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flag of the State of Texas - the 'Lone Star Flag'      Texas state  quarter of 2004       seal of the State of Texas [est. 1889]

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Official Website of the State of Texas
Texas Portal at Wikipedia
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official webpage of the Texas Poet Laureate

NewPages.com's Directory of Independent Bookstores for Texas
Texas Book Festival [Oct 2019 = #24] in Austin, Texas
Writers’ League of Texas [est. 1981] based in Austin, Texas
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Texas Print Media
list of newspapers in Texas at Wikipedia

Austin Monthly Magazine  "Austin Monthly" Magazine [est. 1992]
published by Open Sky Media
subscribe: 12 issues/year [USA only] for $14.95
magazine website
Cowboys & Indians Magazine [est. 1993] based in Dallas, Texas  "Cowboys & Indians" Magazine [est. 1993]
is now based in Dallas, Texas
subscribe: 8 issues/year for $19.95
magazine official website
Downtown Houston Magazine  "Downtown Houston" Magazine
published by Downtown Houstom Management District [est. 1995]
available only at newsstands & hotels in Houston
magazine website
San Antonio Magazine [est. 2005]  "San Antonio" Magazine [est. 2005]
published by Emmis Communications of Indianapolis, Indiana
subscribe direct: 12 issues/year for $14.95
magazine website
Texas Highways Magazine [est. 1980]  "Texas Highways: The Official Travel Magazine of Texas" [est.1980]
based in Austin, Texas
subscribe: 12 issues/year [USA only] for $19.95
magazine website
Texas Monthly Magazine [est. 1973]  "Texas Monthly" Magazine [est. 1973] based in Austin, Texas
published by Emmis Communications of Indianapolis, Indiana
subscribe: 12 issues/year [USA only] via Amazon auto-renewal for $12.00
subscribe on Kindle at Amazon: 12 issues/year for $19.99
magazine website
Texas Monthly Magazine's TMBBQ column & blog

monthly Texas Observer Magazine [est. 1954] based in Austin, Texas
GOLD STAR: The Texas Observer - Sharp Reporting From The Strangest State In The Union  subscribe: 12 issues/year via Amazon for $32.00

Houston Chronicle newspaper [est. 1901, Hearst since 1987]


Selected Non-Fiction & Memoir Books About Texas
browse travel books about Texas U.S.A. {returns 500+ items} at Amazon

Great River / Rio Grande book by Paul Horgan  "Great River: The Rio Grande In North American History" [1954]
by Paul Horgan {won the Bancroft Prize and Pulitzer Prize for History}

Volume 1: Indians & Spain, Volume 2: Mexico & The United States
Kindle Edition from Wesleyan [4/2012] for $14.29
Wesleyan 8½x5½ pb [10/91] for $21.79
Holt, Rinehart & Winston 8½x5¾ hardcover [5/71] out of print/used
Rinehart & Co. 9½x6¾ hardcover [1954] out of print/many used
Goodbye to a River book by John Graves  "Goodbye To A River: A Narrative" [1960] by John Graves [1920-2013]
A canoe trip down the Brazos River in north central Texas, combined with history and folk tales; book is considered an important ecological work, as it is credited with stopping ten of the 13 dams then proposed for the Brazosbook entry at Wikipedia
Kindle Edition from Vintage [11/2010] for $9.99
Sierra Club/Ballantine mass pb [1971] out of print/used
Vintage 8x5¼ pb [7/2002] for $13.19
Vintage 8x5¼ pb [7/2002] out of print/used
Univ Nebraska Press hardcover [11/77] out of print/used
"John Graves and The Making of Goodbye To A River: Selected Letters, 1957-1960"
[2002] by John Graves

Southern Methodist Univ 7½x5¼ pb [2002] out of print/used

Rio Grande book by Peter Lourie  "Rio Grande: From The Rocky Mountains To The Gulf of Mexico" [1999]
by Peter Lourie

