Spirit of America Bookstore

Inventions  of  America
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             computer operations room with I.B.M. 7090 console at Columbia University Computer Center in 1966              here on Page 2

A Few Important People

A Few Important Dates

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Ancient Times
Historical Computers
Mainframe Computers
Personal Computers


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top of Page 4: A.I. Chatbots

A  Few  Important  People

Programmers at Work Interviews book by Susan M. Lammers  "Programmers At Work: Interviews With 19 Programmers Who Shaped The Computer Industry"
[1986] by Susan M. Lammers

19 interviewees include Bill Gates (Microsoft), Andy Hertzfield (Macintosh OS), Jaron Lanier, C. Wayne Ratcliff (dBASE), and John Warnock (Postscript)
Tempus Books pb [7/89] out of print/used
Harper & Row pb [1986] out of print/used
available as free online flip-book at Internet Archive
Chinese-language Kindle Edition from Posts & Telecom Press [2012] for $7.19

Great Men and Women of Computing book by Donald D. Spencer  "Great Men and Women of Computing" [1996] by Donald D. Spencer
individuals covered include Howard Aiken, John Atanasoff, Charles Babbage, George Boole, Daniel Bricklin, William Burroughs, Vannevar Bush, Augusta Byron, Seymour Cray, Edsger Dijkstra, J. Presper Eckert, Dorr Felt, William Gates (Microsoft, Inc.), Herman Hollerith, Grace Hopper (U.S. Navy), Joseph Jacquard, Steven Jobs (Apple, Inc.), John Kemeny, Thomas Kurtz, Gottfried Leibniz, John Mauchly, John Napier, William Norris, Blaise Pascal, George Stibitz, Alan Turing, John von Neumann, Thomas Watson, Sr. (I.B.M., Inc.), Norbert Wiener, Maurice Wilkes, Niklaus Wirth, Stephen Wozniak (Apple, Inc.), and Konrad Zuse
Camelot Publng 10x7½ pb [1999] out of print/used
Camelot Publng 10x7½ pb [1996] out of print/used

Paul Allen - co-founder of Apple, Inc.

Dr. John Vincent Atanasoff [1903-95]
deemed in 1973 as inventor of the electronic digital computer in October 1939

Charles Babbage [1791-1871]

Steve Ballmer

John Bardeen [1908-91] - co-inventor of the transistor in 1947

Tim Berners-Lee at C.E.R.N. in Switzerland.

English mathematician & philosopher George Boole 1815-64]
Boole is most famous for creating Boolean algebra in 1847, which is the basic concept that underlies all modern electronic digital computers.

Walter H. Brattain [1902-87] - co-inventor of the transistor in 1947

engineer Vannevar Bush [1890-1974]
As head of NDRC and OSRD and science advisor to Franklin D. Roosevelt, Bush initiated the Manhattan Project, and ensured that it received top priority
from the highest levels of government. He promoted the idea of the 'differential engine' from the 1930s and oversaw the building of several prototypes during World War II.
incomplete Vannevar Bush Store at Amazonentry at Wikipedia

more details (short profile, books & ebooks, movies & TV, links) on
Spirit of America Bookstore's engineer Vannevar Bush Page

Vannevar Bush's seminal essay "As We May Think" appeared in The Atlantic Monthly in July 1945, republished in an abridged version in LIFE Magazine in September 1945;
it may seem quaint today, but not too long ago it was required reading for library and information science students; in it Bush envisioned automated information retrieval
and a complex device called the Memex, and for that he has gained a place in history.
essay entry at Wikipedia • available as free online etext at The Atlantic Monthly

Dynamic Diagrams distributed a sample of their product at the ACM SIGIR conference in 1995;
the content was a demo of Vannevar Bush's theoretical Memex system.
watch Memex animation video [11/2009 upload; 2:33] online at YouTube

Endless Frontier / Vannevar Bush book by Gregg Pascal Zachary  "Endless Frontier: Vannevar Bush, Engineer of The
American Century" [1997] by G. Pascal Zachary

The M.I.T. Press 9¼x6 pb [6/99] out of print/used
Free Press 9¾x6¾ hardcover [9/97] out of print/used

Vinton Gray 'Vint' Cerf [b. 1943] - co-inventor of the internet

J. Presper Eckert [1919-95]

Douglas Carl Engelbart [1925-2013] - inventor of the computer mouse

Bill Gates - co-founder of Microsoft
Melinda Gates - co-chair Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Herman Hollerith [1860-1929] - inventor of the punched data card

