Spirit of America Bookstore

Inventions  of  America
•  Computers  •

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             computer operations room circa 1965, with I.B.M. 360 console on right and tape drives in left background and disk drives in center background              general books

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Historical Computers

Mainframe Computers

Personal Computers

The Internet

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Page 4 - Artificial Intelligence

Should computers really be termed an Invention of America? Well, why not? While much early work was accomplished
by the Brits, from Babbage to Turing, and by others, the modern electronic computer arose with EDVAC & ENIAC and I.B.M. and
Sperry-Rand and Honeywell and Burroughs and COBOL and Microsoft and Apple. So there!

"The real question is not whether machines think but whether men do."
— American psychologist B.F. Skinner [1904-90]

A Lesson From Computers
       Curious: Writer Betty Ann Kevles suggests that the 'computer-consumer marriage' [has] no real parallel to human relationships ("Computers Settling Into Marriage", Scientific View, September 8).
       On the contrary, the problems she describes between humans and speaking computers are directly parallel to lousy human relationships. No computer has ever forced me into anything; no computer has ever hit me or bit me; and in my 17 years of working with I.B.M. mainframes, no computer has ever lied to me. We can all learn a great deal about proper and positive working relationships from this new servant that mankind has created and is now bringing into daily life.
       Societies and individuals that continue to foster manipulative one-upmanship roles (power over the computer or a human) are destined to fail; societies of rational interchange of ideas (power from the computer and from other humans) are destined to succeed.
    G.E. Nordell, West Los Angeles, California
    View Section / Letters [page VIII-18], Los Angeles Times for Sunday 19 September 1982

General  Books

Digerati / Encounters with the Cyber Elite book by John Brockman  "Digerati: Encounters With The Cyber Elite" [1996] by science writer John Brockman
TEXERE Publng 8½x6 pb [3/98] out of print/used
Hardwired 9½x6½ hardcover [10/96] out of print/used
online etext available free at Edge.org website
conversations with 33 of the most important architects and developers of today's cyberspace as recorded by John Brockman from August 1995 thru April 1996: Stewart Alsop, John Perry Barlow, Stewart Brand, David Bunnell, Doug Carlston, Denise Caruso, Steve Case, John C. Dvorak, Esther Dyson, Bill Gates, David Gelernter, Mike Godwin, W. Daniel Hillis, David R. Johnson, Brewster Kahle, Kevin Kelly, Jaron Lanier, Ted Leonsis, John Markoff, John McCrea, Scott McNealy, Jane Metcalfe, Kip Parent, Howard Rheingold, Louis Rossetto, Paul Saffo, Bob Stein, Cliff Stoll, Linda Stone, Lew Tucker, Sherry Turkle, Dave Winer, Richard Saul Wurman

Close to the Machine book by Ellen Ullman  "Close To The Machine: Technophilia and Its Discontents" [1997 & 2012] by Ellen Ullman, 2012 Introduction by Jaron Lanier, new 2022 Introduction by Anna Wiener
Memoir of the author's life as a software engineer when it was spinning out of control . . .
Kindle Edition from Picador [2/2012] for $11.99
Picador Paper 8¼x5½ pb [12/2022] for $11.31
Picador 8½x5½ pb [2/2012] for $9.46
City Lights Publrs 8½x5½ hardcover [2001] out of print/used

Lester Lawrence Lessig III
https://www.amazon.com/stores/Lawrence-Lessig/author/B001HCW3ZK? browse

Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace book by Lawrence Lessig  Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace book by Lawrence Lessig - Japanese cover  "Code: And Other Laws of Cyberspace" [1999] by Lawrence Lessig
Widely regarded as one of the foundational texts of internet law • Under the influence of commerce, cyberpsace is becoming a highly regulable space, where our behavior is much more tightly controlled than in real space; we can - we must - choose what kind of cyberspace we want and what freedoms we will guarantee
Basic Books 8x5½ pb [7/2000] out of print/50+ used
Basic Books 9½x6½ hardcover [11/99] out of print/used
Japanese-language Shoeisha hardcover [2007] out of print/50+ used
Japanese-language Shoeisha hardcover [2007] out of print/used
"Code und Andere Gesetze des Cyberspace" []
German-language Berlin Verlag hardcover [date unknown] out of print/used

Code Version 2.0 book by Lawrence Lessig  Code Version 2.0 book by Lawrence Lessig - Japanese cover  "Code: And Other Laws of Cyberspace, Version 2.0" [2006] by Lawrence Lessig
Kindle Edition from Amazon Digital Services [2/2011] - not available in USA}
Kindle Edition from Amazon Digital Services [7/2008] for $12.99
Basic Books 9¼x6 pb [12/2006] for $22.23
CreateSpace 10x7 pb [12/2009] out of print/used
Japanese-language Shoeisha .PDF file [3/2016] homepage

"Ten Years of Code: A Reassessment of Lawrence Lessig's Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace" [2009]
by Declan McCullagh, Lawrence Lessig, Jonathan Zittrain, Adam Thierer
Kindle Edition from Cato Unbound [5/2009] for 99˘

History of the Computer children's book by Elizabeth Raum  "The History of the Computer (Inventions That Changed The World)"
[ages 6-8; 2007] by Elizabeth Raum

32-page Heinemann 8¾x8 pb [9/2007] for $8.29
32-page Heinemann 8¾x8 library hardcover [9/2007] for $23.77
DK Eyewitness - Computer children's book  "D.K. Eyewitness Books: Computer" [ages 8-12; 2011]
D.K. Children 11x8½ pb [7/2011] out of print/used
D.K. Children 11½x8¾ library hardcover [6/2011] out of print/used
D.K. Children 11¼x8¾ hardcover with clip-art CD [6/2011] out of print/used
D.K. Children 11¼x8¾ hardcover with clip-art CD [6/2011] out of print/used
Computer Illustrated History From its Origins book by Mark Frauenfelder  "The Computer: An Illustrated History From Its Origins To The Present Day" [2013]
by Mark Frauenfelder

Carlton Books 8½x8½ hardcover [3/2013] for $17.97
Efficiency Paradox / Big Data book by Edward Tenner  "The Efficiency Paradox: What Big Data Can't Do" [2018] by Edward Tenner
Algorithms, multitasking, the sharing economy, life hacks: there is no doubt that we're performing at higher levels and moving at unprecedented speed, but what if we're headed in the wrong direction?
Kindle Edition from Knopf/Random House [4/2018] for $14.99
Vintage 8x5¼ pb [DUE March 2019] for $11.91
Knopf 9½x6½ deckle-edge hardcover [4/2018] for $16.44
People’s History of Computing book by Joy Lisi Rankin  "A People’s History of Computing In The United States" [2018]
by Joy Lisi Rankin

