"Thomas the Tank Engine"
Books and TV and Merchandise
• Page One •
The British storybooks about 'Thomas the Tank Engine' by Rev. Wilbert Vere Awdry [1911-97] were a surprise success and the merchandise
now includes 42 storybooks, dozens of educational books, British and American television series, feature films & videos, electric trains
in OO gauge and larger, other toys & games of all sorts, furniture, clothing, and 'in person' visits by Thomas to local tourist railroads.
'Thomas the Tank Engine' entry at Wikipedia
search books on keywords 'Thomas Tank Engine' {returns 1,000+ items} at Amazon
search DVDs on keywords 'Thomas Tank Engine' {returns 200 items} at Amazon
'Thomas the Tank Engine' Archives [est. 2/2011] at YouTube
The Books
Rev. Wilbert Vere Awdry, OBE wrote 26 books in "The Railway Series", published from 1945 to 1972; each contains four stories.
His son Christopher wrote sixteen books, published from 1983 to 2011 - plus four special storybooks.
'The Railway Series' entry at Wikipedia
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"The Railway Series" books 1-26, written by Rev. W. Awdry [1911-97]
"The Three Railway Engines" [#1 = 1945] debut of Edward, Gordon, Henry, Fat Director
"Thomas The Tank Engine" [#2 = 1946] debut of Thomas, James, coaches Annie & Clarabel
"James The Red Engine" [#3 = 1948] re-debut of The Fat Controller (renamed after nationalisation)
"Tank Engine Thomas Again" [#4 = 1949] debut of Terence the Tractor, Bertie the Bus
"Troublesome Engines" [#5 = 1950] debut of Percy the Small Engine
"Henry The Green Engine" [#6 = 1951]
"Toby The Tram Engine" [#7 = 1952] debut of Toby, Henrietta
"Gordon The Big Engine" [#8 = 1953]
"Edward The Blue Engine" [#9 = 1954] debut of Trevor the Traction Engine
"Four Little Engines" [#10 = 1955] (scarce) debut of Skarloey, Rheneas, Sir Handel, Peter Sam,
Thin Controller, The Owner, Mrs Last, and carriages Agnes, Ruth, Lucy, Jemima, Beatrice
"Percy The Small Engine" [#11 = 1956] debut of Duck, Harold the Helicopter
"The Eight Famous Engines" [#12 = 1957] debut of The Foreign Engine, Jinty & Pug
"Duck and The Diesel Engine" [#13 = 1958] debut of City of Truro, Diesel
"The Little Old Engine" [#14 = 1959] debut of Rusty, Duncan, carriages Cora, Ada, Jane, Mabel, Gertrude, Millicent
"The Twin Engines" [#15 = 1960] debut of Donald & Douglas, Spiteful Brake Van
"Branch Line Engines" [#16 = 1961] debut of Daisy the Diesel Rail-Car
"Gallant Old Engine" [#17 = 1962] debut of George the Steamroller, Nancy the Guard's Daughter
"Stepney The 'Bluebell' Engine" [#18 = 1963] debut of Stepney, Caroline the car, The Diesel/D4711
"Mountain Engines" [#19 = 1964] debut of Culdee, Ernest, Wilfred, Godred, Lord Harry, Alaric, Eric,
coach Catherine, The Truck, Lord Harry Barrane, Mr Walter Richards
"Very Old Engines" [#20 = 1965] debut of Neil
"Main Line Engines" [#21 = 1966] debut of BoCo, Bill & Ben
"Small Railway Engines" [#22 = 1967] debut of Mike, Rex, Bert, Ballast Spreader,
The Small Controller (Mr. Fergus Duncan)
"Enterprising Engines" [#23 = 1968] debut of Flying Scotsman, D199 (Spamcan), Bear, Oliver,
Toad, coaches Isabel, Dulcie, Alice, Mirabel
"Oliver The Western Engine" [#24 = 1969] debut of S.C.Ruffey, Fred Pelhay, Bulgy
"Duke The Lost Engine" [#25 = 1970] debut of Duke, Falcon, Stuart, Stanley