Grace Hopper [] led the team that created the COBOL computer language
entry at Wikipedia

The Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing [est. 1994]
official websiteentry at Wikipedia

"Grace Hopper: Computer Pioneer" [] by Joanne Mattern

"Grace Hopper: Admiral of the Cyber Sea" [] by Kathleen Broome…

Grace Hopper / Information Age book by Kurt W. Beyer  
"Grace Hopper and The Invention of The Information Age" [2009]
by Kurt W. Beyer

Kindle Edition from BookBaby [2/2015] for $11.99
M.I.T. Press 8x5½ pb [2/2012] for $18.60
M.I.T. Press 8x5½ hardcover [7/2009] out of print/many used

"The Queen of Code" documentary film [2015] produced by FiveThirtyEight

Steve Jobs - co-founder of Apple, Inc.

Robert Elliot 'Bob' Kahn [b. 1938] - co-inventor of the internet

Jack St. Clair Kilby [1923-2005] - co-inventor of the Integrated Circuit

Leonard Kleinrock [b. 1934] of U.C.L.A. - co-inventor of the internet

mathematician Ada Byron Lovelace [1815-52] - the first programmer
Born 10 December 1815; Charles Babbage corresponded with her often; he had an idea for a machine called the Analytical Engine, a sort of general-purpose computer that could, in theory, calculate any number of things; Lovelace saw that it had more potential than as just a number cruncher. In the 1840s, she had an inkling that algorithmic art was possible, envisioning that “music could be captured with mathematical rules and composed with a machine”. She died in November 1852 of cancer at age 46.
entry at Wikipedia

'Ada the Enchantress of Numbers' in Kindle format by Betty Alexandra Toole  "Ada, The Enchantress of Numbers: Poetical Science" [1992] by Betty Alexandra Toole
Kindle Edition includes all of Ada's fascinating letters to Charles Babbage, 55 pictures, and footnotes
Kindle Edition from Critical Connection [10/2010] for $7.99
Strawberry Press 8x5¼ pb [2/98] out of print/many used ://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0912647094/nordellbookst-20" target="_blank">Strawberry Press 9¼x6½ hardcover [3/92] out of print/used
Ada's Algorithm book by James Essinger  "Ada's Algorithm: How Lord Byron's Daughter Ada Lovelace Launched The Digital Age Through The Poetry of Numbers" [2013] by James Essinger
Kindle Edition from Melville House [10/2014] for $12.99
Melville House pb [10/2015] for $13.14
Gibson Square Books Ltd. 8½x5¼ pb [10/2013] out of print/used
Melville House 8½x5¾ hardcover [10/2014] for $19.23
Ada Byron Lovelace and the Thinking Machine children's book by Laurie Wallmark & April Chu  "Ada Byron Lovelace and The Thinking Machine" [ages 5 & up; 2015]
by Laurie Wallmark, Illustrated by April Chu

40-page Creston Books 11x9 hardcover [10/2015] for $12.78
Enchantress of Numbers novel by Jennifer Chiaverini  "Enchantress of Numbers: A Novel of Ada Lovelace" [2017]
by Jennifer Chiaverini

Kindle Edition from Dutton/Penguin [12/2017] for $12.99
Dutton 9¼x6¼ hardcover [12/2017] for $17.70
Ada Byron Lovelace biography children's book by Emily Arnold McCully  "Dreaming In Code: Ada Byron Lovelace, Computer Pioneer" [2019]
by Emily Arnold McCully

Kindle Edition from Candlewick Press [3/2019] for $9.99
Candlewick Press 9¼x7¼ hardcover [3/2019] for $13.51

John Mauchly [1907-80]

Robert Noyce [1927-90] - co-inventor of the Integrated Circuit

Lawrence G. Roberts [b. 1937] - co-inventor of the internet

William Bradford Shockley, Jr. [1910-89] - co-inventor of the transistor in 1947

visionary Nikola Tesla [1856-1943] Page
at Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore

Larry Tesler [1945-2020]
the inventor of cut/copy/paste and find/replace; worked at Xerox PARC 1973-80, Apple Computer 1980-2000, Amazon 2001-2005, and Yahoo! 2005-2008.

