Spirit of America Bookstore
U.S.  Timeline  –  2020  Coronavirus Epidemic Books About Plagues & Epidemics
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This page covers details of the many fiction & non-fiction books about plagues and pandemics that were published during the worldwide Wuhan 2019-nCoV Coronavirus Epidemic that began in January 2020.
U.S. Timeline – 2020 Coronavirus Epidemic Pages
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epidemic history to 2019
2020 - epidemic begins
image gallery
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Spirit of America Timeline for Coronavirus Epidemic in New Mexico Page
State of New Mexico Coronavirus Epidemic Information Page
Dictionary.com announced in December that its Word of the Year for 2020 is ... pandemic.
Fiction  &  Non-Fiction  Books
top of Page 1 • 1660-2000 • 2001-2009 • 2010-2019 here on Page 2: 2020 {just below} • 2021 • 2022 • 2023 & forward
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"From Bats to Human Lungs, the Evolution of a Coronavirus" [27 March 2020] article by Carolyn Kormann
 |   | "The Animals In That Country" [2020] by Laura Jean McKay
After a pandemic that makes people hear what animals are saying sweeps the country, a grandmother working in a wildlife park in Australia's outback sets out southward after her son and beloved grandaughter, accompanied by a dingo named Sue . . .
Kindle Edition from Scribe [3/2020] for $12.61
Scribe US 9x6 pb [11/2020] for $13.27
Scribe Publns 8½x5¼ hardcover [3/2020] for $20.26
 |   | "TIME Magazine Coronavirus Special Report: What To Know and Do About The Global Pandemic" [20 March 2020]
58-page TIME Inc. 10x8 single issue magazine [3/2020] for $14.90
 |   | "The End of October: A Novel [2020] by Lawrence Wright 47 people die at an internment camp in Indonesia and W.H.O. sends a doctor to investigate; one of his first discoveries is that an infected Muslim man is on his way to Mecca for the annual Hajj celebration
Kindle Edition from Knopf/Random House [4/2020] for $13.99
Knopf 9½x6¾ deckle-edge hardcover [4/2020] for $18.11
 |   | "COVID-19 For Kids: Understand The Coronavirus Disease and How To Stay Healthy" [2020] by Catherine Cheung & Elvin Too, Illustrated by Christy Johnson
Kindle Edition from Small Space Sprouts [9/2020] for $2.99
Small Space Sprouts 8½x8½ pb [4/2020] for $9.95
 |   | "Wuhan Diary: Dispatches From A Quarantined City" [2020] by Fang Fang, Translated by Michael Berry On 25 January 2020, China's central government imposed a lockdown in Wuhan and acclaimed Chinese writer Fang Fang began publishing an online diary
Kindle Edition from HarperVia [5/2020] for $19.99 {sic}
HarperVia hardcover [11/2020] for $29.99
 |   | "PAN-dem-IC!: COVID-19 Shakes The World" [2020] by Slavoj Žižek
Kindle Edition from Polity [5/2020] for $7.99
Polity 7x5 pb [5/2020] for $14.20
Polity 9x6 hardcover [5/2020] for $51.99 {sic}
 |   | "Corona Crisis: Plagues, Pandemics, and The Coming Apocalypse" [2020] by Mark Hitchcock bogus prophet author explains the relationship of the coronavirus pandemic and the Biblical Apocalypse, and also the connection to globalization
Kindle Edition from Thomas Nelson [5/2020] for $8.99
Thomas Nelson 8x5 pb [5/2020] for $10.89
 |   | "How To Survive A Pandemic, Illustrated" [2020] by Dr. Michael Greger, MD
Kindle Edition from Bluebird [5/2020] for $9.99
Flatiron Books 9¼x6¼ pb [8/2020] for $20.03
 |   | "Pandemic Aftermath: How Coronavirus Changes Global Society" [2020] by Trond Undheim
Kindle Edition from Atmosphere Press [5/2020] for $7.99
Atmosphere Press 8½x5½ pb [5/2020] for $19.99
 |   | "The Case Against Masks: Ten Reasons Why Mask Use Should Be Limited" [2020] by Judy Mikovits, MD & Kent Heckenlively, JD this July 2020 anti-science book by disgraced Dr. Mikovits seems to have been totally removed from publication: not much at publisher Simon & Schuster beyond a pic of the book cover, same or even less at Amazon & other vendors; ISBN-13 was 9781510764279
 |   | "Afterland: A Novel" [2020] by Lauren Beukes 'a sharply feminist, high-stakes thriller'; after the die-off of male humans from a plague, a woman and her 12-year-old son (disguised as a girl) travel across America toward possible sanctuary . . .