Kindle Edition from Harvard Univ Press [10/2018] for $16.17
Harvard Univ Press 9½x6½ hardcover [10/2018] for $20.04
What Would the Father of Cybernetics Think About A.I. Today? article by Seth Lloyd  "What Would The Father of Cybernetics Think About A.I. Today?: Looking Back On Norbert Wiener’s Seminal 1950 Book, The Human Use of Human Beings" [2019]
article by Seth Lloyd published on the Slate website in February 2019 and on The Edge website and included as Chapter 1 of the book "Possible Minds: Twenty-Five Ways of Looking At A.I." [2/2019] edited by science writer John Brockman • available as free online etext at Slate website
see also the Norbert Wiener [1894-1964] Page at Maison d'Ętre Philosophy Bookstore


"The Machine Stops" [Nov 1909] by E.M. Forster [1879-1970]
The Machine Stops short story by E.M. Forster  A mother and her son live far apart in a world controlled by The Machine, which begins to fail . . . • After initial publication in The Oxford & Cambridge Review, the story was republished in Forster's "The Eternal Moment and Other Stories" in 1928 • 'Everybody should read it, and consider how far we ourselves have gone down the road of technological 'advancement', forgetting what it means to truly be alive'story entry at Wikipedia
original story is available as 39-page free online flip-book at Internet Archive
Kindle Edition from Halcyon Press [10/2010] for $1.99
André Deutsch/Abinger 8¾x5½ hardcover [9/1997] out of print/used
"TMS: The Machine Stops" 3-part graphic novel [2014] written by Michael Lent with art by Marc Rene
Kindle Edition from Alterna Comics [12/2014] not available in USA
'The Machine Stops' 1966 episode of U.K. 'Out of The Unknown' TV series  "The Machine Stops" [BBC2-TV Oct 1966]
episode of the British science-fiction anthology TV series "Out of The Unknown" [1965-71]

Season 2, Episode 1; this is one of only four episodes known to exist from the show's second season
Produced by Irene Shubik; directed by Philip Saville; adapted by Kenneth Cavander & Clive Donner from the 1909 E.M. Forster short story; hosted by Terence Morgan; starring Yvonne Mitchell, Michael Gothard, Nike Arrighi, Jonathan Hansen, Jane Jordan Rogers, Lucy Hill, Paul Phillips
episode credits at IMDbseries credits at IMDb
not available on Region 1 DVD •
watch 11/2014 official promo for B.F.I. Region 2 DVD [1:49] online at YouTube
watch episode on TRAKT.TV - requires signup

"The Machine Stops" radio play [BBC Radio 4 2001] by Gregory Norminton

"The Machine Stops" stage adaptation [2004 ] by playwright Eric Coble
broadcast in 11/2007 on WCPN 90.3 FM in Cleveland, Ohio

"The Machine Stops" concept album [2016] by space rock band Hawkwind [est. 1969]
Cherry Red Records audio CD [2/2016] 14 tracks for $16.55
Cherry Red Records MP-3 album [4/2016] 14 tracks for $7.99

"The Machine Stops" stage adaptation [2016] by playwright Neil Duffield
was performed May-June 2016 at York Theatre Royal [est. 1744] in U.K.

"The Machine Stops" radio play [BBC Radio 4 June 2022] by Philip Franks

Computers  of  Ancient  Times
A 2,000-year-old shipwreck discovered in April 1900 off the coast of Greece yielded scores of broken pieces of marble & bronze statuary and amphorae and an encrusted brass
mechanism; years of detective work replicated the Antikythera device, which appears to be an astonishingly-sophisticated astronomical calculator and eclipse predictor,
probably designed by Archimedes [287-212 BCE] and built around 100 BCE.
The Antikythera Mechanism Research Project [est. 2005] at Cardiff University in Wales, UK
Antikythera celestial mechanism entry at Wikipedia

Ancient Discoveries 6-episode TV series  "Ancient Discoveries" TV mini-series [Sky Vision Dec 2003]
Six episodes about ancient clocks thru the Antikythera Mechanism used to predict astronomical events.
Co-produced & co-directed by Stuart Clarke & Ali McGrath; narrated by Sean Barrett, featuring Ian Mullins, Dimitri Tchamouroff, Dr. Christopher Kelly, Allan Mills & Michael T. Wright
Koch Vision widescreen color DVD [7/2007] 2 disks - out of prodn/scarce
full credits at IMDb
watch Episode 1: 'Antikythera' [50:30] online at YouTube
Decoding the Heavens book by Jo Marchant  "Decoding The Heavens: A 2,000-Year-Old Computer - and The Century-Long Search To Discover Its Secrets" [2009] by Jo Marchant
Kindle Edition from Da Capo Press [2/2009] for $9.99
Da Capo Press 8¼x5½ pb [3/2010] for $13.68
Da Capo Press 8¼x5¾ hardcover [2/2009] out of print/60+ used
2,000-Year-Old Antikythera Mechanism TV documentary from P.B.S./Nova  "The 2,000-Year-Old Computer: Decoding The Antikythera Mechanism" [P.B.S. 2012]
A team of modern scientists in Athens, London, and Canada decipher the design of the Antikythera Mechanism combining individual and team insights with newly-available technologies to build a working replica.
Co-produced, written & directed by Michael Beckham; narrated by Dilly Barlow (female voice)
VHS/DVD/Blu-ray not available • full credits at IMDb
watch full episode [58:46] online at YouTube
second version [1:21:39, repeats at 49:30] online at YouTube
Nova Ancient Computer TV program  "Nova: Ancient Computer (Season 40, Episode 14)" TV documentary [P.B.S. 2013]
A team of modern scientists in Athens, London, and Canada decipher the design of the Antikythera Mechanism combining individual and team insights with newly-available technologies to build a working replica.
Co-produced & directed by Michael Beckham; narrated by Jay O. Sanders
full credits at IMDb
hour-long P.B.S. Direct color DVD [1/2013] for $14.95
watch full episode [58:20] online at YouTube

The  Historical  Computer
American Computer & Robotics Museum [est. 1990] in Bozeman, Montana
The Compuseum - A Modern Look At Computing's Past [est. 11/2013] in Exton, PA
Computer History Museum [est. 1979], 1401 No. Shoreline Blvd. in Mountain View, CA
Gerhard Kreuzer's Computermuseum [est. 2008] in Austria

On the Principles and Development of the Calculator collection by Charles Babbage  "On The Principles and Development of The Calculator and Other Seminal Writings" [1961]
by Charles Babbage [1791-1871], Edited & with Introduction by Philip & Emily Morrison