British computer genius Alan Turing [1912-54] Page
at Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore

"The Imitation Game" [StudioCanal/The Weinstein Company Nov 2014]
Graham Moore won the Oscar for Best Adapted Screenplay    The Imitation Game movie  A reported break-in at his home brings Alan Turing to the attention of the police; the lack of a war record makes them think that Turing might be a Soviet spy, and they begin digging deeper; during an interrogation, Turing relates (via flashback) his secret work on Nazi cyphers at Bletchley Park; the authorities realize that Turing is homosexual, a serious crime in Britain; a conviction halts his government career, and Turing commits suicide • Directed by Morten Tyldum; co-produced & written by Graham Moore, based on the book by Andrew Hodges; starring Benedict Cumberbatch, Keira Knightley, Charles Dance, Mark Strong, Matthew Goode, Rory Kinnear, Allen Leech, Matthew Beard, James Northcote, Tom Goodman-Hill, Steven Waddington, Ilan Goodman, Jack Tarlton, Alex Lawther, Jack Bannon & Tuppence Middle-ton; won Oscar Award for Best Adapted Screenplay; Oscar noms for Best Motion Picture, Best Director, Best Actor {BC}, Best Supporting Actress {KK}, Best Original Music Score, Best Film Editing & Best Production Design; also won A.F.I. Movie of The Year Award, 3 Empire Awards in U.K., GLAAD Media Award, 4 Hollywood Film Awards, USC Scripter Award, W.G.A. Award for Best Adapted Screenplay, plus many film festival awards
Anchor Bay widescreen color Blu-ray [3/2015] for $17.49
Anchor Bay widescreen color DVD [3/2015] for $12.96
full credits at IMDbofficial movie sitemovie entry at Wikipedia
watch official trailers online at YouTube: 7/2014 trailer [2:32]9/2014 international trailer [1:48]
           11/2014 trailer [1:06]1/2015 trailer [2:16]

Alan Turing The Enigma 1983 book by Andrew Hodges  "Alan Turing: The Enigma" New York Times bestseller [1983]
by Andrew Hodges, Foreword by Douglas Hofstadter

'The Book That Inspired The Film The Imitation Game'
Kindle Edition from Princeton Univ Press [11/2014] for $9.99
Princeton Univ Press 8x5 pb [11/2014] for $14.16
Vintage Books 7¾x5¼ pb [11/2014] for $16.41
Simon & Schuster hardcover [11/1983] out of print/used
Random House UK hardcover [1/1983] out of print/used

engineer & speaker Bret Victor - 'Purveyor of Impossible Dreams'
no books published yet • official websiteentry at Wikipedia

“Inventing On Principle” talk at Turing Complete conference on 20 January 2012
watch lecture [54:19] online at YouTube

“Drawing Dynamic Visualizations” lecture [May 2013]
watch lecture [35:15] online at YouTube

“The Future of Programming” lecture at Dropbox's DBX conference on 9 July 2013
watch lecture [32:55] online at YouTube

“Stop Drawing Dead Fish: Making Art On Computers” lecture
watch lecture [8/2013 upload; 53:32] online at YouTube

John von Neumann [1903-57]

John Von Neumann & Norbert Wiener double biography by Steve Joshua Heims  "John Von Neumann and Norbert Wiener: From Mathematics To The Technologies of Life and Death" [1980] by Steve Joshua Heims
The M.I.T. Press 9x6 pb [6/82] out of print/used
The M.I.T. Press 9¼x6½ hardcover [10/80] out of print/used

see also the Norbert Wiener [1894-1964] Page at Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore

"John Von Neumann: The Scientific Genius Who Pioneered The Modern Computer, Game Theory,
Nuclear Deterrence, and..." [10/1999] by Norman MacRae

"The MANIAC" [10/2023] by novelist Benjamín Labatut
a fictionalization of the life of John von Neumann that centers on the dark side of scientific genius

Steve Wozniak - co-founder of Apple, Inc.