Kindle Edition from Mulholland Books/Hachette [7/2020] for $14.99
Mulholland Books 9½x6½ hardcover [7/2020] for $17.79
 |   | National Geographic Magazine Special Issue [Aug 2020] cover article "Stopping Pandemics: What We've Learned From History's Deadliest Outbreaks"
single-issue magazine [8/2020] for $3.72 {sic} at Amazon
magazine website {may require different browser}
magazine entry at Wikipedia
 |   | "How We Live Now: Scenes From The Pandemic" [2020] by Bill Hayes tales of life in New York City featuring the author's inimitable street photographs
Kindle Edition from Bloomsbury Publng [8/2020] for $9.99
Bloomsbury Publng 10x8 pb [1/2022] for $17.00
Bloomsbury Publng 8½x6 hardcover [8/2020] for $18.98
 |   | "Heroes Wear Masks: Elmo's Super Adventure" [grades 1-2; 2020] from Sesame Street Workshop / Scribbles
Kindle Edition from Sourcebooks Wonderland [8/2020] for $4.99
Sourcebooks Wonderland 6¼x6¼ pb [9/2020] for $7.99
Sourcebooks Wonderland 8¼x8¼ hardcover [9/2020] for $9.89
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"Das Virus In Uns: Motor der Evolution (The Virus Within Us: Engine of Evolution)" [2020] by Kurt Langbein & Elisabeth Tschachler
German-language book; the authors describe how around 50 percent of our genetic material comes from viruses, and the effects on human evolution; they go on to describe the origin and evolution of the recent Wuhan coronavirus and the ensuing worldwide COVID-19 pandemic
German-language Kindle Edition from Molden Verlag [9/2020] for $23.99
German-language Molden Verlag 8½x5¼ hardcover [9/2020] for $26.82
 |   | "Plagued: Surviving A Modern Pandemic (Planet In Crisis Series)" [2020] by environmentalist & science writer Albert Bates
Kindle Edition from GroundSwell Books [9/2020] for $6.99
GroundSwell Books 8¾x6 pb [10/2020] for $9.95
 |   | "When I Wear My Mask" [2020] Written by Tali Carmi, Translated by Dani Silas
tagline: Encouraging Children To Protect The Elderly & Prevent Virus Spread While Still Having Fun
Kindle Edition from indep [9/2020] for 99¢
indep 8½x8½ pb [9/2020] for $12.17
 |   | "Anti-Vaxxers: How To Challenge A Misinformed Movement" [2020] by science advocate Jonathan M. Berman author explores the phenomenon of the anti-vaccination movement, recounting its history from its XIXth Century antecedents to today's activism, examining its claims, and suggesting a strategy for countering them
Kindle Edition from The M.I.T. Press [9/2020] for $15.99
The M.I.T. Press 8x5½ pb [9/2020] for $14.38
 |   | "Viruses, Pandemics, and Immunity" [2020] by Arup K. Chakraborty & Andrey Shaw, Illustrated by Philip J.S. Stork book provides an accessible explanation of how viruses emerge to cause pandemics, how our immune system combats them, and how diagnostic tests, vaccines, and antiviral therapies work - concepts that are a foundation for our public health policies
Kindle Edition from The MIT Press/First Reads [9/2020] for $14.99
The MIT Press 8x5½ pb [2/2021] for $17.95
 |   | "COVID: The Politics of Fear and The Power of Science" [2020] by Marc Siegel, MD don't you believe it: author is a medical contributor on Fox News and is praised by blurbs from Donald Trump and propagandists Tucker Carlson and
Mark R. Levin
Kindle Edition from Turner [10/2020] for $11.49
Turner 9x6 pb [9/2021] for $14.99
Turner 9x6 hardcover [10/2020] for $24.84
 |   | "The Plague: Special Issue" [Oct 2020] of Mother Jones Magazine [est. 1976] available only on selected newsstands or directly from the magazine website
 |   | "American Contagions: Epidemics and The Law From Smallpox To COVID-19" [2020] by John Fabian Witt historian Witt traces the legal history of epidemics in five concise chapters, showing how infectious disease has both shaped, and been shaped by, the law