Kindle Edition from Dover Publns [9/2013] for $9.99
Dover Publns 8½x5¼ pb [11/2012] for $20.31
Computing Before Computers book  "Computing Before Computers" [1990]
by W. Aspray, A.G. Bromley, M. Campbell-Kelly, P.E. Ceruzzi & M.R. Williams

Iowa State Press 10¼x7¼ hardcover [5/90] out of print/used
History of The Information Machine book by Campbell-Kelly, Aspray, Ensmenger & Yost  "Computer: A History of The Information Machine" [1996]
by Martin Campbell-Kelly, William Aspray, Nathan Ensmenger & Jeffrey R. Yost

From Babbage and Hollerith to the rise of the World Wide Web.
Kindle Edition from Westview Press [7/2013] for $25.49 {sic}
Westview Press 3rd edition 9x6 pb [7/2013] for $39.90
Basic Books 9¾x6½ hardcover [7/96] out of print/40+ used
History Channel / Modern Marvels / The Creation of The Computer  "Modern Marvels: Thinking Machines - The Creation of The Computer"
[History Channel Nov 1996]

Begins with Charles Babbage's mechanical Difference Engine in the 1820s; Herman Hollerith's punch-card tabulating machines of the 1890s; through the first vacuum-tube machines in World War II (Colossus and ENIAC); miniaturization enabled by the transistor, integrated circuit & microprocessor; to the beginnings of the personal computer revolution led by Steve Wozniak, Steve Jobs, and Bill Gates.
Season 4, Episode 5 aired November 1996; written by Donald Sellers; narrated by Earl Boen
A&E Home Video b&w/color DVD [12/2005] out of prodn/scarce
credits at IMDb
Difference Engine First Computer book by Doron Swade  
"The Difference Engine: Charles Babbage & The Quest To Build The First Computer" [2001] by Doron Swade
Viking 8x5¼ hardcover [9/2001] for $17.46
Punched-Card Systems & the Early Information Explosion book by Lars Heide  "Punched-Card Systems and The Early Information Explosion, 1880-1945" [2009]
by Lars Heide

Kindle Edition from Johns Hopkins Univ Press [3/2009] for $64.60 {sic}
Johns Hopkins Univ Press 9x6 hardcover [3/2009] for $68.00
It Began with Babbage / The Genesis of Computer Science book by Subrata Dasgupta  "It Began With Babbage: The Genesis of Computer Science" [2014]
by Subrata Dasgupta

Traces development from Babbage in 1819 thru Ada Lovelace, Turing, von Neumann, Shannon, and Chomsky to the end of the 1960s and the new academic discipline named 'computer science'
Kindle Edition from Oxford Univ Press [1/2014] for $14.39
Oxford Univ Press 9¼x6½ hardcover [2/2014] for $33.20
Thrilling Adventures of Lovelace & Babbage book by Sydney Padua  "The Thrilling Adventures of Lovelace and Babbage: The (Mostly) True Story of The First Computer" [2015 novel] by Sydney Padua
Ada Lovelace [1815-52], daughter of Lord Byron, translated a Charles Babbage [1791-1871] manuscript about the design of a mathematical 'difference engine' and added annotations amounting to three times the original document. She died ten years later of cancer, and none of Babbage's devices were completed in his lifetime. This book is an alternate reality wherein Ada and Charles do complete an analytical engine and use it to solve problems in science and in crime. (With b&w illustrations throughout.)
Kindle Edition from Pantheon/Random House [4/2015] for $14.99
Pantheon 10¼x7¼ hardcover [4/2015] for $19.61

The  Mainframe  Computer
'computer' entry at Wikipedia

The Zuse Z4 computer (1945) is considered the oldest preserved digital computer in the world. The computer’s inventor, Konrad Zuse, first began building it for the Nazis in 1942, then refused its use in the V1 and V2 rocket program. Instead, he fled to a small town in Bavaria and stowed the computer in a barn until the end of the war. It wouldn’t see operation until 1950. The Z4 proved to be 'a very reliable and impressive computer for its time'; it is one of those machines that takes up a whole room, runs on magnetic tapes, and needs multiple people to operate. Completed in 1945 and overhauled & expanded in 1949-50, the relay machine was in operation on loan at the ETH Zurich from 1950 to 1955 - the only university in continental Europe with a functioning tape-controlled computer. Today the original Zuse Z4 sits in the Deutsches Museum in Munich, Germany - unused. Historians and curators only had a limited knowledge of its secrets because the manual was lost long ago - until a paper copy was recently discovered.

From the 1940s, only one other computer survives: the Csirac vacuum tube computer (1949); it is in the Melbourne Museum, Carlton, Victoria, Australia.

Quick Mainframe Milestones
  • 1909 Nov: Publication of dystopian short story "The Machine Stops" by E.M. (Edward Morgan) Forster, OM CH [1879-1970].
  • 1911 June 16: Founding merger of the Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company, renamed International Business Machines, Inc. in 1924.
  • 1939 Oct: Completion of the prototype Atanasoff–Berry electronic digital computer at Iowa State College.
  • 1940 March: The first of Turing's electromechanical 'bombe' machines for decoding Enigma was installed at Bletchley Park in England.
  • 1943 Dec: British Colossus computer was first demonstrated.
  • 1945 June: John von Neumann's Draft Report about EDVAC.
  • 1946 Feb 14: The E.N.I.A.C. (short for Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer) was announced to the public at University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia; it was designed & built by John W. Mauchly [1907-80] and J. Presper Eckert, Jr. [1919-95]; this was the second general-purpose electronic computer and the first reprogrammable digital computer (in use until October 1955).
  • 1947 Dec 23: Bell Labs of New Jersey publicly demonstrated the first semiconductor amplifier, a primitive transistor.
  • 1949 Aug: The EDVAC computer was delivered to the U.S. Army.
  • 1951 April 20: Whirlwind I went online; built by M.I.T. at Barta Hall (Bldg. N42) for the U.S. Navy; it was the first bit-parallel mode digital computer, and the first to utilize magnetic core memory.
  • 1952 May 7: Geoffrey W.A. Dummer [1909-2002] first presented the concept of the integrated circuit, also known as the microchip, which is the basis for all modern electronic equipment; since he was six years ahead of Jack Kilby, who received the U.S. patent, Dummer was known as 'The Prophet of The Integrated Circuit'.
  • 1959 Feb 6: Patent filed for "Miniaturized Electronic Circuits", the first integrated circuit, by Jack Kilby at Texas Instruments; Robert Noyce at Fairchild Semiconductor independently made a similar circuit a few months later, so the two men are generally credited as co-inventors of the integrated circuit.
  • 1959 Oct 5: I.B.M. announced the all-transistorized Model 1401 data processing system for small businesses,
  • 1964 April 7: I.B.M. introduced the innovative System/360 mainframe computers, the first line designed to give customers 'upward compatibility', the option to upgrade later to more powerful (and more expensive) configurations.
  • 1970 June 30: I.B.M. introduced the System/370 mainframe computers, successor to the Systen/360 line.
  • 1973 Oct: The Honeywell v. Sperry Rand federal court decision that named John Atanasoff as inventor of the digital computer.
  • 'The Computer from Pascal to von Neumann' book by Herman H. Goldstine  "The Computer: From Pascal To von Neumann" [1972]
    by Herman H. Goldstine