"Tramway Engines" [#26 = 1972] debut of Mavis
![]() | "The Rev. W. Awdry's Railway Series Surprise Packet" [1972] Designed by Peter Edwards
24-page Kaye & Ward, U.K. hardcover [1972] out of print/rare! The story goes that Rev. Awdry was having writer's block, so his publisher asked illustrator Edwards to put together this games/activities book; the 24 pages of content are: Sodor Railway Poster (page 1); Tidmouth Grand Tour (2-3); Puzzle Page (4-5); How to make a working model of Skarloey (6-7); How does a steam engine work? (8-9); The first railway engine (10-11); How to drive James (12); How sharp are your eyes? (13-14); Bill and Ben, Bothering! (15); Knapford Junction game (16-17); Thomas's Branch Line (18-19); A trip on the Culdee Fell Mountain Railway (20); Problem Page (21); Here be steam engines! (22-23); and Answers Page (page 24) |
"The Railway Series" books 27-42, written by Christopher Awdry [b. 1940]
"Really Useful Engines" [#27 = 1983] debut of Tom Tipper
"James and The Diesel Engines" [#28 = 1984] debut of Old Stuck-up, The Works Diesel
"Great Little Engines" [#29 = 1985]
"More About Thomas The Tank Engine" [#30 = 1986]
"Thomas and The Missing Christmas Tree" [special #1 = 1986]
"Gordon The High-Speed Engine" [#31 = 1987] debut of Pip & Emma, '31 120', D10751
"Thomas and The Evil Diesel" [special #2 = 1987]
"Toby, Trucks, and Trouble" [#32 = 1988] debut of The Old Engine, Bulstrode
"Thomas and the Twins" [#33 = 1989]
"Jock The New Engine" [#34 = 1990] debut of Arlesdale Railway engines Frank & Jock
"Thomas and The Great Railway Show" [#35 = 1991] debut of engines at the National Railway Museum
"Thomas Comes Home" [#36 = 1992]
"Thomas and The Hurricane" [special #3 = 1992]
"Henry and The Express" [#37 = 1993]
"Wilbert The Forest Engine" [#38 = 1994] debut of Wilbert, Sixteen
"Thomas and The Fat Controller's Engines" [#39 = 1995]
"New Little Engine" [#40 = 1996] debut of Fred, cleaners Kathy & Lizzie, Ivo Hugh
"Sodor: Reading Between The Lines" [special #4 = 2005]
"Thomas and Victoria" [#41 = 2007] debut of Albert, coaches Victoria & Helena
"Thomas and His Friends" [#42 = 2011]
![]() | "Thomas The Tank Engine: The New Collection" [2007] by Christopher Awdry, Illustrated by Clive Spong Egmont Books, Ltd. 11¼x8¾ hardcover [9/2007] out of print/used |
search books on keywords 'Thomas Tank Engine' {returns 1,000+ items} at Amazon
![]() | "Thomas The Tank Engine Storybook" [1993] by Rev. W. Awdry 60-page Random House Books for Young Readers hardcover [8/93] out of print/50+ used Hamlyn Young Books 11½x8¾ hardcover [8/93] out of print/used |
![]() | "The Railway Series" Boxed Set [2003] by Rev. W. Awdry, Illustrated by C. Reginald Dalby each book includes stories featuring one engine: Gordon, Henry, James, Percy, Thomas, and Toby Random House BFYR slipcover edition 5½x6¾ hardcover set [10/2003] out of print/used Random House BFYR slipcover edition 5½x6¾ hardcover set [10/2003] out of print/used |
![]() | "Thomas the Tank Engine Collection: A Unique Collection of Engine Stories From The Railway Series" [2004] by Rev. W. Awdry 56 stories and over 400 color illustrations from the original 'Railway Series' books; featuring engines Edward, Gordon, Henry, James, Percy, Thomas, and Toby Dean & Son 11½x8¾ hardcover [8/2007] out of print/many used Gramercy Books 11½x9 hardcover [5/2004] out of print/many used |