Boyds Mills Press 8x10 pb [9/2000] for $9.95
Boyds Mills Press 8¼x10¼ YA hardcover [2/99] for $17.95
Legends of Texas Barbecue Cookbook by Robb Walsh  "Legends of Texas Barbecue Cookbook: Recipes and Recollections From The Pitmasters" [2001] by Robb Walsh, Foreword by Jeffrey W. Savell
Chronicle Books pb [12/2001] out of print/used
Second Edition: Revised & Updated with 32 New Recipes! [2016]
Kindle Edition from Chronicle Books [4/2016] for $9.99
Chronicle Books 9½x7½ pb [4/2016] for $41.88
The Southwest Table cookbook by Dave DeWitt  
"The Southwest Table: Traditional Cuisine From Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona" [2011] by food historian Dave DeWitt
Lyons Press 9½x7¾ hardcover [5/2011] for $22.76
Rio Grande, Eagle's View book by by Barbara McIntyre & Adriel Heisey  "The Rio Grande: An Eagle's View" [2011] Edited by Barbara McIntyre, Aerial photography by Adriel Heisey, Foreword by Robert Redford
WildEarth Guardians 11½x10½ hardcover [7/2011] for $47.25
Reining in the Rio Grande book by Fred Phillips, G. Emlen Hall & Mary Black  "Reining In The Rio Grande: People, Land, and Water" [2011]
by Fred M. Phillips, G. Emlen Hall & Mary E. Black

Univ New Mexico Press 9x6 hardcover [7/2011] for $23.76
Historic Bars of The Southwest book by Melody & Myke Groves  "Hoist A Cold One!: Historic Bars of The Southwest" [2011]
by Melody & Myke Groves

Descriptions of 25 historic establishments in Arizona, Texas, New Mexico & Colorado,
with photos past & present and driving directions

U.N.M. Press 8x10 pb [7/2011] for $18.21

Blood of Heroes / Alamo 1836 book by James Donovan  "The Blood of Heroes: The 13-Day Struggle For The Alamo - and The Sacrifice That Forged A Nation" [2012] by James Donovan
Book claims to be 'the definitive account of this epic battle', based on exhaustive research among fresh primary sources in the U.S. and Mexico.
Kindle Edition from Little, Brown & Co. [5/2012] for $14.99
Little, Brown & Co. 9½x6 hardcover [5/2012] for $17.85
Politics and The History Curriculum In Texas book edited by Keith A. Erekson  "Politics and the History Curriculum: The Struggle Over Standards In Texas and The Nation" [2012] Edited by Keith A. Erekson
Palgrave Macmillan 8½x5½ hardcover [6/2012] for $72.25
The Prophets of Smoked Meat / Journey Through Texas Barbecue book by Daniel Vaughn & Nicholas McWhirter  "The Prophets of Smoked Meat: A Journey Through Texas Barbecue" [2013]
by Daniel Vaughn, with photographs by Nicholas McWhirter

Vaughn asserts that Texas barbecue comes in four distinct styles: hill country style (which uses direct heat), east Texas style (featuring hot links & sweet sauce), south Texas style (centered on barbacoa), and central Texas style (low and slow cooking, no sauce).
Kindle Edition from HarperCollins Publrs [5/2013] for $14.44
Anthony Bourdain/Ecco 9½x7¾ hardcover [5/2013] for $19.08
Texas on the Table book by Terry Thompson-Anderson & Sandy Wilson  
"Texas On The Table: People, Places, and Recipes Celebrating The Flavors of The Lone Star State" [2014] by Terry Thompson-Anderson, Photographs by Sandy Wilson
Univ Texas Press 11¼x8½ hardcover [10/2014] for $25.99
Inside the Texas Chicken Ranch book by Jayme Lynn Blaschke  "Inside The Texas Chicken Ranch: The Definitive Account of The Best Little Wh*rehouse" [2016] by Jayme Lynn Blaschke
The Chicken Ranch was an illegal but tolerated brothel that operated from 1905 until 1973 a few miles east of La Grange in Fayette County, Texas. The popular business was immortalized in the hit 1978 Broadway musical "The Best Little Wh*rehouse In Texas" and the 1982 film adaptation starring Dolly Parton & Burt Reynolds
Kindle Edition from The History Press [8/2016] for $6.49
The History Press 9x6 pb [8/2016] for $21.93
Texas BBQ Lone Star Flavor book from Southern Living Magazine   "Texas BBQ: Platefuls of Legendary Lone Star Flavor" [2017]
from The Editors of Southern Living Magazine