    Goldstine claims to have designed and built the ENIAC and EDVAC prototype computers under supervision of von Neumann - book blurbs make no mention of Eckert and Mauchly! Wikipedia says that he and his wife were in charge of the creation of programs for the new EDVAC machine.
    Kindle Edition from Princeton Univ Press [9/2008] for $40.49 {sic}
    Princeton Univ Press 9x6 pb [10/80] for $62.63
    Princeton Univ Press 9x6 pb [10/80] out of print/used
    Princeton Univ Press 9¾x6¼ hardcover [10/72] out of print/50+ used
    Atanasoff - Forgotten Father of the Computer book by Clark R. Mollenhoff  
    "Atanasoff: Forgotten Father of The Computer" [1988]
    by Clark R. Mollenhoff

    Iowa State Press 10¾x8¾ hardcover [4/1988] out of print/50+ used
    First Electronic Computer / Atanasoff Story book by Alice R. & Arthur W. Burks  "The First Electronic Computer: The Atanasoff Story" [1988]
    by Alice R. & Arthur W. Burks

    Univ Michigan Press pb [11/89] for $43.50
    Univ Michigan Press 10¼x7¼ hardcover [7/88] out of print/used
    History of Modern Computing book by Paul E. Ceruzzi  "A History of Modern Computing" [1998] by Paul E. Ceruzzi
    Focuses on four major events: the transformation of mainframe computers from scientific to commercial use; the emergence of small systems in the 1960s; the invention of the personal computer in the 1970s; and the spread of networking after 1985; second edition adds developments from 1995-2001: the Microsoft antitrust suit, the rise & fall of the dot-coms, and open source software such as Linux.
    Kindle Edition from M.I.T. Press [2003 edition] for $16.54
    M.I.T. Press 2nd edition 9x6 pb [4/2003] for $17.41
    M.I.T. Press 9¼x6¼ hardcover [10/98] out of print/used
    ENIAC The World's First Computer book by Scott McCartney  "ENIAC: The Triumphs and Tragedies of The World's First Computer" [1999]
    by Scott McCartney

    John von Neumann [1903-57] is wrongly credited as the inventor of the modern computer as a result of a draft report (June 1945) by him that was prematurely distributed without including the names of John Mauchly [1907-80] and J. Presper Eckert [1919-95], the creator-builders of the EDVAC computer. This book tells two stories: the struggles of Eckert and Mauchly in creating ENIAC (February 1946) and EDVAC (August 1949) and the later struggle to receive proper credit for their historic work.
    Berkley Trade 7½x5¾ pb [2/2001] out of print/50+ used
    Walker & Co. hardcover [6/99] out of print/60+ used

    History Channel / Modern Marvels / Computers  "Modern Marvels: Computers" [History Channel April 2001]
    Season 8, Episode 11 aired April 2001 • bare credits at IMDb
    A&E Home Video b&w/color DVD [12/2005] out of prodn/used
    A&E Home Video b&w/color VHS [6/2001] out of prodn/used

    "Modern Marvels: The Computer" [History Channel Dec 2004]
    Season 11, Episode 76 aired Dec 2004
    not listed on IMDb • VHS/DVD/Blu-ray not available

    'Who Invented the Computer?' book by Alice Rowe Burks  
    "Who Invented The Computer? The Legal Battle That Changed Computing History" [2003] by Alice Rowe Burks, Foreword by Douglas R. Hofstadter
    Kindle Edition from Prometheus Books [2003 edition] for $12.99
    Prometheus Books 97Frac14x6¼ hardcover [2003] out of print/used
    Bright Boys / Information Technology book by Tom Green  "Bright Boys: The Making of Information Technology" [2010]
    by Tom Green, Special Foreword by {project leader} Jay W. Forrester

    Postwar fears of the Soviets, then absorbing countries in East Europe, led to an operation as secret as the Manhattan Project: Americans were sent to Germany to find and bring back any and all new or potential technologies before the Soviets found them, and to import any scientist or technician involved. The result gathered at the low-tech Barta Building at M.I.T. and the result was Information Technology.
    Kindle Edition from C.R.C. Press [3/2010] for $43.95 {sic}
    A.K. Peters/C.R.C. Press 9¼x6¼ hardcover [3/2010] for $31.35
    Grace Hopper / Information Age book by Kurt W. Beyer  
    "Grace Hopper and The Invention of The Information Age" [2009]
    by Kurt W. Beyer

    Kindle Edition from BookBaby [2/2015] for $11.99
    M.I.T. Press 8x5½ pb [2/2012] for $18.60
    M.I.T. Press 8x5½ hardcover [7/2009] out of print/many used
    John Atanasoff, Digital Pioneer book by Jane Smiley  "The Man Who Invented the Computer: The Biography of John Atanasoff, Digital Pioneer" [2010] by Jane Smiley
    The story of John Vincent Atanasoff [1903-95], who built a working digital computer at Iowa State College in November 1939 but never filed a patent, and was named the first inventor of the computer in the 1973 Honeywell v. Sperry Rand decision.
    Kindle Edition from Doubleday [10/2010] for $11.99
    Doubleday 9½x6½ hardcover [10/2010] for $25.95

    The  Personal  Computer
    'personal computer' entry at Wikipedia

    1965 Olivetti Programma 101 calculator   The Olivetti Programma 101, also known as Perottina or P101 [1965]
    one of the first 'all in one' commercial desktop programmable calculators
    entry at Wikipedia
    1968 Hewlett-Packard 9100A calculator  Hewlett-Packard 9100A calculator [1968]
    semi-joke ad on April Fools Day 2021
    entry at Wikipediaclick here for larger view (in a new window)

    Pirates of Silicon Valley TV movie about Microsoft's Bill Gates & Apple, Inc.'s Steve Jobs  "Fire In The Valley: The Making of The Personal Computer" [1984]
    by Paul Freiberger & Michael Swaine