![]() | "Thomas Story Library Ultimate Collection 65 Books Boxed Set" [2010] this set of books is organized by engine/character name: Thomas, Alfie, Annie & Clarabel, 'Arry & Bert, Arthur, Bertie, Bill & Ben, Billy, BoCo, Bulgy, Bulstrode, Caroline, Charlie, Colin, Cranky, Daisy, Dennis, Diesel, Donald & Douglas, Duck, Duncan, Edward, Elizabeth, Emily, The Fat Controller, Fergus, Flora, Freddie, George, Gordon, Hank, Harold, Harvey, Hector, Henry, Hiro, Jack, James, Jeremy, Kevin, Madge, Mavis, Mighty Mac, Molly, Murdoch, Neville, Oliver, Percy, Peter Sam, Rheneas, Rocky, Rosie, Rusty, Salty, Sir Handel, Skarloey, Spencer, Stanley, Stepney, Terence, Toby, Trevor, Troublesome Trucks, Victor & Whiff Egmont Books, Ltd pb set [2014] out of print/scarce Egmont Books, Ltd pb set [2013] out of print/scarce Egmont Books, Ltd pb set [10/2010] out of print/new-used "Thomas Story Library - Engine Shed Complete Collection" 68 Books Boxed Set" [2013] no clues found about the added three books Dean & Son Books pb set [2013] out of print/scarce |
![]() | "Thomas Story Library" 40 books in a carton [2014] Egmont Books, Ltd 8x5½ pb set [6/2014] 40 books - out of print/used "Thomas Story Library" 50 books in a carton [2007] Egmont Books, Ltd 8x5½ pb set [10/2007] 50 books - out of print/used |
![]() | "Thomas & Friends Story Time Collection" [2014] by Rev. W. Awdry, Illustrated by Richard Courtney & Tommy Stubbs thirteen 'Thomas & Friends' stories: "Calling All Engines", "Danger At The Dieselworks", "Diesel 10 Means Trouble", "Down At The Docks", "Little Engines Can Do Big Things", "Lost At Sea", "The Lost Crown of Sodor", "The Monster Under The Shed", "Risky Rails", "The Special Delivery", "Thomas and The Naughty Diesel", "Thomas Gets A Snowplow", and "Thomas-saurus Rex" 320-page Random House Books for Young Readers 9¼x9 hardcover [7/2014] for $10.01 |
"Thomas' ABC Book" [Jul 21, 1998] by Rev. W. Awdry and Golden Books()
"Thomas' Party Pop-up (Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends)" [Oct 1, 1999] by Rev. W. Awdry
"Thomas the Tank Engine's Springtime Adventure (Coloring Book)" [Mar 7, 2000] by Rev. W. Awdry()
"Thomas' 123 Book" [1/2013] by Rev. W. Awdry Paperback$3.99
The Authors
Rev. Wilbert Vere Awdry, OBE [1911-97] of Gloucestershire, England
browse books •
incomplete IMDb listing •
Wilbert Awdry entry at Wikipedia
![]() | "The Island of Sodor: Its People, History, and Railways" [Kaye & Ward, 1986] by Rev. W.V. Awdry & George V. Awdry Heinemann Young Books 8½x5¾ hardcover [9/87] out of print/scarce |
![]() | "The Thomas The Tank Engine Man: The Life of Rev. W. Awdry" [1995] by Brian Sibley Kindle Edition from Lion Books [5/2015] for $9.99 Lion Hudson 9¼x6 hardcover [9/2015] out of print/used Heinemann Young Books 10x8 hardcover [10/95] out of print/used |
son Christopher Awdry [b. 7/1940] and his wife live in Gloucestershire, England
credits at IMDb •
entry at Wikipedia
movie producer Hilary Mary 'Britt' Allcroft [born 12/1943]
Britt was instrumental in creating the TV shows & movies from 1980 forward; she retired in 2000.
credits at IMDb •
entry at Wikipedia
Business Entities
The Britt Allcroft Company was founded circa 1984 to produce the TV show. Producer HiT Entertainment launched in 1989.