Mark Zuckerberg - co-founder of Facebook

Historical Dictionary of Data Processing Biographies book by James W. Cortada  
"Historical Dictionary of Data Processing: Biographies" [1987]
by James W. Cortada

Biographies of more than 160 individuals extending in time from antiquity through the 1980s
Greenwood 9¼x6 hardcover [8/87] for $140.00
Biographical Dictionary of Computer Pioneers book by John A.N. Lee  "International Biographical Dictionary of Computer Pioneers" [1995] by John A.N. Lee
over 270 entries, reference work published by Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers
Routledge/I.E.E.E. 10½x7½x2¼" thick {4.3 pounds!} hardcover [11/95] for $395.00 {sic}
I.E.E.E. 9¼x6½x2" thick {2.9 pounds!} hardcover [6/95] out of print/used

A  Few  Important  Dates

  • 1400 BCE: The Clepsydra clock of Babylon
  • circa 270 BCE: the water clock of Greek inventor Csestibus
  • circa 100 BCE: The Antikythera celestial mechanism probably designed by Archimedes [287-212 BCE]
  • early in 1673: Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz [1646-1716] met with the Royal Society in London where he demonstrated a calculating machine that he had designed and had been building since 1670; the machine was able to execute all four basic arithmetic operations (adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing).
  • 1801: The Jacquard Loom and punch cards
  • 1932: The secret German Enigma ciphering system was decoded by Poland's Cipher Bureau; after further work, Poland shared their knowledge with British & French intelligence in July 1939.
  • 1939: Invention of the programmable electronic computer: completion of the prototype Atanasoff–Berry electronic digital computer at Iowa State College.
  • 1939-40: Manufacture of the original Top Secret Cipher machine that was used by the Italian Army, Navy, and Air Force during the World War II; it was based on the principles and designs of the German Enigma cipher machine; produced by O.M.I. (OtticaMeccanica Italiana) Nistri SA; the machine had five rotating disks for the codification and one rotating disk for writing, the keyboard had twenty-seven keys and a lever: twenty-six keys were for the alphabet and one key was used for continuous movement.   click here for photograph (in a new window)
  • 1940: Britain's Government Code & Cypher School at Bletchley Park in Buckinghamshire worked on faster decoding of German Enigma transmissions, especially the tougher 4-rotor U-boat encryptions. The project was led by genius mathematician Alan Turing [1912-54].
  • 1945 July: seminal essay "As We May Think" by Vannevar Bush appeared in The Atlantic Monthly { free online text }
  • 1947: invention of the transistor
  • 1948: American mathematician Norbert Wiener [1894-1964] published "Cybernetics".
  • 1959 Oct 5: I.B.M. announced the all-transistorized Model 1401 data processing system for small businesses.
  • 1965: The first computer dating service was created in London, U.K.; it was called St. James Computer Dating Service (later to become Com-Pat).
  • 1965: Release of the Olivetti Programma 101 calculator, also known as Perottina or P101
  • 1965: Two Harvard students used an IBM 1401 computer to create a matchmaking service called Operation Match.
  • 1968: Release of the Hewlett-Packard 9100A calculator
  • 1976: The Apple I computer was produced from April 1976 to September 1977; the Apple II was produced from July 1977 to May 1979.
  • 1981 Aug 12: I.B.M. introduced its first personal computer, the Model 5150, at a press conference in New York, included release of IBM PC DOS 1.0.
  • 1984 Jan 24: Apple Computers, Inc. released the original Macintosh personal computer; the system software had no official name.
  • 1985 Nov 20: Microsoft introduced the Windows 1.0 graphical user interface (GUI) operating system shell for MS-DOS.
  • 1988 May 18: Microsoft intern Wes Cherry created the online game Solitaire out of sheer boredom. With the approval of Microsoft founder Bill Gates, the company decided to include the game as part of its Windows platform, thus causing countless hours of wasted time.

  • 1990 May 22: Official release of the long-time standard interface Windows 3.0 - with a 'suggested retail price' of $149.
  • 1990 Summer: The Computer Misuse Act [of] 1990 was an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom that is seen as "a robust and flexible piece of legislation in terms of dealing with cybercrime"; it has been updated several times.
  • 1991 Aug 6: First webpage on the World Wide Web was placed online by physicist Tim Berners-Lee at C.E.R.N. in Switzerland.
  • 1995 April: Match.com, considered to be the first modern dating site, was launched.
  • 1995 Aug 24: Windows 95 was released to retail stores at a 'suggested retail price' of $209.95 and an upgrade price of $109.95.
  • 1998 May 15: Windows 98 was released to retail stores at a 'suggested retail price' of $109.