Kindle Edition from Yale Univ Press [8/2020] for $3.19
Yale Univ Press 8x5 pb [11/2021] for $13.00
184-page Yale Univ Press 8x5 hardcover [10/2020] for $3.10 {sic}
 |   | "Ten Lessons For A Post-Pandemic World" [2020] by Fareed Zakaria the ten topics discussed are: buckling up, quality government, markets, experts, digital life, socialization, inequality, globalization, the bipolar world, and realism/idealism
Kindle Edition from W.W. Norton & Co. [10/2020] for $9.32
W.W. Norton & Co. 8½x5¾ hardcover [10/2020] for $17.64
 |   | National Geographic Magazine Oct 2020 Issue: "A World Gone Viral" cover article "A World Gone Viral: How The Pandemic Is Changing Our Lives"
single-issue magazine [10/2020] for $12.74 at Amazon
magazine website {may require different browser}
magazine entry at Wikipedia
 |   | "The Case For Masks: Science-Based Advice For Living During The Coronavirus Pandemic" [2020] by Dean Hashimoto, MD
Kindle Edition from Skyhorse [10/2020] for $7.99
Skyhorse 9x6 hardcover [10/2020] for $9.99
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"The Decameron Project / Stories From Quarantine" anthology [2020] from The New York Times Magazine
A historical tribute to a moment unlike any other in our lifetimes, with 29 new stories written during the COVID-19 pandemic from: Caitlin Roper, Rivka Galchen, Victor LaValle, Mona Awad, Kamila Shamsie, Colm Tóibín, Liz Moore, Tommy Orange, Leila Slimani, Margaret Atwood, Yiyun Li, Etgar Keret, Andrew O’Hagan, Rachel Kushner, Téa Obreht, Alejandro Zambra, Dinaw Mengestu, Karen Russell, David Mitchell, Charles Yu, Paolo Giordano, Mia Couto, Uzodinma Iweala, Rivers Solomon, Laila Lalami, Julián Fuks, Dina Nayeri, Matthew Baker, Esi Edugyan, John Wray, Edwidge Danticat
SFQ: Kindle Edition from Scribner [11/2020] for $13.29
SFQ: Scribner 7½x5 pb [3/2022] for $13.99
TDP: Simon & Schuster Ltd. 7¾x5 pb [11/2020] for $12.10
TDP: Simon & Schuster Ltd. 7½x5 hardcover [11/2020] for $18.35
 |   | "COVID Chronicles" [2020] Written by journalist Ethan Sacks, Illustrated by Dalibor Talajic & Lee Loughridge, Foreword by Alyssa Milano
Ten personal accounts originally published online by N.B.C. News
Kindle Edition from AWA Studios/Upshot [12/2020] for $8.54
AWA Studios/Upshot 10x6½ pb [12/2020] for $8.99
The Year 2 0 2 1
"The Plague Year: The Mistakes and The Struggles Behind America’s Coronavirus Tragedy" [Jan 2021] article by Lawrence Wright, Reporter at Large at The New Yorker Magazine
 |   | "Pandemic Blunder: Fauci and Public Health Blocked Early Home COVID Treatment" [2021] by Joel S. Hirschhorn author stupidly recommends using hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) to prevent getting the Wuhan COVID-19 coronovirus and blames Dr. Fauci for 'causing untold deaths' by suppressing its use; using HCQ is NOT RECOMMENDED by Fauci, by the C.D.C., by W.H.O., and by the F.D.A. for three basic reasons: 1) HCQ is not effective; 2) the side effects can be quite extreme; and 3) panic purchases of HCQ are leaving health officials without the drugs needed to fight against malaria
Kindle Edition from Outskirts Press [2/2021] for $4.99
Outskirts Press 9x6 pb [1/2021] for $17.95
 |   | "In the Company of Men: A Novel" [2021] by Véronique Tadjo Two village boys hunt in a nearby forest, where they shoot down bats with glee, and cook their prey over an open fire. Within a month, they are dead, bodies ravaged by an insidious disease that neither the local healer’s potions nor the medical team’s treatments could cure. The new Ebola virus spreads rapidly, and the boys’ father is barely able to send his eldest daughter away for a chance at survival . . .