B.A.C. changed its name to Gullane (Thomas) Ltd. of London, UK in late 2001. HiT Entertainment purchased Gullane in 2002.
Mattel, Inc. [founded 1945] of Redondo Beach, California purchased Fischer-Price Toys [est. 1930] in 1993;
Mattel purchased HiT Entertainment in 2012; HiT is now a division of Mattel's Fisher-Price.
'Thomas & Friends™' {div of Mattel/Fisher-Price} USA website
'Thomas & Friends™' {div of Mattel/Fisher-Price} U.K. website
'Thomas & Friends™' Wooden Railway online store {being discontinued 2015?}
HiT Entertainment is one of the world's leading children's entertainment producers and rights-owners whose portfolio of brands includes:
Angelina Ballerina™ [est. 1983],
Barney™ [est. 1987],
Bob the Builder™ [est. 1999],
Fireman Sam™ [est. 1987],
Mike the Knight™ [est. 2011],
Pingu the Penguin™ [est. 1986],
Rainbow Magic™ [est. 2003],
and Thomas & Friends™ [est. 1945].
Thomas Land at Fuji-Q Highland Theme Park [est. 1998] at Fujiyoshida, Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan
official English-language website •
entry at Wikipedia
11/2010 video of indoor Thomas ride in Japan [1:51] on YouTube
Thomas Land at Drayton Manor Theme Park [open 3/2008] in Staffordshire, England
official website •
entry at Wikipedia
DTST's 6/2010 video of model train layout at Drayton Manor, then Thomas, Percy, Rosie & James [9:29, music too loud] on YouTube
6/2013 video of 2½-year-old Matty on the Drayton Manor Thomas Land kiddie rides [14:25] on YouTube
'Thomasland USA' Theme Park [opened August 2015] in Edaville, Massachusetts
official company website •
entry at Wikipedia
Thomas Town [2007-2010] at Six Flags Discovery Kingdom in Vallejo, California, USA
9/2009 video of Thomas Town Train Ride at Vallejo, CA [2:24, on-board narration] on YouTube
8/2010 video of Thomas Town Train Ride at Vallejo, CA [2:46, annoying theme music] on YouTube
Thomas Town [2010 season only] at Six Flags America in Maryland, USA
Thomas At The Park ride [2007-2016] at Drusillas Zoo Park in Alfriston, East Sussex, England
10/2009 video of ride on Thomas & 4 coaches at Drusillas Park [6:42] on YouTube
Thomas Town [est. Sept 2009] in Japan {website has no English-language option}
main Thomastown location in Shinmisato
Thomas Station location in Kurashiki, Okayama Prefecture, Japan
Thomas Station location in Izumi, Osaka Prefecture, Japan
indoor Thomas Town [est. June 2013] in Shanghai, China {website is Chinese-language only}
page got large, so this section was cut to its own page in December 2022
Videos, Stageplays, Other Media
webcasts • stageplays • personal appearances
![]() | "Thomas & Friends Magazine" [est. 1987] from Redan Publng subscribe at Amazon: 6 issues/year for $28.97 {auto-renewal} magazine website • entry at Wikipedia |
![]() | "Thomas The Privatised Tank Engine: As First Steamed Up In Private Eye" [1994] by Incledon Clark, Illustrated by Nick Clark, Foreword by Ian Hislop Serious book about the then-pending privatisation of Britain's railways, written as a Thomas-style children's book; British Rail was split up by Prime Minister John Major and is generally considered a disaster, with a third less service at greater cost to the rider and to the taxpayer Midland Publng Ltd. 8x5¾ pb [1994] out of print/used excellent 6/2017 reader review at Goodreads |
![]() | "Thomas & Friends Little Golden Book Library" [2013] Five recent 'Thomas & Friends Little Golden Book' movie tie-in retellings collected in a beautiful slipcase: "Thomas and The Great Discovery", "Hero of The Rails", "Misty Island Rescue", "Day of The Diesels", and "Blue Mountain Mystery" Golden Books 8x6¾ hardcover 5-book set in slipcover [7/2013] for $14.78 |
Diesel D199 Channel - 40+ funny parody video shorts [est. 7/2007] at YouTube
"Thomas: The Trainz Adventures" [since April 2013] at YouTube
Fan-made series of short videos following the adventures of Thomas the Tank Engine and friends on the Island of Sodor.
