Spirit of America Bookstore

Henry David Thoreau


common portrait of Henry David Thoreau [1817-62]          short profile

primary works
other works
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works about Henry David Thoreau


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"When I read Thoreau, I realized how much I have missed by excluding nature from my life."
F. Scott Fitzgerald [1896-1940]

          B I O

          t e x t

          h e r e

--publd 'Walden' 8/9/1854

Henry David Thoreau entry at Wikipedia
listed #65 on The Atlantic Monthly's Top 100 Most Influential Figures in American History [Dec 2006]
browse Henry David Thoreau Store at Amazon

Henry David Thoreau Quotations Page at Working Minds Philosophy website

Primary Works
browse Henry David Thoreau Store at Amazon
Thoreau online etexts

Portable Thoreau book edited by Jeffrey S. Cramer  "The Portable Thoreau" [1947] Newly edited by Jeffrey S. Cramer
contains: Introduction, Chronology, "Natural History", "A Winter Walk", "The Maine Woods", "Civil Disobedience", "A Week On The Concord & Merrimack Rivers", 18 poems, "A Yankee In Canada", "Walden", "Journal (1858)", "Walking", "Life Without Principle", "Cape Cod", "The Last Days of John Brown" & Epilogue
Kindle Edition from Penguin Publng [3/2012] for $9.99
Penguin Classics mass pb [3/2012] for $13.73
Penguin Books 7¾x5 pb [1964] for $13.60
Viking Press hardcover [1947] out of print/used

Library of America Henry David Thoreau  Henry David Thoreau: "A Week On The Concord and Merrimack Rivers",
"Walden, or Life In The Woods", "The Maine Woods", "Cape Cod" [1985]
Edited by Robert F. Sayre

Library of America 8x5½ hardcover [9/85] for $23.10
includes books "A Week On The Concord and Merrimack Rivers" [1849], "Walden,
or Life In The Woods" [1854], "The Maine Woods" [1864] and "Cape Cod" [1865]

Henry David Thoreau: Collected Essays and Poems [2001]
Edited by Elizabeth Hall Witherell

Library of America 8x5¼ hardcover [4/2001] for $23.10
Thoreau: "Walden", "Maine Woods", Essays & Poems [2007]
Edited by Robert F. Sayre & Elizabeth Hall Witherell

Library of America College Editions 7¾x5 pb [6/2007] for $17.95
Higher Law 13 essays by Thoreau  
"The Higher Law: Thoreau On Civil Disobedience & Reform" [13 essays 2004]
by Henry David Thoreau; Introduction by Howard Zinn

Princeton Univ Press 8x5 pb [5/2004] for $10.53

"The Landlord" [1843]

"A Week On The Concord and Merrimack Rivers" [1849]

"Resistance To Civil Government", or "Civil Disobedience" [1849]
"The Influence of Thoreau's Civil Disobedience on Gandhi's Satyagraha"
[The New England Quarterly 1956] by George Hendrix
etext of "On The Duty of Civil Disobedience" [1849]

"Walden, or Life In The Woods" [1854]
"Walden Pond: A History" [Oxford Univ Press 2004] by W. Barksdale Maynard

"Walking" [1861]

"Life Without Principle" [1863]

Complete Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson & Henry David Thoreau for Kindle  "Voices of Transcendentalism: The Complete Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson & Henry David Thoreau" for Kindle [2008]
Kindle Edition from C&C Web Press [2008] for $1.99
with "an active table of contents"; 32 works by Ralph Waldo Emerson including: "The American Scholar", "Compen-sation", "Concord Hymn", "The Conservative", "Divinity School Address", "The Method of Nature", "Nature", "New England Reformers", "The Over-Soul", "The Poet", "Self-Reliance", "The Transcen-dentalist" & "The Young American"; and 12 works by Thoreau including: "A Week On The Concord and Merrimack Rivers", "Civil Disobedience", "Life Without Principle", "The Landlord", "Walden" & "Walking"

Other Works

Heart of Thoreau's Journals book edited by Odell Shepard  
"The Heart of Thoreau's Journals" [1927]
Edited by Odell Shepard

Dover Publns 8x5½ pb [6/61] for $9.99
title page from The Best of Thoreau's Journals book edited by Carl Bode  "The Best of Thoreau's Journals" [1967]
Edited by Carl Bode

Southern Illinois Univ Press hardcover [5/71] out of print/used
I to Myself Annotated Selections from the Journal of Thoreau book edited by Jeffrey S. Cramer  "I To Myself: An Annotated Selection From The Journal of Henry D. Thoreau" [2007] Edited by Jeffrey S. Cramer
Yale Univ Press hardcover [9/2007] out of print/many used
Price of Freedom / Thoreau's Journals book edited by David M. Gross  "The Price of Freedom: Political Philosophy From Thoreau's Journals"
[2007] Edited by David M. Gross

CreateSpace 9x6 pb [9/2007] for $14.50
Journals of Henry David Thoreau book edited by Damion Searls  "The Journal of Henry David Thoreau, 1837-1861" [2009]
Edited by Damion Searls, Preface by John Stilgoe

N.Y.R.B. Classics 8x5 pb [11/2009] for $14.76
Thoreau and the Art of Life book edited by Roderick MacIver  "Thoreau and The Art of Life: Reflections On Nature and The Mystery of Existence" [2010]
Edited, illustrated & with an Introduction by Roderick MacIver

North Atlantic Books pb [3/2010] for $11.60
Rod McIver website in Vermont
Quotable Thoreau book edited by Jeffrey S. Cramer  
"The Quotable Thoreau" [2011]
Edited by Jeffrey S. Cramer