Kindle Edition from Other Press [2/2021] for $8.99
Other Press 8x5¼ pb [2/2021] for $9.19
 |   | "The New Normal: A Roadmap To Resilience In The Pandemic Era" [2021] by Jennifer Ashton, MD - medical correspondent for ABC News - with Sarah Toland
Kindle Edition from William Morrow [2/2021] for $14.99
William Morrow 9¼x6¼ hardcover [2/2021] for $18.88
 |   | National Geographic Magazine, February 2021 Issue: "VIRUS" cover article: "Mysteries of A Virus: They kill us by the millions. But without them, life is impossible"
single-issue magazine [2/2021] for $5.99
article at magazine website {behind the paywall}
 |   | "COVID Chronicles: A Comics Anthology" [2021] Compiled by Kendra Boileau & Rich Johnson compilation of drawings by 70 contributors
Kindle Edition from Graphic Mundi [3/2021] for $9.17
Graphic Mundi 10¼x6¾ pb [2/2021] for $21.95
 |   | "The Premonition: A Pandemic Story" [2021] New York Times bestseller by Michael Lewis "A taut and brilliant nonfiction thriller that pits a band of medical visionaries against the wall of ignorance that was the official response of the Trump administration to the outbreak of COVID-19"
Kindle Edition from W.W. Norton & Co. [5/2021] for $9.18
Penguin 7¾x5 pb [3/2022] for $10.42
W.W. Norton & Co. 9½x6½ hardcover [5/2021] for $13.75
 |   | "Phase Six: A Novel" [2021] by Jim Shepard 11-year-old Aleq and his friends often trespass on the mining site near his small village in Greenland, where global warming has melted the permafrost, and defrosted large piles of biological material; Aleq becomes one of the few survivors of a terrible epidemic and also the likely 'patient zero' for the deadly disease. The C.D.C in America dispatches two Epidemic Intelligence Service investigators to head off the potential disaster . . .
Kindle Edition from Knopf [6/2021] for $13.99
Knopf 8½x5¼ pb [5/2021] for $21.30
Knopf 8½x5¾ hardcover [5/2021] for $21.17
 |   | "The Plague Year: America In The Time of COVID" [2021] by Pulitzer Prize-winner Lawrence Wright
Kindle Edition from Knopf [6/2021] for $15.99
Knopf 9½x6½ deckle-edge hardcover [6/2021] for $23.49
Allen Lane U.K. 9½x6½ hardcover [6/2021] for $28.52
 |   | "Nightmare Scenario: Inside The Trump Administration's Response To The Pandemic That Changed History" [2021] by Washington Post reporters Yasmeen Abutaleb & Damian Paletta authors take us deep inside the White House and show how the members of the Trump administration launched an all-out war against health agencies, doctors, and scientific communities, all in their futile attempt to wish away the worst global pandemic in a century
Kindle Edition from Harper [6/2021] for $14.99
Harper 9x6 hardcover [6/2021] for $23.99
 |   | "The Great Cull: Vaxxed vs. Unvaxxed" novel [2021] by Warren O'Hara
'A satirical novel/script that explores the theme of civil war in terms of both propaganda and religiosity'
Kindle Edition from indep [7/2021] for $4.99
indep 9x6 pb [7/2021] for $8.99
 |   | "Vaxxers: A Pioneering Moment in Scientific History" [2021] bestseller by Sarah Gilbert & Catherine Green authors reveal their story of making the pioneering Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine and fighting a pandemic as ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances; they explain how they made their highly effective vaccine in record time with the eyes of the world watching, and give us hope for the future
Kindle Edition from Hodder & Stoughton [7/2021] for $10.99
Hodder 7¾x5 pb [12/2022] for $14.90
Hodder & Stoughton 9½x6½ hardcover [3/2022] for $20.65
 |   | "Shutdown: How Covid Shook The World's Economy" [2021] by Adam J. Tooze, prize-winning Columbia University historian "Deftly weaves finance, politics, business, and the global human experience into one tight narrative, a tour-de-force account of 2020, the year that changed everything"