Season 1: 4/2013 to 7/2016 = 12; Season 2: 4/2017 to 12/2017 = 11; Season 3: 12/2018 to 4/2020 = 11; Season 4: 11/2020 to 5/2022 = 1 special + 21
series credits at IMDb {56 episodes} •
YouTube playlist {55 + 1 episodes} •
'ilovetrains323' YouTube channel
![]() | "Thomas: The Trainz Adventures - Defenders of Sodor" [Nov 2020]
86-minute animated color movie; Thomas is banned from Sodor after being blamed for an accident, and the engines of Sodor are forced to defend their home against an invasion of enemies led by Theodore Osborn and Diesel 10 • Co-produced by Kevin Bassett & Kobe Hicks; co-produced, co-written & co-directed by Nathan Bassett; co-produced & co-directed by Cameron Bramley; co-produced & co-written by James Lafiteau; ferroequinologist Chase Thede • full credits at IMDb watch full movie [12/2022 upload; 1:25:35] online at YouTube |
"Thomas & Friends: YouTube World Tour" webcast series [est. 2/2015]
![]() | so far 22 short programs of several minutes length each new episode every Wednesday YouTube playlist |
The musical stage show "Thomas & Friends Live! Thomas Saves The Day" toured to more than 30 cities in the U.S.
Personal Appearances / Train Rides
Oigawa Line Railway in Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan operates 'Thomas the Tank Engine SL' [launched July 2014]
The 45-mile-long Oigawa Railway heritage line bought a 1942 C11-227 Class 2-6-4T steam locomotive from the former Japan National Railways and modified it
to look like Thomas; it hauls as many as seven coaches; the official website also shows steam locomotives painted as James, Rusty, Percy, and another
Oigawa Railway [est. 1927] website in Japanese •
English-language info webpage •
Oigawa Railway entry at Wikipedia
'Day Out With Thomas & Percy' website [est. 2014] for USA & Canada
'Day Out With Thomas in U.K.' website [est. 8/2007] {no mention of Percy}
jump to >>> toys & gifts • games
![]() | Thomas & Friends™ Blueberry-Banana Fruit Pops [2019]
made by Chloe’s Soft Serve Fruit Co. in New York City company HQ at Chloe's NYC, 25 E. 17th Street {just off Broadway} Chloe's Fruit Pops website this product is no longer available |
Toys & Gifts
Thomas the Tank Engine Spoon & Fork Set from Pecoware
Thomas the Train Bandage Tin (20 pc) x 3 Tins = $7.04
Musical Thomas the Tank Engine Toothbrush [] from HIT $12.50
www.buythomasthetankengine.co.uk = Peep Peep Thomas Online Toy Store in U.K.