    McGraw-Hill 2nd edition 9x7¼ pb [11/2000] out of print/many used
    McGraw-Hill 9¾x7½ hardcover with CD-ROM [12/99] out of print/used
    "Pirates of Silicon Valley" [Haft/T.N.T. June 1999]
    Semi-humorous TV docudrama about the origins of Microsoft, Inc. and of Apple, Inc. Written & directed by Martyn Burke, based on the book by Paul Freiberger & Michael Swaine; starring Noah Wyle {as Steve Jobs}, Anthony Michael Hall {as Bill Gates}, Joey Slotnick {as Steve Wozniak}, John Di Maggio {as Steve Ballmer} & Josh Hopkins {as Paul Allen}; won ACE Award, nominated for DGA Award, PGA Award, and 7 Emmy Awards
    Turner Home Ent. color DVD [8/2005] for $15.99
    Turner Home Ent. color VHS [5/2000] for $14.44
    full credits at IMDbofficial movie site

    Fumbling the Future / Xerox PARC	book by Douglas K. Smith & Robert C. Alexander  "Fumbling The Future: How Xerox Invented, Then Ignored, The First Personal Computer" [1988] by Douglas K. Smith & Robert C. Alexander
    Kindle Edition from iUniverse/toExcel [1999 edition] for $3.03 }sic}
    iUniverse 9x6 pb [6/99] for $17.95
    William Morrow & Co. 9½x6 hardcover [9/88] out of print/40+ used
    Dealers of Lightning / Xerox PARC book by Michael Hiltzik  "Dealers of Lightning: Xerox PARC and The Dawn of The Computer Age" [1999]
    by Michael A. Hiltzik

    Kindle Edition from HarperCollins e-books [5/2009] for $9.99
    HarperBusiness 8x5¼ pb [4/2000] for $16.06
    HarperBusiness pb [4/2000] out of print/used
    HarperBusiness pb [4/2000] out of print/many used
    HarperBusiness 9¼x6 hardcover [3/99] out of print/50+ used
    History of The Desktop Computer book by Matt Nicholson  "When Computing Got Personal: A History of The Desktop Computer" [2014]
    by Matt Nicholson

    Kindle Edition from Matt Publng [2/2014] for $7.79
    Matt Publng 9x6 pb [2/2014] for $20.71
    Matt Publng 9x6 pb [2/2014] out of print/used

    Other  Platforms

    Console Wars book by Blake J. Harris  "Console Wars: Sega, Nintendo, and The Battle That Defined A Generation" [2014]
    by Blake J. Harris, Foreword by Seth Rogen & Evan Goldberg

    Kindle Edition from Dey Street/HarperCollins [5/2014] for $9.24
    Dey Street Books 9x6 pb [6/2015] for $8.98
    It Books 9x6 hardcover [5/2014] for $16.00
    Blood, Sweat, and Pixels book by Jason Schreier  "Blood, Sweat, and Pixels: The Triumphant, Turbulent Stories Behind How Video Games Are Made" [2017] national bestseller by Jason Schreier
    Kindle Edition from HarperCollins Publrs [9/2017] for $10.99
    Harper Paperbacks 8x5¼ pb [9/2017] for $9.59

    The  Internet
    • 1969 Sept 2: First activity occured on the internet as two computers at U.C.L.A
    connected by a 15-foot cable passed test data back and forth
    • 1983: A functional internet was created.
    • 1990 Feb: The actual internet was in place (and ARPAnet hardware was removed).
    • 1990 Dec 25: Birth of the World Wide Web as computer scientists Tim Berners-Lee and Robert Cailliau created
    the world's first hyperlinked webpage / browser at C.E.R.N. in Geneva, Switzerland.

    The GigaLaw Guide to Internet Law book by Doug Isenberg  "The GigaLaw Guide To Internet Law: The One-Stop Legal Resource For Conducting Business Online" [2002] by Doug Isenberg, Internet Lawyer
    early expert on internet legal matters, works for major providers and small websites;
    law firm is based in Atlanta, Georgia

    Kindle Edition from Random House [10/2002] for $13.99
    Random House Publng Group 8½x5½ pb [10/2002] for $6.99
    The Future of The Internet book by Jonathan Zittrain  "The Future of The Internet and How To Stop It" [2008]
    by Harvard professor Jonathan Zittrain

    'Tethered appliances' – IPods, iPhones, Xboxes, and TiVos – cannot be easily modified by anyone except their vendors or selected partners. New Web 2.0 platforms like Google mash-ups and Facebook are rightly touted - but their applications can be similarly monitored and eliminated from a central source. As tethered appliances and applications eclipse the P.C., the very nature of the Internet – its 'genera-tivity', or innovative character – is at risk.
    Kindle Edition from Yale Univ Press [10/2022] for $7.99
    Yale Univ Press 9¼x6½ pb [3/2009] for $17.00
    Penguin Books 7¾x5 pb [3/2009] out of print/used
    Yale Univ Press 9¼x6 hardcover [4/2008] for $15.99
    Digital Wars / Internet book by Charles Arthur  "Digital Wars: Apple, Google, Microsoft, and The Battle For The Internet" [2012]
    by Charles Arthur

    Apple, Google, and Microsoft are radically different companies that fought a series of pitched battles for control of different parts of the digital landscape; the new edition looks at each of these battles in turn and analyses the very different cultures of the three companies and assesses exactly who are the victors on each front.
    Second Edition: Kindle Edition from Kogan Page [5/2014] for $19.99
    Second Edition: Kogan Page 8½x5½ pb [5/2014] for $20.99
    Kogan Page mass pb [4/2012] out of print/used

    Windows 10 For Seniors In Easy Steps book by Michael Price  "Windows 10 For Seniors: In Easy Steps - For PCs, Laptops, and Touch Devices" [2018]
    by Michael Price

    covers the April 2018 Windows Update; best-selling guide uses larger type for easy reading; book takes you through the essentials one step at a time, and is filled with tips and shortcuts to help you get the most out of Windows 10
    3rd edition Kindle Edition from Easy Steps, Ltd. [7/2018] for $8.79
    Easy Steps, Ltd. 8¾x7¼ 3rd edition pb [8/2018] for $8.79
    Chrome For Seniors Beginners Guide book by Scott La Counte  "Chrome For Seniors: A Beginners Guide To Surfing The Internet With Google Chrome"
    [2020] by Scott La Counte