  • 2001 March 24: Initial release of the macOSX graphical operating system developed by Apple, Inc. to replace Mac OS 9.
  • 2001 Oct 25: Windows XP was released to retail stores; Windows XP Home Edition cost $199 for the full version and $99 as an upgrade; Windows XP Professional cost $299 for the full version and $199 as an upgrade.
  • 2001 Dec 31: Microsoft ended support for Windows 95, along with previous versions including hugely popular Windows 3.0.
  • 2006 March 21: Jack Dorsey sent out the first-ever tweet: “just setting up my twttr”.
  • 2007 Jan 30: International release of Windows Vista; 'suggested retail prices' were Home Premium edition for $239.99, Business edition for $299.99, and Ultimate edition (combination of both Home Premium and Business Enterprise) for $399.99.
  • 2009: Gay dating site Grindr launched, one of the earliest location-based dating apps.
  • 2011 March 31: World Backup Day was started.
  • 2012: Dating app Tinder was released, introducing its popular 'swiping' feature.
  • 2013: Hinge launches as “the dating app designed to be deleted”.
  • 2014: Whitney Wolfe Herd founds the 'feminist' dating app Bumble after resigning from Tinder.
  • 2019: Facebook launches its own dating service, Facebook Dating.

  • 2020 Jan 14: Microsoft support came to an end for Windows 7.
  • 2023 July 21: Representatives from seven companies leading the A.I. charge - including OpenAI - convened at the Biden White House and agreed to guidelines that include more safety tests before product releases, a watermarking system for AI-generated content, and more disclosure of the technology’s vulnerabilities. If the companies break their promises, it could land them in hot water with the FTC.

  • Artificial  Intelligence  /  Chatbots

    "We cannot be 'for' or 'against' [artificial intelligence technology], insofar as it is already here and not likely to disappear any time soon."
    — anthropologist Régis Meyran, in 2021

    This section grew rapidly and was cut to its own page in August 2023.

    Movies & Television,  Stageplays,  Other  Media

    "Desk Set" [May 1957]
    starring Tracy and Hepburn fighting over the company's new EMERAC computer

    "Alphaville" [May 1965]
    Set in a distant, dystopian future controlled by a sentient cloud-like dictatorial computer named Alpha 60
    Jean-Luc Godard's science fiction and film noir thriller stars veteran tough guy Eddie Constantine

    "Hot Millions" [MGM Sept 1968]
    co-written by & starring Peter Ustinov, also starring Maggie Smith & Karl Malden

    "Colossus: The Forbin Project" [1970]

    "Demon Seed" [April 1977]

    "WarGames" [M.G.M. June 1983] directed by John Badham /tt0086567/

    "WarGames: The Dead Code" sequel [DVD release July 2008]
    A sequel was directed by Stuart Gillard, starring Matt Lanter;
    a hacker named Will Farmer faces off with a government supercomputer called RIPLEY.

    "WarGames" remake [M.G.M.; in development] /tt1976650/
    Announced 2013?: filmmaker Dean Israelite and screenwriter Arash Amel are signed on to the reboot of the 1980s techno-thriller.

    "Electric Dreams" [M.G.M. July 1984]

    "The Net" [Columbia Pictures 1995] /tt0113957/
    Directed by Irwin Winkler; written by John Brancato & Michael Ferris; starring Sandra Bullock, Jeremy Northam, Dennis Miller

    spinoff TV series

    "The Net 2.0" direct-to-video sequel [2006]

    "Hackers" [1995] /tt0113243/

    "Track Down" [studio 2000]
    Skeet Ulrich (Actor), Russell Wong (Actor)

    "Antitrust" [Jan 2001]

    "The First $20 Million Is Always The Hardest" [Fox June 2002]
    based on a novel by technology-culture writer Po Bronson; starring Adam Garcia

    "dot" [The Asylum Dec 2002]
    'dot' movie  Spinal Tap-style mockumentary feature film about three pals who put together an internet startup company for the express purpose of making a fortune, even though they have no product and no business plan. "A comic look at a period in our culture so far ahead of itself that its present is already passé." • Co-produced, co-written & co-directed by Simeon Schnapper & Brett Singer; starring Michael Mazzara, Stephen Eugene Walker, Simeon Schnapper, Jamie McMillan, Katherine Martinez Ripley & Matthew O'Neill • full credits at IMDb
    Vanguard Cinema color DVD [12/2002] out of prodn/used

    "Echelon Conspiracy" [Feb 2009]

    "Control Alt Delete" [DVD release June 2010]
    Starring Tyler Labine, Sonja Bennett, Geoff Gustafson, ()