![]() | 'Thomas & Friends' Pillow Pals [2019]
Thomas (blue): Mattel 7½x6½x16-inch polyester plush stuffed pillow [2019] for $29.99 Percy (green): Mattel 7½x6½x16-inch polyester plush stuffed pillow [2019] for $16.99 James (red): Mattel 7½x6½x16-inch polyester plush stuffed pillow [2019] for $16.99 |
![]() |
'Thomas & Friends' MINIS 20-Pack [ages 3 & up; 2019] from Fisher-Price
twenty plastic miniature railroad locomotives; there are sixty more collectible characters Fisher-Price plastic locomotives [3/2019] set of 20 for $23.49 |
Bachmann / Thomas the Tank Engine™ HO- & G-scale models
Bachmann / Thomas the Tank Engine™ 21 HO-scale locomotives
Bachmann® / Thomas™ scale model trains category at Amazon
![]() | Lionel Thomas and Friends™ O-Scale Train Set [2005]
Lionel O-Scale steam locomotive & 2 cars, accessories [3/2005] for $249.95 Lionel Ready to Play O-Gauge steam locomotive & 2 cars, accessories [3/2017] for $184.84 you will find more information on Spirit of America Bookstore's Lionel Trains Page |
shop at the 'On Track USA Store' at Amazon
search for 'Conductor Carl' wooden train & track products at Amazon
![]() | 'Thomas & Friends' Wooden Railway Engines [ages 2 & up] from Fisher-Price
blue Thomas #1: Fisher-Price Thomas 3½-inch wooden toy [2013] for $17.50 blue Edward #2 & tender: Fisher-Price Thomas 3½-inch wooden toy [2013] for $14.12 green Henry #3 & tender: Fisher-Price Thomas wooden toy [11/2019] for $14.66 red James #5 & tender: Fisher-Price Thomas wooden toy [7/2018] for $15.02 green Percy #6: Fisher-Price Thomas wooden toy [7/2018] for $10.99 silver Spencer & tender: Fisher-Price Thomas wooden toy [3/2019] for $15.44 black Diesel: Fisher-Price Thomas wooden toy [7/2018] for $10.99 |
100 Pieces of Bulk Wooden Train Track (compatible with Thomas & Brio)
Right Track Toys track set [2013] 100 pieces for $39.95
56 Pieces of Deluxe Wooden Train Track (compatible with Thomas & Brio)
Right Track Toys track set [2014] 56 pieces for $29.95
Video Games
![]() | "Thomas & Friends: Trouble On The Tracks" [ages 3 & up; 2000]
Hasbro video game for Windows 95, 98 & XP [1/2006] disk in jewel case for $5.25 Atari video game for Windows [2/2005] for $17.45 Atari video game for Windows 95 & 98 [12/2003] for $34.99 Hasbro video game for Windows 95 & 98 [10/2000] out of prodn/used |
![]() | "Thomas & Friends: The Great Festival Adventure" [ages 2 & up; 2002]
Hasbro video game for Windows 95 & 98 [9/2002] for $14.78 Scholastic video game for Windows 95 & 98 [undated] for $14.99 |
![]() | "Thomas & Friends: Thomas Saves The Day" [2003]
Atari video game for Windows 98 & XP [10/2003] for $21.00 |
![]() | "Thomas & Friends: Hero of The Rails" [2010]
Ubisoft video game for Nintendo DS [8/2010] out of prodn/new-used bare video game credits at IMDb |
L i n k s
'The Railway Series' entry at Wikipedia
official website for 'Thomas and Friends' [div. of Mattel, Inc.]
'Thomas the Tank Engine' entry at Wikipedia
search books on keywords 'Thomas Tank Engine' {returns 1,000+ items} at Amazon
search DVDs on keywords 'Thomas Tank Engine' {returns 200 items} at Amazon
'Thomas & Friends™' {div of Mattel/Fisher-Price} USA website
'Thomas & Friends™' {div of Mattel/Fisher-Price} U.K. website
'Thomas & Friends™' Wooden Railway online store {being discontinued 2015?}
Sodor Island Fansite [est. 12/2002] based in Scotland
R.M.I. Railworks of California offers licensed rideable large scale Thomas™ trains
here on the "Thomas the Tank Engine" Books & TV & Movies Pages at Spirit of America Bookstore
here on page 1: top of page • synopsis & history • the books • the authors • business entities • other media • merchandise • links
on page 2: top of page • movies & videos • principal characters • image gallery
on page 3: television
Spirit of America Bookstore's 'Railroads in Fiction' Pages
Spirit of America Bookstore's Railroads in Fiction - Books For Young Railfans Page
Spirit of America Bookstore's Railroad Film Festival Pages
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