    Google Chrome is used by an estimated 300 million people (in 2020), and has about 40% of the browser market, which makes it the most popular internet browser out there.
    174-page Kindle Edition from self-publd [2/2020] for $4.99
    196-page self-publd 8½x5½ pb [2/2020] for $12.99
    Windows 10 For Seniors For Dummies book by Peter Weverka  "Windows 10 For Seniors For Dummies" [2020] by Peter Weverka
    Easy-to-use guide specifically designed to help new Windows 10 users who just need the essentials, offering clear language, large-print text, and a wealth of helpful images & illustrations - accessible, user-friendly guidance that will get you up and running with Windows 10 in no time!
    Kindle Edition from For Dummies [7/2020] for $15.00
    For Dummies 9x7¼ 4th edition pb [8/2020] for $15.69
    Windows 11 for Seniors book by Gary Watts  "Windows 11 For Seniors: The Most Complete Easy-To-Follow Guide To Master Your New PC - Unlock All Their Features With Step-By-Step Illustrated Instructions and Useful Tips and Tricks" [2022] by Gary Watts
    226-page Kindle Edition from self-publd [7/2022] for $9.88
    161-page self-publd 11x8½ pb [7/2022] for $17.95
    Windows 11 For Seniors In Easy Steps book by Michael Price  "Windows 11 For Seniors In Easy Steps - For PCs, Laptops, and Touch Devices" [2022]
    by Michael Price

    covers the 22H2 Windows Update
    Kindle Edition from Easy Steps, Ltd. [11/2022] for $9.99
    Easy Steps, Ltd. 9x7¼ pb [12/2022] for $15.73
    Windows 11 for Beginners book by Kyle A. Veltri  "Windows 11 For Beginners: The Complete Step-By-Step User Guide To Learn and Take Full Use of Windows 11 - A Windows 11 Manual With Useful Tips & Tricks" [2023]
    by Kyle A. Veltri

    'the solutions needed for optimizing your Windows 11 in one simple-to-use and inexpensive guidebook'
    122-page Kindle Edition from self-publd [2/2023] for $3.99
    132-page self-publd 9x6 pb [2/2023] for $11.24
    132-page self-publd 9x6 hardcover [2/2023] for $20.24

    Working Minds / Things To Worry About / Internet Freedom Page
    Battle For The Net - Support Net Neutrality
    Fight For The Future [est. 2011]
    Fight for the Future Education Fund [est. 2014]

    Software  Companies

    entries for social media websites were cut to Page 3 in March 2023

    current logo for Adobe Systems, Inc.         logo for Adobe Flash Player [2005-2020]          logo for Adobe Acrobat [released 1993]            logo for Adobe Photoshop [released 1990]
    Adobe Systems, Inc. was founded in December 1982 by John Warnock and Charles Geschke [1939-2021]
    official company websitecompany entry at Wikipedia
    list & history of Adobe-branded software at Wikipedia

    Adobe acquired Macromedia in 2005, which purchase included Adobe Flash & Adobe Flash Player + Shockwave
    In 2011, Adobe ended support for Flash on Android; in July 2017, Adobe deprecated Flash, and announced its End-Of-Life to be scheduled for the end of 2020; by January 2021, all major browsers were blocking all Flash content unconditionally; also in January 2021, Microsoft released an optional update KB4577586 which removed Flash Player from Windows; in July 2021, this update was 'pushed out' as a security update and applied automatically to all remaining users.
    Adobe Flash [2005-2015]

    Adobe Acrobat entry at Wikipedia

    Adobe Photoshop [released 2/1990] entry at Wikipedia
    Adobe Photoshop Lightroom [released 9/2017] entry at Wikipedia

    Macromedia, a company that Adobe acquired in 2005
    which included Adobe Flash; video editing and compositing software Adobe Premiere; low-code web development software Adobe Muse;
    and a suite of software for digital marketing management
    Macromedia entry at Wikipedia

    think different logo for Apple, Inc.
    Apple, Inc. [est. April 1976]
    Apple, Inc. is the world's largest technology company by revenue (totaling $274.5B in 2020); Apple develops, and currently uses only, its own operating systems to run
    on its devices; for iOS, iPadOS, and macOS, Apple's iWork productivity suite includes Pages for writing, Numbers for spreadsheets, and Keynote for presentations;
    for macOS, Apple also offers iMovie and Final Cut Pro X for video editing, and GarageBand and Logic Pro X for music creation.
    12/2022: Introducing the all-new HomePod from Apple

    logo for ByteDance, Inc. {since 3/2012} of China         logo for Toutiao news platform subsidiary of ByteDance        logo for Douyin social media subsidiary of ByteDance         logo for TikTok social media subsidiary of ByteDance
    ByteDance, Ltd. is a Chinese internet technology company headquartered in Beijing and incorporated in the Cayman Islands.
    2023 Oct 14: ByteDance revenue grew to $29 billion in the second quarter, putting the Chinese owner of TikTok within striking distance of Meta.

    Toutiao is one of China's largest mobile platforms of content creation, aggregation, and distribution underpinned by machine learning techniques,
    with 120 million daily active users as of September 2017

    TikTok, Inc. [est. 2016] Page at Spirit of America Bookstore

    GeoCities logo, 1994-1999         Yahoo! GeoCities logo, 1999-2009
    GeoCities / Yahoo! GeoCities [est. 11/1994, acquired by Yahoo! 1/1999, shut down 10/2009]

    Google search engine behemoth [est. 1998]
    Google, Inc. [est. 1996]
    Founded in 1996; incorporated 1998; stock I.P.O. in 2004; reorganized as Alphabet, Inc. in October 2015.
    Google Chrome is used by an estimated 300 million people (in 2020), and has about 40% of the browser market, which makes it the most popular internet browser out there.
    main Google websitecompany entry at Wikipedia
    Alphabet Inc. Class C Capital Stock Quote & Summary Data at NASDAQ

    Spirit of America Bookstore's Google, Inc. Page

    YouTube video-sharing website [est. 2005], sold to Google in 2006        YouTube TV for-fee live-streaming broadcast TV service launched in five metro areas February 2017

    YouTube, LLC was founded by three former PayPal employees in February 2005; Google Inc. paid
    $1.65 billion for the company in November 2006; based in San Bruno, California.
    official websiteentry at Wikipedia

    YouTube TV is a for-fee live-streaming broadcast TV service that was launched in February 2017 in five metro areas: Los Angeles, San Francisoc Bay, Chicago, New York City, and Philadelphia ('with more areas soon'). Cost is $35/month, for six accounts per household; contents derived from ABC, CBS, The CW, Fox, and NBC – as well as 40 cable channels.
    official websiteentry at Wikipedia

    logo for Linux operating system [released 9/1991] with mascot penguin 'Tux'
    Linux operating system [released 9/1991]
    The Linux operating system was originally developed by Linus Torvalds of Finland for personal computers based on the Intel x86 architecture, but has since been ported
    to more platforms than any other operating system. The penguin mascot 'Tux' was created in 1996 and is shown differently for each version of Linux.

