, Illustrated" [12/2003] by Larry Koon
Friends  &  Family
Elbert Green Hubbard was born in 1856 in Bloomington, Illinois, and died at sea in 1915.
bedridden brother Charlie Hubbard [1851-1860]
older sister Hannah Frances 'Frank' Hubbard
younger sisters Mary, Anna Miranda, and Honor
first wife Bertha C. Crawford Hubbard [1861-1946] - married 1881, divorced 1904
son Elbert 'Bert' Hubbard II [1882-1970]
son Ralph Hubbard [1885-1980]
son Sanford Hubbard [1887-1955]
daughter Catherine Hubbard Bryan [1896-1961]
second wife Alice Moore Hubbard [] - reconnected 1900, married 1904, died at sea 1915
daughter Miriam Elberta Hubbard [1894-1985]
![]() | "An American Bible: The Humor, Wit, Wisdom, Religion & Philosophy of Eight Great Americans " [1911] Edited by Alice Hubbard
chapters/topics are Introduction, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Benjamin Franklin, Elbert Hubbard, Robert G. Ingersoll, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Paine, and Walt Whitman Kindle Edition from Amazon Digital Services [1/2014] for 99¢ {sic} Univ California Libraries {blue cover} 8x5 pb [1918 facsimile] for $25.64 Roycrofters 7¼x5 hardcover [1911] out of print/used |
L i n k s
Roycrofters official website
Elbert Hubbard entry at Wikipedia
Elbert Hubbard credits {1910-36} at Internet Movie Database
browse Elbert Hubbard Store {just 11 titles} at Amazon
search books on keywords 'Elbert Hubbard' {returns 17,000+ titles} at Amazon
browse Fra Magazine books {300+ titles} at Amazon
here on the Elbert Hubbard [1856-1915] Page at Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore
top of page • short profile • major works • 'Little Journeys' Series • other works, other media •
works about Elbert Hubbard • The Roycrofter Movement • friends & family • links
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