Inside you'll find: BBQ basics, including a guide to selecting a grill, smoking basics, how to prepare charcoal, and much more; tips and tricks to help you master the art of barbecue with easy how-tos from expert pitmasters; an exploration of the unique history of the Lone Star State and the roadside barbecue pit stops worth visiting; and over 100 authentic Texas recipes including enticing appetizers, heirloom side dishes, and indulgent desserts
Kindle Edition from Liberty Street [4/2017] for $9.99
T.I. Inc. Books 10x8 pb [4/2017] for $11.29

http://www.amazon.com/Early-Lubbock-Cultural-Paul-Cutter/dp/B002K7P240/ [6/1991]
http://www.amazon.com/Terry-Texas-Ranger-Trilogy-Blackburn/dp/1880510464/ [1996]
http://www.amazon.com/Zen-art-Texas-two-step-dancing/dp/B0006R76H2/ [1998]

"Legendary Watering Holes: The Saloons That Made Texas Famous" [8/2004]
by Richard F. Selcer, David Bowser, Nancy Hamilton & Chuck Parsons

"Passionate Nation: The Epic History of Texas" [4/2006] by historian James L. Haley

http://www.amazon.com/Goliad-Other-Alamo-William-Bradle/dp/1589804570/ [3/2007]

"The Texas Hamburger" [8/2011] by Rick Vanderpool

"Surf Texas" [3/2014] by Kenny Braun /0292757700/

"Rangers and Pioneers of Texas" [11/2016] by A.J. Sowell

Selected Fiction Books About Texas

"J. Frank Dobie: A Portrait of Pancho" [1968] by Winston Bode /B0006BVEXK/

Robert E. Howard [1906-36], creator of Conan the Cimmerian
Robert E. Howard Museum in Cross Plains, Texas

author James A. Michener [1907-97] Page at Spirit of America Bookstore

author Larry McMurtry [1936-2021] lived in Archer City, Texas

William Sydney Porter [1862-1910] {pen name O. Henry} Page
at Spirit of America Bookstore

Texas novel by James A. Michener  "Texas: A Novel" [1985] by James A. Michener
Michener's usual sweeping panorama of regional history, this time about oil and water, rangers and outlaws, ranchers and railroads, and cattle & money & power.
Fawcett mass pb [6/87] for $8.99
Random House Trade 8x5 pb [11/2002] for $10.89
Random House 9¼x6½ hardcover [9/85] out of print/hundreds used
see also James A. Michener [1907-97] Page at Spirit of America Bookstore
Here Today, Gone Tamale mystery novel by Rebecca Adler / Gina Lee Nelson  "Here Today, Gone Tamale: A Taste of Texas Mystery" [2015]
by Rebecca Adler {Gina Lee Nelson} of Dallas, Texas

After being fired from her newspaper job in Austin, Josie Callahan and her Chihuahua, Lenny, slink back home to Broken Boot, Texas, and Josie accepts a waitress job at her aunt & uncle’s Tex-Mex restaurant. During preparations for the annual Wild West Festival, a local jewelry designer is found strangled outside the restaurant . . . {Recipes at the back of the book.}
Kindle Edition from Berkley/Penguin [12/2015] for $7.99
Berkley mass pb [12/2015] for $7.99
Sunset City mystery novel by Melissa Ginsburg  "Sunset City: A Novel" [2016] by Melissa Ginsburg
Charlotte's best friend Danielle was vibrant and yet an addict; after four years in prison, Danielle is determined to go straight, but she is brutally murdered. Grief-stricken Charlotte pursues answers in the underbelly of Houston . . .
Kindle Edition from Ecco/HarperCollins [4/2016] for $12.99
Ecco Press pb [DUE Jan 2017] for $15.99
Ecco Press 8¼x5½ hardcover [4/2016] for $19.86
El Paso Western historical novel by Winston Groom  "El Paso: A Novel" [2016] by Winston Groom
A sweeping 6-part saga taking place circa 1913-14 in Texas and in Chihuahua, Mexico; the fading fortunes of a Bostonian railroad tycoon become critical when revolutionary Pancho Villa steals two million dollars worth of cattle from the tycoon's ranch in Old Mexico.
Kindle Edition from Liveright [10/2016] for $14.87
Liveright 9½x6¾ hardcover [10/2016] for $21.09

"The Eagle and The Raven" [1990] by James A. Michener

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