    Match, Inc. [est. 1995]

    The Players Ball / Secret History book by David Kushner  "The Players Ball: A Genius, A Con Man, and The Secret History of The Internet's Rise" [2019]
    by David Kushner

    In 1994, visionary entrepreneur Gary Kremen used a $2,500 loan to create online dating service match.com. Only five percent of Americans were using the internet at the time, and even fewer were looking online for love. He quickly bought the sex.com domain too, betting that the combination of love & sex would help propel the internet into the mainstream. Imagine Kremen’s surprise when he learned that someone had stolen the rights to the sex.com domain name and was already making millions of dollars that Kremen would never see. Thus follows the true story of Kremen’s wild decade-long battle with Stephen Michael Cohen for control . . .
    Kindle Edition from Simon & Schuster [4/2019] for $13.99
    Simon & Schuster 8½x5½ pb [4/2020] for $12.35
    Simon & Schuster 8½x5½ hardcover [4/2019] for $21.85

    Matchmaker.com, Inc. [1986-2016] was the first online dating service

    current logo for Microsoft, Inc. {since 2012}
    Microsoft, Inc. [est. April 1975]
    The world's largest software maker by revenue as-of 2016; in its 2021 financial year, Microsoft generated $53.9B from its productivity and business processes segment and a further $60B through its intelligent cloud segment, with the total figure reaching over $168 billion. Major software brands include Windows and Microsoft Office.

    Microsoft Word was introduced as Word 95, as an element of Windows 95 and Microsoft Office 95

    Spirit of America Bookstore's Microsoft, Inc. Page

    PayPal Holdings, Inc. [est. 1998] launched in 1998 as Confinity; PayPal went public through an IPO in 2002
    2018 May: PayPal signed an agreement to acquire iZettle, the leading small business commerce platform

    Red Hat Software, Inc. open-source software platform [est. 1993] is based in Raleigh, North Carolina
    I.B.M. announced in October 2018 its intention to acquire Red Hat for $34 billion; the acquisition closed in July 2019; Red Hat now operates as an independent subsidiary. Red Hat and partner Intel provide 'innovative & more secure enterprise-level solutions, including a collaborative community of experts & technologies to help clients enable a broad set of AI models'.

    INFO: awarded $303M in 12/2022 in the F.C.C.’s Rural Digital Opportunity Fund auction to bring gigabit-speed internet to unserved rural communities across seven states  Resound Networks [est. 2015] is based in Pampa, TX

    Semrush Holdings, Inc. [est. 2008] is based in Boston, MA
    company studies how companies & people use Google & other search sites
    Kyle Byers, Director of Organic Search (hired 3/2022)

    Shopify Canadian multinational e-commerce platform [est. 2006]

    Squarespace, Inc. [est. 1/2004, IPO 5/2021, going private 5/2024] - based in New York City
    website builder & hosting service being taken private 5/2024 in a $6.9 billion deal with private equity firm Permira

    what is Stripe? It’s a Silicon Valley payments giant run by billionaire entrepreneur Patrick Collison. And in a sea of unicorns in 2021, Stripe’s horn shined the brightest. It rode the Covid fintech wave to a $95 billion valuation that March, making it the most valuable startup in the US. Stripe lays off 14% of its workforce.

    old logo for Unix operating system [released 10/1973]        current logo for Unix operating system [released 10/1973]
    Unix operating system [released 10/1973]
    Unix describes itself as the first portable operating system, since it is coded almost entirely in the C programming language. Developed at AT&T's Bell Labs 1969-71; available to outsiders since October 1973; rights sold by AT&T in the 1990s to Novell, which then sold the Unix business to Santa Cruz Operation in 1995 (Novell continues to own the Unix copyrights).


    Wikimedia and online encyclopedia Wikipedia
    "Imagine a world in which every single person on the planet is given free access to the sum of all human knowledge. That's what we're doing."
    — Wikimedia co-founder Jimmy Wales, in July 2004

    Wikipedia [est. 2001]: official company websiteentry at Wikipedia
    Wikimedia Foundation [est. 2003]: official websiteentry at Wikipedia
    Wikimedia co-founder Jimmy Wales [b. 1966]
    Wikipedia co-founder Lawrence Mark 'Larry' Sanger [b. 1968] - left Wikipedia in 2002, later citing its takeover by “trolls”

    Wikipedia Revolution book by Andrew Lih  "The Wikipedia Revolution: How A Bunch of Nobodies Created The World's Greatest Encyclopedia" [2009] by Andrew Lih, Foreword by Jimmy Wales
    Kindle Edition from Hachette Book Group [3/2009] for $13.99
    Hyperion 9¼x6 hardcover [3/2009] for $21.86

    logo for WordPerfect by Novell, 1994-96
    WordPerfect [est. 1979, sold to Novell 1994, sold to Corel 1996]

    longtime red Yahoo! logo, launched January 1996
    Yahoo!, Inc. [est. 1994]
    Founded by Jerry Yang and David Filo in January 1994; incorporated in March 1995; Yahoo! hired Marissa Mayer (ex-Google) as president & CEO in July 2012;
    in July 2016, Verizon Communications agreed to purchase Yahoo's internet business for $4.8 billion.
    official company websiteentry at Wikipedia

    Marissa Mayer, president/CEO at Yahoo!
      listed on TIME Magazine World 100, April 2013

    Marissa Mayer & the Fight to Save Yahoo! book by Nicholas Carlson  "Marissa Mayer and The Fight To Save Yahoo!" [2015]
    by Nicholas Carlson

    Kindle Edition from Twelve/Hachette [1/2015] for $14.99
    Twelve/Hachette pb [1/2016] for $13.21
    Twelve/Hachette 9½x6½ hardcover [1/2015] for $18.42

    Yahoo! owns GeoCities [est. 1999, US closed 2009]
    Yahoo! owns 24% of Chinese firm Alibaba (IPO soon?)
    purchased 3/2005: Yahoo! bot Ludicorp/Flickr online photo management [est. 2002] for $40M
    announced 4/2013: Yahoo! bot news aggregation app Summly of U.K. for $30M
    announced 5/2013: Yahoo! buying photo blog Tumblr for $1.1B, deal expected to close late 2013
    announced 5/2013: Yahoo! also buying PlayerScale, a cross-platform game infrastructure startup that provides tools for games
    announced 7/2013: Yahoo! bot Ztelic Chinese social media data analysis startup for undisclosed figure
    announced 7/2013: Yahoo! paid $70M for Xobni email & contact mgt startup
    announced 7/2014: Yahoo! shutting down Yahoo! Shine women's site at end of July
    announced 7/2014: Yahoo! closed Xobni after one year - cost not wasted, since the technology is now incorporated into Yahoo! Mail
    announced 7/2014: Yahoo! People Search shut down in July, that technology now part of basic Yahoo! Search

    longtime red Yahoo! logo, launched January 1996
    Zoom Video Communications, Inc. [est. 2011] videoconferencing software
    Founded in 2011 by former Cisco engineer & executive Eric Yuan; the software launched in January 2013 and by May had one million users. The free version allows 100 participants
    and a 40-minute time limit; paid subscriptions geared towards business conferences are available, where up to 49 people can be seen on a desktop or laptop screen at the same time.
    official company websitecompany entry at Wikipediasoftware entry at Wikipedia