Kindle Edition from Viking [9/2021] for $15.99
Viking 9x6 pb [9/2021] for $24.19
Viking 9¼x6¼ hardcover [9/2021] for $24.99
 |   | "Uncontrolled Spread: Why COVID-19 Crushed Us and How We Can Defeat The Next Pandemic" New York Times bestseller [2021] by former F.D.A. commissioner Scott Gottlieb, MD author was in regular contact with all the key players in Congress, in the Trump administration, and in the drug & diagnostic industries; he provides an inside account of how level after level of American government crumbled as the COVID-19 crisis advanced
Kindle Edition from Harper [9/2021] for $14.99
Harper 9x6 hardcover [9/2021] for $20.70
 |   | "World War C: Lessons From The COVID-19 Pandemic and How To Prepare For The Next One" [2021] by Sanjay Gupta MD, with Kristin Loberg brain surgeon Gupta has been a medical correspondent at C.N.N. since 2001
Kindle Edition from Simon & Schuster [10/2021] for $14.99
Simon & Schuster 9x6 hardcover [10/2021] for $19.60
 |   | "In Trump Time: A Journal of America's Plague Year" [2021] by Peter Navarro Dr. Navarro was the White House Defense Production Act Policy Coordinator and he presents himself here as a tireless worker at President Trump’s side from the 2016 campaign to the end of Trump’s single term in office and a hero in defeating the Trumpvirus epidemic
Kindle Edition from All Seasons Press [DUE Nov 2021] for $9.99
All Seasons Press 9¼x6¼ hardcover [DUE Nov 2021] for $20.34
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 |   | "Max Gets Vaxxed!" [for 4-8 year-olds; 2022] by Carol Oxman, Illustrated by Diana O'Brien
'interactive social emotional learning material'
24-page GP's Honey Tomes, LLC pb [2022] out of print/used
 |   | "How To Prevent The Next Pandemic" [2022] bestseller by Bill Gates
Kindle Edition from Knopf [5/2022] for $13.99
Knopf 9½x6½ hardcover [5/2022] for $18.10
"Cómo Evitar La Próxima Pandemia" Spanish Edition [2022]
Kindle Edition from Plaza & Janés [5/2022] for $9.99
Plaza & Janés 9¼x6¼ hardcover [5/2022] for $19.95
 |   | "Nights of Plague: A Novel" [2022] by 2006 Nobel-laureate Orhan Pamuk of Türkiye, Translated by Ekin Oklap A bold and brilliant novel - part detective story, part historical epic - that imagines a fictional island in the Ottoman Empire in 1900; when a plague arrives - brought either by Muslim pilgrims returning from Mecca or by merchant vessels coming from Alexandria - the people of the island refuse to respect the quarantine orders . . .
Kindle Edition from Knopf [10/2022] for $14.99
Knopf 9¼x6¼ deckle-edge hardcover [10/2022] for $30.60
 |   | "City At The Crossroads: The Pandemic, Protests, and Public Service In Albuquerque" [2022] by Joline Gutierrez Krueger book helps preserve the history of COVID Pandemic Year One in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA as journalist Krueger reports on how the city's government and citizens came together to deal with local & national events
Kindle Edition from City of Albuquerque Foundation [11/2022] for $12.99
City of Albuquerque Foundation 9x6 pb [10/2022] for $19.99
 |   | "The Body of Others: The New Authoritarians, COVID-19, and The War Against The Human" [2022] by conspiracy theorist Naomi Wolf
Author predicts a world in which all human endeavor is behind a digital paywall – a world in which we will all have to ask technology's permission to be human.
Kindle Edition from All Seasons Press [11/2022] for $9.99
All Seasons Press 9x6 pb [6/2024] for $17.73
All Seasons Press 9x6 hardcover [5/2022] for $20.47
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