Princeton Univ Press 7¼x4½ hardcover [4/2011] for $15.71

Stageplays, Movies, Other Media
[ Coming Soon ] **

Works About Henry David Thoreau

Wilderness and The American Mind book by Roderick Nash  "Wilderness and The American Mind" [orig 1967]
by Roderick Frazier Nash

includes chapters on "Henry David Thoreau, Philosopher", "John Muir, Publicizer",
and "Aldo Leopold, Prophet"
Yale Univ Press 4th edition 7¾x5 pb [9/2001] for $11.87

"The Days of Henry Thoreau" [Princeton Univ Press 1982] by Walter Harding

"The Book of Concord: Thoreau's Life As A Writer" [Viking Press, 1982] by William Howarth

"Henry Thoreau: A Life of The Mind" [Univ CA Press 1986]
by Robert D. Richardson ISBN 0520063465

New Walden conceptual art movie by Bruce Merwin  "New Walden" [orig 1991, video release 2003]
An iffy proposition, based on its too-artsy summary: one warm night at Walden Pond, Thoreau {actor J. Walker Fischer} is awakened from a dream (while still sleeping) by Spring (ballerina Shay Lee) to meet runaway slave Bard {Lee Thomas} and the Muse Echo {Heather Godwin} who takes Thoreau for a visit to modern America to show him the future.Text by Henry David Thoreau, screenplay by poet & filmmaker Bruce Merwin; directed by Arthur Gross; original music by Ben Moffit & choreography by ballerina Patricia Strauss • full credits at IMDb
CustomFlix color DVD-R [7/2006] for $39.95

"Seeing New Worlds: Henry David Thoreau and 19th Century Science"
[Univ of Wisconsin 1995] by Laura Dassow ISBN 0299147444

"The Cambridge Companion To Henry David Thoreau"
[Cambridge Univ Press 1995] by Joel Myerson, et al

"Henry David Thoreau and The Moral Agency of Knowing"
[Univ CA Press 2001] by Alfred I. Tauber ISBN 0-520-23915-6

"My Friend, My Friend: The Story of Thoreau's Relationship With Emerson" [] by Harmon L. Smith,

Aesthetics and Politics In Hawthorne, Whitman & Thoreau book by Peter J. Bellis  "Writing Revolution: Aesthetics and Politics In Hawthorne, Whitman, and Thoreau" [2003] by Peter J. Bellis
Univ GA Press 9x6 pb [4/2010] for $24.95
Univ GA Press 9¼x6½ hardcover [2/2003] out of print/used

see also Spirit of America Bookstore's Nathaniel Hawthorne [1804-64] Page
see also Spirit of America Bookstore's Walt Whitman [1819-92] Page

Concord Quartet - Alcott, Emerson, Hawthorne, Thoreau book by Samuel Schreiner, Jr.  "The Concord Quartet: Alcott, Emerson, Hawthorne, Thoreau, and The Friendship That Freed The American Mind" [2006]
by Samuel A. Schreiner, Jr.

Wiley & Sons hardcover [8/2006] for $17.58

see also Spirit of America Bookstore's Ralph Waldo Emerson [1803-82] Page
see also Spirit of America Bookstore's Nathaniel Hawthorne [1804-64] Page

American Bloomsbury book by Susan Cheever  "American Bloomsbury: Louisa May Alcott, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Margaret Fuller, Nathaniel Hawthorne & Henry David Thoreau - Their Lives, Their Loves, Their Work" [2006] by Susan Cheever
Simon & Schuster 9¼x6 pb [9/2007] for $10.20
Simon & Schuster 9½x6½ deckle-edge hardcover [12/2006] out of print/dozens used
see also Spirit of America Bookstore's Ralph Waldo Emerson [1803-82] Page
see also Spirit of America Bookstore's Nathaniel Hawthorne [1804-64] Page
Woods Burner novel by John Pipkin  "Woods Burner: A Novel" [2009] by John Pipkin
Tale springs from a true event in Thoreau's life – he accidentally set 300 acres of woods on fire in April 1844. Thoreau's life was forever altered that day, and the author adds three fictional figures: a lovable Norwegian farmhand, a prosperous bookseller cum inept playwright, and a fire & brimstone preacher lost in an opium haze.
Kindle Edition from Random House Digital [4/2009] for $11.99
Anchor 8x5 pb [5/2010] for $12.44
Nan A. Talese Books 8½x6 deckle-edge hardcover [4/2009] for $18.96

"The Adventures of Henry Thoreau: A Young Man's Unlikely Path To Walden Pond" [Bloomsbury, 2/2014]
by Michael Sims 9781620401958 - 'an engaging portrait of Henry David Thoreau's first 30 years'

Transcendentalism entry at Wikipedia
"Transcendentalism was the New England movement of the 1830s and 1840s that brought together Romanticism in
literature and social reform in politics. Its partisans argued for the rights of women, the abolition of slavery, and, in some
cases, the socialization of labor and equal distribution of profits. They were America’s first avant-garde."

Spirit of America Bookstore's American Transcendentalism Movement Page
top of pageshort historyprimary membersother members
plays, movies, other mediaworks about Transcendentalismlinks

Family  &  Friends

L i n k s
Henry David Thoreau entry at Wikipedia
Thoreau Institute at Walden [est. 1998] in Maine
Thoreau papers at Northern Illinois University
Thoreau Society, Inc. [est. 1941] based in Concord, Massachusetts

Henry David Thoreau Quotations Page at Working Minds Philosophy website

here on the Henry David Thoreau [1817-62] Page at Spirit of America Bookstore

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