    2023 Feb 8: Zoom announced that it will lay off 1,300 employees, or about 15% of its staff. During pandemic lockdowns, Zoom reported skyrocketing revenue when people relied on it to chat with coworkers and friends; now, there's no longer such a huge demand for Zoom's services as more people are returning to office life and in-person interactions.
    2023 March 2: Zoom Video Communications abruptly fired President Greg Tomb, a former Google executive who joined the video conferencing company in June 2022 after remote work and education made Zoom a household name; a spokesperson said that the company wasn't seeking a replacement. Tomb had a high-profile role on earnings calls and other events in his short tenure. He told Bloomberg at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland in January that Zoom had a bright future despite mounting competition; weeks later, the company announced that it was laying off 15 percent of its workforce.

    RAW DATA FROM WIKIPEDIA :: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_networking_service
    Personal 23snaps Amikumu aNobii Are.na Ask.fm Badoo BeReal Bluesky Bondee Bumble Clubhouse Cohost Convoz Cyworld Diaspora display Douban Draugiem.lv ~~Facebook Foursquare City Guide Foursquare Swarm Friendica Gab Gapo Gas Gettr GNU social Hi5 Hive Social Huddles Idka Instagram (IGTV) IRC-Galleria Kumu Letterboxd LiveJournal Likee Marco Polo Mastodon The Meet Group Meetup ~~MeWe Miaopai micro.blog Minds Mixi MX TakaTak Myspace MyWorld Nextdoor Odnoklassniki ~~Parler Peach ~~Pinterest Pixnet Plurk Promo.com Qzone Readgeek Renren ShareChat ~~Snapchat SNOW Spaces Tagged Tal Canal Taringa! Threads ~~TikTok, Inc. [est. 2016] Tinder Triller ~~Truth Social Tuenti TV Time Tumblr Untappd Vero VK ~~Weibo Whisper ~~X/twitter Xiaohongshu Yik Yak Professional Academia.edu Brainly HCL Connections ~~LinkedIn Moodle ResearchGate Solaborate Viadeo XING Yammer Defunct App.net AsianAve Avatars United Bebo Bolt BranchOut Capazoo Cloob eConozco Edmodo Ello Emojli eWorld Eyegroove FitFinder FriendFeed Friends Reunited Friendster Grono.net Google+ Google Buzz Google Currents Hello Heello Highlight Houseparty Hyves IdeaPlane iTunes Ping iWiW Jaiku Keek Lifeknot LunarStorm Me2day Meerkat Miiverse MixBit Mobli Mugshot Multiply Musical.ly Natter Netlog NK.pl Orkut Path Periscope Pheed Piczo PlanetAll Posterous Pownce Qaiku Sciencescape (Meta?) SixDegrees.com Skyrock So.cl Spotify Live Spring.me Streetlife StudiVZ Surfbook Talkbits tbh Tea Party Community Third Voice tribe.net Tout tvtag Vine Windows Live Spaces Wretch Xanga Yahoo! 360° Yahoo! Kickstart Yahoo! Mash Yahoo! MemeYo


    cybersecurity firms surged in Spring 2022 in anticipation of further cyberattacks from Russia

    cybersecurity firm BleepingComputer

    Cisco Talos, a threat intelligence research team + Nick Biasini, head of outreach


    Cyber Security Hub per LinkedIn

    cybersecurity alert site Have I Been Pwned [] Troy Hunt, creator


    Israeli cybersecurity firm Hudson Rock + Alon Gal, co-founder

    LeakIX, a site that detects and indexes exposed databases online




    http://www.protectconnect.com/en/index.html cyber security

    Shadowbyte, dark web intelligence firm + Vinny Troia, a cybersecurity researcher and founder
    In 2018 Shadowbyte discovered that a Florida-based marketing firm exposed close to 2 TB of data that appeared to
    include personal information on hundreds of millions of American adults on a publicly accessible server

    Splunk’s Unified Security and Observability platform
    keeps your mission-critical digital systems secure and reliable

    Surfshark [est. 2018] is based in the Netherlands
    They streamlined their renowned online security products in September 2023 to create an all-in-one privacy solution: meet Surfshark ONE, a snazzy suite that includes all the tools your business needs to keep devices secure, protect your online privacy & personal data, and block against viruses & malware. You can even utilize a search engine that displays entirely organic results. Other best-in-class features include: a blocker of targeted ads & malware; a generated alternative ID for anonymity + data security; encrypted browsing with private, secure internet access anywhere; and a breach detection system that notifies of personal/corporate data leaks.

    old VeriSign logo, 1995-2012    new VeriSign logo, since 2012
    Verisign, Inc. [est. 4/1995]
    an American company based in Reston, Virginia + Founder James Bidzos + www.verisign.com

    L i n k s
    'computer' entry at Wikipedia
    'personal computer' entry at Wikipedia

    Charles Babbage Institute at the University of Minnesota

    The Computer Museum [1979-1999] in Boston, MA
    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Computer_Museum,_Boston + http://tcm.computerhistory.org/

    American Computer Museum [est. 5/1990] in Bozeman, Montana
    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Computer_Museum + http://www.compustory.com/

    Computer History Museum [est. 1996] in Mountain View, California
    http://www.computerhistory.org/ + http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_History_Museum

    picture         Major League Hacking [est. 2013]
    entry at Wikipedia
    worldwide Local Hack Day is on December Third

    Personal Computers & Accessories Dept. at Amazon

    here on 'The Computer' Pages at Spirit of America Bookstore

    top of Page 1general booksancient timeshistorical computersmainframe computerspersonal computerssoftwarecybersecuritylinks

    top of Page 2a few important peoplea few important datesmovies & TV, other mediaimage gallery

    top of Page 3: Social Mediabookscompanies ••• Page 4: Artificial Intelligence

    Cyber Film Festival at Magic Lantern Video & Book Store
    Working Minds / Things To Worry About / Internet Freedom Page

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    Inventors of America Pages at Spirit of America Bookstore

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