    "The Social Network"
    [Relativity Media / Columbia Oct 2010]
    Social Network 2010 movie poster  "You don't get to 500 million friends without making a few enemies": The story of the college student who created the Facebook phenomenon and six years later became the youngest billionaire in history • Directed by David Fincher; based on the book by Ben Mezrich; starring Jesse Eisenberg, Andrew Garfield, Justin Timber-lake, Brenda Song, Rashida Jones, Max Minghella, Rooney Mara & Joseph Mazzello
    Sony Pictures widescreen color Blu-ray [1/2011] 2 disks for $18.59
    Sony Pictures Home Ent. widescreen color DVD [1/2011] 2 disks for $9.76
    Sony Pictures Home Ent. widescreen color DVD [1/2011] 2 disks for $11.05
    full credits at IMDbofficial movie site
    Accidental Billionaires / Founding of Facebook book by Ben Mezrich  "The Accidental Billionaires: The Founding of Facebook - A Tale of Sex, Money, Genius, and Betrayal" [2009 bestseller] by Ben Mezrich
    Lacking access to central figure Mark Zuckerberg, the author fictionalized many important parts of the story, as well as sensationalizing college life; the result is a questionable but nonetheless exciting tale.
    Anchor 8¼x6 pb [5/2010] for $10.85
    Doubleday 9¼x6 hardcover [7/2009] for $16.50

    "Computer Chess" [studio July 2013]

    "Her" [Warner Bros. Dec 2013]
    produced, written & directed by Spike Jonze

    "The Imitation Game"
    [StudioCanal/The Weinstein Company Nov 2014]
    Graham Moore won the Oscar for Best Adapted Screenplay    The Imitation Game movie  A reported break-in at his home brings Alan Turing to the attention of the police; the lack of a war record makes them think that Turing might be a Soviet spy, and they begin digging deeper; during an interrogation, Turing relates (via flashback) his secret work on Nazi cyphers at Bletchley Park; the authorities realize that Turing is homosexual, a serious crime in Britain; a conviction halts his government career, and Turing commits suicide • Directed by Morten Tyldum; co-produced & written by Graham Moore, based on the book by Andrew Hodges; starring Benedict Cumberbatch, Keira Knightley, Charles Dance, Mark Strong, Matthew Goode, Rory Kinnear, Allen Leech, Matthew Beard, James Northcote, Tom Goodman-Hill, Steven Waddington, Ilan Goodman, Jack Tarlton, Alex Lawther, Jack Bannon & Tuppence Middleton; won Oscar Award for Best Adapted Screenplay; Oscar noms for Best Motion Picture, Best Director, Best Actor (BC), Best Supporting Actress {KK}, Best Original Music Score, Best Film Editing & Best Pro-duction Design; also won A.F.I. Movie of The Year Award, 3 Empire Awards in U.K., GLAAD Media Award, 4 Hollywood Film Awards, USC Scripter Award, W.G.A. Award for Best Adapted Screenplay, plus many film festival awards
    Anchor Bay widescreen color Blu-ray [3/2015] for $17.49
    Anchor Bay widescreen color DVD [3/2015] for $12.96
    full credits at IMDbofficial movie sitemovie entry at Wikipedia
    watch official trailers online at YouTube: 7/2014 trailer [2:32]9/2014 intl trailer [1:48]
            11/2014 trailer [1:06]1/2015 trailer [2:16]

    "Eighteen Zeros: The Power and Possibilities of Exascale Computing"
    [Hewlett Packard Oct 2017]
    watch 10/2017 promo video [6:43] at YouTube

    Image  Gallery

    1997 replica of the Atanassof-Berry digital computer, as built in 1938         ancient artifact: I.B.M. personal computer          Steve Jobs at the 1984 launch of the Macintosh personal computer

    Ancient Greek scribe working at his laptop         Grandma's tech support . . .          joke poster 'original computer' (pencil)

    here on 'The Computer' Pages at Spirit of America Bookstore

    top of Page 1general booksancient timeshistorical computersmainframe computerspersonal computerssoftware, securitylinks

    top of Page 2a few important peoplea few important datesother mediaimage gallery

    top of Page 3: Social Mediabookscompaniesmovies & TV, other media ••• Page 4: Artificial Intelligence

    Cyber Film Festival at Magic Lantern Video & Book Store
    Working Minds / Things To Worry About / Internet Freedom Page
    Personal Computers & Accessories Dept. at Amazon

    :                   :

    Inventors of America Pages at Spirit of America Bookstore

    top of Page 1short historygeneral linksgeneral booksinventors, A-ZAfro-American inventors

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